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根据我国农机工业的发展形势和高等教育改革的动向,探讨了面向21世纪工科院校农机学科应培养什么样的人才,以及如何深化教学改革培养出合格人才等问题  相似文献   

农机计算机辅助分析和设计初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过多年科研和教学结合的实践,借助计算机对多种农机具或主要工作部件工作机理进行了探讨,内容涉及农业物料的运动分析、农机常用机构运动学和动力学分析、农机空间力系分析和农机系统模拟以及机构综合问题  相似文献   

一、四川农业高新技术产品综合市场基本隋况 四川农业高新技术产品综合市场在省政府的支持下,经四川省市场领导小组批准于1996年建立,市场占地3.3hm2,建设总投资3000余万元,建筑面积3万m2,营业用房2.5万m2,是中国西部乃至全国规模最大的农业生产资料、农业高新技术产品专业市场。市场背倚四川省农业科学院、四川省畜牧科学研究院和四川省农机研究院。  相似文献   

本文介绍了利用中文关系数据库管理系统CLIPPER和C语言在微机上研制开发的农机商品营销管理信息系统,阐述了系统的设计目的,设计原理,功能,特点及使用方法,该系统的研制对提高农机商品营销管理的工作效率将起到巨大的作用,是一个很有应用价值的管理软件,农机商品营销计算机化管理是农业现代化的标志之一,该系统1996年元月在山西省吕梁地区农机公司正式使用,系统运行可靠,操作方便,便于管理和推广。  相似文献   

张凤艳 《南方农业》2022,(2):217-219
近年来,农业经济迅速发展,农业生产水平逐渐提高,使得农业机械使用范围越来越广,机械化程度不断提高.但依然存在一些制约农业机械化高速发展的问题.分析农业机械化发展过程中存在的投入经费不足、推广人员专业化水平较低及推广工作的发展不平衡等问题,提出了加大资金投入力度、建设专业化的农机推广队伍及促进农机推广工作平衡发展等策略.  相似文献   

近年来,各地农机等部门积极开展设施农业示范、技术推广,推动我国设施农业快速发展,取得了显著的社会经济效益。  相似文献   

农业机械自动导航技术研究进展   总被引:13,自引:41,他引:13  
农业机械自动导航是精准农业技术体系中的一项核心关键技术,广泛应用于耕作、播种、施肥、喷药、收获等农业生产过程。农机位置测量方法、农机模型与导航路径跟踪控制方法是农业机械自动导航技术的研究重点,受到国内外科研人员的广泛关注。农机位置测量主要有相对测量和绝对测量二类方法,前者以基于机器视觉的测量方法为代表,主要利用图像处理技术识别作物行,进而确定导航基准线,实现农机与作物的相对位置与航向信息的测量;后者则以基于全球导航卫星系统的测量方法为代表,利用卫星定位技术实现农机位置的高精度测量,在农业生产中应用最为广泛;而面对复杂的田间环境变化,在位置测量中应用多传感器数据融合技术通常可以得到更好的测量结果。导航路径跟踪控制通常以农机运动学模型或动力学模型为核心,多采用最优控制、最优估计、自适应控制、人工神经网络、模糊控制、鲁棒控制等现代控制理论与方法;而无模型控制方法则可以避免建模不准确或者模型参数剧烈变化对农机路径跟踪控制性能所产生的负面影响。该文从上述2个方面综述分析了农业机械自动导航技术的研究现状及存在的问题,并对未来农机导航技术的发展做出了展望,指出采用卫星导航技术,开展农机地头自动转向控制、障碍物探测及主动避障、多机协同导航等高级导航技术研究,以及引入先进的物联网技术,是现代农机自动导航技术发展的主要趋势。  相似文献   

该文对我国农机社会化服务的发展现状和特点做了简要的分析。介绍了农机社会化服务在建设现代农业中发挥的重要作用,提出了推进我国农机社会化服务体系建设的思路和重点。  相似文献   

