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华北平原广泛分布着一种具有灰白色紧实结壳的土壤,群众称为瓦碱(或岗瓦碱)。这种土壤在冀[1]、鲁[2]、豫[3]、苏[4,5]、皖[6,7,8]五省都有分布,一般认为这是一种碱化土壤,但其性质及形成过程还不够清楚。根据国内外的研究资料,碱化土壤多分布于栗钙土、黑土及棕色荒漠草原土带,至于褐土带地区浅色草甸土发生碱化过程,在土壤学研究中还是一个新问题。因此,我们曾对山东、河南某些瓦碱进行了一些工作,今将初步结果报导如下。  相似文献   

昆明地区不同母质对红壤发育的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
趙其国 《土壤学报》1964,12(3):253-265
昆明地区位于云南省中部,为我国西南高原红壤的主要分布区。关于本区土壤形成过程及发生分类等同题,虽然曾有人做过不少工作,但至今仍存在着一些分歧;有人认为本区土壤的形成过程以砖红壤化为主,土壤类型为砖红壤及铁质砖红壤性土[1,2];有人认为棕壤化为本区土壤的主要成土过程,土壤应命名为棕色森林土[4];另有人认为本区土壤属红壤,目前的成土过程为红壤化[5],所有这些意见,均因资料不足而难取得统一。  相似文献   

陈子锐  王景宏  何高斌 《土壤》1986,18(4):208-210
苏北滨海盐渍土的发生过程、特性及改良利用问题,已有较多的论述[1、2]。我们将第二次土壤普查的资料,与第一次土壤普查的资料作了一些对比分析,结果表明,苏北滨海盐渍土经过二十多年长期改良利用,盐渍土的分布界线发生了明显东移的变化,现整理如下。  相似文献   

水稻耐盐性的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曾宪修 《土壤》1986,18(6):300-303
实践证明种稻是改良盐碱地的有效措施之一。稻田经常维持一定水层,能抑制表土层返盐,并淡化土壤溶液浓度,既有利于水稻生长又可达到土壤脱盐效果[1];另一方面,水稻本身也有一定的耐盐力[2,3]。  相似文献   

季国亮  于天仁 《土壤学报》1983,20(4):445-447
Jenny[3]等和Coleman等[2]发现,当将参比电极的盐桥插入土壤悬液中时,带电荷的土壤颗粒可以使盐桥中阳离子和阴离子的淌度发生改变,因而在与土壤溶液的接触界面产生一个液接(扩散)电位.这个液接电位受一系列因素的影响.[1]一般认为,这个液接电位与土壤胶体双电层的存在有关.在胶体化学上.普遍的概念是双电层的(有效)厚度为数百至数千埃.  相似文献   

松嫩平原盐渍土主要类型、性质及其形成过程   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
李昌华  何万云 《土壤学报》1963,11(2):196-209
松嫩平原是我国内陆盐清土主要分布地区之一.这里的盐清土从很早以前就已开始受到注意.川岛[17]池田[16],[18]宋达泉[6.10]、陈恩凤[1-3]熊毅[4]、B.A.柯夫达[7,9]И.П.格拉西莫夫和焉溶之[5]、程伯容[8]等的研究对这个地区盐清土的剖面性态、理化性质、发生分类和地理分布砚律方面提供了大量宝贵的资料.  相似文献   

赵渭生 《土壤》1984,16(4):153-154
实践和研究表明,粘质水稻土土块的疏松或僵硬是评定土壤耕性好坏的一项重要指标[1]。农民一般用铁耙敲土垡或用手指捏土块以定性区别土壤的耕性。  相似文献   

何同康 《土壤学报》1965,13(1):77-88
在山区森林线以上,山地草甸植被下发育的土壤,通称“山地草甸土”。Н.А.Богосовсий(1897、1902)和В.В.окуаев(1899)首先将其做为特殊的发生土类划分出来。我国早期有关论著[3-7]多以“高山草原土”称之,在1954年的土壤分类表[8]中,才“首次分出了……山地草甸土”[9]。山地草甸带如拥有较大的垂直分布空间时,可细分为高山草甸和亚高山草甸带。  相似文献   

苏南地区水稻土的合理耕作的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏南地区传统的土壤耕作要求水稻移栽前耕层土壤“上有泥糊、下有团块”,认为泥糊有利于土壤的养分释放,团块有利于土壤通气[2];而对于秋耕,力求达到耕层土碎、田面平整。为此,必须耕耙配套,因而每年化费的劳动和能量很大。七十年代以来,由于大面积发展双三制,耕作次数增多和溃水时间延长,难以实现晒堡,农民普遍反映土壤发僵,通气性变坏[1,4,7],碎土更加困难。为了摸清传统土壤耕作制中存在的问题,探索合理的土壤耕作制,我们于1978-1979年在无锡等地进行了不同整地方法的田间试验,并就出现的问题进行了盆栽对比研究。  相似文献   

