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羊传染性脓疱也称为"羊口疮",其病原是传染性脓疱病病毒,该病毒不仅能够感染羊只,也能够威胁到其他的动物,甚至能够传染人。羊传染性脓疱病虽然发病率不是很高,但是分布非常广泛,且患病后病死率较高。本文介绍了羊传染性脓疱的病原学、流行特点、临床症状、鉴别诊断要点以及防治措施,希望能帮助广大养殖户正确的认识和预防羊传染性脓疱。  相似文献   

羊传染性脓疱病也称为羊传染性脓疱口炎、羊传染性脓疱皮炎,俗称为羊口疮,是由于感染羊传染性脓疱病毒而发生的一种人畜共患传染病,主要通过接触传播,在全世界任何养羊国家都能够发生。该病主要特征是唇、口腔黏膜以及局部皮肤出现红疹、脓疱、溃疡、结痂,由于通常在口唇附近发生病变,对采食饲草、饲料和吮吸乳汁产生影响,从而导致增重缓慢。如果对该病没有及时采取治疗,会由于机体衰竭或者继发引起肺炎等疾病而导致死亡。  相似文献   

羊传染性脓疱病是由羊传染性脓疱病毒(ORFV)引起的一种多种动物共患的传染病。ORFV是痘病毒科副痘病毒属的代表性成员之一,种属特性鲜明而独特。本文主要对该病的病原学、流行病学、临床特征、致病机理、病毒与宿主的相互作用等方面进行了概述,加深对ORFV生物学特性的理解,目的对ORFV建立有效的防制。  相似文献   

正羊口疮又称羊传染性脓疱性口炎、羊传染性脓疱、羊传染性脓疱皮炎,是由羊口疮病毒引起山羊和绵羊的急性接触性常见传染病,患病羊和污染物是其主要传染源。该病经常发生在春秋季节,以口唇等处皮肤、黏膜形成丘疹、水疱、脓疱、溃疡和疣状结痂为特征,传染快,羊群中一旦有羊感染,可迅速波及整个羊群。羊感染后会造成采食困难,如不  相似文献   

德令哈市蓄集乡红星一社牧户羊感染传染性脓疱病毒的诊断,根据临床症状和病毒DNA的提取及PCR扩增、F1L基因的扩增和克隆,综合判定为由羊传染性脓疱病毒感染引起的疾病。  相似文献   

正羊传染性脓疱,俗称羊口脓疱,又称传染性脓疱皮炎,病原体为羊口疮病毒,病毒为痤疮病毒属,其特点是在患病羊的口腔粘膜和皮肤出现红斑、丘疹、水泡、脓疱和溃疡.幼羊容易患病,多为群发,羔羊感染此病后,采饲困难,衰竭而死,给养殖户造成严重的经济损失。近年来,羊传染性脓疱病在世界各地都有发生,而我国北方和西北地区养羊较多,常见的疾病也呈现上升趋势,成为目前严重危害羊工业的主要疾病之一。1流行特点  相似文献   

羊传染性脓疱俗称羊口疮病毒,是由传染性脓疱病毒引起的一种接触性,临床主要表现为口腔粘膜炎症,病羊和带毒羊是主要传染源.在每年春秋两季是该病的暴发时期,尤其是农区秋收后放牧麦茬农田麦芒引起口腔粘膜破损易导致该病的感染群发.2013年3月16日我站接诊一例疑似羊传染性脓疱,经流行病学调查、临床诊断及实验室诊断确诊为羊传染性脓疱,并采取了相应的治疗措施.  相似文献   

羊传染性脓疱皮炎病毒研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
赵魁  贺文琦  高丰 《中国畜牧兽医》2008,35(11):133-137
羊传染性脓疱皮炎病毒(ORFV)是痘病毒科副痘病毒属的代表种,具有高度的嗜上皮性,主要引起人和动物的接触传染性皮炎。本病传染性强、发病率高,呈世界性流行,给养羊业带来巨大的经济损失,并对人类健康构成威胁,具有一定的公共卫生学意义。ORFV不同毒株抗原性的差异及被感染动物表现出临床症状的不同,给该病的诊断和防治造成了困难。作者对近年来国内外学者在病毒基因组的组成、病毒编码的主要功能蛋白、免疫特性、致病机理及诊断与防治等方面取得的进展作一综述,以期为ORFV的预防与控制提供科学依据。  相似文献   

羊传染性脓疱病又称羊传染性口疮,是由羊传染性脓疱病病毒引起的一种急性接触性传染病,对羊群的致死率极高。同时本病不仅会交叉传染给其他牲畜,也会导致人的感染,是一种人畜共患病。本文分析了羊传染性脓疱病的病原、流行特点、临床症状,并对本病的诊断和防治措施提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

