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本文通报了2012年全国家畜血吸虫病疫情状况。在2012年,湖南省、湖北省、江西省、四川省、安徽省、云南省、江苏省等7省共有存栏牛1 033 056头,存栏羊2 024 512只,其他家畜存栏数891 301头(匹、只)。2012年共检查了684 899头牛,其中牛血吸虫病阳性3961头,阳性率0.58%,比2011年的阳性数下降了42.57%;检查了71 473只羊,其中羊血吸虫病阳性406只,阳性率0.57%,比2011年的阳性数下降了4.19%,并对142 976头其他家畜进行了检查,其中血吸虫病阳性为21头,阳性率0.01%。湖南省和江西省的病牛数占到了全国病牛数的80.06%。2012年,全国家畜血吸虫病疫情较之2011年继续下降,但是洞庭湖和鄱阳湖地区依然是今后家畜血吸虫病疫情控制的难点和重点。  相似文献   

2010年全国家畜血吸虫病疫情状况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通报了2010年中国家畜血吸虫病疫情状况。在湖南省、湖北省、江西省、安徽省、江苏省、四川省、云南省7个流行省,共对715 733头牛、39 524只羊以及20 822头(匹)其他家畜用粪便毛蚴孵化法进行了检测,血吸虫阳性率分别为1.11%、1.00%和0.03%。根据各省放牧家畜数和阳性率计算,全国共有14 980头(只、匹)家畜感染血吸虫,其中84.92%为病牛(12 721头)。从病牛的地域分布看,湖南省、湖北省、江西省、安徽省4省病牛数占全国病牛数的95.81%。调查结果显示病牛依然是血吸虫病疫区的主要传染源,湖沼型流行区是当前防控血吸虫病的重点地区。  相似文献   

2011年对8个家畜血吸虫病观测点血吸虫感染、野粪污染情况以及螺情进行了调查.全年共检测了21091头牛、1425只羊以及1760头(匹)其他家畜,血吸虫病感染率分别为0.42%、0.63%和0%.在97头(只)感染家畜中,90.72%(88头)为牛,9.28%(9只)为羊.江西省吴城镇和湖南省南大膳镇的牛血吸虫感染率超过4%.在湖南省和江西省的观测点中发现家畜粪便有血吸虫虫卵污染,其中96.15%阳性野粪为牛粪.所有观测点都有钉螺分布,但阳性钉螺主要分布在湖南省和江西省的观测点.观测结果显示湖南省洞庭湖和江西省鄱阳湖地区是目前防控家畜血吸虫病的重点地区,且病牛依然是血吸虫病疫区(尤其是湖沼型地区)的主要传染源.  相似文献   

2012年,在8个家畜血吸虫病观测点共检测了8170头牛、479只羊以及569头(匹)其他家畜,血吸虫病感染率分别为0.92%、1.88%和0%。在75头病牛中,年龄小于3岁的占72%(54头),低感染度(+、++)的占81.3%(61头)。江西省吴城和湖南省南大膳的牛血吸虫感染率在3%以上。阳性野粪(全部为牛粪)和阳性钉螺均只在湖南省和江西省的观测点中发现。观测结果显示湖南省洞庭湖和江西省鄱阳湖地区牛血吸虫病的防控仍是目前农业血防的难点和重点。  相似文献   

巍山县属山地型血吸虫病流行区,地理环境复杂,水系纵横交错,人、畜血吸虫病感染严重,2004年全县人口301683人,家畜存栏408562头(匹、只),家畜血吸虫病感染率1.56%,人血吸虫病感染率达24.72%,钉螺面积达1331.47万m^2。家畜经过多年反复查治和扩大化疗,血吸虫病感染率虽有下降,但由于传播环节未彻底切断,疫情未能从根本上得到控制。因此,对此类型血吸虫病的防治对策值得重新思考。  相似文献   

