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茶毫氨基酸组成及矿质元素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
成茶白毫的多少及隐显是评定茶叶品质优劣的重要标志之一。为了明确茶毫中的化学组成,以富含茶毫的碧螺春、滇红、白毫银针及白牡丹4个茶样为研究对象,将茶毫与茶身进行分离,利用碳氮元素分析仪对其总碳、总氮及碳氮比进行分析,氨基酸自动分析仪分析其氨基酸组分,电感耦合等离子体发射光谱(ICP-OES)用来测定其主要矿质元素含量。茶毫中的C、N含量分别为2.96%~4.74%和42.87%~45.58%,其中N含量显著低于茶身(P0.01),C含量差异不显著,C/N茶毫显著高于茶身;茶毫中水解氨基酸、游离氨基酸含量分别为10.78%~12.46%和20.78~34.65 mg·g~(-1),其中水解氨基酸主要组分及总量均显著低于茶身(P0.01),游离氨基酸总量低于茶身(P0.05),而茶氨酸、天冬酰胺、甘氨酸、γ-氨基丁酸等游离氨基酸组分差异不显著,茶毫中茶氨酸所占游离氨基酸的比例显著高于茶身(P0.05);茶毫中的矿质元素普遍低于茶身,其中P、S含量极显著低于茶身(P0.01),其他元素差异不显著。由此可见,茶毫中的氨基酸和矿质元素含量并不比茶身高,但品质成分组成比例的差异赋予了富含茶毫茶叶特有的品质特征。  相似文献   

首届“中茶杯”名优茶评比榜上有名   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由中国茶叶学会组织的首届“中茶杯”全国名优茶评比,全国共有16个省(区)的240余只茶样参赛,120只茶叶榜上有名,其中特等奖24名,一等奖37名,二等奖59名.现将部分获奖茶叶作一介绍.特等奖“锡梅”牌无锡毫茶品质特点:条索卷曲,肥壮翠绿,白毫披露,香高味浓,叶底嫩绿明亮.生产单位:无锡市梅园茶厂 法人代表:梁根庆地址:江苏省无锡市梅园横山口 邮编:214064 电话;605876“银湖”牌无锡毫茶品质特点:条索卷曲,白毫披覆,香高味浓,回味甘爽,汤色明亮,叶底肥嫩.生产单位:无锡市跃进茶厂 法人代表:王仁春地址;江苏省无锡市郊(山军)嶂沙木桥 邮编:214084 电话:603012  相似文献   

连州毛尖茶产于罗定市连州镇,系仙境茶叶公司产品连州茶系列中的后起之秀,曾荣获广东省1994年茶叶评比银毫茶类名茶银质奖称号。该茶外形紧直苗秀、绿润多白毫,内质香清味甘美,汤色微黄明亮,叶底芽叶匀整、嫩绿明亮,耐冲泡,冲泡数次,香味余存,深受消费者喜爱,卖价亦好,现将其有关的情况介绍如下:  相似文献   

福宁毫茶是霞浦县茶场以无锡毫茶炒制工艺,研制成功的机制新名茶。该茶条索肥壮卷曲,色灰透翠身披茸毫,香高持久,滋味鲜醇耐泡,汤色绿而明亮,叶底肥嫩明亮。以上市早、成本低,畅销国内茶叶市场,1993年被福建省农业厅评为省优质茶。  相似文献   

凌云白毫茶原产于广西西北部云贵高原东南麓凌云、乐业等县。凌云白毫茶曾名凌乐白毫茶,产品以色翠、毫多、香高、味浓、耐泡等特点受到消费者青睐。凌云白毫茶以青龙山脉玉洪、加尤一带最多,品质最佳;凌云白毫茶原多为野生,  相似文献   

茶饼便于保存和携带,茶叶在压制及湿热工艺中对其品质的影响也是茶叶加工中值得研究的问题。本文探究了压饼和湿热工艺对政和白茶特征成分和抗氧化活性的影响。选取政和白毫银针、白牡丹、贡眉和寿眉茶样,以及寿眉在压饼三个阶段的茶样为研究对象,测定茶样中的水浸出物、茶多酚、儿茶素、可溶性蛋白质、氨基酸、可溶性糖、黄酮类、茶多糖和没食子酸的含量。结果表明,经过压饼尤其是湿热压制工艺后,寿眉的水浸出物、茶多酚、儿茶素、可溶性蛋白质、黄酮类和没食子酸含量均显著增加,而可溶性糖、茶多糖和氨基酸含量显著降低。湿热处理后,四款白茶茶汤内含物质丰富且抗氧化能力均显著增加,有利于贡眉和寿眉的品质提升,如儿茶素含量及酯型儿茶素比例、汤色明亮度和滋味均有明显改善,而对于相对较嫩的白毫银针和白牡丹则无明显变化。  相似文献   