<正>羊传染性脓疱又称羊传染性脓疱性皮炎、羊接触传染性口炎,俗称"羊口疮"是由羊传染性脓疱病毒(简称CEV)感染所致,是一种高度接触性、低死亡率的传染性疾病。该疾病的特征在于口腔和嘴唇的皮肤和黏膜形成丘疹、疱疹、溃疡和结成疣状厚痂。疱疹内容物和痂皮中的病毒可持续传播几个月[1]。所有养羊国家都可能会爆发,各种阶段的羊都会受到影响,呈群发性流行。羊痘病毒属分为绵羊痘和山羊痘,由羊痘病毒(简称cpv)引起所致,以绵羊痘病毒为代表种,绵羊痘病毒又称  相似文献   

The aim of this experiment was to develop a loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay and to research the recent epidemiology of contagious ecthyma in Jilin Province, China, using the assay. A LAMP assay targeting a highly conserved region of the F1L gene was developed to detect contagious ecthyma virus (CEV). Three hundred and sixty-five cases from 64 flocks in 9 different areas of Jilin Province, China, from 2011 to 2014 were tested using the LAMP assay. The results showed that the sensitivity of the LAMP assay was 100 copies of the standard plasmid, which is 100-fold higher than the sensitivity of PCR. No cross-reactivity was observed with capripoxvirus, fowlpox virus, foot-and-mouth disease virus serotype O, foot-and-mouth disease virus serotype Asia I and bluetongue virus. The average positive rate was 19.73% (72/365), and the positive rate was highest in lambs aged 1–6 months. Our results demonstrated that CEV infection was very widespread in the flocks of Jilin Province and that the LAMP assay allows for easy, rapid, accurate and sensitive detection of CEV infection.  相似文献   

Three Vero cell culture-adapted contagious ecthyma virus (CEV) isolates were compared by plaque morphology, ability to induce vesicles in skin and in vivo growth curve characteristics by sampling sequentially experimental skin lesions produced in four sheep and one goat. Two of the isolates (CEV-29A and CEV-378) were from outbreaks of ecthyma in sheep and one (CEV-102) from a human case of orf. When replicating in Vero cells, the viruses exhibited similar growth parameters, but were distinguishable from each other on the basis of plaque morphology. In vivo latent periods for these isolates were 48 h (CEV-29A), 96 h (CEV-102), and 120 h (CEV-378). When isolates CEV-102 and CEV-29A were passaged into another sheep, they produced similar patterns of growth. Isolate CEV-102 produced the highest infectivity titer [1.4 X 10(9) plaque forming units (PFU) g-1], followed by CEV-29A (6.8 X 10(7) PFU g-1) and CEV-378 (2.5 X 10(7) PFU g-1). In addition, these viruses varied in their ability to induce vesicle formation. Virus was no longer detectable at the inoculation sites at 288 h post-infection (PI). We conclude that plaque morphology, ability to induce vesicle formation in the skin and growth curves in the skin can be considered as important criteria to differentiate CEV isolates. A comparison of the growth curves of CEV-378 in the skin of sheep and goats suggested differences in virus-host interaction between the two animal species. Since intravenous injection of 1 X 10(9) PFU of CEV failed to produce lesions in the sham-scarified skin of sheep, virus spread via the hematogenous route from one site to another appears unlikely. No virus-neutralizing antibody or interferons were found in serum samples or in skin homogenates collected between 0 and 24 days PI. Virus-neutralizing antibody was present in the circulation as late as 24 days PI. Lymphocytes collected from CEV-exposed sheep as early as 12 days PI responded specifically to stimulation with CEV antigen. As this was about the time when infectious virus disappeared from the sites, we assume that cell-associated immune mechanisms may play a larger role in virus clearance from skin lesions than virus-neutralizing antibody.  相似文献   

