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昆明地区不同母质对红壤发育的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
趙其国 《土壤学报》1964,12(3):253-265
昆明地区位于云南省中部,为我国西南高原红壤的主要分布区。关于本区土壤形成过程及发生分类等同题,虽然曾有人做过不少工作,但至今仍存在着一些分歧;有人认为本区土壤的形成过程以砖红壤化为主,土壤类型为砖红壤及铁质砖红壤性土[1,2];有人认为棕壤化为本区土壤的主要成土过程,土壤应命名为棕色森林土[4];另有人认为本区土壤属红壤,目前的成土过程为红壤化[5],所有这些意见,均因资料不足而难取得统一。  相似文献   

曹升賡 《土壤学报》1964,12(2):155-163
红壤性水稻土是我国中亚热带地区的主要水稻土类型。根据江西省土壤普查的初步统计资料(1960),总面积约占全省水稻土的50%以上。红壤性水稻土基本性质的研究,已经累积了许多资料[1]。侯光炯和马溶之首先从形态发生的角度、研究了江西南昌地区某些红壤性水稻土的特性,以及形成过程中物质移动的淀积特征[2]。  相似文献   

不同熟化度红壤及红壤性水稻土的腐殖质组成及其特性   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
林明海  赖庆旺 《土壤学报》1982,19(3):237-247
土壤腐殖质是评价红壤肥力的重要因素[2],根据前人研究[8,3,1]:一般土壤腐殖质的含量及组成受土壤地带性的影响。胡敏酸与富啡酸的比值自南向北逐渐递增,红壤胡敏酸与富啡酸的比值小于1。本文着重研究同一地区自然成土因素类同的情况下,红壤通过水旱耕作和培肥,土壤腐殖质的组成及特性的变化。  相似文献   

一般认为磷肥施入土壤后,能迅速地转化成难以被作物利用的状态.武玫玲等人[1]指出,可溶性磷酸盐施入土壤2小时后,有40%转化为0.5N HAc不能溶解的状态,经过一个月增加到80%以上.许多研究亦指出,土壤可溶性和交换性盐基的性质和含量[2]、土壤粘土矿物组成[3]、土壤的pH值[4]、影响化学平衡的时间、温度和水分舍量等[5],都可影响磷肥的转化过程.陈魁卿等[6]认为,黑土中的活性铁铝合量与磷酸的吸收没有规律性;而白浆土<0.01毫米的物理性粘粒与磷肥吸收关系较大.综上可见,磷肥肥效受到土壤诸因子的制约.  相似文献   

无结构土壤透气性的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈清硕 《土壤学报》1958,6(2):123-136
土壤的透气性是指土壤让空气穿透本身的能力。透气性是土壤很重要的物理性质,因为它不仅决定了土壤与大气间空气交换的速度[1],而且和土壤的持水性有关[2],测定土壤的透气性还可以了解土壤其他一系列的物理性质如排水的能力[3]、地表迳流的速度[2]、耐蚀性、空气容量[3]及其结构性的程度等等。土壤中微生物活动的方向与强度、种籽的发芽、根系的发育及其吸收能力、土壤中养分的状态[4]和影响农作物生活的其他重要土壤因素都有赖于土壤的透气性。  相似文献   

屠梦照 《土壤学报》1963,11(4):370-381
到目前为止,虽然累积了大量有关热带和亚热带土壤的研究资料,但无论从国内或国外的有关文献来看,对这些土壤形成过程的认识和观点还很不一致。例如,刘海蓬[1]认为,福建某些地区土壤中的铁盘是古土壤的残迹——过去砖红壤的铁结皮,在它们上面发育着近代的土壤。黄瑞采[2]认为,在黄壤和红壤之间有着共同的风化特性,它们之间颜色上的差异决定于铁化合物的不同形态。  相似文献   

何羣  陈家坊 《土壤学报》1964,12(1):55-62
赣中丘陵地区广泛分布着由第四纪红土发育的水稻土,它是重要的产粮地区,也是低产田分布较广的地区。提高低产的红壤性水稻土的肥力,一向是大家所关心的问题,各有关单位做了不少的研究。关于红壤性水稻土的结构特性及胶结物质等曾有研究[1,9],但对结构形成具有重要意义的微团聚体的特性及其与农业措施的关系,研究较少。土壤微团聚体质和量的研究,可分别土壤肥力的高低,也可阐明輪作、耕作和施肥等措施在培肥中的作用。作者[4,6]曾进行中性水稻土有机矿质复合体的研究,在此基础上,本文拟就红壤性水稻土中微团聚体1)的特性及其与土壤肥力的关系作一初步了解,为进一步开展这方面的研究提供线索。  相似文献   