大银毫茶产于著名的红茶之乡广东省英德县,是广东省农业科学院茶叶研究所经过多年探索而研究成功的新名茶。该茶采用大叶良种英红九号的鲜叶为原料,制作上根据大叶种鲜叶的特性,吸取了红、绿、黄茶工艺之精华,工艺独特,品质别具一格。茶叶外形肥壮匀齐,白毫满披,汤色黄绿明亮,茶香持久,滋味浓醇回甘,甚耐冲泡,  相似文献   

茶树品种‘凌云白毫茶’可用于加工红茶、绿茶、黑茶、黄茶、白茶、青茶等六大茶类产品,但其加工的茶产品内含物差异并未被报道。野生‘凌云白毫茶’茶树濒临灭绝,对其加工茶产品进行光谱分析,可为‘凌云白毫茶’品种的推广利用等提供理论依据。本试验采用傅里叶红外光谱对‘凌云白毫茶’加工的红茶、绿茶、黑茶、黄茶、白茶进行检测分析。结果表明,在2200 cm-1 ~ 1680 cm-1及800 cm-1 ~ 500 cm-1波数范围内,不同茶类产品的吸收峰的强度、具体位置以及形状不同。对‘凌云白毫茶’鲜叶及其制成的五种茶类产品的1800 cm-1 ~ 900 cm-1波长范围内的红外光谱图一阶导数进行主成分分析(PCA)和聚类分析,可有效根据关键成分将其区分鉴别。‘凌云白毫茶’加工的绿茶和白茶保留了更多的原来生茶(鲜叶)的品性,而黄茶则改变了更多的原来生茶的品性。鲜叶经加工处理后具有更高的营养价值,特别是红茶和黄茶含有更多的多糖与蛋白质等营养物质。  相似文献   

白毫,白毫,闪耀着雪皑皑的毫光,照亮了各国人民的。心。银针,银针,引着中国人民友谊的长线,通往世界各地。中国是茶叶的古国,茶叶是美好的饮料,茶叶是友谊之花,请您喝上一杯清甜韵美的白是银针。白毫银针@林潄峰  相似文献   

导言茶叶新产品雪芽,因其密披白毫而命名。按其制造工艺属于白茶类。白茶是福建省福鼎县创制的一种茶类,始于1796年前后,将近有二百年的历史。主产地分布闽东、闽北,台湾省亦有生产。传统白茶采用福鼎大白茶、政和大白茶、水仙、菜茶等地方良种,采摘肥壮多毫的芽头制成  相似文献   

Summary Four introductions ofSolanum berthaultii wild species and sevenS. tuberosumxS. berthaultii hybrids were evaluated by antibiosis and antixenosis laboratory tests with potato tuber moth. Some morphological and chemical traits related to the trichomes were analysed. Two clones of the wild speciesS. sparsipilum and five ofS. pinnatisectum, characterised by high tuber resistance, were tested for leaf resistance, both by antibiosis and antixenosis assays. The genotypes with high density of trichomes A and with high exudate PPO activity, showed a moderate negative effect on pupal weight and fecundity in the antibiosis tests. Trichomes B exudate showed a strong repulsive effect on oviposition of adult in the antixenosis tests. TheS. pinnatisectum clones revealed a good leaf resistance level, whereas theS. sparsipilum clones showed lower levels of antibiosis and antixenosis.  相似文献   

The foliar micromorphology of Felicia muricata (Thunb.) Nees (Asteraceae) was observed with the JEOL (JSM-6390LV) Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). Both the abaxial and adaxial surfaces were characterized by anisocytic stomata which were more prevalent on the abaxial surface than the adaxial surface. The leaves have only one type of multicellular non-glandular trichomes that are long and cylindrical, tapering to a sharp point and running parallel to the leaf surface in the direction of the apices. Crystal deposits were also observed on the surfaces of the leaves near the stomata. Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy-SEM shows that Na, Al, Si, and K were the major constituents of the crystal analyzed. Since no glandular trichomes were present on the leaves of this herb, the bioactive components present in this plant may be produced in some other tissues in the leaf other than the trichomes.  相似文献   

