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Lymphangiectasia is one of the causes of protein‐losing enteropathy in dogs and characteristic ultrasonographic small intestinal lesions have been previously described. The purpose of this study was to determine whether corn oil administered orally (COAO) would result in increased conspicuity of these characteristic small intestinal ultrasonographic lesions in dogs with lymphangiectasia. Affected dogs were included if they underwent corn oil administered orally and had a surgical full‐thickness intestinal biopsy diagnosis of lymphangiectasia. Control dogs had normal clinical examination and standard laboratory test findings. Ultrasound images of duodenum, jejunum, and ileum were obtained prior to and 30, 60, 90, and 120 min after corn oil administered orally for all dogs. Parameters recorded for each ultrasound study were intestinal wall thickness, mucosal echogenicity, and presence or absence of hyperechoic mucosal striations (HMS) and a parallel hyperechoic mucosal line (PHML). Nine affected and five controls dogs were included in the study. Seven of the nine dogs with lymphangiectasia had hyperechoic mucosal striations prior to corn oil administered orally. Jejunal hyperechoic mucosal striations were significantly associated with lymphangiectasia at multiple time points (P < 0.05) and were best identified in dogs with lymphangiectasia 60 or 90 min after corn oil administered orally. Increased mucosal echogenicity was observed in all dogs at multiple time points after corn oil administered orally. A parallel hyperechoic mucosal line was present in the jejunum in 4/5 healthy and 6/9 dogs with lymphangiectasia at one or more time points after corn oil administered orally. Findings indicated that corn oil administered orally improves conspicuity of characteristic ultrasonographic lesions in dogs with lymphangiectasia, however some of these lesions may also be present in healthy dogs that recently received a fatty meal.  相似文献   

Six dogs were diagnosed with protein losing enteropathy (PLE). There was no evidence of inappropriate inflammatory infiltrates or lymphangiectasia in multiple mucosal biopsies of the small intestine of 4 of the dogs. The 5th and 6th dogs had obvious lymphangiectasia and a moderate infiltrate of inflammatory cells in the intestinal mucosa. All 6 dogs had a large number of dilated intestinal crypts that were filled with mucus, sloughed epithelial cells, and/or inflammatory cells. Whether PLE occurs in these dogs because of protein lost from the dilated crypts into the intestinal lumen or whether the dilated crypts are a mucosal reaction due to another undetermined lesion that is responsible for alimentary tract protein loss is unknown. However, when large numbers of dilated intestinal crypts are present, they appear to be associated with PLE even if there are no other remarkable lesions in the intestinal mucosa.  相似文献   

A cross‐sectional study was performed on acutely vomiting dogs to compare the accuracy of radiography and ultrasonography for the diagnosis of small‐intestinal mechanical obstruction and to describe several radiographic and ultrasonographic signs to identify their contribution to the final diagnosis. The sample population consisted of 82 adult dogs and small‐intestinal obstruction by foreign body was confirmed in 27/82 (33%) dogs by surgery or necropsy. Radiography produced a definitive result (obstructed or not obstructed) in 58/82 (70%) of dogs; ultrasonography produced a definitive result in 80/82 (97%) of dogs. On radiographs, a diagnosis of obstruction was based on detection of segmental small‐intestinal dilatation, plication, or detection of a foreign body. Approximately 30% (8/27) of obstructed dogs did not have radiographic signs of segmental small‐intestinal dilatation, of which 50% (4/8) were due to linear foreign bodies. The ultrasonographic diagnosis of small‐intestinal obstruction was based on detection of an obstructive lesion, sonographic signs of plication or segmental, small‐intestinal dilatation. The ultrasonographic presence or absence of moderate‐to‐severe intestinal diameter enlargement (due to lumen dilatation) of the jejunum (>1.5 cm) was a useful discriminatory finding and, when present, should prompt a thorough search for a cause of small‐intestinal obstruction. In conclusion, both abdominal radiography and abdominal ultrasonography are accurate for diagnosing small‐intestinal obstruction in vomiting dogs and either may be used depending on availability and examiner choice. Abdominal ultrasonography had greater accuracy, fewer equivocal results and provided greater diagnostic confidence compared with radiography.  相似文献   