智慧农业是现代农业的发展方向,无人农场是实现智慧农业的重要途径。为了探索和推广无人农场在现代农业中的应用,华南农业大学对大田无人农场的关键技术进行了深入研究,包括无人农场作业环境、作业对象和作业机械装备信息的数字化感知技术;土地整治、耕整、种植、播种、田间管理和收获方案的智能化决策技术;农机自动导航和农机精准作业的精准化作业技术;农作物生长、农机运维和农场经营管理的智慧化管理技术。2020年在广东增城创建全球首个水稻无人农场,实现了五大功能,包括耕种管收生产环节全覆盖,机库田间转移作业全自动,自动避障异况停车保安全,作物生产过程实时全监控,智能决策精准作业全无人。取得了显著的经济、社会和生态效益,2021 年广东增城水稻无人农场种植的优质丝苗米十九香产量达到9934.35 kg/hm2,比当地的平均产量高32%;2023年湖南益阳千山红镇再生稻无人农场两季产量达到18625.5 kg/hm2,说明了人不下田也能种地,也能种好地。截至2023年11月,在国内15个省启动了 30 个无人农场的建设,包括水稻、小麦、玉米和花生4种作物,实践结果证明了无人农场和智慧农业发展的巨大潜力,为解决“谁来种地”和“如何种地”提供了重要途径。  相似文献   

农机产品拥有量的非线性特性研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
农机产品的社会拥有量预测是农机产品市场预测的基础。该文建立了描述农机产品社会拥有量的演化方程,并指出该方程具有非线性混沌特性。在简要介绍描述混沌程度的典型参数关联维数和柯尔莫哥夫熵的定义的基础上,计算了基于时间序列的中国农机产品拥有量(以大中型拖拉机和联合收割机为例)的关联维数和柯尔莫哥夫熵,结果表明中国农机市场发展确实存在混沌。最后指出农机产品拥有量长期预测的困难,建议改进传统的预测方法。  相似文献   

农业机械化对农业和农村经济贡献率理论分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
机械化对农业产出增长的贡献不仅包含农业机械投入量增减对产出的影响,而且应包括农业机械生产率提高的作用,贡献率大小可用农业机械产出弹性在规模弹性中的比值衡量;机械化对农业劳动生产率增长的贡献大小决定于它对农业产出增长的贡献大小和对农业劳动力的替代作用;农业机械化在某一时期对农村经济的贡献与由它产生的劳动生产率增长率成正比,与非农产业产值占农村社会总产值的比重成正比,与初期从事农业的劳动力数量成正比。  相似文献   

基于启发式优先级规则的农机调配算法   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
针对目前农机调配中无科学合理调配方案的现状,该文提出了一种基于机主选择的农机调配模式,建立了以高收入低成本为目标的优化模型。针对农机调配的特点,该文分析了组合的优先级规则,设计了基于启发式优先级规则的农机调配算法。分别采用一般农机调配算法和本文提出的调配算法对农田实例进行计算并得到不同的调配方案。从服务收入、调配路程和等待时间等方面对不同调配方案进行分析和比较可知,本文算法得到的调配方案要优于一般调配算法的方案。最后分析了农田数量和并行度对本文算法性能的影响。试验结果表明该文提出的算法对于解决当前农机调配问题更为有效。  相似文献   

Machinery-related injuries are the leading cause of fatal and hospitalized injuries on Canadian farms. In Saskatchewan, the proportion of all farm injuries related to farm machinery exceeds that reported for all of Canada. This project examined the relationship between age and various factors associated with farm machine-related injuries in Saskatchewan. A retrospective review of hospital discharge data from the administrative data set of Saskatchewan Health was conducted using external cause of injury codes to identify cases of farm machinery injury that occurred in Saskatchewan during the period April 1, 1990, to March 31, 2000. Log linear estimates of association of various factors in four age groups were derived. There were 1,493 hospitalizations attributed to farm machinery-related injuries. Among the injured cohort, age was a predictor of the rate of injury. Significant association for nature of injury, mechanism of injury, and type of machine varied by age group. These data provide insights for a case-control study of farm machinery-related injuries with the objective of determining personal, environmental, and machine-related factors that are responsible for this serious public health issue.  相似文献   

基于限制因子的粤北丘陵山区耕地宜机化整治分区   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
耕地宜机化整治是推进丘陵山区农业机械化的重要途径。该研究以粤北为研究区,以行政村为评价单元,基于限制因子可改良程度,运用加权求和法和改进障碍度模型确定整治潜力和难度,进而运用四象限法划定耕地宜机化整治分区。结果表明:1)高潜力整治区主要分布在丘陵山地,低潜力整治区主要分布于盆地。2)机耕道建设数量不足,地块较为分散,地块形状不规整是制约研究区耕地宜机化的主要原因。3)按整治潜力和难度,分为优先整治区、稍加整治区、全面整治区和后备整治区,面积占比分别为10.48%、46.57%、34.52%和4.80%。4)制定耕地宜机化整治专项规划,出台相关技术标准,因地制宜,建设为互联互通地块、水平条田、水平梯田、缓坡旱地、梯台旱地等不同类型宜机化耕地。基于整治潜力和整治难度的耕地宜机化整治分区方法能够用于耕地宜机化整治规划,利于后续耕地宜机化整治决策,研究结果在一定程度上指导耕地宜机化整治时序安排。  相似文献   

