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1日龄健康雏鸡感染CIAV后8天进行ND疫苗免疫和免疫后29天用vNDV攻击,于免疫后7、14、28天和攻毒后10天取材检测。结果,感染CIAV雏鸡ND免疫后,胸腺和脾脏T细胞增殖反应分别于7天和7~14天比未感染免疫对照鸡明显减弱(P<0.01,P<0.05)法氏囊和脾脏B细胞增殖反应均于7~14天明显减弱(P<0.05,P<0.01)。vNDV攻击后,脾脏和胸腺T细胞增殖反应均比未感染CIAV的免疫对照鸡显著降低(P<0.01.P<0.05)。上述结果表明,CIAV感染ND免疫雏鸡中枢和外周免疫器官的细胞免疫应答和体液免疫应答功能均明显降低,并与其分子免疫调节功能降低密切相关。  相似文献   

对人工感染IBDV雏鸡在接毒后不同时间应用卵黄抗体治疗,并在治疗后的不同时间进行ND免疫。对免疫后各组鸡的HI抗体检测显示:IBDV感染后3天治疗的B、C组鸡群HI抗体总体水平显著高于5天后治疗的D、E组(P<0.01);卵抗注射后10天接种疫苗的C、E组鸡群HI抗体总体水平明显高于3天后接种疫苗的B、D组(P<0.05);除C组的HI抗体总体水平略低于对照组、但差异不显著(P>0.05)外,其余各组均不同程度地明显低于对照组(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

通过雏鸡人工感染鸡蛔虫和异刺线虫的试验证明,鸡蛔虫、异刺线虫单独或混合感染,对雏鸡的成活率及发育均有程度不同的影响。与不感染对照组相比,感染300个/只蛔虫卵的雏鸡成活率低19%(P<0.05),死亡峰期在感染后7~14天,增重低30.1%(P<0.01),影响增重峰期为感染后第1~10和21~40天;感染同量异刺线虫卵雏鸡成活率低10.3%(P>0.05),死亡主因是组织滴虫病,增重低16.6%(P<0.05),影响增重峰期在感染后第11~20天,混合感染减半量的两种虫卵,成活率低14%(P<0.05),增重低32.9%(P<0.01),死亡及发育受阻期与单独感染蛔虫卵组相似,但部分鸡死于组织滴虫病;单独感染减半量蛔虫卵,成活率低17.3%(P<0.05),增重低10.1%(P>0.05),死亡及影响增重峰期基本在感染后第1~10天。  相似文献   

中药制剂产后康复宁的药理研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用LMS-2B二道生理记录仪及配套装置,通过免疫器官重量法和鸡红细胞(CRBC)作免疫原的溶血素(IgM)测定法及体内抑菌试验法,观测了中药制剂产后康复宁对家兔离体、在位子宫和小鼠免疫功能的影响,以及对感染大肠杆菌K88小鼠的保护作用。结果表明,产后康复宁可使兔离体子宫收缩频率显著增加(P<0.01),张力显著增强(P<0.01),振幅显著增高(P<0.01);与麦角相比,仅5min相同时间的子宫收缩频率差异明显(P<0.05),其余相同时间子宫收缩频率、张力、振幅均无明显差异(P>0.05)。使在位子宫收缩频率明显增加(P<0.05),张力明显增强(P<0.05),振幅明显增高(P<0.05);与麦角比较,子宫收缩频率、张力、振幅在5、10min相同时间内差异均不明显(P>0.05)。对免疫功能的影响,不但使小鼠脾脏显著增重(P<0.01),而且溶血素明显增多(P<0.05)。对感染大肠杆菌K88的小鼠有明显的保护作用(P<0.05)。提示产后康复宁有增强子宫收缩,促使宫内恶露排除,加速子宫复旧,增强机体免疫功能等作用。  相似文献   

“健兔灵”对仔兔驱虫增重效果的试验观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将80只60~70日龄的仔兔分成Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ组,分别饲喂“健兔灵”中药添加剂、投服百球清和复方新诺明,并设对照组进行30d的驱虫、增重的比较试验。结果试验Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ组的球虫转阴率分别为10%、60%、0%,球虫卵减少率分别为97.5%、98.5%、53.6%;对照组转阴率和减少率分别为0和-8.5%。经χ2检验,试验Ⅰ、Ⅱ组之间差异不显著(P>0.05),试验Ⅰ、Ⅱ组与试验Ⅲ组之间差异均极显著(P<0.01)。增重效果表明,试验Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ组之间差异均不显著(P>0.05),试验Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ组与对照组之间差异均显著(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