Background: Measurement of proteolytic activity in feces is a traditional method for the diagnosis of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI). A drawback of this method is the occurrence of falsely low results that may lead to a false‐positive diagnosis of EPI. We hypothesized that intestinal loss of serum proteinase inhibitors in protein‐losing enteropathy (PLE) may inhibit fecal proteolytic activity and be a potential source of false low results. Objective: The objective of this study was to determine the effect of PLE on fecal proteolytic activity in dogs. Methods: Fecal proteolytic activity was measured using a radial diffusion casein digestion assay in 12 samples from 4 clinically healthy control dogs and 30 samples from 16 dogs with PLE. Gastrointestinal protein loss was assessed using an ELISA to determine fecal canine α1‐proteinase inhibitor concentration. The relationship between the concentration of canine α1‐proteinase inhibitor in the feces and the diameter cleared in the casein digestion assay was determined. The mean clearing diameter was compared between control dogs and dogs with PLE. Results: A significant negative correlation was observed between fecal canine α1‐proteinase inhibitor concentration and casein clearing diameter (P < .001, Pearson r=—.6317, r 2 =.3999). Mean clearing diameter was significantly lower in dogs with PLE than in control dogs (12.63 vs 16.83 mm, P < .001, two‐tailed Student's t‐test). Conclusion: Increased fecal loss of α1‐proteinase inhibitor in dogs with PLE is associated with a significant decrease in fecal proteolytic activity and may result in a false positive diagnosis of EPI.  相似文献   

Records and pedigrees of Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers (SCWT) with protein-losing enteropathy (PLE) or protein-losing nephropathy (PLN) were studied retrospectively. Criteria for inclusion were defined based on analysis of blood (panhypoproteinemia for PLE, hypoalbuminemia for PLN) and urine (proteinuria for PLN) and histopathologic examination of tissue. Two hundred twenty-two affected dogs (female:male ratio = 1.6, P < .001) were clinically identified. Dogs were diagnosed with PLE earlier (P < .005; mean +/- SD age: 4.7+/-2.6 years, n = 76) than with PLN (6.3+/-2.0 years, n = 84) or with both diseases (5.9+/-2.2 years, n = 62). Clinical signs included vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, pleural and peritoneal effusions, and less commonly thromboembolic disease. Dogs with PLE generally had panhypoproteinemia and hypocholesterolemia; intestinal lesions included inflammatory bowel disease, dilated lymphatics, and lipogranulomatous lymphangitis. Dogs with PLN generally had hypoalbuminemia, proteinuria, hypercholesterolemia, and azotemia; renal lesions typically showed chronic glomerulonephritis/glomerulosclerosis, and less commonly endstage renal disease. Dogs with combined PLE/PLN had intermediate mean values (P < .001) for serum total protein, albumin, globulin, and cholesterol but had a higher mean urine protein:creatinine ratio than did PLN dogs (P < .05); intestinal and renal lesions in these dogs were similar to those in the other groups. Two dogs had incidental mild renal dysplasia. Pedigree analysis from 188 dogs demonstrated a common male ancestor, although the mode of inheritance is unknown. Both PLE and PLN are common diseases in this small breed population. The prognosis is poor. Compared with previously reported intestinal and renal diseases in dogs, a new, distinctive familial predisposition for both PLE and PLN has been recognized in the SCWT breed.  相似文献   

