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叶荣和 《内陆水产》2006,31(5):54-54
2005年垦利县海洋与渔业局和永安镇人民政府在永安镇。一村共同实施了“斑点又尾鮰池塘高产高效养殖技术”试验项目。4月3日放养鱼种.10月28日测产验收,13340m。池塘共计产鱼10117kg,其中斑点叉尾鮰7160kg、平均规格0.50kg/尾.鲢鱼2957kg,规格0.62kg/尾。每667m^2产斑点又尾鮰358kg,产鲢鱼147.85kg:每667m^2产值6318.6元.纯收入3298.6元,投入产出比1:2,经济效益明显。其主要技术措施如下。  相似文献   

2002年在2口面积分别为1000m^2,1334m^2的池塘中,放养规格2.5-3.0cm的淡水白鲳夏花,同时搭配彭泽鲫夏花和鲢鳙鱼种,当年经5个月养殖,1号池塘每667m^2成鱼产量543.2kg(其中白鲳365.7kg)、产值5988元、纯利润2650元;2号池每667m^2产量552.3kg(其中白鲳380.9kg)、产值6155元、纯利润2823元,其经济效益是目前常规鱼传统养殖的4倍左右。本人于2002年进行了淡水白鲳夏花当年养成商品的试验研究,现综述如下。  相似文献   

利用地热水在室外池塘对非鲫鱼种进行越冬保种试验,池塘面积1000m^2,出池鱼种11856.8kg,每m^2出鱼11.86kg,成活率98.22%,净增重率130.5%,总净收入107880元,每m^2净收入107.88元,投入产出比1:2.86.  相似文献   

2003年笔在6334m^2的鱼塘进行鱼畜菜生态养殖试验,共投放鱼种626kg,养殖母猪18头,种植蔬菜667m^2,经285d的精心管理获得了良好的效果。10月28日通过了市科技局组织的下乡视察养殖示范点的专家验收。验收结果:共产鲜鱼7425kg,产仔猪395头,产蔬菜6000kg。总产值160080.6元,纯收入56190.6元;平均产值16850.6元/667m^2,纯收入5914.8元/667m^2。现将主要养殖技术介绍如下:  相似文献   

1996年初,邵阳市水产站和邵阳市郊区水产站联合承担邵阳市科委下达的《彭泽鲫鱼引种及养殖示范试验》项目。经过一年来的引种及养殖示范试验,由邵阳市组织有关单位领导和专家进行测产验收,彭泽鲫鱼苗的孵化已获成功,彭泽鲫鱼繁殖三车(催产率,受精率,孵化率)均在80%以上,池塘彭泽鲫搭配混养每667m2增产31.8kg,水库彭泽鲫搭配混养每667m2增产18kg。池塘彭泽鲫搭配混养每667m2增加经济收入381.6元,水库彭泽鲫搭配混养每667m2增加经济收入216元。并在各种水域中推广面积达到883.4hm2,仅此项收入可创产值259.7万元。1试验方法及…  相似文献   

为了充分提高池塘的利用效率,结合产品的市场需求,设计了鱼种池套养小龙虾养殖模式。经过几年实践,取得了667m^2产鱼种450kg,虾125kg,实现利润3490元。 1池塘选择及放种前的准备 池塘应选择在交通方便,水源充足,电力配套齐全的地方,深度1.5-2.0m,大小以5×667m^2~7×667m^2为宜,要求不渗不漏。  相似文献   

鱼种池套养丰产鲫夏花,平均每667m^2套养80尾,经191d饲养,每667m^2出塘尾重0.3~0.4kg商品鱼77尾,平均成活率达96.4%,平均增加产值407元/667m^2,增利润305元/667m^2,效益显著。  相似文献   

张庆  刘金平 《齐鲁渔业》2007,24(3):20-21
2005年成武县淡水苗种繁育场依靠科技进步,利用2个各4 667 m2(7亩)的池塘探索池塘培育苗种的新途径,实现了大幅增产增收增效。当年9月底,清塘销售秋片1.821万kg,每667 m2产1 301 kg。其中鲤鱼种1.542万kg,每667 m2产1 014 kg,平均规格102 g,鲢鳙鲫鱼种0.28万kg,每667 m2产287 kg,平均规格82.3 g。2006年该项技术已在菏泽市及周边地市推广,取得了良好的  相似文献   

用蛋白含量为32.2%的配合饲料进行倒刺鲃池塘主养试验。面积3348m。,放养经投饲驯化倒刺鲃鱼种3554尾,经264d养殖,生产倒刺鲃2315.8kg。折合每667m^2产倒刺鲃461.3kg,产值11561.95元,利税4667.1元。投入产出比1:1.68。饲料系数2.1。  相似文献   