拖拉机与农具组成的田间作业机组,要实现机器本身结构和性能与之配套机具的系统协调,获得最佳的运用效果,要进行合理编组计算。该文规范了机组合理编组的理论计算步骤并用TurboC语言编写了计算机程序。该程序可完成田间三大类作业的合理编组计算工作,如略加修改可以满足更多种机型完成各种作业的合理编组的计算。经上机运算准确、可靠、快捷、方便。  相似文献   

Driving farm tractors on highways is hazardous for youth due to the large speed differential between motor vehicles and agricultural vehicles, as well as recent increases in traffic volume on many rural roads. In 1994, the state of Wisconsin enacted legislation requiring youth who operate farm tractors on highways to complete a tractor and machinery certification course. We were interested in finding out whether other states have similar requirements. The purpose of this project was to collect and summarize state laws regulating youth who operate farm tractors on highways in the U.S. A systematic method was used that included an initial Lexis-Nexis database search followed by internet searches in combination with follow-up email and telephone communications when missing or unclear results were obtained. The findings show that 14 states have legislation addressing youth who operate farm tractors on highways. The content of these statutes varies, but includes driver's license or educational requirements, as well as regulations concerning the ages, locations, and/or times of day when youth may drive farm machinery on highways. This compilation of state laws will be useful information for agricultural safety professionals in designing effective outreach programs. A synthesis of the findings may also lead to the development of model legislation or inform future research efforts aimed at preventing youth farm tractor crashes on highways.  相似文献   

The impact of AgrAbility was evaluated through a survey of farmers and ranchers with disabilities who have been served by AgrAbility. The general demographics of the client population and assistance received were evaluated. Other information gathered included client ability pre- and post-onset of a disability and implications of self-reported outlook for the future. Eight states with AgrAbility programs participated in this cooperative survey with the National AgrAbility Project, with a 58.7% response rate (N = 618). The client population was mostly male (85.2%) with an average age of 53.3 with many working full-time (42.4%), part-time (27.6%), only off-farm (3%), or both off and on the farm (27%) in predominately row-crop (58.2%), cattle (not dairy) (46.6%), and hay or forage (41.4%) operations. Nearly half (48.2%) of the clients reported that the origin of the disability was due to a chronic health condition, as opposed to an injury. The majority of clients reported receiving information referring them to a funding source (42.0%) and receiving technical assistance with modifications around the farm or ranch (41.3%). Only two areas of farm operation were reported to have increased after the onset of disability (farm office from 43.8% to 61.2% and household chores from 30.9% to 36.0%). Field machinery operation continues to be the most common activity on the farm, with 73.3% reporting operating field machinery after the onset of disability. The present sample was more optimistic than expected. From a simultaneous multiple linear regression analysis, the factors contributing to positive future outlook include: ability to manage one's chores, machinery, and farm, F (5, 387) = 34.91, p < 0.001). Implications for safety professionals are included.  相似文献   

Noise injury in agriculture is a significant yet often unrecognized problem. Many farmers, farm workers, and family members are exposed to noise levels above recommended levels and have greater hearing loss than their non-farming contemporaries. The aim of this study was to gather up-to-date information on farm noise levels and to enhance the quality of information available to assist farmers in reducing noise exposure and meeting Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) regulations regarding noise management. Farm visits were conducted on 48 agricultural establishments that produce a range of commodities. Noise levels were measured at the ears of operators and bystanders involved in typical activities on farms. The average and peak noise levels were measured for 56 types of machinery or sites of farming activity, totaling 298 separate items and activities. Common noise hazards identified included firearms, tractors without cabs, workshop tools, small motors (e.g., chainsaws, augers, pumps), manual handling of pigs, shearing sheds, older cabbed tractors, and heavy machinery such as harvesters, bulldozers, and cotton module presses. We found that use of firearms without hearing protection presents a pressing hearing health priority. However, farming activities involving machinery used for prolonged periods also present significant risks to farmers' hearing health. Noise management strategies on the farm are essential in order to prevent noise injury among farmers.  相似文献   

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