The aim of this retrospective, cross‐sectional, study was to evaluate clinical findings and outcomes for different ultrasonographic patterns of hepatic emphysema in dogs and cats. Dogs and cats with an ultrasonographic diagnosis of hepatic emphysema and a known outcome, from January 2010 to January 2018, were enrolled. The following data were recorded from medical and ultrasonographic records: ultrasonographic patterns of hepatic emphysema (parenchymal, portal venous, biliary), clinical signs, laboratory findings, and outcomes (favorable, poor). A total of 33 dogs and four cats met the inclusion criteria. Among these, 23 cases were classified as hepatic portal venous gas, 10 as parenchymal emphysema, and four as biliary emphysema. Clinical diagnosis categories were as follows: infection/sepsis (9), gastro‐intestinal disease (9), iatrogenic (9), trauma (5), and liver neoplasia (5). An increase in serum liver enzymes was significantly associated with parenchymal emphysema (P = .03). Other clinical and laboratory findings were not associated with the type of hepatic emphysema. Hepatic portal venous gas was mostly transient in patients with ultrasonographic follow‐up. The overall mortality was 40.5%. A significant difference was found between mortality by portal venous gas (21.7%) and mortality by parenchymal emphysema (90%) (P = .003). In conclusion, the ultrasonographic differentiation of hepatic emphysema between hepatic portal venous gas and parenchymal emphysema may be important for the prognosis of hepatic emphysema. The presence of parenchymal emphysema may be a poor prognostic indicator, while hepatic portal venous gas may be more benign. However, ultrasound findings should be carefully evaluated in the context of clinical findings.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe abdominal ultrasonographic findings present at diagnosis of osteosarcoma (OSA) in dogs and to investigate for associations with treatment outcome. Medical records from 118 dogs diagnosed with OSA that had abdominal ultrasonography performed as part of their initial evaluation were reviewed. Fifty‐seven percent had ultrasonographic abnormalities identified. The organ with the highest frequency of ultrasonographic changes was the spleen. While most sonographic changes were considered to be either benign or of unknown clinical consequences, metastases were identified in three dogs (2.5%), two of which (1.7%) did not have other evidence of metastasis. Dogs with any ultrasonographic abnormality were less likely to receive definitive therapy (P = 0.005) and exhibited shorter survival, although the latter observation was not statistically significant (P = 0.071). However, the identification of lesions in either the liver (P = 0.021) or the kidney (P = 0.003) was statistically associated with shorter survival.  相似文献   

Background: Dogs with protein‐losing enteropathy (PLE) have previously been reported to present with thromboembolism; however, the prevalence and pathogenesis of hypercoagulability in dogs with PLE have not been investigated so far. Hypothesis: Dogs with PLE are hypercoagulable compared with healthy control dogs. Animals: Fifteen dogs with PLE. Thirty healthy dogs served as controls (HC). Methods: A prospective study was performed including 15 dogs with PLE. All dogs were scored using the canine chronic enteropathy activity index (CCECAI). Thromboelastography (TEG) and other measures of coagulation were evaluated. Recalcified, unactivated TEG was performed and reaction time (R), kinetic time (K), alpha angle (α), and maximum amplitude (MA) values were recorded. Nine dogs were reassessed after initiation of immunosuppressive treatment. Results: All dogs with PLE in the study were hypercoagulable with decreased R (PLE: median 7.8, range [2.4–11.2]; HC: 14.1 [9.1–20.3]), decreased K (PLE: 2.5 [0.8–5.2]; HC: 8.25 [4.3–13.1]), increased α (PLE: 56.7 [38.5–78.3]; HC: 25.6 [17–42.4]), and increased MA (PLE: 68.2 [54.1–76.7]; HC: 44.1, [33.5–49]) (all P < .001). Median antithrombin (AT) concentration was borderline low in PLE dogs; however, mean serum albumin concentration was severely decreased (mean 1.67 g/dL ± 5.1, reference range 2.8–3.5 g/dL). Despite a significant improvement in serum albumin and CCECAI, all 9 dogs with PLE were hypercoagulable at re‐examination. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: The hypercoagulable state in dogs with PLE cannot be solely attributed to loss of AT. Despite good clinical response to treatment, dogs remained hypercoagulable and could therefore be predisposed to thromboembolic complications.  相似文献   