一般认为磷肥施入土壤后,能迅速地转化成难以被作物利用的状态.武玫玲等人[1]指出,可溶性磷酸盐施入土壤2小时后,有40%转化为0.5N HAc不能溶解的状态,经过一个月增加到80%以上.许多研究亦指出,土壤可溶性和交换性盐基的性质和含量[2]、土壤粘土矿物组成[3]、土壤的pH值[4]、影响化学平衡的时间、温度和水分舍量等[5],都可影响磷肥的转化过程.陈魁卿等[6]认为,黑土中的活性铁铝合量与磷酸的吸收没有规律性;而白浆土<0.01毫米的物理性粘粒与磷肥吸收关系较大.综上可见,磷肥肥效受到土壤诸因子的制约.  相似文献   

Unique experiments performed since the 1950s at the Arshan’-Zel’men Experimental Station have formed the basis for afforestation in the dry steppe and semidesert zone without irrigation on the salt-affected soils of solonetzic soil complexes of the Ergeni Upland. Ameliorative measures favored the accumulation of productive moisture in the upper 2-m-thick soil layer, which ensured the growth of trees and the partial leaching of soluble salts to a depth of 1–1.4 m. However, no complete desalinization of the soil profiles took place. The degree of removal of exchangeable sodium from the exchange complex (soil dealkalization) was smaller. The monitoring of changes in the salt status of the soils upon agroforest reclamation was performed until the early 1980s. Our investigations of 2005–2006 showed that the soil amelioration is still in progress: the salt maximum in the profile of the solonetzes descended to a depth of 2.2 m, and the exchangeable sodium was lost from the plow layer (0–40 cm). Plowed soils between forest shelterbelts were also subjected to desalinization and dealkalization of their soil profile, though less intensely than those under the shelterbelts.  相似文献   


The properties of secondary salt-affected soils developed from improper irrigation and drainage management and their effects on rice growth and yield are well documented. However, relevant information on coastal reclaimed tideland (RTL) soils, which are classified as primary salt-affected soils developed through salt-accumulated sediments is lacking. In this paper, we reviewed the physical and chemical properties of RTL soils in comparison with non-RTL soils and analyzed the relationship between rice production and soil salinity in RTL to suggest agricultural management practices for sustainable rice production and soil carbon sequestration in RTL. Similar to the secondary salt-affected soils, RTL soils were characterized by high alkalinity, salinity, and sodicity, and rice yield was negatively correlated with salinity. However, it was also found that lower fertility (e.g., organic matter and phosphorus) of RTL soils than non-RTL soils might also hamper rice growth and thus carbon input via plant residues in RTL soils. Correlation between years after reclamation and soil properties of RTL showed that cultivation of rice with annual fertilization and organic matter inputs increased soil fertility but salinity and sodicity did not show a significant tendency of change, suggesting that natural desalinization in RTL soils is hard to be achieved with conventional rice cultivation. Therefore, it is suggested that fertilization management as well as salinity management via drainage, gypsum application, tillage, and proper irrigation may be necessary to improve rice production and carbon sequestration in RTL soils.  相似文献   

Phytoremediation is a promising approach for reclamation of salt-affected soil. Phytoextraction is the most commonly used process, which exploits plants to absorb, immobilize, and accumulate salt in their shoots. In this study, halotolerant plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) were isolated from the rhizosphere of wild grasses growing naturally in salt-affected areas of Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh (India) and were tested for their efficacies of salt-tolerance and plant growth-promoting (PGP) abilities. Based on 16S rRNA sequences, the most efficient halotolerant isolates possessing PGP traits were identified as Pseudomonas plecoglossicida (KM233646), Acinetobacter calcoaceticus (KM233647), Bacillus flexus (KM233648), and Bacillus safensis (KM233652). Application of these isolates as bio-inoculants significantly (P < 0.05) increased the growth and bacoside A yield of a medicinal plant, Bacopa monnieri (L.) Nash, grown on natural salt-affected soil. The phytoremediation of salt-affected soil was evident by the substantial increase in shoot Na+:K+ ratio of bio-inoculant-treated plants. When compared to un-inoculated control plants, the soil physico-chemical properties of bio-inoculant-treated plants were improved. The shoot and root biomass (fresh and dry weights), soil enzymes, and soil nutrient parameters showed significant positive correlations with the shoot Na+:K+ ratio. Consequently, the halotolerant PGPR screened in this study could be useful for the reclamation of saline soils concomitant with improved plant growth and bacoside A yield.  相似文献   

