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岩羊(Pseudois nayaur)为国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生动物,研究岩羊的种群特性和生态特性对于维持高山生态系统稳定和物种多样性具有重要意义。文中就国内岩羊的研究资料对岩羊的生态学与种群特性进行了综述。  相似文献   

栖息地是野生动物赖以生存的根本,掌握物种潜在栖息地的空间分布及其与环境因子的关系可以加强对物种的保护。鹿科(Cervidae)动物是东北地区森林等生态系统不可或缺的一部分,本研究选取东北地区3种鹿科动物马鹿(Cervus elaphus)、梅花鹿(Cervus nippon)、驼鹿(Alces alces)为研究对象,通过查阅文献、全球生物多样性信息网络数据库(GBIF)以及部分外业数据得到物种分布点,运用MaxEnt软件对3种鹿科动物进行潜在栖息地预测,模型AUC值如下:马鹿0.939,梅花鹿0.991以及驼鹿0.861。将模拟得到的潜在栖息地与东北地区保护区叠加进行保护空缺分析。模型模拟得出的潜在栖息地占整个东北地区面积:马鹿(25.85%)、梅花鹿(0.99%)以及驼鹿(13.83%);潜在栖息地被现有保护区覆盖率:马鹿(10.03%)、梅花鹿(21.70%)、驼鹿(8.85%),尚有大部分潜在栖息地未得到自然保护区覆盖。上述研究结果对这3种国家级保护鹿科动物的保护管理规划的制定提供了有益参考。  相似文献   

马鹿是非常重要的物种资源,由于栖息地的流失和人为干扰进行近亲繁殖等导致野生马鹿数量急剧减少,而家养马鹿多经过改良,因此马鹿的纯种数量锐减。对马鹿进行分子遗传学研究不仅可以加深人们对马鹿起源和物种形成的认识,还能帮助开展遗传多样性保护研究。随着高通量测序技术、分子生物学和生物信息学的迅速发展,马鹿的起源进化研究已发展到全基因组水平,并取得了一定的成果。马鹿的起源进化研究从最初对体态外貌和染色体核型的研究逐渐发展到对DNA序列与生理指标的研究。文章回顾了近年来国内外对马鹿起源进化和遗传多样性方面的研究,从起源时间、起源地和迁徙路线等方面揭示了马鹿的演化历史,介绍了父系、母系和常染色体研究方面分析了马鹿遗传多样性选取的不同分子标记,为进一步揭示马鹿种群的遗传变异、分化情况、迁徙路线和系统发育关系等提供基础信息,同时为马鹿遗传资源的利用和保护以及马鹿产业的良性发展提供重要的借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

野生动物的生境可能会在时间和空间上发生变化。在某一地区,各种生境所占比例的变化,可能引起该地区野生动物对整个生境适宜性的改变。因此,需要一个预测野生动物对生境变化所产生反应的生境关系模型(Verner et al, 1986)。本文根据野生动物短期的生境利用和野生动物管理中收集到的有关资料,提出了一种预测生境变化对野生动物影响的方法。生态学上关于生境选择理论是以种群密度大小表示生境质量好坏为前提的。故根据生境利用以及有关资料,便能直接地预测生境变化的结果。一、理论基础 Fretwell等人提出了局部资源的动物生境选择(包括行为、种群和生境)应满足下列6个假设: 1、动物自由地往返于喜爱生境之中。 2、动物喜欢选择的生境是具有最佳地区资源可利用性的生境。  相似文献   

圈养马鹿阿拉善亚种冬季昼间行为及活动规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006年11~2007年1月在银川动物园,采用瞬时扫描取样法、焦点动物取样法和全事件取样法,对5只圈养马鹿阿拉善亚种的行为及活动规律进行了研究.结果表明,马鹿冬季行为时间分配比例依次为卧息(33.12%±8.91%)、取食(26.78%±9.15%)、运动(21.33%±6.50%)、反刍(16.24%±4.07%)和其他(2.53%±0.30%,包括饮水、排便、修饰、嗅闻、站立和发声等).冬季马鹿的卧息在一昼夜中只有1个高峰期(12∶00~15∶00),而取食在一昼夜中有2个高峰期(8∶00~10∶00和17∶00~18∶00),且这2种行为在1 d中是交替出现的;运动在8∶00~10∶00和16∶00~18∶00较多,而反刍在11∶00~15∶00较集中;其他行为发生的较为随机,没有明显的高峰期.年龄因素对马鹿冬季昼间的取食和其他行为的影响差异极显著(P<0.01),对运动行为影响显著(P<0.05),性别因素对马鹿冬季昼间的行为影响不显著(P>0.05).  相似文献   