顾永明  汪寅虎 《土壤》1986,18(3):120-125
自从张守敬和Jeckson(1957年)提出土壤无机磷分级方法以来,国内外许多土壤农业化学家对土壤有效磷与各级无机磷之间的关系[1],作物吸磷状况与土壤无机磷组成的相关性[2],水稻生长期间土壤有效磷增加的机理[3],以及磷肥对土壤无机磷组成的影响和转化等方面作了广泛的研究[4]。  相似文献   

塿土剖面CO2浓度的动态变化及其受环境因素的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
戴万宏  王益权  黄耀  刘军  赵磊 《土壤学报》2004,41(5):827-831
CO2是土壤空气的重要组成,土壤空气CO2浓度一般高于大气几倍到数十倍,甚至上百倍[1]。土壤空气中CO2主要来源于土壤呼吸,其浓度主要决定于生物因素(植物根系、土壤微生物活性等)和环境因素(土壤温度、含水量等)[2~4]。土壤空气CO2浓度可以反映和影响土壤向大气释放CO2的通量[4,5],同时对植物根系生长发育、土壤微生物活动和各种养料物质转化也有很大影响[1]。研究了解土壤空气CO2浓度剖面分布、季节动态及其影响因素,有助于人们认识土壤中CO2产生、累积、输运以及向大气排放的生物和物理过程,制定和实施合理的农作措施以改善作物生长环境和减少土壤向大气排放的CO2。国外已在森林、草地和农田土壤上开展了较长时间的土壤空气CO2浓度观测研究[4~7],但我国的研究和报道很少[8,9]。本文通过土壤剖面不同深度CO2浓度的定位观测,初步揭示了土剖面CO2浓度的分布特征、季节动态及其受水热条件的影响。  相似文献   

γ-666在含水率低的旱地土壤中持留期可长达3—11年之久,并可引起水质、土壤和植物的污染[1]。从60年代以来,许多学者对渍水土壤中微生物对γ-666的降解作用已作了大量研究[1-7]。确定渍水土壤中γ-666的降解比旱地土壤容易得多[1-3],并先后分离到了二株嫌气性降解菌[2,4,7]。  相似文献   

黄泛平原不同质地土壤的持水特性   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
张景略  苗付山 《土壤学报》1985,22(4):350-356
用压力膜法对黄泛平原不同质地潮土的持水特性进行了研究.结果指出,土壤的持水性、孔径分布和水容量都与土壤质地有密切关系.在高吸力情况下,土壤的持水性随土壤质地变粘而增强.土壤孔径分布与土壤质地的关系是:重力水孔隙随土壤质地变粘而减小;迟效水孔隙和无效水孔隙随质地变粘而增加;而易效水孔隙偏粘的土壤有减小的趋势.土壤水容量也受土壤质地的影响,重力水水容量随质地变粘而增加,易效水水容量是壤土高于砂性土和粘性大,而迟效水水容量则是轻粘土高于其它质地的土壤.  相似文献   

邓时琴  徐梦熊 《土壤学报》1990,27(4):368-376
赣中丘陵第四纪红色粘土上发育的旱地红壤中粘土矿物的细粘粒(<0.001毫米)部分以高岭石和蛭石为主,并有一定量的水云母和夹层矿物。各级颗粒的化学组成中,随颗粒由粗到细,SiO2的含量大体上也由高到低;Fe2O3的含量则是砂粒级稍稍超过粉粒级,后一情况与作者过去对太湖地区两种水稻土(白土和黄泥土)研究的结果相似。供试红壤粒径<0.005毫米的颗粒才显示抗压强度,而上述水稻土从<0.05毫米的颗粒就开始有抗压强度。同前所试水稻土一样,在供试红壤中,粒径<0.002毫米的颗粒开始表现出可塑性及膨胀性。  相似文献   