Ultrasonographic intestinal muscularis thickening has not been described as an imaging feature of canine inflammatory bowel disease. In this retrospective case series, patients were identified by searching sonographic reports for “muscularis” and/or “muscular layer.” Patients were included if small intestinal muscularis thickening was reported, and sonographic images and histopathological samples of the small intestine were available for review. Cases with small intestines nodules, masses, or complete loss of wall layering were excluded. Sonographic images were retrospectively evaluated for jejunal muscularis layer thickness, and ratios of intestinal layer measurements were performed. Histological samples were retrospectively reviewed. Thirteen dogs met inclusion criteria: all dogs had sonographic intestinal muscularis thickening relative to the submucosa (>1.0, range of 1.3–2.5), and most dogs had muscular layer thickness above normal published ranges (11/13; all 13/13 above the weight-specific mean). More than half of the patients had overall normal wall thickness (11/13) and several had normal mucosal echogenicity (6/13). Therefore, in some dogs, the only sonographic abnormality in the small intestine was muscularis thickening. No dogs had lymphadenomegaly. Endoscopic partial-thickness (n = 11, duodenum and/or ileum) or surgical full-thickness (n = 2) samples confirmed inflammatory bowel disease. Direct comparison between jejunum sonographic characteristics and histology features was limited due to both partial thickness biopsies and lack of direct comparison between anatomical locations of ultrasonographic assessment and biopsy site. However, no cases that met the inclusion criteria had normal small intestinal histology. Comparable to cats, dogs with ultrasonographic intestinal muscularis thickening may have inflammatory bowel disease, and further workup for enteropathy is indicated.  相似文献   

Protein‐losing enteropathy, or PLE, is not a disease but a syndrome that develops in numerous disease states of differing etiologies and often involving the lymphatic system, such as lymphangiectasia and lymphangitis in dogs. The pathophysiology of lymphatic disease is incompletely understood, and the disease is challenging to manage. Understanding of PLE mechanisms requires knowledge of lymphatic system structure and function, which are reviewed here. The mechanisms of enteric protein loss in PLE are identical in dogs and people, irrespective of the underlying cause. In people, PLE is usually associated with primary intestinal lymphangiectasia, suspected to arise from genetic susceptibility, or “idiopathic” lymphatic vascular obstruction. In dogs, PLE is most often a feature of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and less frequently intestinal lymphangiectasia, although it is not proven which process is the true driving defect. In cats, PLE is relatively rare. Review of the veterinary literature (1977‐2018) reveals that PLE was life‐ending in 54.2% of dogs compared to published disease‐associated deaths in IBD of <20%, implying that PLE is not merely a continuum of IBD spectrum pathophysiology. In people, diet is the cornerstone of management, whereas dogs are often treated with immunosuppression for causes of PLE including lymphangiectasia, lymphangitis, and crypt disease. Currently, however, there is no scientific, extrapolated, or evidence‐based support for an autoimmune or immune‐mediated mechanism. Moreover, people with PLE have disease‐associated loss of immune function, including lymphopenia, severe CD4+ T‐cell depletion, and negative vaccinal titers. Comparison of PLE in people and dogs is undertaken here, and theories in treatment of PLE are presented.  相似文献   

Distended lacteals, described as expanded white villi in duodenum, are strongly indicative of primary intestinal lymphangiectasia. In the present study, we evaluated the significance of white spots present in the duodenal mucosa of dogs with lymphocytic plasmacytic enteritis (LPE). Fifty dogs with LPE were included in this study, and white spots were detected in the duodenal mucosa in 22 dogs during endoscopy. Hypoproteinemia was more frequent in dogs with white spots than in dogs without spots (p = 0.02). Serum protein and albumin concentration were significantly lower in LPE dogs with white spots (p = 0.038) compared to LPE dogs without white spots (p = 0.039). There was a significant correlation between white spots density and lymphatic dilatation histological scores (p = 0.023; ρ = 0.481). These results suggest that the presence of white spots in the duodenal mucosa of dogs is not a finding exclusive for intestinal lymphangiectasia. Low serum protein and albumin concentrations together with lymphatic dilatation seem to be related to the presence of white spots in the duodenal mucosa of LPE dogs.  相似文献   