行为是动物为适应各种不同内在或外界条件的一种表现,了解和掌握东北马鹿的正常行为,有助于进行育种、繁殖和科学的饲养管理,提高鹿茸的产量。为此,我们于1987年、1988年分别在绥棱农场鹿队和平山野生动物实验场对圈养和半散放饲养的东北马鹿进行了行为学观察,现整理成文,以求对东北马鹿的饲养管理等方面提供方便。  相似文献   

研究采用同父异母半同胞组内相关法和组内相关系数法,分别对祁连山野生动物保护中心5头塔里木马鹿种公鹿6锯三杈鲜茸重遗传力和育种值,以及9头塔里木马鹿3~9锯三杈鲜茸重的重复力进行了估测。结果表明,其遗传力为0.42,重复力为0.67(P<0.01),5头塔里木马鹿产茸量育种值等级为A128>A27>A152>A63>A77。由此说明,塔里木马鹿茸重为高遗传力和高重复力(P<0.01)性状,祁连山野生动物保护中心引入的27号和128号种公鹿种用价值较高,可以扩大使用。  相似文献   

岩羊(Pseudois naynu)别名叫石羊,是我国的重要野生动物资源之一。岩羊常年生存在平均海拔3000~4000m的林线以上,可在碎石峭壁上灵活跳跃、攀登。喜群居.少则十几只,多者几十只.其至有几百只的大群。在干旱年份与牛羊有争食混群现象,据此推测,岩羊也有可能感染皮下蝇。因此,我们于2001年和2002年3~5月份对岩羊皮蝇感染情况作了调查.现报告如下。  相似文献   

粪便DNA分析技术因其对研究对象零伤害而越来越受到研究者的青睐。本试验以粪便为研究材料,对马鹿进行性别鉴定。结果表明,该方法能够准确、快速、高效地进行马鹿性别鉴定。本研究将为其他野生动物性别鉴定提供一种更加科学的方法,从而进一步促进分子粪便学在濒危野生动物研究中的应用。  相似文献   

目前,栖息地的破坏是野生动物处于濒危状态的主要因素之一。东北马鹿是国家重点保护动物,近年来,人类活动的干扰使其生境明显减少并呈斑块状分布,这将使东北马鹿的种群遗传结构发生变化。然而,在野生动物遗传结构研究中,传统的取样方法直接或间接地对动物造成了伤害。因此,本文以粪便为研究材料,对来自完达山地区的9个东北马鹿样品进行mtDNA序列分析,共发现29个变异位点,定义了7个单倍型,其单倍型多样性(h)平均值为0.917、核苷酸多样性(π)平均值为2.803,种群总体遗传多样性较高。这一结果不但表明运用粪便DNA分析技术可以有效地进行马鹿遗传结构研究,而且还为野生东北马鹿的保护管理以及更加深入的研究提供基础数据资料。  相似文献   

A small, isolated Amur tiger population ranges across the southwest Primorskii Krai region in Russia and Hunchun region in China. Many individuals, with “dual nationality,” cross the border frequently. Formulating effective conservation strategies requires a clear understanding of tiger food requirements in both countries. While the diets of tigers ranging in Russia is clearly understood, little is known of the tigers' feeding habits in China.. We used scat analysis combined with data on the abundance of 4 prey species to examine Amur tiger diet and prey preferences in Hunchun. We examined 53 tiger scat samples from 2011 to 2016 and found that tigers preyed on 12 species (11 species in winter), 4 of which were domestic animals with 33.58% biomass contribution; this was the first record of Amur tigers eating lynx in this area. Tigers showed a strong preference for wild boar (Jacobs index: +0.849), which were also the most frequently consumed prey, and a strong avoidance of roe deer (Jacobs index: ?0.693). On the Russian side, domestic animals (just dog) were rarely found in tiger scat, and tigers did not show strong avoidance of roe deer, but of sika deer. We also found red deer footprints during winter surveys and that tigers ate red deer on the Chinese side, while there was no record of red deer feeding on the Russian side. Reducing or eliminating human disturbance, such as grazing, is essential to recovering tiger prey and habitat in this area and the Sino‐Russian joint ungulate annual survey is indispensable for prey estimates of this small, isolated Amur tiger population.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to describe differences in the ontogenesis of the abomasum in sheep (domestic ruminant) and deer (wild ruminant). Histomorphometric and immunohistochemical analysis were carried out on 50 embryos and fetuses of the sheep and 50 red deer from the first prenatal stages until birth. To compare similar periods of gestation in both species, we calculate the percentages of gestation. The appearance of the abomasum was earlier in the red deer (22% gestation) than in the sheep (25% gestation). Throughout development the epithelium happened sequentially, being of the types pseudostratified to simple cylindrical. This important modification was earlier in the red deer than the sheep. At 46% gestation in red deer and 50% in sheep, gastric pits were observed on the surface of abomasal folds. Our studies suggest a close link between the initial formation of these pseudoglandular structures and the clear separation of lamina propria and submucosa separated by de muscularis mucosae. At 54% gestation in red deer and at 60% in sheep, in the bottom of these pits the first outlines of glands were distinguishable. Finally, the presence of neuroendocrine and glial cells were detected in deer at earlier stages than in sheep.  相似文献   