不同利用方式下红壤结构的形成   总被引:28,自引:10,他引:28  
本文应用顺序脱胶法,对砖红壤、赤红壤和红壤在不同利用方式下的水稳性团聚体的有机和无机胶结物组成进行了分析研究。水稳性团聚体共分>5,3-1,1-0.5和<0.25毫米四级。结果表明,红壤开垦后随着粘粒活度的增加和无机胶结物含量的降低,土壤团聚体的水稳性和土壤结构系数逐渐降低。但是,一旦采用合理的施肥和管理方法,这些物理参数又会逐步恢复和增加。此外,还研究了土壤结构稳定性与土壤地带性的关系。作者认为在中亚热带的红壤上施用有机物料以增强它的结构稳定性比热带砖红壤上施用更为重要。  相似文献   

R.F. Isbell  J.B.F. Field 《Geoderma》1977,18(3):155-175
Red and yellow earths are kaolinitic and generally sesquioxidic soils having massive B horizons with porous, earthy fabrics and weak profile differentiation but usually displaying a gradual increase in clay content with depth. They are widespread in tropical Queensland and northeast Brazil where comparable climates prevail although the vegetation is markedly different. Their parent materials are mostly quartzitic sedimentary rocks or unconsolidated sediments and the soils occur in a wide variety of topographic and geomorphic situations. In both regions it is probable that many of the soils have not formed under the present climatic conditions.Profile morphology, drainage, silt and clay contents, clay mineralogy, and soil chemistry have been compared and contrasted between the red and yellow earths within and between the two regions. Canonical variate analysis has shown that, on the basis of surface soil chemical attributes, the red earths can be separated from the yellow earths within each region and that the Queensland soils can be separated from the Brazilian soils.  相似文献   

红壤微生物生物量C周转及其研究   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:26  
采用14 C底物标记技术测定了三种不同质地 (红砂土菜地、黄筋泥桔园和茶籽园 )的红壤微生物生物量C的周转期。结果表明 ,在 2 5℃、5 0 %田间持水量培养条件下 ,三种红壤微生物生物量C的周转期分别为 80天、1 39天和 1 70天。周转期与粘粒含量关系较为密切 ,砂质土壤的周转期较粘粒土壤短 ,提示砂质土壤有机质易被微生物降解 ,有利于养分的迅速释放 ,而粘粒土壤则更有利于养分的持留。周转期与利用方式、pH以及有机质含量无明显相关。红壤微生物生物量C周转期总体上较报道的其他类型土壤微生物生物量C周转期短 ,表明热带—亚热带地区酸性红壤有机质和养分周转相对较快 ,这有可能是造成红壤养分贫瘠的一个原因。根据周转期估算 ,通过微生物年周转的C量 (即年流通量 )为微生物生物量C的 2倍以上  相似文献   

Identifying the vulnerability of soils to compaction damage is becoming an increasingly important issue when planning and performing farming operations. Soil compaction models are efficient tools for predicting soil compaction due to agricultural field traffic. Most of these models require knowledge of the stress/strain relationship and of mechanical parameters and their variations as a function of different physical properties. Since soil compaction depends on the soil's water content, bulk density and texture, good understanding of the relations between them is essential to define suitable farming strategies according to climatic changes. In this work we propose a new pedotransfer function for 10 representative French soils collected from cultivated fields, a vineyard and forests. We investigate the relationship between soil mechanical properties, easily measurable soil properties, water content and bulk density. Confined compression tests were performed on remoulded soils of a large range of textures at different initial bulk densities and water contents. The use of remolded samples allowed us to examine a wide range of initial conditions with low measurement variability. Good linear regression was obtained between soil precompression stress, the compression index, initial water content, initial bulk density and soil texture. The higher the clay content, the higher the soil's capacity to bear greater stresses at higher initial water contents without severe compaction. Initial water content plays an important role in clayey and loamy soils. In contrast, for sandy soils, mechanical parameters were less dependent on initial water content but more related to initial bulk density. These pedotransfer functions are expected to hold for the soils of tilled surface layers, but further measurements on intact samples are needed to test their validity.  相似文献   