冬季咸水结冰灌溉是将冬季自然冷资源与滨海盐碱地区丰富的咸水资源相结合, 通过自然结冰使咸淡分离, 再利用结冰融化时咸水先流出淡水后流出会对土壤起到一定的洗盐作用的原理, 对盐碱地进行改良。本文通过大田试验, 研究了冬季咸水结冰灌溉及改良剂对天津滨海盐碱地水盐运移的影响。结果表明, 通过咸水结冰灌溉能降低根层土壤含盐量, 且灌溉水量与土壤含水量呈正相关。冬季咸水结冰灌溉初期可能会引起土壤碱化, 但随着冰层融化及时间的推移, 各处理的碱化趋势会逐渐消弱。在滨海盐土施用磷石膏能够降低HCO3-含量, 增加SO42-、Ca2+含量, 有效降低Cl-、Na+在总盐分中的比例, 且磷石膏施用量越大, 根层土壤的pH 越低、保水能力越强(7 500 kg·hm-2 磷石膏>4 500 kg·hm-2 磷石膏); 施用磷石膏和大水量的咸水结冰灌溉都能很好地促进柽柳生长,且咸水冬季结冰灌溉和施用磷石膏配合(1 350 m3·hm-2 结冰灌溉+7 500 kg·hm-2 磷石膏)效果最好。因此, 咸水结冰灌溉配合改良剂应用可有效改良滨海盐土, 改善因咸水结冰灌溉而带来的土壤碱化问题, 为早期植物萌发生长提供有利条件。  相似文献   

 通过野外调查采样和土样化学测定,分析胀果甘草原生境下土壤盐分的特征。结果表明:研究区土壤盐分普遍较高且表聚作用明显,土壤表层0~10 cm土层盐分均值高达32+.08g/kg,属典型的强度盐渍化土;土壤盐分组成中,含阳离子Ca2+、Na+、Mg2+、K+和阴离子Cl-、SO24、HCO-3,不含CO2-3,土壤盐分的特征因子为Ca2+、C1-、SO2-4、NaCa+,其盐渍类型主要为硫酸盐-氯化物型,重碳酸盐是土壤盐分的次要成分;该生境土壤中在整个垂直剖面上Ca2+的含量丰富,属典型钙质土。  相似文献   

Zhou  Meng  Liu  Xiaobing  Meng  Qingfeng  Zeng  Xiannan  Zhang  Jizhou  Li  Dawei  Wang  Jie  Du  Weiling  Ma  Xianfa 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2019,19(10):3521-3533

Serious soil salinization, including excessive exchangeable sodium and high pH, significantly decreases land productivity. Reducing salinity and preventing alkalization in saline-sodic soils by comprehensive improvement practices are urgently required. The combinations of aluminum sulfate with different types of fertilizer at different rates were applied on rice paddy with saline-sodic soils of the Songnen Plain in Northeast China to improve soil quality and its future utilization.

Materials and methods

Experiments were carried out in a completely randomized block design. Twelve treatments with aluminum sulfate at the rates of 0, 250, 500, and 750 kg hm?2 with inorganic, bio-organic, and organic-inorganic compound fertilizers were performed. Soil pH, electronic conductivity (EC), cation exchangeable capacity (CEC), exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP), total alkalinity, sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), soil organic carbon (SOC), available nutrients, soluble ions, rice growth, and yield in the saline-sodic soils were measured across all treatments. The relationships among the measured soil attributes were determined using one-way analysis of variance, correlation analysis, and systematic cluster analysis.

Results and discussion

The pH, EC, ESP, total alkalinity, SAR, Na+, CO32?, and HCO3? in saline-sodic soil were significantly decreased, while CEC, SOC, available nitrogen (AN), available phosphorus (AP), available potassium (AK), K+, and SO42? were significantly increased due to the combined application of aluminum sulfate with fertilizer compared with the fertilizer alone. The most effective treatment in reducing salinity and preventing alkalization was aluminum sulfate at a rate of 500 kg hm?2 with organic-inorganic compound fertilizer. This treatment significantly decreased the soil pH, EC, ESP, total alkalinity, SAR, Na+, and HCO3? by 5.3%, 28.9%, 41.1%, 39.3%, 22.4%, 23.5%, and 35.9%, but increased CEC, SOC, AN, AP, AK, K+, SO42?, rice height, seed setting rate, 1000-grain weight, and yield by 77.5%, 115.5%, 106.3%, 47.1%, 43.3%, 200%, 40%, 6.2%, 43.9%, 20.3%, and 42.2%, respectively, compared with CK treatment in the leaching layer.