使用面积2668m^2的池塘进行斑点叉尾鮰大规格鱼种培育试验,通过合理投喂、采取有效的水质调控和疾病控制,结果共收获斑点叉尾鮰大规格鱼种1090.6kg,平均规格41.5g/尾,成活率为87.6%,平均每667m^2利润为1680.5元。  相似文献   

2002年4月10日~2002年10月15日在方正县选择浅山区塘坝进行方正银鲫养殖试验研究。结果表明:在低温浅山区塘坝进行方正银鲫为主的养殖是可行的,经:170d的养殖,方正银鲫由放养时的l00g到出池时250g,亩利润为1233.4元,同时,搭配大规格鲢鳙鱼,可取得高产高效的养殖效果。  相似文献   

对雌核发育彭泽鲫(Carassius auratus var.Pengze,Pengze crucian carp,Pcc)中的Pcc-hira进行了克隆,序列分析,并对雌鱼9种组织和11个发育阶段中的表达进行了研究。结果显示,Pcc-hira CDS全长3028 bp,编码1009个氨基酸残基,具有7个典型WD40结构域,Pcc-HIRA与鲫HIRA具有99%的同源性,跟其他鲫属鱼具有较高的亲缘关系。Pcc-hira分别在孵化后36和44 d达到最高值和最低值,且在雌鱼脑中的含量极显著高于其他8种组织。  相似文献   

洞庭青鲫等5个鲫品系线粒体ATPase基因序列的比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用PCR扩增、克隆、测序等技术对洞庭青鲫(Carassius auratus var.Dongtingking)、彭泽鲫(C.auratus var.Pengze)、普通鲫(C.auratus)、红鲫(C.auratus var.red)、日本白鲫(C.auratus cuvieri)等5个鲫品系线粒体DNA ATP...  相似文献   

彭泽鲫的分子遗传分析及其与方正银鲫A系的比较   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
李名友 《水产学报》2002,26(5):472-476
Genetic homogeneity between Pengze crucian carp and strain A of silver crucian carp was studied by using transferrin,isozyme and RAPD markers.The studied individuals of Pengze crucian carp showed transferring patterns were the same of silver crucian carp A strain while distinct from those of other crucian carp populations.As far as isozyme is concerned,the MDH,LDH and EST are all of the same with only slight differences in SOD between them.The RPAD patterns clearly indicated high homogeneity among 16 individuals (6 sampled from individuals of two years old and the others aged one) from crucian carp of Pengze and 5 individuals from strain A of silver crucain carp.Nearly indentical banding patterns were observed among all individuals.Average genetic distance within all the individuals is only 0.011,suggesting crucian carp of Pengze might possess indentical genetic background with strain A of silver crucian carp.  相似文献   

同水体银鲫与普通鲫遗传多样性比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过2003年、2004年连续两年采样,用20对具有稳定扩增的银鲫微卫星引物对样品进行扩增,结果如下:2003年样品三倍体银鲫与二倍体鲫的平均杂合度分别为0.5885、0.6066;2004年样品两者的平均杂合度为0.5946、0.6091。2003年样品三倍体银鲫与二倍体鲫的遗传相似性系数为0.6331,两者的遗传距离为0.3669;2004年样品两者的遗传相似性系数为0.6173,遗传距离为0.3827。两年测定的结果显示三倍体银鲫的杂合度略低于二倍体鲫,两者的遗传距离较近,在所扩增的大部分微卫星位点上基因型相同或相似,其差异为种内差异,三倍体银鲫是鲫的一个特殊种群,在进化上,三倍体银鲫可能是从鲫分化而来的,是其在特殊的环境下的一种适应。  相似文献   

在江苏省南通市水深2m、面积467km~2的池塘中,每667m~2放养伞径5cm的海蜇Rhopilemae sculentum200只、全长1cm左右的斑节对虾Penaeus monodon 4000尾和4 000粒/kg的缢蛏Sinonovacula constrzcta 20万粒。经饲养,海蜇产量为855kg/km~2、斑节对虾67kg/km~2、缢蛏145kg/km~2,总产量为1 067kg/km~2,产值为8 600元,利润为6 057元,显示出较高的生态和社会效益。  相似文献   

红白鲫人工繁殖及鱼苗培育技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用鱼用LRH-A2催产剂,体腔注射法催情红白鲫亲鱼,使其同步产卵,经池塘孵化、鱼苗培育可以获得批量红白鲫鱼苗。  相似文献   

