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盐度对九孔鲍摄食_生长及存活的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
陈昌生 《水产学报》2000,24(1):41-45
九孔鲍摄食人工饲料的盐度范围为20 ̄38,其中较适宜的盐度范围为25 ̄35,在此盐度范围内,小规格鲍(平均壳长1.30cm,平均体重0.37g)的壳长日增长为91.5 ̄102.3μm,日增重为8.60 ̄12.55mg;大规格鲍(平均壳长2.7cm,平均体重2.3g)的壳长日增长为56.30 ̄81.80μm,日增重为12.68 ̄22.48mg,其最适生长的盐度为30 ̄35,存活率为97% ̄100%。  相似文献   

根据鲍的生活习性,总结国内外养鲍设施特点,自行研发新型竖排式网箱。通过在港湾海域进行新型竖排式网箱的养鲍试验,对养鲍过程中网箱内饵料分布、附着生物情况进行研究,并与传统挂笼养殖模式对比分析。结果表明:新型网箱养殖过程中采用平潮点倾倒法投喂龙须菜或海带,鲍匍匐基内的饵料占比分别为:龙须菜约30.4%,海带约36.7%,均高于其它投喂方式。经过9个月的养殖,网目为1 cm的竖排网箱中的鲍最终体重为(29.1±6.17)g,存活率为60.5%,传统挂笼中鲍体重为(22.8±7.93)g,存活率为33.5%,新型网箱养殖效果显著优于传统挂笼(P0.05);不同网衣规格的网箱表面附着生物附着量无显著性差异(P0.05),但均显著大于传统挂笼组(P0.05),进入夏季后,网箱中附着生物的生物量和丰富度都有显著增加。与传统挂笼相比,新型竖排式网箱具有水体交换好、操作简单、节省劳力、存活率高等优点。  相似文献   

通过开展30天的皱纹盘鲍(Haliotis discus hannai Ino)幼鲍工厂化养殖实验,进一步分析山东省威海金牌生物科技股份有限公司研发的3种鲍配合饲料A、B、C的养殖效果。结果表明:鲍配合饲料A、B、C在水中均具有较好的稳定性,在很大程度上能够满足工厂化养殖对饵料稳定性要求;饲料A、饲料B与对照组饲料C相比,能够明显的促进幼鲍鲍壳生长,平均壳长日增长分别为145.28μm、138.14μm、130.72μm。  相似文献   

本文报导了鲍从育苗至养成的幼体鲍、稚鲍及成鲍系列配合饲料的三种配方、生产工艺和养殖效果。本配合饲料在海水中稳定性可达48h以上不崩解,产品质量符合企业标准和NY5072—2002《无公害食品渔用配合饲料安全限量》的要求。用该三种配合饲料分别养殖九孔鲍的幼体鲍、稚鲍和成鲍的试验结果表明:用幼体鲍饲料代替部分硅藻比单独使用硅藻可延长幼体鲍的附板天数10d左右,提高出苗率30%~40%和成活率15%~20%;用稚鲍饲料养殖3.5mm的稚鲍66d,平均生长速度为169μm.d-1,显示出良好的生长性状;用成鲍饲料养殖25mm左右的成鲍90d,平均增长速度达到172μm.d-1,平均增重速度达到105mg.d-1,平均饲料系数为2.0,分别比某商品成鲍饲料养殖成鲍的结果152μm.d-1、93mg.d-1和2.1高出20μm.d-1、12mg.d-1及低了0.1。  相似文献   

滩涂围网养殖文蛤不同密度对生长的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了滩涂围网养殖文蛤养殖密度对其生长的影响.试验设135.88 、249.4、 372.38、 493.74、 617.47 g/m2 5个密度组,每组1个平行.试验结果表明, 135.88 g/m2密度组与372.38 g/m2密度组差异显著,与493.74 g/m2和617.47 g/m2密度组差异极显著.135.88 g/m2密度组增长最快, 617.47 g/m2密度组增长较慢.在试验密度范围内,随着养殖密度的增加,平均日增质量速度减慢,密度与日增质量的回归方程式为y=41.97e-0.0015x.根据试验结果以及经济效益和管理等综合因素考虑,投放平均壳长为33.2 mm,93.94粒/kg的文蛤,养殖密度宜控制在249.40~372.38 g/m2(2493.75~3723.75 kg/hm2)较为适宜.  相似文献   