大山区家畜日本血吸虫流行病学调查及防制对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1992-1995年,对云南省典型的大山区类型血吸虫病疫区的南涧县乐秋乡,采用调查走访、实地考察、粪便孵化、药物治疗等方法,进行了家畜血吸虫病的流行病学调查及防治的研究。共检查各种家畜19638头(匹、只),检查野外粪便350份,解剖野生动物67只,进行黄牛季节感染动态调查,家畜行为学观察等项调查及病的防治。大山区类型家畜血吸虫病的流行病学特点为:各种家畜都可感染血吸虫病,以2岁以上的役用公黄牛感染率最高,占病牛的60%以上;家畜全年都可感染血吸虫病,以6-10月为高感染季节;家畜特别是黄牛,是野粪的主要散播者,是重要的污染源。连续3a对查出的病畜、阳性率在10%以上的自然村进行吡喹酮药物治疗和重点扩大化疗,采用每年春、秋末两季2次的治疗程序。共治疗阳性病畜960头,受治率达92.35%。社会效益显著,经济效益,投入产出为1:3.39。同时提出了扩大化疗灭源与易感地带灭螺应放在同等重要的地位,不可偏废,缺一不可。同时应加强健康宣传教育,改善疫区农村人、畜饮水卫生的条件,修建厕所,家畜提倡舍饲,提高人们的自我保健意识。  相似文献   

巍山县是全国血吸虫病流行的重疫区之一 ,疫情位居省、州之首。全县所辖 11个乡 (镇 )均有流行 ,流行村 71个 ,占 85 6 % ( 71/ 83)。有易感家畜 32 76 12头 (匹、只 ) ,其中 ,牛85 6 86头 ,马属 14 0 0 8匹 ,猪 15 6 178头 ,羊 111790只。历史有螺面积 5 6 74万m2 。累计病人 6 4万余人 ,病畜 3万多头。受威胁人口 2 0万人。经过 5 0多年几代人的努力防制 ,已达到控制标准 ,疫情得到有效的遏制。随着血防工作的深入吡喹酮的大量使用 ,部分家畜出现了副反应 ,1999年 7月至 9月对吡喹酮的疗效和安全性的依据作此实验。1 材料和方法1 1 在…  相似文献   

云南省巍山县是全国血吸虫病重疫区县(市)之一,疫区乡(镇)占全县84.5% ,血吸虫病易感家畜有32 万7 千余头,累计病人6.4 万余人,病畜2.9 万多头。家畜又以放牧饲养为主,造成病原严重扩散,是我县血吸虫病主要传染源之一,防治家畜血吸虫病是阻断血吸虫病传播的一个重要环节。流行病学调查发现,血吸虫病感染强度与感染率呈正相关,大部分地区人、畜血吸虫病感染率相对一致,但大山区血吸虫病流行的特点是呈点状或块状分布,人、畜活动的区域不同,也有少数地区家畜血吸虫病感染率高于人群。因此,加大家畜血吸虫病的防治力度意义重大。实践多次证明,放轻家畜血吸虫病防治,疫情就会迅速回升或反弹。因此,必须加强家畜的放牧管理,逐步改变饲养习惯等综合措施,力争尽快控制血吸虫病流行。  相似文献   

应用吡喹酮治疗耕牛血吸虫病报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湖北省是全国最严重的血吸虫病疫区之一,病人、病畜(主要是耕牛)居全口之首。自1992年实施世行贷款血防项目,应用吡喹酮大面积治疗耕牛血吸虫病以来,使我省耕牛疫情得到了明显遏制。1994年全省疫区耕牛存栏307443头,检查261542头,检出阳性病牛12554头,感染率为4.8%,利用吡喹酮治  相似文献   

南涧县是云南省大理州家畜血吸虫病流行区之一,并且属于典型的山区型,地理环境复杂,水系纵横交错,人、畜血吸虫病感染严重。2006年全县疫区人口27 000多人,家畜存栏43 953头(匹、只),家畜血吸虫病感染率3.33%,钉螺面积达655 818 m2。家畜经过多年反复查治和扩大化疗,血吸虫病感染率虽有下降,但由于传播环节未彻底切断,疫情未能从根本上得到控制。因此,对山区类型家畜血吸虫病的防治对策值得重新思考。  相似文献   