To investigate the response of gibel carp to dietary lysine levels in zero fish meal (FM) diets, 8 experimental diets were designed. Among them, diet 1 and diet 2 with 150 g/kg FM, methionine, lysine and threonine were supplemented in diet 2. Diet 3 was without FM but matched the amino acid profile of diet 2 except for lysine. Diets 4–8 were based on diet 3, with graded levels of lysine. After 8‐week feeding trail, final body weight, weight gain (WG), specific growth rate, feed conversion ratio (FCR) and feed intake were significantly improved by diets 1–2 and 6–8 compared with diet 3. Plasma glucose, triglyceride, immunoglobulin G and aspartate aminotransferase levels in diets 4–8 were higher than those in diet 1. Apparent digestibility coefficients (ADCs) of protein, energy, methionine, lysine, valine, histidine and phenylalanine in diet 1 were significantly lower than those in diet 6. The highest ADC of isoleucine was found in diet 3. TOR, IGF‐1, JAK3, STAT4, STAT6 and PepT2 mRNA levels were significantly increased with increasing dietary lysine up to a certain level in zero FM diet and lower than diets 1–2. Based on WG and FCR, the optimal lysine requirement of juvenile gibel carp was determined to be 24.4 g/kg and 24.2 g/kg (65.9 g/kg and 65.4 g/kg of dietary protein) in zero FM diet, respectively, using quadratic regression analysis.  相似文献   

在水温(25±2)℃下,给体质量150~200g的异育银鲫分别口灌3种剂量(20、30、40mg/kg)的诺氟沙星和恶喹酸,结合这两种药物对嗜水气单胞菌AH10的体外药效学研究和对异育银鲫单次口灌不同剂量的诺氟沙星、恶喹酸的体内药代动力学,研究诺氟沙星、恶喹酸对异育银鲫体内嗜水气单胞菌AH10的抑菌效果。试验结果表明,恶喹酸和诺氟沙星对嗜水气单胞菌AH10的最小抑菌质量浓度分别为1μg/mL和0.5μg/mL。口灌上述3种剂量恶喹酸、诺氟沙星后,异育银鲫血浆中恶喹酸的最大药物质量浓度分别为4.1μg/mL、6.0μg/mL和8.89μg/mL;诺氟沙星的最大药物质量浓度分别为11.5μg/mL、15.1μg/mL和18.9μg/mL;恶喹酸的最大药物质量浓度/最小抑菌质量浓度分别为4.1、6.0和8.89;诺氟沙星的最大药物质量浓度/最小抑菌质量浓度分别为23、30.2和37.8;恶喹酸0~24h内药—时曲线下面积/最小抑菌质量浓度分别为21.6214、33.1449、39.1846;诺氟沙星0~24h内药—时曲线下面积/最小抑菌质量浓度分别为274.75、451.55、578.35。综合0~24h内药—时曲线下面积/最小抑菌质量浓度、最大药物质量浓度/最小抑菌质量浓度这两个指标可知,诺氟沙星对异育银鲫体内的嗜水气单胞菌AH10抑制效果强于恶喹酸。  相似文献   

Koi carp and goldfish value increases with intensity of skin colour, which is an important quality criterion. Fish cannot fully synthesize their own carotenoid colourings and these must therefore be included in their diet. Two trials were undertaken to investigate skin colour enhancement in ornamental species (i.e. three chromatic varieties of koi carp (Cyprinus carpio), namely Kawari (red), Showa (black and red) and Bekko (black and white) and goldfish (Carassius auratus)) by feeding a dietary carotenoid supplement of freshwater microalgal biomass [Chlorella vulgaris, Haematococcus pluvialis, and also the cyanobacterium Arthrospira maxima (Spirulina)], using a diet containing synthetic astaxanthin and a control diet with no colouring added for comparison. In the first trial, five homogeneous duplicate groups of 25 juvenile koi carp (C. carpio) (initial mean body weight 24.6 ± 0.7 g) were fed, for 10 weeks, one of the four diets containing 80 mg colouring/kg diet. In the second trial, this procedure was repeated for five homogeneous duplicate groups of 25 goldfish (C. auratus) (initial mean body weight of 0.9 ± 0.1 g). Initial and final samples of skin along the dorsal fin were withdrawn, from five fish per group, for subsequent analysis of total carotenoid content (spectrophotometric analysis), and red hue (colorimetric analysis, CIE (1976) L* a* b* colour system). Growth and feed efficiency were not significantly different between groups administered by the various dietary treatments. In both trials, dietary carotenoid supplementation increased total skin carotenoid content. The more efficient colouring for koi carps was found to be C. vulgaris biomass, providing both maximum total carotenoid deposition and red hue for the three chromatic koi carp varieties studied, and particularly for the kawari variety. For goldfish the best colouring obtained, as ascertained by total carotenoid content, was also achieved using C. vulgaris biomass, and red hue was maximum when using H. pluvialis biomass.  相似文献   

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