利用杂交结合选育的方法对我国南方主要鲍鱼养殖品种杂色鲍进行了育苗试验.试验共设置2个杂交组合,每个组合分5个试验平行组.结果表明,2个组即TW♀×HN♂和TW ♂×HN♀都取得了良好的育苗效果,其受精率分别为(97.23±1.52)%和(96.30±2.25)%;幼体附着率分别为77.02%和76.69%;幼体存活率分别为66.39%和66.89%;稚鲍壳长日增长分别为136. μm和133.8μm.剥离印d后,2个组合稚鲍的存活率分别达到了64.1%和74.2%,体现出良好的杂种优势和对环境的适应能力.TW#♀×HN ♂组合在受精率、幼体附着率和稚鲍壳长日增长率都高于其反交组合TW♂×HN ♀,而幼体和稚鲍的存活率都低于反交组合,但方差分析表明2个组合正反交的育苗效果在受精率、幼体附着率、幼体存活率和稚鲍壳长日增长率上无显著性差异(P>0.05),但在稚鲍的存活率上存在显著性差异(P<0.05).  相似文献   

本试验采用冷山泉水养殖斑点鳟鲑,在养殖水温7.5℃~11.5℃、放养密度16尾(2.6kg)/m2条件下,投喂全价配合饲料,历经273d养殖,体重从165.3g增至1 890g,增重10.4倍,特定生长率(SGR)0.89%,成活率93%,饲料转化率1.1,单位面积产量27.9kg/m2,单位效益1 382元/m2,投入产出比1∶3.43。初步摸索出东北寒冷地区池塘养殖斑点鳟鲑模式,为今后养殖提供技术参考。  相似文献   

报道了山东南部皱纹盘鲍(HaliotisdiscushannaiIno)工厂化养殖试验研究的结果。自1995年1月19日至1996年5月19日,经16个月的培育,将平均壳长21.4mm,平均体重0.99g的幼的培育成平均壳长61.9mm(最大壳长72.0mm),平均体重28.5g的成鲍,成活率为93.2%。0.3m2的波纹权的养殖密度:鲍壳长为20.0~30.0mm时,养殖密度200~250粒为好;40.0mm以前,养殖密度150粒为宜;60.0mm以前,养殖密度50~80粒为佳。饵料以人工配合饵料为好。在鲍壳长40.0mm以前,在投喂人工配合饵料的同时,加上适量的新鲜海藻可以达到同样的增长和增重的目的。全投喂海藻增长和增重都较慢。  相似文献   

为探究不同粒径养殖底砂对方斑东风螺(Babylonia areolata)稚螺养成效果的影响,在微流水养殖系统中采用3种不同粒径养殖底砂(细砂1 mm、中砂2 mm和粗砂3 mm)进行了养殖对比试验,比较其对稚螺生长、消化、抗氧化的影响以及对底质氨氮、亚硝酸盐氮含量的影响。试验稚螺的初始体质量、壳高、壳宽分别为(0.263 3±0.0033)g、(10.67±0.11)mm、(7.06±0.15)mm,试验周期为30 d。结果显示:试验结束时,细砂组稚螺的体质量、壳高、壳宽分别为(0.560 3±0.026 3)g、(12.72±0.06)mm、(8.50±0.16)mm,存活率为(92.67±0.94)%,均显著高于中砂组和粗砂组(P<0.05);随着养殖时间的推移,中砂组和粗砂组稚螺的存活率逐步降低,试验结束时分别降至(58.22±4.57)%、(48.44±1.13)%;中砂组稚螺最终的体质量、壳高、壳宽分别为(0.452 0±0.024 6)g、(12.13±0.17)mm、(7.91±0.13)mm,粗砂组分别为(0.427 5±0.019 6)g、(12.26±0.0...  相似文献   

马口鱼室内工厂化养殖试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验建立了一种马口鱼室内工厂化养殖模式。经过3个月的养殖,共产出马口鱼1 550尾,成活率达到86.1%,平均全长达到11.22 cm/尾,平均体重18.17 g/尾,尾日增重为147 mg/d,规格接近商品鱼规格,饲料系数为1.41。经测算,每增长1 kg马口鱼所需饲料成本约16.92元,经济效益显著。试验表明马口鱼是适合高密度集约化养殖的淡水品种。  相似文献   

在水温15.8~24.7℃下,将小规格(壳长为1.03±0.02 cm)和中规格(壳长为1.57±0.03 cm)绿盘鲍(GS-02-003-2018)(皱纹盘鲍Haliotis discus hannai Ino♀×绿鲍H.fulgens♂)稚鲍分成A、B、C和D 4个组,饲养在240 mm×170 mm×285 m...  相似文献   