The objectives of this epidemiological study on cystic echinococcosis (CE) in Morocco (2001-2004) were to update the prevalence of CE in different animal species living in the most important areas of the country and to collect protoscoleces and germinal layers for genetic research purposes. The post mortem inspection concerned 2948 sheep, 2337 goats, 618 cattle, 482 camels and 455 equines (325 horses, 60 mules and 70 donkeys) in five different regions: the Rif (Mediterranean coast and high mountains of the Rif), the Loukkos (Atlantic northwest plain), the center (Rabat and Casablanca regions), the Middle Atlas mountains and the south (arid and semi desert areas). The global CE infection prevalence rates obtained were 22.98% in cattle, 10.58% in sheep, 12.03% in camels, 17.80% in equines and 1.88% in goats. The infection rates were especially high in the Middle Atlas in cattle (48.72%) and in the Loukkos in cattle and sheep (37.61 and 31.65%, respectively). The majority of infected cattle (49.6%) and sheep (52.1%) had hydatid cysts in both liver and lungs. Except for cattle, the liver was more infected than lungs in all the other animal species. Animals more than 5 years old were the most infected in all species. The mean CE infection rates of these animals were about 56% in cattle, 40% in sheep, 20% in camels, 17.80% in equines and 7% in goats. These rates were much higher in the Loukkos (85% of cattle and 59% of sheep) and in the Middle Atlas (68% of cattle and 45% of sheep) than in the other regions. Results showed that Echinococcus granulosus is in an endemic steady state with no evidence of protective immunity in the intermediate hosts. The mean numbers of infections per year are 0.099 for cattle, 0.063 for sheep, 0.03 for camels and 0.010 for goats.  相似文献   

This study was conducted between April 2000 and March 2001, in 12-month period. During the study, local slaughterhouses were visited periodically for 1 year to examine the internal organs (livers, lungs, spleens and hearts) for the presence of cysts and total 1355 cattle, 218 sheep and 104 goats were examined for the cystic echinococcosis (CE). It was found that 13.5% of cattle, 26.6% of sheep and 22.1% of goats were infected with this disease. While cysts in cattle (P < 0.001) and goats (P > 0.05) were found mostly in lungs (88.5 and 82.6%, respectively), but they were mostly found in livers (P > 0.05) in sheep. In addition to this, three spleens and one heart in cattle were infected with CE. In this study, the prevalence of CE and the number of cysts in ruminants were found different when the cattle, sheep and goats examined were stratified based on age. The prevalence and the number of cysts increased with age approaching an asymptotic prevalence of one in the oldest animals (P < 0.05). The number of cysts in cattle, sheep and goats were increasing at a rate of 0.31, 0.63 and 0.42/year, respectively. The economic decrease in the value of the carcasses because of the discarded liver and lung as a result of CE was estimated as 1.1% (7.5 US dollars per cattle) for cattle, 4.37% (3.2 US dollars per sheep) for sheep and 4.26% (2.9 US dollars per goat) for goats. The minimum total loss for all infected animals was determined to be 583 US dollars in infected animals, based on the market prices in the year 2002.  相似文献   

This study was conducted between April 2000 and March 2001, in 12‐month period. During the study, local slaughterhouses were visited periodically for 1 year to examine the internal organs (livers, lungs, spleens and hearts) for the presence of cysts and total 1355 cattle, 218 sheep and 104 goats were examined for the cystic echinococcosis (CE). It was found that 13.5% of cattle, 26.6% of sheep and 22.1% of goats were infected with this disease. While cysts in cattle (P < 0.001) and goats (P > 0.05) were found mostly in lungs (88.5 and 82.6%, respectively), but they were mostly found in livers (P > 0.05) in sheep. In addition to this, three spleens and one heart in cattle were infected with CE. In this study, the prevalence of CE and the number of cysts in ruminants were found different when the cattle, sheep and goats examined were stratified based on age. The prevalence and the number of cysts increased with age approaching an asymptotic prevalence of one in the oldest animals (P < 0.05). The number of cysts in cattle, sheep and goats were increasing at a rate of 0.31, 0.63 and 0.42/year, respectively. The economic decrease in the value of the carcasses because of the discarded liver and lung as a result of CE was estimated as 1.1% ($7.5 per cattle) for cattle, 4.37% ($3.2 per sheep) for sheep and 4.26% ($2.9 per goat) for goats. The minimum total loss for all infected animals was determined to be $583 in infected animals, based on the market prices in the year 2002.  相似文献   