Contagious ecthyma virus (CEV) is a disease caused by a parapoxvirus, also is a potent genetic carrier with the capacity for regulating apoptosis in the cells of infected skin, a mechanism that serves for evading the immune response of the host. It has been suggested that the virus may remain in the skin and be able to cause repeated infections in the same flock. The effect of infection as well as the presence of contagious ecthyma virus was evaluated in terms of lesions and apoptosis in the skin of animals, infected both naturally and experimentally. Samples used were obtained from a naturally infected sheep, 5 goats inoculated with CEV and a negative control. Samples obtained were longitudinally sectioned and processed using photon and electron microscopy, and embedded in paraffin and araldite. Samples embedded in paraffin were sectioned in 5 microm of thickness and dyed with orange eosin-hematoxilin G and Gomori's trichrom stain, apoptosis was demonstrated by the TUNEL assay, the viral antigen was revealed using polyclonal antibodies, and the presence of lymphocytes CD4+ and CD8+, with monoclonal antibodies. The samples processed in resin were cut to obtain semi-fine sections and dyed with toluidine blue-borax, and the ultra-fine sections were impregnated with lead citrate and uranyl acetate. Observations were similar in both, the natural infected animal and the experimental group. Infiltration was observed as well as images suggestive of a process of apoptosis. The TUNEL assay demonstrated that the number of epithelial cells undergoing apoptosis diminished during the process and increased among defense cells, until they almost disappeared at the beginning of healing. Cells undergoing apoptosis were located near the sebaceous glands and pilose follicles. The infiltrated lymphocytes gradually diminished. The viral antigen was observed in cells with morphology suggestive of apoptosis, located in sebaceous glands and pilose follicles. Using electron microscopy, cells with morphology compatible with that of lymphocytes were observed to be undergoing apoptosis, but there was little evidence of viral particles.  相似文献   

参考GenBank中羊传染性脓疱NZ2毒株GIF(GM-CSFinhibitory factor)基因序列,设计合成特异性引物,以羊传染性脓疱病毒内蒙古分离毒株(OV/nm-05)为模板,提取总DNA,用PCR技术特异扩增出该毒株GIF基因片段,将其克隆到pEASY-T1载体,鉴定后测序。应用计算机软件将OV/nm-05基因测序结果与参考毒株OV-NZ2、OV-D1701、OV-IA82、OV-SA00、OV-F07.808R、OV-MUK59/05、OV-F94.848R的GIF基因序列进行比较。结果表明,OV/nm-05与7株参考毒株的同源性分别为95.7%、98.2%、96.7%、95.5%、95.9%、95.5%、95.1%。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify a strain of contagious ecthyma virus from goats that possesses the appropriate characteristics for an effective vaccine for goats. ANIMALS: 25 goat kids used for vaccine development and 100 goat kids used for evaluation of vaccine efficacy. PROCEDURES: 5 strains of contagious ecthyma virus were tested in a vaccination-challenge study to identify the best strain to be the seed strain for a contagious ecthyma vaccine. The vaccine derived from the chosen viral stain was tested at 2 concentrations for efficacy in a vaccination-challenge study. RESULTS: 2 of 5 viral strains induced moderate to severe scabs following infection, and 3 viral strains protected the goats from wild-type virus challenge following vaccination. Viral strain 47CE was selected as the seed source for the production of a contagious ecthyma vaccine because of the larger vaccine-to-challenge scab formation ratio. Vaccine 47CE protected all goat kids (48/48) following challenge with the wild-type contagious ecthyma virus; all goat kids (32/32) in the control group had scab formation following challenge with the wild-type contagious ecthyma virus, which indicated no protection following administration of vaccine diluent. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: A vaccine containing a caprine strain of contagious ecthyma virus used in goats appeared to provide the characteristics needed for an effective vaccine, including good scab production and protection from wild-type infection. This vaccine may potentially provide better protection for goats from contagious ecthyma than currently available vaccines labeled for sheep.  相似文献   

The carp edema virus (CEV) disease were caused by CEV, which may result in high losses in carp culture. In 2014, it had spread into China according to the report of the first CEV case confirmed in Beijing region. To investigate the epidemic status of CEV in farmed carps, select suitable method for CEV survey, and explore its pathogenic mechanism, from May to September in 2016, 13 samples were collected and detected CEV using Nest-PCR methods developed by Japanese researchers, and Nest-PCR methods and Real-time PCR method developed by UK researchers. The results showed that 3 koi samples and 2 common carp samples of CEV positive were found. Real-time PCR and Nest-PCR could be well used to detect CEV in koi samples, but Nest-PCR could not detect CEV well in common carp. In positive samples, there were no clinical signs and death in case 3 and case 10 of farmed fish, and case 3 harboured higher copy numbers of CEV-specific DNA than that of case 7, case 8 and case 13 with signs of disease. Based on the above information, surveillance programs need to carry out urgently to avoid further spread of CEV according to the epidemic status of CEV. And Real-time PCR method was more suitable for CEV survey than Nest-PCR method. In addition, the farmed carps did not always occurred CEV disease in optimum temperature when the farmed fish carried CEV or the CEV mass reproduction in fish body. Therefore, the environmental stress was the crucial factor leading to the occurrence of the CEV disease, avoiding environmental stress was an effective measure to reduce the occurrence of the CEV disease.  相似文献   