In a retrospective study of 21 dogs with intestinal adenocarcinoma, the signalment, clinical presentation, laboratory findings, ultrasonographic features, treatment, and outcome were reviewed. Anorexia (n = 16), vomiting (n = 15), diarrhea (n = 10), and weight loss (n = 9) were the most common clinical signs reported. Ultrasonographic features that were evaluated included location, length, wall thickness, echogenicity, regional motility, layering, regional lymphadenopathy, and fluid accumulation proximal to the lesion site. All lesions were transmural and associated with complete loss of wall layering. Maximum wall thickening at the lesion site ranged from 7 to 17 mm (median 12 mm, mean 11.9 mm). Most of the dogs had a lesion measuring from 23 to 63 mm in length, (median 40 mm, mean 42 mm). Most intestinal lesions were poorly echogenic and had an irregular lumen. Fluid accumulation proximal to the lesion site was identified in 17 of 21 dogs, and in 13 of 17 dogs the fluid accumulation was considered moderate to severe. Regional lymphadenopathy and/or nodular mesentery/omentum were noted in 12 of 21 dogs. The tumor was located in small intestine for 15 dogs and in the colon for the remaining 6 dogs. Fifteen dogs were treated by surgical resection of the intestinal mass. Their median survival time was 233 days. Only gender appeared to influence survival. Female dogs lived a median of 28 days, whereas male dogs lived a median of 272 days.  相似文献   

Few reports have investigated prognosis of canine gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) cases treated by surgical resection alone. In the present study, we investigated the overall survival (OS) and prognostic factors for dogs with GIST treated by surgical complete resection alone. Fifty-three dogs were included, and the median OS was 18 months. Multivariate analysis showed that primary tumors in small intestine (P=0.04) is significantly associated with shorter OS, and median OS of the cases with cecum lesion and those with small intestine lesion was 22 and 6 months, respectively. The present study suggested primary tumor site was a novel prognostic factor for dogs with GIST treated by surgical complete resection alone.  相似文献   

Forty-four dogs with multicentric lymphoma were treated using a cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisolone (CHOP) induction protocol or treated using a cyclophosphamide, mitoxantrone, vincristine, and prednisolone (CMOP) induction protocol. There was no statistical difference in signalment and the presence of historical negative prognostic factors between the groups. The median progression-free survival (PFS) in the CHOP and CMOP groups were 222 d and 162 d, respectively (P = 0.75). The median survival time (MST) of dogs in CHOP and CMOP groups were 318 d and 242 d, respectively (P = 0.63). Anorexia and diarrhea episodes were significantly higher in the CHOP group than in the CMOP group (P = 0.02 and P = 0.01, respectively). These results suggest that the CMOP protocol provides similar PFS, MST and causes fewer side effects compared to the CHOP protocol. Therefore, the CMOP protocol may be another treatment choice for canine multicentric lymphoma.  相似文献   

The ultrasonographic findings in a one-and-a-half-year-old female basenji with immunoproliferative enteropathy are described. On ultrasonographic examination, generalised thickening of the small bowel wall was found, ranging between 4 and 6 mm. The normal layered appearance of the intestinal wall was replaced by three distinct layers; an innermost enlarged hyperechogenic layer; an enlarged poor echogenic layer, and an outer hyperechogenic layer. These findings are consistent with the histopathological appearance of this particular chronic inflammatory bowel disease, since the inner layer probably represents the infiltrated mucosa, the middle layer the infiltrated lamina propria and the outer layer the serosa. Thus, the ultrasonographic finding of generalised thickening of the intestinal wall in a basenji presenting with chronic diarrhoea, weight loss, anorexia or vomiting is strongly indicative of immunoproliferative enteropathy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether the presence of anemia (Hct < or = 37%) at the time of diagnosis of lymphoma is a negative prognostic indicator for response to treatment and survival time in dogs that are undergoing chemotherapy. DESIGN: Retrospective case series. Animals-96 dogs with lymphoma that were receiving chemotherapy. Procedures-Information regarding signalment, initial hematologic data, chemotherapy protocol, clinical response, and date of death was retrospectively collected from medical records of dogs with lymphoma. Univariate, multivariate, and survival analyses were performed to determine the effect of anemia on initial response to chemotherapy and on survival time. RESULTS: Overall, dogs without anemia (n = 56) were 4 times as likely as dogs with anemia (40) to have a complete response following chemotherapy. Anemic dogs had a significantly shorter median survival time (139 days), compared with survival time of nonanemic dogs (315 days). Subset analysis of dogs with multicentric lymphoma (matched for clinical stage and chemotherapy protocol) revealed that the dogs with anemia (n = 24) had a significantly shorter median survival time (101 days), compared with survival time of dogs without anemia (24; 284 days). Other variables were not associated with survival time. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: These findings suggested that anemia is a negative prognostic factor for dogs with lymphoma that are undergoing chemotherapy. Further investigation will be necessary to determine the impact of resolution of anemia on clinical outcome in dogs with lymphoma.  相似文献   