The different management regimes on grassland soils were examined to determine the possibilities for improved and/or changed land management of grasslands in Flanders (Belgium), with respect to article 3.4 of the Kyoto Protocol. Grassland soils were sampled for soil organic carbon (SOC) and for bulk density. For all grasslands under agricultural use, grazing and mowing + grazing led to higher SOC stocks compared with mowing, and grazing had higher SOC stocks compared with mowing + grazing. Overall, 15.1 ± 4.9 kg OC m–2 for the clayey texture, 9.8 ± 3.0 kg OC m–2 for the silty texture, and 11.8 ± 3.8 kg OC m–2 for the sandy texture were found for grassland under agricultural use to a depth of 60 cm. For seminatural grasslands, different results were found. For both the clayey and silty texture, mowing and mowing + grazing led to higher SOC stocks compared with grazing. The clayey texture had a mean stock of 15.1 ± 6.6, the silty texture of 10.9 ± 3.0, and the sandy texture of 12.1 ± 3.9 kg OC m–2 (0–60 cm). Lower bulk densities were found under grazed agricultural grassland compared with mown grassland but for seminatural grassland, no clear trends for the bulk density were found. The best management option for maintaining or enhancing SOC stocks in agricultural grassland soils may be permanent grazed grassland. For seminatural grassland, no clear conclusions could be made. The water status of the sampled mown fields was influencing the results for the clayey texture. Overall, the mean SOC stock was decreasing in the order clay > sand > silt. The higher mean SOC concentrations found for the sandy texture, compared to the finer silty texture, may be explained by the historical land use of these soils.  相似文献   

An experiment using rhizobox was conducted to study Si,Fe and Mn distributions in rice rhizosphere of red earths and paddy soils.It was found that Si,Fe and Mn diftributions in rhizosphere of the paddy soils were characterized by a depleted zone around root suface,beyond which the concentrations gradually rost.From lmm layer to 2mm layer the concentrations dropped and then rose again.Whereas Si and Fe in red earths showed no depleted zone but even accumulated zone around root surface.Mn showed an approximately even distribution in each layer and no depletion was found in root surface layers.This indicated that during rice (Oryza sativa L.)plantation,depletion and accumulation of Si,Fe and Mn in rhizosphere were important features of matured red earths by water culture.The distribution changes of Si,Fe and Mn in relation to soil-root interaction are also discussed.  相似文献   

A method to determine oxygen partial pressure and oxygen diffusion in single soil aggregates as a function of soil moisture tension Anaerobic zones occur even in unsaturated soils of silty or clayey texture, that are aerated sufficiently in their macropore system. These zones can be related to the inner parts of soil aggregates. To describe the oxygen balances in soils it is necessary to measure not only in soil profiles but as well in single soil aggregates within a range of soil matrix potentials. Therefore oxygen partial pressure in single soil aggregates of different texture was measured continuously as a function of soil matrix potential. For that purpose we developed an oxygen sensitive microelectrode with a tip diameter of 0.5 mm, that is sturdy enough to measure even in sandy soils. One microtensiometer (diameter of the tip < 0.5 mm) and one oxygen microelectrode were placed in water saturated soil aggregates. Soil water potential and oxygen partial pressure were measured continuously during soil drying. The results show an aeration of primarily anoxic soil aggregates at different soil matrix potentials due to different texture and structure. The clayey polyhedral aggregates of the Vertisol were aerated at significantly lower soil matrix potentials than the loamy prisms of the Fluvisol. These show higher values of oxygen partial pressure even at soil water potentials less than 150 hPa. In the aggregates of the Vertisol, that have a fine texture, values of rel. aparent diffusion Ds/Do were in the range of 1 · 10?3 at soil water potentials < ?  相似文献   

Soil organic carbon (SOC) fashions soil structure, which is a key factor of soil fertility. Existing SOC content recommendations are based on SOC:clay ratio thresholds of >1:10. However, the corresponding SOC content might be considered hard to reach in clayey soils, whose structure degradation risk is assumed to be high. Here, we analysed the SOC content and soil structure quality of soils under similar cropping practices with clay contents ranging from 16% to 52%. Five undisturbed soil cores (5–10 cm layer) were collected from 96 fields at 58 farms in the Swiss Jura region. We assessed the soil structure quality visually using the CoreVESS method. Gravimetric air content and water content, and bulk density at −100 hPa were also measured, and the soil structure degradation index was calculated. We found that the relationship between SOC and clay content held over the clay content range, suggesting that reaching an acceptable SOC:clay ratio is not limited by large clay contents. This suggests that the 1:10 SOC:clay ratio may remain useful for clayey soils. In contrast to what was expected, it is not more challenging to reach this ratio in clayey soils even if it implies reaching very large SOC contents. SOC content explained the considered physical properties better than clay content. From a soil management point of view, these findings suggest that the soil texture determines a potential SOC content, while the SOC:clay ratio is determined by farming practices regardless of the clay content.  相似文献   

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