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鳜鱼生长速度快,经济价值高,为充分利用水库资源,提高水库经济效益,于2006年和2007年在万年县余源水库、社里水库、熊家水库进行水库套养鳜鱼健康养殖试验,现将试验情况报告如下:  相似文献   

徐广友 《内陆水产》1997,22(12):10-11
近年来,鳜鱼养殖已成为名特优养殖热点。鳜鱼养殖热带来了规模化鳜鱼繁育。1995年后,我市年繁育鳜鱼寸片(3cm以上/尾)在50万—70万尾,为成鳜养殖生产提供了苗种来源。然而,在利用人繁鳜鱼寸片进行成鳜养殖生产中,存在着成活率相对较低的状况。通过分析,原因主要在于鳜鱼寸片直接下塘养殖,早期养殖饵料鱼配套差,以及水体较大的池塘中鳜鱼饵料获得性差。1996年6月中旬至7月中旬,笔者利用小体积网箱在水库中进行鳜鱼种培育试验,取得了培育成活率90.8%的结果。1试验条件与材料1.1小网箱设置水域理化性状,夏季早晨6:00测定,p…  相似文献   

梁长辉 《内陆水产》2004,29(2):22-22
库湾混养鳜鱼在不影响原有产量的前提下,清除了库湾中的低质鱼类,并为市场提供了优质商品鳜鱼,最大限度地利用了资源。此项目投资少,见效快,经济效益显著。笔者2001年5月至2002年1月,在金湖水库一个13.3hm^2的库湾内进行拦网鳜鱼混养试验。现将试验情况总结如下。  相似文献   

鳜鱼日粮研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
鳜鱼(Siniperea chuatsi)属于典型的凶猛性鱼类,处于食物链的第3~4个环节。鳜鱼肉质细嫩、味道鲜美,是人们喜爱的名贵鱼类之一。近几年,人工养殖鳜鱼已引起了人们的重视。作者于1982年在湖北省浮桥河水库分别用水簇箱和网箱对鳜鱼日粮进行了研究,希望这一工作能对了解鳜鱼的营养行为、评价鳜鱼的经济价值、实行人工养殖以及研究水体生态系统,提供有益的资料。  相似文献   

鳜鱼俗称鳜花鱼、季花鱼、桂花鱼,属鲈形目,能科,鳜亚科,鳜属。是我国特有的名优水产品,历来被认为是鱼中上品、宴中佳肴,深受人民喜爱。双牌水库建成后,水域水流平缓,水质良好,小型野杂鱼、虾众多,十分有利于鳜鱼的繁衍生长。近些年来,为充分利用水面资源,我们在双牌水库推广了名优水产网箱养殖,在2006年网箱养殖斑点叉尾鲴成功的基础上,于2008年起在部分库湾探讨鳜鱼网箱养殖技术,取得了较好的效果。现就试验情况总结如下:  相似文献   

鳜鱼,俗称桂花鱼。肉味鲜美,经济价值高,鱼池中套养鳜鱼,可增加名优鱼类养殖比重,丰富水产品市场。我场在1999年池塘网箱养殖罗非鱼的基础上,于2000年进行了套养鳜鱼的试验。现将试验情况总结如下: 一、材料与方法 1.试验池塘为萌山水库管理处鱼种场6排1号池,面积6亩,水深2.6m,水质好,水源充足。 2.试验网箱为双层聚乙烯网,网箱规格2m×2m×l.8m,网目2.5cm,共8个网箱,分两排放入池中,排距20m,箱距2m,两排网箱间配置3kW叶轮式增氧机一台。 3.苗种放养 (l)鱼体消毒。所有鱼种放养时…  相似文献   

受水电部中国水利实业开发总公司委托,水电部基金会资助.由水电部.中科学院水库渔业研究所承担的。“鳜鱼对饵料生物选择性”的研究项目.于1987年3月13日在广州经专家评议.通过了验收.专家们认为,该科研课题与生产结合紧密.研究内容丰富,所取得的数据既具有指导生产的实用价值,  相似文献   