Breeding cotton, Gossypium spp., for resistance to leafhoppers of the genus Empoasca and to sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius), poses a dilemma. Glabrous (smooth-leaved) cotton plants have higher leafhopper populations but fewer whiteflies and less leaf and bract trash in mechanically harvested seedcotton than plants with pubescent leaves. In this study, both leafhopper and whitefly populations were observed in 31 cotton entries planted at Bet She'an, Israel, in 1987. Leafhopper populations decreased but the whitefly populations increased as the number of trichomes increased. At the end of June, plants with 40 trichomes per 13.7 mm2 supported relatively low populations of both leafhoppers and whiteflies. However, the whitefly populations increased later in the season to 43 times the earlier population levels. Whitefly populations increased as the number of trichomes increased up to 70 trichomes per 13.7 mm2 and then decreased as the trichomes became more dense. Various control measures and breeding schemes that might interact to provide an answer to the control of these pests are discussed.  相似文献   

Foliar micromorphology of Hippobromus pauciflorus (L.f.) Radlk (Sapindaceae) was investigated by scanning electron microscope examination. The leaves were characterized by anisocytic stomata which were found only on the abaxial surface. The leaves have long unicellular non-glandular trichomes which were distributed over the mid rib and densely populated at the edges of the upper and lower surfaces. Crystal deposits were also observed on the abaxial surface of the leaves. Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy SEM of the crystals showed predominant mineral components of Na, Al, Si, K and Ca ions. These micro (Si, Na and Al) and macro (K and Ca) elements are very essential to plant growth. Their presence in the trichomes could contribute to the mechanical stability of the leaf appendages.  相似文献   

Type A glandular trichomes confer insect resistance to the wild potato,S. berthaultii Hawkes by oxidatively polymerizing their contents upon breakage, resulting in insect entrapment. Polyphenol oxidase (PPO) is responsible for the oxidative polymerization of Type A glandular trichome exudate.S. tuberosum L. trichomes possess low amounts of PPO and lack the ability to either polymerize their contents or entrap insects. Polyclonal antibodies raised against purifiedS. berthaultii glandular trichome PPO were used to develop an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to quantify PPO content ofS. berthaultii, S tuberosum, and hybrid type A glandular trichomes. The PPO ELISA and immunoblots were used to quantify PPO expression as a function of leaf development and genetic background. PPO accumulates to its maximal levels in trichomes prior to completion of leaflet expansion. In advanced breeding generations, trichome PPO is expressed at levels varying from that found inS. tuberosum to that found inS. berthaultii. By serving as an initial screen for trichome PPO, this ELISA may be useful to assist rapid introgression of this insect resistance trait into adaptedS. tuberosum backgrounds.  相似文献   

The aim of the present work was to study salt effect on the yield and composition of shoot essential oil (EO) and the structures responsible for its biosynthesis in Mentha pulegium L. Shoot EO was extracted by hydrodistillation and composition was determined by GC–MS method. Apical and basal leaves were taken for microscopy analyses; small fresh samples were observed directly without fixation or metallisation with environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) and stereomicroscope (SM). Fresh separate epidermis was used for light microscopy (LM). Salt stress enhanced EO yield by about 2.75 times and affected the percentage of menthone, which is the major compound (51%), increasing that of pulegone. Menthone, pulegone, and neomenthol constituting the monoterpene class were found to be the principal components. The anatomical study showed three types of trichomes: (i) non-glandular, multicellular, simple hairs; (ii) small, capitate glandular trichomes; (iii) and peltate glandular trichomes. In control plants, the density and size of trichomes varied with leaf side (abaxial or adaxial) and developmental stage. Salt stress results in significant modifications affecting trichome distribution and size on both sides.  相似文献   

Potato genotypes were evaluated for resistance to natural infestations of the potato leafhopper,Empoasca fabae (Harris), in the field. Characterization of Type A and B glandular trichomes, phenolic properties of Type A trichomes, glycoalkaloid content and composition,E. fabae adult and nymph infestation, leaf damage (hopperburn), yield, and yield reduction were determined on genotypes PI 473331 and PI 473334 (accessions ofSolatium berthaultii (Hawkes)), NY123 and Q174-2 (advanced hybrids), and Elba and Allegany (commercial cultivars). Regarding the Type A trichome, PI 473334 was most pubescent, followed by PI 473331, both had high levels of enzymatic browning; on PI 473334 no glycoalkaloids were detected, while on PI 473331 solamargine and solasonine were present. Those genotypes were the least infested by adults; moreover, nymphs were never found on their leaves. PI 473331 and Q174-2 possess Type B trichomes, the latter had levels of Type A trichome comparable to the first and to NY123, while displaying high levels of phenolic oxidation of Type A and very low levels of glycoalkaloids. Although Q174-2 had intermediate infestation ofE. fabae, it suffered a yield reduction comparable to the control cultivar Allegany. The density of Type A trichomes of NY123 was relatively low, even though the browning assay results were significantly elevated. Foliage of this genotype was found to contain the four types of glycoalkaloids studied at high levels.Empoasca fabae infestation on NY123 was intermediate, and it yielded well on infested plots, but suffered an intermediate yield reduction. Elba presented densities of Type A similar to NY123. It suffered the lowest yield reduction despite its high levels of leafhopper infestation and hopperburn. Its tolerance might be associated with its phenology, since it is a late-maturing cultivar. High scores of the modified enzymatic browning assay were correlated with high infestation and high leaf damage. Results indicated a significant correlation between leafhopper infestation and hopperburn.  相似文献   