鲤浮肿病毒(carp edema virus,CEV)是一种严重危害养殖鲤和锦鲤的病毒。2014年在北京地区确诊的首例鲤浮肿病意味着该病已进入中国。为调查CEV在养殖鲤、锦鲤中的流行现状,同时筛选适宜的CEV普查方法,探索其发病条件,试验于2016年5月至2016年9月共采集13个样品,采用日本学者建立的Nest-PCR法及英国学者研究的Nest-PCR法、Real-time PCR法进行CEV检测。结果发现,13个样品中共检测到5个CEV阳性,3个为锦鲤样品,2个为普通鲤或杂交鲤样品。Real-time PCR法检出所有阳性,日本的Nest-PCR法检出3个锦鲤阳性和1个普通鲤阳性,英国的Nest-PCR法仅检出3个锦鲤阳性。在阳性样品中,3号和10号样品的养殖鱼并未发病死亡,且3号样品鱼体内的病毒拷贝数高于有临床症状并出现死亡的7号、8号和13号样品。说明目前养殖鲤、锦鲤的CEV阳性率较高,亟需加强该病毒的监测、防控。英国学者建立的Real-time PCR法不会漏检,更适合用于中国CEV的监测普查。没有外界环境条件刺激,养殖鱼即使感染CEV或CEV在其体内增殖,也不一定发生鲤浮肿病。结合鲤浮肿病发病温度范围较宽,提示环境条件刺激才是导致该病发生的关键因素,避免环境刺激是降低该病发生的一个有效措施。  相似文献   

【目的】 研究感染鲤浮肿病毒(Carp edema virus,CEV)镜鲤的组织病理特征及CEV在各组织中的分布规律,以期为鲤浮肿病的诊断和防控提供参考。【方法】 利用HE染色观察发病镜鲤心脏、肝脏、皮肤、脾脏、肾脏、脑、鳃组织的病理变化情况;用免疫组织化学法检测CEV在镜鲤各组织的分布和蛋白表达情况;利用CEV P4a基因保守区域设计3条探针,于5'-端标记FAM进行原位杂交,检测CEV在镜鲤各组织的核酸分布情况;实时荧光定量PCR检测感染镜鲤各组织的病毒载量。【结果】 HE染色观察发现,患病镜鲤的鳃丝肿胀、充血,鳃丝间有脱落堆积的红细胞和炎性细胞,肝脏细胞深染萎缩,胆小管出血,脾脏组织出现明显间隙并伴有出血,肾脏组织充血明显,肾小管有明显闭合现象。免疫组织化学结果显示,在患病鱼的鳃和肝脏组织中大量表达CEV P4a蛋白,在其他组织中也有少量表达。原位杂交结果显示,CEV核酸大量存在于鳃组织中,在心脏、脾脏和肾脏中均有少量阳性信号。实时荧光定量PCR结果显示,鳃组织病毒载量极显著高于心脏、肝脏、皮肤、脾脏、肾脏、脑组织(P<0.01)。【结论】 感染CEV后,镜鲤内脏组织出现不同程度充血、出血,病毒主要分布在鳃,说明鳃是CEV增殖的最主要靶器官。  相似文献   

An acute infectious diseases occurred in a koi farm in Fangshan district, Beijing, and it resulted in mortalities of more than 50%.The main symptoms of sick koi were gills necrosis, kidney erosion and edema,which were similar to the clinical signs of koi herpes virus disease (KHVD).But PCR tests showed negative results for KHV. For further diagnosis, bacterial cultures, transmission electron microscopy studies, virus isolation and PCR tests were used. Electron microscopic observation revealed pox virus particles having a size of about 200 nm×400 nm in the kidney. 548 and 180 bp fragments were amplified from organs of sick koi by PCR method using specific primers of carp edema virus (CEV). The fragments were sequenced and analysed. The results showed that they were shared 100% nucleotide identity with CEV-H504. All the results indicated that this disease was carp edema virus disease, caused by a kind of pox virus, CEV. This was the first report on the CEV of cultured koi in China.  相似文献   

北京房山某锦鲤养殖场锦鲤发生大量死亡,患病锦鲤呈烂鳃、肾脏糜烂、身体浮肿;症状类似锦鲤疱疹病毒(koi herpes virus,KHV)感染,但经PCR检测排除了KHV感染。为进一步确定病原,对发病鱼进行了临床症状观察、病毒分离、细菌分离培养、病鱼组织超薄切片电镜观察和PCR扩增等检测。通过病鱼组织超薄切片电镜观察,在肾脏内可见200 nm×400 nm的痘病毒样颗粒。抽提病毒核酸后,用已知的鲤鱼浮肿病毒(carp edema virus,CEV)的保守序列设计2对引物进行PCR扩增,扩增出548和180 bp片段,测序结果和GenBank公布的CEV H504株序列完全一致。根据发病鱼临床症状和实验室检测结果,最终确定该病为CEV引起的鲤鱼浮肿病。这是在中国首次发现的鲤鱼浮肿病。  相似文献   

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