Pacific abalone (Haliotis discus hannai Ino) aquaculture is a thriving industry in China. This study describes a novel submerged cage culture system for abalone rearing in Fujian, South China. The cage consisted of five vertical slots that were oriented perpendicular to the flow of water. The slots were separated by six vertically connected plastic plates for abalone attachment and shelter at the bottom of the cage. Experiment 1 was designed to determine the appropriate stocking density at the start of the abalone sea‐based production cycle. Eight‐month‐old hatchery reared and size‐graded juveniles were transferred to the sea‐based culture system. For different stocking densities, shell length of juveniles obtained in this novel culture system on 2, 3.5 and 5 months, respectively, was compared with shell lengths obtained in a traditionally multi‐tier basket culture system. In Experiment 2, daily growth rates (DGRs) in shell length and biomass in terms of wet weight of 2‐year‐old abalones reared in cage and tiered basket culture systems were compared over a 6‐month period. Results of Experiment 1 showed that growth of abalone in the cage culture system is density‐dependent; the mean final shell length of juveniles obtained was 6.7–15.9% higher than in tiered baskets system even at the same initial stocking density. In Experiment 2, DGRs in shell length of 53.83–78.38 μm day?1 obtained in cage system were significantly higher than that in tiered baskets (< 0.01). And in terms of wet weight biomass, it was 1.48–3.01 times higher in the cage system compared with the traditional system. Abalone survival was more than 87.5% in both culture systems in both experiments. Advantages of the newly established cage culture system included better growth performance of the animals reared and potential improvement of rearing conditions, such as improved water flow velocity and dissolved oxygen.  相似文献   

The abalone Haliotis diversicolor (Reeve) or ‘tokobushi’ is being cultured in Kagoshima, southern Japan for stock enhancement of fishing grounds. However, with decreasing catches from the wild some fishermen's group may eventually resort to rearing tokobushi until of marketable size. Growth experiments of tokobushi fed macroalgae in floating net cage and plastic tanks were conducted to evaluate the influence of culture system, macroalgal food, age and water temperature on their culture. In floating net cage, marketable sizes were obtained at the age of 457–822‐day old (15–27‐month old) with highest growth rate of 2.36% g day?1 and 0.21 mm day?1. One advantage of the plastic tank culture system was that the tokobushi shell remained clean throughout the culture period. Macroalgal food affected the growth rate; Sargassum fusiforme (Setchell)‐ and Ulva pertusa (Kjellman)‐fed tokobushi were better than Meristotheca papulosa (Montagne)‐fed. Further, 1‐year‐old tokobushi had better growth performance and condition index than the 2‐year‐old cohort, and growth rates were higher at 17°C than at 12°C. These findings should help tokobushi farmers design their mariculture scheme considering both economic and environmental aspects.  相似文献   

The study investigated the growth performance of abalone from juvenile to marketable size in a commercial-scale recirculating aquaculture system. The rearing system consisted of 12 raceways (4.0 × 0.8 × 0.6 m) with a protein skimmer and a submerged biofilter for juveniles and 10 raceways (6.6 × 1.3 × 0.6 m) with a protein skimmer and a trickling biofilter for on-growing. Sea mustard (Undaria pinnatifida) and kelp (Laminaria japonica) were fed to the abalone. The total weight of abalone in the recirculating aquaculture system at the juvenile stage increased from 22.0 kg (average shell length 24.5 mm) to 75.5 kg (average shell length 42.5 mm) after 180 days. Feed conversion ratios increased slightly from 13.7 for the first 90 days to 16.3 thereafter. The shell growth rate of juvenile abalone between 24.5 mm and 34.8 mm was 3.4 mm month−1, while for juveniles between 34.8 mm and 42.5 mm it was 2.6 mm month−1. The total weight of abalone in the recirculating aquaculture system for the on-growing stage increased from 100.0 kg (average shell length 44.0 mm) to 433.3 kg (average shell length 72.7 mm) after 570 days. The feed conversion ratios for the first 173 days, the next 320 days, and the last 570 days were 19.6, 22.1, and 24.8, respectively. The growth rate of the average shell length during the on-growing period was 1.5 mm month−1. Total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) concentrations were stabilized below 0.12 mg l−1 in the juvenile recirculating system and 0.14 mg l−1 in the on-growing recirculating system after conditioning of the biofilters.  相似文献   

Growth and feeding of juvenile triploid and diploid blacklip abalone Haliotis rubra (Leach, 1814) were investigated at two temperatures of 17 and 21 °C over a 50‐day period. There were no differences in growth between triploid and diploid abalone as measured by shell length and body weight. Both triploid and diploid abalone increased in length but not in weight at 21 °C. Condition indices were similar for triploid abalone maintained at both temperatures; however, those for diploid abalone were significantly higher at 17 °C than at 21 °C. Food intake was significantly greater yet feed conversion efficiency was significantly lower in triploid than in diploid abalone. Both the feeding variables were independent of temperature. On average, diploid abalone were able to convert 1 g of dry food ingested to 0.58 g of body weight, but triploid abalone only 0.44 g.  相似文献   