湖北省浮桥河水库管理处的科研人员,利用网箱养鳜鱼,从生态环境上满足鳜鱼的需要,克服了池养鳜鱼因水质较肥影响鳜鱼生长或因缺氧易造成死亡的缺点,同时投喂以鲭鱼种为主的饵料鱼,满足其摄食要求。将当年孵化的鳜鱼苗养成8.5克的鱼种进箱,经4个多月的饲养,单养网箱折合最高亩产5,700公斤,套养网箱折合最高亩产380公斤,平均成活率56.19%,饵料系数为4.06。最大个体重O.7公斤,平均尾重0.3公斤。当年鱼苗养成商品鱼。  相似文献   

本文调查了浮桥河水库鳜鱼不同季节的活动规律及其与照度变化的关系,探讨了鳜鱼活动的感觉生理机制,并据此提出了水库鳜鱼资源合理性开发利用的建议。  相似文献   

近年来,鳜鱼养殖已成为名特优养殖热点。鳜鱼养殖热带来了规模化鳜鱼繁育。95年后,我市年繁育鳜鱼寸片(3厘米以上/尾)在50—70万尾。为成鳜养殖生产提供了苗种来源。然而,在利用人繁鳜鱼寸片进行成鳜养殖生产中,存在着成活率相对较低的状况。通过分析,原因主要在于鳜鱼寸片直接下塘养殖,早期养殖饵料鱼配套差,以及水体较大的池塘中鳜鱼饵料获得性差。对此,96年6月中旬至7月中旬,笔者利用小体积网箱在水库进行鳜鱼种培育试验,取得了培育成活率90.8%的结果。1试验条件与材料1.1小网箱设置水域理化性状,夏季早晨6:00测定,P…  相似文献   

为了对4种不同开口大小的六边形开口方形人工鱼礁在4种迎流角度下数值模拟和水槽模型试验的阻力系数进行对比验证,分别利用水槽模型和数值模拟试验方法对4种不同开口比(γty=0.0625,0.14,0.25,0.39)六边形开口方形人工鱼礁在4种迎流角度(θ=0°,15°,30°,45°)状态下的阻力进行测定,并计算两种方法的阻力系数。结果表明:(1)在数值模拟和水槽模型试验中,人工鱼礁模型阻力均随着开口比的增大而减小;礁体迎流角度的变化可改变礁体阻力,且在4种迎流角度下,人工鱼礁阻力在θ=30°时最大。(2)人工鱼礁数值模拟与水槽模型试验中,当θ为15°、30°和45°时,阻力系数均随着开口比的增加而增加,具有明显的线性关系,且阻力系数在迎流角度θ=30°时最大。(3)数值模拟与模型试验阻力的相对误差在0.12%~17.18%,平均误差7.43%;礁体阻力系数的相对误差在0.03%~14.64%,平均误差5.26%。阻力及阻力系数误差均在20%以下。水槽模型试验与数值模拟阻力和阻力系数相关系数R分别为0.99和0.80,P<0.001,具有极强的相关性。因此,利用数值模拟精细化研究人工鱼礁水动力性能是可行的。  相似文献   