This is a report of seven-year-old male Akita mixed dog, with protein-losing enteropathy (PLE). He had a history of chronic vomiting and diarrhea with anorexia/hyporexia. Previously he suffered acute abdomen about eight months prior to this visit. Our dog showed uncommon combination of diseases that could cause PLE since it was affected by inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), intestinal lymphangiectasia (IL), and exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI). The dog had most of the abnormalities found in IL, as well as hypoalbuminemia, hyperglobulinemia, lymphopenia, hypocalcemia, and hypercholesterolemia. During endoscopy exam, we found changes characteristic of IL such as irregular small white spots. We took biopsies from stomach, duodenum, and cecum. These biopsies showed infiltration by lymphocytes and plasmatic cells in the lamina propria also, the duodenal biopsies showed moderate dilation of the lymphatic vessels. The patient had 2.1?µg/mL of TLI, this result was compatible with EPI. We assume that the first pathology in this animal was IBD, which caused chronic pancreatitis (CP) that in turn progressed to EPI. It is also possible that IL was secondary to IBD. We have reported for the first time the correlation of IBD and EPI in dogs. This should change our approach to treating chronic diarrhea in dogs. Therefore, we propose that dogs diagnosed with EPI should also be subjected to endoscopy and intestinal biopsy. Similarly, to rule out secondary EPI, TLI should be measured routinely in dogs with IBD.  相似文献   

Inflammasomes play a pivotal role in gastrointestinal homeostasis and inflammation. However, it remains elusive whether the nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-like receptor (NLR) family inflammasomes, such as NLR family pyrin domain-containing (NLRP) 3, NLRP6, and NLRP12, are involved in the pathogenesis of canine chronic enteropathy (CE), which includes antibiotic-responsive enteropathy (ARE), food-responsive enteropathy (FRE), immunosuppressant-responsive enteropathy (IRE), and non-responsive enteropathy (NRE). Thus, we measured mRNA expression of NLRP3, NLRP6, and NLRP12 in the intestinal mucosa of 35 dogs with CE (ARE, four dogs; FRE, 11 dogs; IRE and NRE, 20 dogs) and seven healthy dogs. As per real-time PCR analysis, significant increases in mRNA expression of NLRP3 and NLRP12 were noted in the colonic but not in the duodenal mucosa of dogs with FRE compared to healthy dogs. These findings suggested that the NLRP3 and NLRP12 inflammasomes might contribute to the development of colitis in dogs with FRE.  相似文献   

Small cell intestinal lymphoma has not been well characterized in dogs. The objective of this study was to describe clinical characteristics and outcome in dogs with small cell intestinal lymphoma. We hypothesized that affected dogs would have prolonged survival compared with high‐grade gastrointestinal (GI) lymphoma. Pathology records were searched for dogs with histologically confirmed small cell GI lymphoma. Seventeen dogs with confirmed small cell intestinal lymphoma were identified, and clinical and outcome data were retrospectively collected. Histopathology was reviewed by a board‐certified pathologist, and tissue sections were subjected to immunophenotyping and molecular clonality assessment. All dogs had small cell, T‐cell, lymphoma confirmed within various regions of small intestine, with 1 dog also having disease in abdominal lymph nodes. All dogs had clinical signs attributable to GI disease; diarrhoea (n = 13) was most common. Ultrasonographic abnormalities were present in 8 of 13 dogs with abnormal wall layering (n = 7) and hyperechoic mucosal striations (n = 7) representing the most common findings. In total, 14 dogs received some form of treatment. The median survival time (MST) for all dogs was 279 days and the MST for the 14 dogs that received any treatment was 628 days. Dogs with anaemia and weight loss at presentation had significantly shorter survival times and dogs that received a combination of steroids and an alkylating agent had significantly longer survival times. Small cell, T‐cell, intestinal lymphoma is a distinct disease process in dogs, and those undergoing treatment may experience prolonged survival.  相似文献   

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