该研究目的是建立一套鲍育苗和养殖的生态化模式,包括鲍苗种生态培育模式、鲍陆基生态养成模式和海上鲍藻套养生态养成模式,以克服目前鲍养殖业存在的病害频发、成活率低下等问题,提高鲍养殖的经济效益,降低养殖风险。鲍苗种生态培育模式通过"光照-微藻-微生态制剂-滤食性动物-鲍苗"构建复合生物体系;鲍陆基生态养成模式通过池内建立"复合生物区系",并在池外设立生态塘和生态渠进行养殖废水处理的方式构建;海上生态养成模式通过"鲍藻套养"构建。共培育鲍苗5批次,培育周期210~240d,共产出鲍苗17.764×104个,平均壳长1.5cm以上,育成率0.78%~1.23%。陆基生态化模式养成商品鲍43.774×104个,平均壳长6.53cm,平均体质量34.6g,成活率87.5%,周期18~20个月。海上鲍生态养成150口网箱,养成商品鲍3×108个,平均壳长6.50cm以上,成活率85%以上,养成时间18~20个月。  相似文献   

The effect of animal size on the qualitative protein requirements of two size classes of Haliotis midae L. was assessed by feeding 12 semi‐purified single protein test diets (20% protein, 6% lipid) to juvenile and young adult animals (10–20‐ and 40–50‐mm initial shell length). The protein sources selected for the trial comprised four fishmeals, casein, spirulina, abalone viscera silage, brewery waste, torula yeast, carcass, sunflower and cotton seed meals. The results indicated that in terms of growth and feed efficiency, the fishmeals and spirulina were the most suitable candidates for use as primary protein sources in formulated feeds, and with the exceptions of the carcass meal and brewery waste, the remaining protein sources demonstrated promise as partial primary protein source replacements. Mean growth rates for the large and small abalone over the experimental period were 1.45 and 1.24 mm month?1 respectively. With respect to the larger size class of abalone, the smaller abalone displayed significantly reduced growth (F = 64.7, P < 0.0001), feed conversion ratio (F = 16.6, P < 0.0001) and protein efficiency (F = 26.8, P < 0.0001). Two‐way analysis of variance revealed significant interactions between protein source, animal size and feed conversion ratio (F = 2.4, P < 0.01) and growth (F = 5.4, P < 0.05), thus indicating that qualitative differences exist between the dietary protein requirements of the juvenile and young adult abalone.  相似文献   

We determined how varying stocking density and food ration can influence the growth, mortality and biomass return of abalone raised in slab tanks. The abalone used were 2- year-old hybrids of Haliotis laevigata and Haliotis rubra . The experimental design involved replicate tanks and three levels of each factor (normal practice and ±20% density or food ration). Although increasing density from that typically used in farm practices reduced the growth rate by roughly 6%, biomass return increased by 15.5%, over the 9-month period. Increasing feed ration by 20% boosted biomass by significantly increasing abalone growth during the first 3 months by 4%, but was less effective as the animals grew. Growth, mortality and food conversion ratios were optimized in tanks with a low density and a low feed ration, but economic gains were dominated by the increased biomass return from tanks with a higher stocking density. It is thought that reduced dissolved oxygen and differing access to food contributed to the patterns observed.  相似文献   

One of the bottlenecks in cultivating juvenile green abalone Haliotis fulgens is the lack of well‐adapted natural or formulated food for optimal growth. The goal of this study was to analyse the digestive gland structure of juvenile green abalone fed rehydrated natural feed, Ulva sp. (Chlorophyta), Eisenia arborea, Macrocystis pyrifera, Egregia menziesii (Phaeophyta) and Porphyra perforata (Rhodophyta), using histochemical techniques. Structure of the digestive gland was described, and proteoglycan granules were detected in the digestive cells. The abundance of granules was variable, depending on the feed provided to the abalone, and this was reflected in their growth. Granular content in digestive cells fed Ulva sp. was scarce, leading to low growth rate and high feed conversion ratio (FCR). Digestive cells of juveniles fed E. menziesii led to the best nutritional condition, including many proteoglycans cellular granules, best weight growth rate and a low FCR. Histochemical analysis of the digestive gland, differentiated by a modified Goldner trichrome method that included Alcian blue, was a useful tool for determining the nutritional status of farmed abalone, therefore recommended for assessing adjustments to the natural feed or formulation to meet the nutritional needs of abalone.  相似文献   

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