Abstract – Bull trout, a species of char listed as threatened under the US Endangered Species Act, have been displaced from portions of their historic range following the introduction of nonnative lake trout. It has been suggested that competitive exclusion as a result of trophic overlap between bull trout and lake trout may be the causal mechanism associated with displacement of bull trout. This study used stable isotope data to evaluate trophic relationships among native bull trout, nonnative lake trout and other fishes in seven lakes in Glacier National Park (GNP), Montana. Bull trout and lake trout had greater δ15N values relative to other fishes among lakes (δ15N ≥ 3.0‰). Lake trout had greater δ15N values relative to bull trout (δ15N = +1.0‰). Bull trout had greater δ13C values relative to lake trout in six of the seven lakes examined. Although both bull trout and lake trout had greater δ15N values relative to other fishes within lakes in GNP, differences in δ15N and δ13C between bull trout and lake trout suggest that they are consuming different prey species or similar prey species in different proportions. Therefore, displacement of bull trout as a direct result of complete overlap in food resource use is not anticipated unless diet shifts occur or food resources become limiting. Additionally, future studies should evaluate food habits to identify important prey species and sources of partial dietary overlap between bull trout and lake trout.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   A cDNA ( PyARP4 ) containing an open reading frame for a protein of 573 amino acids was identified in the marine red alga Porphyra yezoensis . The conceptual PyARP4 protein exhibits significant similarity to actin-related protein (ARP) 4 in the terrestrial plant Arabidopsis . Comparison of the deduced amino acid sequence showed moderate sequence identity (30%) to a conventional actin in P. yezoensis , as seen in comparisons between ARP and conventional actins of other organisms. A putative bipartite nuclear localization signal and an actin motif were found within the PyARP4 amino acid sequence. In a phylogenetic analysis, the PyARP4 was found to cluster with the ARP4 of other organisms. The expression level of PyARP4 did not change significantly among four developmental stages of life cycle and was lower than that of a conventional actin. This cDNA therefore may serve as a useful internal standard in gene expression analyses of differentially expressed genes in P. yezoensis .  相似文献   

Flooding river valleys following construction of dams restrict fluvial environments to reaches that were formerly headwaters. Whether remaining habitat is suitable for all life stages of fluvial species is poorly understood. A fluvial species, Arctic grayling Thymallus arcticus, showed a dramatic decline following flooding of the Upper Peace River and the formation of the Williston Reservoir. We related landscape and field site‐specific features with occurrence of juvenile Arctic grayling using an information theoretic approach. For the landscape model, an association was identified between stream order and Arctic grayling occurrence although stream order alone was a poor predictor. A positive association between juvenile Arctic grayling occurrence and distance from the Williston reservoir and stream order, as well as a negative association with water temperature and temperature variance, was deemed important for the field site model. Both modelling approaches indicated size of stream system to be an important influence on occurrence of juvenile grayling in the Williston watershed. River length required for suitable river habitat for salmonids has not previously been identified, but should be factored into future management plans when evaluating the impact of proposed hydroelectric dams and subsequent flooding of river systems.  相似文献   

山区水库网箱养殖黄颡鱼试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李贵雄 《水利渔业》2007,27(1):30-30,32
网箱面积30 m2,底部设饲料托盘。黄颡鱼规格46.3 g/尾,先用动物性饵料驯食1个月,后投喂粗蛋白质量分数38%颗粒饵料。加强管理,药物预防鱼病。黄颡鱼成活率87%,平均规格206 g/尾,平均单产19.6 kg/m2,利润284.8元/m2。  相似文献   

We address the importance of the isoelectric point (IEP) of proteins and membrane components such as phospholipids for our understanding and interpretation of isoforms and opposite charge interactions in the formation of complexes. Five examples drawn from the literature are newly approached from the IEP point of view to clarify general principles.  相似文献   

An experiment designed to measure the volume variation of a bag-net within a set-net was conducted in Jaran Bay, Kosung, Korea. Three radio-acoustic-linked positioning (RAP) buoys, a time controller with a personal computer and seven pingers were used to measure the volumes of the bags. During the April neap tide, the minimum and maximum volumes of the bag-net were 4173 m3 (at 17.00 h) and 4757 m3 (12.00 h), respectively. The average current directions and speeds were 99.9°, 12.9 cm/s and 104.0°, 2.4 cm/s, respectively. During the spring tide, the minimum and maximum volumes of the bag-net were 2016 m3 (18.30 h) and 4454 m3 (15.00 h), respectively. The average current directions and speeds were 315.6°, 16.1 cm/s and 289.0°, 5.7 cm/s, respectively. The minimum (2016 m3) and maximum (5568 m3) volumes of the bag-net were observed during the period when the spring tide changed to the neap tide.  相似文献   

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