The combined application by aluminum sulfate at a rate of 500 kg hm?2 with organic-inorganic compound fertilizer is an effective amendment of saline-sodic soils in Songnen Plain, Northeast China. These results are likely related to the leaching of Na+ from the soil leaching layer to the salt accumulation layer and desalination in the surface soil, and the increase of SOC improved the colloidal properties and increased fertilizer retention in soil. In addition, the environmental impact of aluminum sulfate applied to soil needs to be further studied.


麦鱼套作改良滨海盐土的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
从1988年开始,进行沿海滩涂盐土大面积以囤蓄雨水为主,回龙水灌溉辅的养鱼改良强度盐渍化土的试验,当其含盐量降至一定的数值后,脱盐速率明显下降。在此基础上,从1990年开始,又建立了麦鱼套作新的种养殖模式,并瑟其它中度以下盐渍土种植大麦的传统种植制度和目前的大面积蓄淡养鱼改土的利用方式进行比较试验。  相似文献   

Dong  Xinliang  Li  Mozhi  Lin  Qimei  Li  Guitong  Zhao  Xiaorong 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2019,19(3):1120-1129

There is little knowledge on the organic matter fractions of salt-affected soil aggregates. This study aimed at investigating characteristics of salt-affected soil organic carbon components and the relationships between soil salt concentration and soil organic carbon component content.

Materials and methods

Five typical salt-affected soils in Hetao region China were collected and analyzed for light (LF) and heavy fraction (HF) in different water-stable aggregates. And the soil organic carbon components were measured by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometer (Py–GC/MS).

Results and discussion

The results showed that the salt-affected soils were dominant in 53–10-μm water-stable aggregates, 61–80% in the bulk soil, and very low in >?250-μm macro-aggregates, less than 7.06% in the bulk soil. The proportions of >?250-μm macro-aggregates and the mean weight diameter (MWD) were negatively correlated to Na+ concentration (p?<?0.05). Furthermore, the macro-aggregates were generally higher in total organic carbon (TOC) and accordingly higher C/N ratio than those in micro-aggregates. Heavy fractions (HF) from both >?53 μm and <?53-μm soil aggregates accounted for 99.30–99.83% of the bulk soil and contained 89.6–98.5% lower TOC and accordingly 49.2–84.8% lower C/N ratio than those in light fractions (LF). The LFs were high in lignin (7.27–34.02% in total pyrolysis products, 19.89% on average) and alkane/alkene-derived compounds (9.51–37.21%, 23.18% on average), but low in N-containing compounds (0–3.64%, 1.71% on average), while HFs were high in both alkane/alkene (4.38–27.46%, 15.06% on average) and N-containing compounds (7.45–26.45%, 13.98% on average), but low in lignin-derived compounds (1.13–8.75%, 3.86% on average).


The tested salt-affected soils were predominant in 53–10-μm micro-aggregates, which was caused by the Na+ dispersion effect on soil aggregates. Most SOM was stored in HF that contained high N-containing compounds and low C/N ratios. Our results suggested that the components of SOM were mainly controlled by the soil Na+ concentration.


河北滨海盐碱区暗管改碱技术的降雨有效性评价   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
在河北滨海盐碱荒地和盐碱低产田开展暗管改碱技术面临淡水资源严重短缺、灌溉条件差的问题,降水资源的利用对于该区域暗管改碱技术实施效果的影响很大。本文以河北省黄骅市为研究区域, 对河北滨海盐碱区的降水特征及其对暗管改碱技术的影响进行分析。结果表明: 当土壤含盐量<0.3%时, 年内次降水量可完全满足土壤初次淋洗脱盐过程需要; 当土壤盐分含量>0.3%但<0.5%时, 在较容易淋洗的土壤上, 暗管埋深合适时, 脱盐需要的次降水量仍可基本满足; 但当土壤含盐量达到0.5%左右时, 仅靠自然降水不能保证土壤脱盐需要。暗管埋设条件下, 雨季(6~9 月)降水量对大面积的轻度盐碱地淋洗脱盐效果非常显著; 但重度盐碱地却不能达到理想脱盐效果。从年降水量的变化情况看, 研究区域降水量逐年降低的趋势比较明显, 干旱年份多于洪涝年份, 且旱情较为严重。因此未来推广实施暗管改碱工程时有必要考虑亏缺灌溉对自然降水淋盐的补充效果。  相似文献   

王周琼  李述刚 《土壤学报》1990,27(4):438-444
准噶尔盆地温带荒漠碱化土壤是一种典型的脱盐碱化土壤,它受交换性钠(镁)和能产生水解作用的强碱弱酸盐水解引起的碱度的影响。在多年野外调查和碱化土壤特性研究的基础上,利用综合数值分析法对这些土壤进行了研究。提出了准噶尔盆地温带荒漠土壤碱化分级的具体指标和数据,并确定了水解性碱度为分级的第一重要指标。在推动和简化荒漠土壤分级上起了积极的作用。  相似文献   

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