茶树叶片毛状体含有多种次生代谢产物,在茶叶外观质量以及茶树响应生物和非生物胁迫方面起着重要作用。通过双荧光分子互补(BiFC)试验、GUS活性染色试验以及过表达试验对茶树叶片毛状体相关候选基因CsbHLH024CsbHLH133的功能进行鉴定。结果表明,CsbHLH024/CsbHLH133和CsTTG1蛋白在植物中能够相互作用,并且它们的启动子能够在叶片组织中驱动下游基因的表达。进一步将它们分别过表达到野生型拟南芥Col和对应的拟南芥纯合突变体中,发现它们能够影响拟南芥叶片毛状体的形成,恢复突变体的表型,并引起毛状体相关基因表达水平的变化。本研究为进一步揭示茶树叶片毛状体形成的分子调控机制提供理论依据。  相似文献   

拟南芥生物钟双突变体lhycca1营养生长时相转变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
傅钰  王苓  龙鸿 《热带作物学报》2019,40(6):1089-1094
高等植物生长发育阶段可分为营养生长和生殖生长2个阶段,其中营养生长阶段中只有通过营养生长时相转变方可进入生殖生长阶段。营养生长时相转变(vegetative phase change,VPC)是植物从幼龄期(juvenile stage)到成熟期(adult phase)的转变,受到基因表达的调控。生物钟(circadian clock)相关基因LHY和CCA1单独作用延迟VPC的发生,这2个基因的共同作用下VPC是否受到影响尚未见报道。本研究以拟南芥(Arabidopsisthaliana)为研究对象,通过形态和茎尖分生组织(shoot apical meristem,SAM)解剖结构观察及调控因子miR156和靶基因SPL3的表达变化,分析LHY和CCA12个基因在VPC过程中的作用。结果表明:双突变体lhycca1生长周期为15d,莲座叶第5片时(第10天)出现远轴面表皮毛,此时叶基角和叶长宽比增大且茎尖分生组织凸起明显,miR156和SPL3的表达水平在植物生长发育阶段呈负相关变化。而野生型生长周期为20 d,莲座叶第6片(第15天)时才出现远轴面表皮毛、叶长宽、叶基角、SAM、miR156和SPL3的变化。这些结果说明在LHY和CCA1的共同作用下,VPC提前发生,LHY和CCA1 2个基因参与VPC的调控。  相似文献   

The influence of trichome density on the drying rate of alfalfa forage   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Trichomes decrease water loss in some plant species, but their influence on water loss from alfalfa ( Medicago sativa L.) forage is unknown. A study was conducted which measured the water loss from field-grown, harvested forage of three erect, glandular-haired alfalfa germplasms, KS161, KS210 and KS224, the eglandular 'Arc' cultivar and the 'Kenland' cultivar of red clover ( Trifolium pratense L.). Harvests were taken once in 1995 and 1997, and four times in 1996. Plant height, phenological stage, upper and lower stem diameters, leaf:stem ratio and apical stem densities of simple, procumbent glandular and erect glandular trichomes were determined. The drying rate constants of the forage were calculated by a combination of parametric and non-parametric modelling techniques. The harvest × germplasm interaction was significant for all parameters measured. The density of erect glandular hairs varied among entries for all harvests, while the drying rate of harvested forage differed among entries for three of the six harvests. Correlations between densities of erect glandular hairs and drying rate constants were generally low and non-significant, except for one harvest. Erect glandular hairs, at the densities measured in this study, generally did not influence drying rates of alfalfa forage. However, density of total trichomes was significantly and negatively correlated with drying rate for all alfalfa entries. The diameter of the stem had the greatest negative impact on drying rate.  相似文献   

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