弓形虫几乎可以感染所有的温血动物,是一种十分重要的人兽共患原虫病病原。牛羊弓形虫感染不仅影响其自身的发育和繁殖,对畜牧业发展造成一定的经济损失,更重要的是感染弓形虫的牛羊肉和奶可成为人类健康和生命安全的潜在威胁。牛羊弓形虫感染受多种因素(年龄、品种、养殖场管理及犬、猫和鼠的存在等)的影响,不同地区牛羊弓形虫感染的风险因素不尽相同。基于此,论文对弓形虫感染的检测方法、我国不同地区牛羊弓形虫的感染情况及影响弓形虫感染的因素进行综述,旨在为相应地区牛和羊的饲养管理及保障其奶和肉产品的安全供给提供参考。  相似文献   

胶体染料试纸条法快速诊断家畜血吸虫病的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了适应现场家畜血吸虫病的筛查需要,设计了简便快速的胶体染料试纸条诊断技术用于检测家畜血清中的抗血吸虫抗体,以该方法检测血吸虫病牛、猪血清83份,其结果为阳性检出率100%,健康牛、猪血清73份的检测结果为阴性符合率分别为95.3%和94.0%,与感染肝片形吸虫的牛、羊血清16份的交叉反应率为18.8%.表明本方法敏感性高,特异性较强.  相似文献   

Fasciolosis is caused by digenean trematodes of the genus Fasciola. The principal definitive hosts are cattle, sheep and goats. Humans are infected as accidental hosts. Fasciolosis is one of the major neglected tropical diseases and is considered an emerging zoonotic infection. This study was aimed at determining the prevalence of human and domestic animal fasciolosis in selected counties in Kenya. Stool samples for Fasciola diagnosis were collected from humans and domestic animals and transported to the laboratory at Egerton University and processed using sedimentation technique and examined for the presence of eggs. A total of 272 human samples collected were all negative for Fasciola eggs. A total of 582 domestic animals (cattle [46.0%], sheep [29.9%] and goats [24.1%]) samples collected had overall prevalence of 30.9% for Fasciola infection. There was no significant differences (p > 0.05) between the prevalence of fasciolosis and origin of the animals, sex and season. There was a significant difference (p < 0.05) between the prevalence of fasciolosis and domestic animals, age and body condition. The prevalence of fasciolosis was high in two irrigation schemes which favour the breeding of intermediate host snail and grazing of animals along the irrigation canals where metacercaria of Fasciola parasites could be present on the vegetation. Although human fasciolosis was not detected in this study, the presence of animal fasciolosis can pose public health risk because of its zoonotic nature. Therefore, it is important to introduce measures which would help to reduce the exposure of animals to Fasciola infection.  相似文献   

In Kashmir, 85.1% of cattle, 51.3% of sheep and 14.8% of goats were found infected with Fasciola spp. The prevalence rate varied from 66.6 to 100.0%, 25.0 to 100% and nil to 66.0% in cattle, sheep and goats respectively in different months of the year. Fasciola gigantica was the predominant species in all animal species but sheep harboured both F. gigantica and F. hepatica. The prevalence of F. hepatica infection in sheep happens to be the first report from India. Lymnaea auricularia sensu stricto supported the development of F. gigantica under laboratory conditions. The incubation temperature affected the shedding of the cercariae. Snails maintained at 25-27 degrees C started cercarial shedding as early as day 20 post-infection (PI), whereas those maintained at 10-12 degrees C commenced it from day 64 PI. One out of three experimentally infected guinea pigs aged 1 month revealed adult flukes in the liver at necropsy on day 52 PI.  相似文献   

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