The assumption that sheep carry ovine herpesvirus-2 (OvHV-2), the causative agent of sheep-associated malignant catarrhal fever (SA-MCF), is widely accepted, albeit OvHV-2 has not been isolated. We attempted experimental contact transmission of MCF from Japanese sheep persistently infected with OvHV-2 to Japanese deer (Cervus nippon) and cattle. In Experiment 1, a deer was kept in close quarters with an infected ewe. In Experiment 2, a second deer was kept with the same ewe. In Experiment 3, two cows were each kept with two infected wethers. In Experiment 1, the deer developed clinical signs at 138 days after first contact and then died. OvHV-2 genes by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and fluorescent antibodies to Alcelaphine herpesvirus-1 were detected in the affected deer. Moreover, sequences of PCR products (423bp), obtained by amplification of materials from the sheep and from the affected deer, coincided. These results clearly confirmed that the sheep was a carrier of OvHV-2, and that this virus had induced SA-MCF in a deer. In other experiments, no OvHV-2 infection occurred in deer and cattle during the 6-18 months periods of contact, though viral genes were detected in the nasal swabs and white blood cells of the sheep. To our knowledge, this is the first report on successful experimental transmission of MCF from OvHV-2-infected sheep to deer.  相似文献   

Due to the occurrence of the infection of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis among domestic ruminants and the rapid development of farmed deer industry and the market of cloven-hoofed game we have carried surveys of paratuberculosis, beginning in 1997, in the most common four species of wild ruminants in the Czech Republic [Pavlik et al., Vet. Microbiol. 77 (2000) 231-251]. From 1999 the prevalence of paratuberculosis has been slightly reduced in all three types of husbandry of wild ruminants. Nevertheless paratuberculosis has been diagnosed in wild ruminants in three districts, in four game parks and in five farms. M. a. paratuberculosis was isolated from 128 (5.3%) out of 2,403 wild ruminants of four animal species: 106 red deer, 2 roe deer, 4 fallow deer and 16 mouflons. In red deer farms, the highest number of clinical paratuberculosis cases was in yearling deer. RFLP type B-C1 of M. a. paratuberculosis predominated during the second period (1999-2001) in all types of husbandry with no relationship to wild ruminant species. New "cattle" RFLP types B-C5 and B-C16 of M. a. paratuberculosis were described in infected farmed red deer and one "intermediate" RFLP type R-I4 in fallow deer from one game park. The survival of M. a. paratuberculosis was found to be 4 months during winter in the pasture after destocking of all cattle infected with paratuberculosis. We found that non-vertebrates, wild ruminants or non-ruminant wildlife can be vectors and potentially become a risk factor in the spread of M. a. paratuberculosis infection.  相似文献   

Commercial hunting of Spanish wild ungulates has made them an important economic resource. Wild ungulates may have an important role in the maintenance of ixodid tick populations, and also as reservoirs of pathogens. We studied the ixodid ticks that parasitize Iberian red deer and European wild boar from Spain. Ixodid ticks (n=6,336) were collected from 431 Iberian red deer and 142 wild boar in different regions of Spain. We found 10 different ixodid tick species parasitizing Iberian red deer, mainly Hyalomma marginatum marginatum (63.7%), Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) annulatus (7.9%) and R. bursa (7.5%). R. (Boophilus) annulatus was only collected in the province of Cádiz (southern Spain). We found 8 ixodid tick species on the wild boar, mainly Hy. m. marginatum (68.7%), R. bursa (14.6%) and Dermacentor marginatus (9.3%). We found one adult Hy. marginatum rufipes and one adult Hy. anatolicum excavatum parasitizing wild boar from south-central Spain. Mean prevalence of ixodid ticks was 41.3+/-0.08% (n=475) and 31+/-0.09% (n=284) and intensity of parasitization was 13.9+/-0.2 (n=283) and 13.6+/-0.3 (n=130) ticks/animal for Iberian red deer and wild boar, respectively. Only 5 of the 13 ixodid tick species found were shared by Iberian red deer and wild boar. This finding could indicate a host preference when Iberian red deer and wild boar share common habitats. In both Iberian red deer and wild boar from south-central Spain the monthly relative frequencies of Hy. m. marginatum and R. bursa presented an inverse pattern. The highest Hy. m. marginatum relative frequencies coincided with the lowest R. bursa relative frequencies along the year. R. bursa and I. ricinus were present in areas from northern to southern Spain while Hyalomma sp. and D. marginatus were exclusively collected in the two southern thirds of Spain. Haemaphysalis sp. and D. reticulatus were collected in northern Spain. Hy. m. marginatum and R. bursa were present during the whole year in red deer and wild boar from south-central Spain, showing more than one life cycle per year. These results are important for understanding the role of wild ungulates in the maintenance of tick infestations and to improve tick control programmes.  相似文献   

Bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV1) is endemically present in a cattle population that lives in a nature reserve in the Netherlands. Red deer (Cervus elaphus), living in the same nature reserve, can come into contact with the BHV1-infected cattle and could then become infected with BHV1. For the eradication of BHV1 in cattle, it is, therefore, important to know whether red deer alone can play a role in the transmission of BHV1. For that reason, we quantified the transmission of BHV1 among farmed red deer under experimental conditions. Two groups of ten animals were formed. In each group, five of these animals were inoculated with BHV1 and the other five served as contact animals. Three inoculated animals in each transmission experiment became infected and none of the contact animals became infected. The one-sided 95% confidence interval for R [0.0-0.94] showed that limited transmission might occur among red deer. Based on these results, we would expect only minor outbreaks of BHV1 to occur in red deer populations. We concluded that BHV1 will probably not survive longer than a few decades (several times the mean deer lifetime) in red deer populations. Consequently, it is not necessary for the eradication of BHV1 in cattle to eradicate BHV1 in red deer populations as well.  相似文献   

为了解甘肃省连城自然保护区内野生动物资源现状,于2017年8月至2018年7月,在保护区内布设61台红外相机并开展调查工作。结果共记录到兽类4目9科15种,鸟类4目18科42种,其中梅花鹿(Cervus nippon)、林麝(Moschus berezovskii)、马麝(Moschus chrysogaster)、斑尾榛鸡(Bonasa sewerzowi)为国家Ⅰ级重点保护野生动物,马鹿(Cervus elaphus)、青鼬(Martes flavigula)、荒漠猫(Felis bieti)、血雉(Ithaginis cruentus)、蓝马鸡(Crossoptilon auritum)为国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生动物。相对丰富度最高的5种动物为狍(Capreolus pygargus)、喜马拉雅旱獭(Marmota himalayana)、赤狐(Vulpes vulpes)、猪獾(Arctonyx collaris)、蓝马鸡(Crossoptilon auritum)。兽类和鸟类物种数月变化均较为明显,2018年6月最多,2017年12月至2018年1、2月受冬眠和迁徙影响相对较低。本研究提供了甘肃省连城自然保护区部分地栖兽类和鸟类资源的最新现状,同时丰富了祁连山鸟兽调查数据,为祁连山国家公园体制建设及保护区生物多样性监测提供基础资料。研究表明红外相机在调查大中型兽类、地栖性鸟类以及夜行性动物方面具有明显的优势,而对于小型兽类和非地栖性鸟类则有一定的局限性。  相似文献   

The potential role of red deer (Cervus elaphus) as a reservoir of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) infection is largely unknown. A total of 332 wild red deer were investigated using post-mortem examination, bacteriology and serology. Only three animals (1.12%) were found to have lesions on histopathological examination and no MAP bacteria were recovered on culture. The results suggest it is unlikely that wild red deer make a significant contribution to the maintenance of MAP infection in the region. The cross-reactivity of the ELISAs used indicates this diagnostic modality is ineffective in the detection of MAP infection in this species. The implications of these results for the control of this important pathogen in both livestock and wildlife are discussed.  相似文献   

宋晓东  张延君  田秀华 《野生动物》2012,33(2):84-88,96
通过2004~2009年大连森林动物园的数据调查,从食物的营养价值,环境的丰富度,种群密度三个角度入手,针对大连森林动物园散放区草食动物在半散放混养条件下饲养繁殖及动物群体管理进行浅析,分析其驯养繁殖管理方案的优势,并从可持续利用的自然小生境角度出发,对建立稳定的动物关系群体提出建议。通过分析显示非洲的斑马,澳洲的羊驼,我国西北的岩羊比较适合大连的气候及混养的这种模式,种群数量逐年递增,繁殖状况良好,死亡率也比较低,尤其是岩羊,由于其善攀援跳跃,活动范围广,种群发展最好。长颈鹿,黑斑羚和跳羚适应能力较差,尤其是黑斑羚和跳羚,性情机警,敏感,应激反应强烈,引进后种群数量逐年递减,不适应此混养模式。作为东北地区物种的马鹿和梅花鹿,其种群情况也堪忧。鉴于这种情况,应从饲料营养和引种两方面加以改进以达到增加其种群数量的目的。  相似文献   

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