1日龄健康AA雏鸡感染CIAV后8天进行ND疫苗免疫,免疫后29天用vNDV攻击,于免疫后7、14、28和攻毒后10天取材检测.给果,感染CIAV雏鸡经ND免疫后7天,胸腺T细胞白细胞介素2(IL-2)诱生活性比未感染的免疫对照鸡明显降低(P<0.01);脾脏T细胞IL-2诱生活性于7和28天显著降低(P<0.05,P<0.01).感染免疫鸡免疫后14天脾脏淋巴细胞干扰素(IFN)诱生活性明显降低(P<0.01).结果表明感染CIAV鸡对ND疫苗免疫的分子免疫调节作用明显减弱,HI抗体效价于免疫后7~28日明显降低(P<0.05)。ND强毒攻击后,CIAV感染ND免疫雏鸡的免疫保护率为60%%,明显低于免疫对照鸡(100%).  相似文献   

家兔脾虚动物模型免疫功能的变化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
经胃管给家兔投服苦寒中药大黄,复制家兔脾虚动物模型,用四君子汤治疗,研究其免疫功能变化。结果表明:脾虚模型组家兔的体重、外周血淋巴细胞转化率、E-玫瑰花环形成率及血浆cAMP和cCAMP/cGMP较对照组显著下降(P<0.05或0.01);经四君子汤治疗后以上指标均显著升高(P<0.05或0.01)。说明脾虚时机体免疫功能降低,四君子汤治疗对脾虚时的免疫功能有促进作用。  相似文献   

复合免疫增强剂对兔血液免疫指标影响的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
28只加州兔,于注射免疫增强剂前和注射后第1、3、7、10天心脏采血,分别进行白细胞总数、白细胞分类计数和淋巴细胞转化试验。结果表明,注射免疫增强剂后第7天,白细胞总数增加25.39%(P<0.01),至第10天有所下降。淋巴细胞转化率在注射后第10天升高14.32%(P<0.01)。其中,7只兔注射前淋巴细胞和嗜中性白细胞百分率为67.50%和26.8%,注射后第10天达到48.29%和47.86%(正常值分别为36~52%和30~52%)。证明该免疫增强剂不仅具有一定程度的免疫增强作用,而且可能还具有免疫调节作用。  相似文献   

本实验研究了1 日龄 S P F雏鸡人工感染网状皮组织增殖病病毒( R E V)后,机体免疫器官白细胸介素2( I L2)、干扰素( I F N)和肿瘤坏死因子( T N F)诱生活性的动态变化。结果表明, S P F 雏鸡感染 R E V 后:胸腺 T 淋巴细胞 I L2 诱生活性于 14 ~ 49 日 极 显 著 低 于 对 照 组( P< 0.01);脾脏 T 淋巴细胞 I L2 诱生活性于14 日较对照组明显降低( P< 0.05),感染后21~49 日极显著降低( P< 0.01);脾脏淋巴细胞 I F N 的诱生活性于感染后7~49 日极显著降低( P< 0.01);脾脏细胞 T N F诱生活性极显著增高( P< 0.01)。揭示了 R E V 感染 S P F雏鸡机体免疫器官的分子免疫调节机能均明显降低或发生障碍。  相似文献   

“母仔康”能显著降低阳性乳区乳中白细胞和乳汁PH值及乳汁凝集度;其注射液使小白鼠腹腔吞噬百分比、吞噬指数极显著增加(P〈0.01);使兔血液中嗜中性粒细胞,淋巴细胞、单核细胞显著增多(P〈0.05);白细胞总数、T细胞极显著增加(P〈0.01):免疫尿PH值变化不显著(P〉0.05);尿蛋白、尿潜血反应的均为阴性;耐受性试验安全。  相似文献   

本试验选择5头感染环形泰勒焦虫的奶牛和5头健康奶牛,在第0天、第5天、第10天、第15天、第20天分别进行红细胞C3b受体花环率试验、红细胞免疫复合物花环试验、T淋巴细胞EA花环率试验和淋巴细胞转化率的测定。结果表明,感染环形泰勒焦虫的奶牛其红细胞免疫复合物花环、红细胞C3b受体花环率和淋巴细胞转化率明显低于健康奶牛,差异极显著。这说明环形泰勒焦虫对奶牛的免疫水平有明显的抑制作用。且随着检测时间的变化,免疫水平逐渐降低。  相似文献   

在注射兔病毒性出血症 (RHD)疫苗后 ,30只兔随机分为 2组 ,试验组兔饲喂含 1 5 %黄白散的饲料。从接种到第 1 80天 ,每组取兔 8只 ,每隔 1 5d采血 1次 ,检测血凝抑制 (HI)抗体 ;在接种前 1天及接种后 5、 1 0、 1 7、 2 4、 31、 41、 5 1d ,每组取兔 1 0只 ,采血检测ANAE+淋巴细胞百分率 ;在 1 80、 2 4 0、 30 0d时 ,每组分别取兔 5只做攻毒保护试验。结果表明 :2组兔HI抗体峰值分别为 7 3log2和 9 8log2 ,差异极显著 (P <0 0 1 ) ;试验组疫苗保护期可延长 60d ;试验组ANAE+率从第 1 0天至 5 1天与对照组比较 ,差异极显著(P<0 0 1 )。所以黄白散可增强兔接种RHD疫苗后的特异性免疫功能 ,增强RHD疫苗的免疫效果。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of Herba Cox®, a commercial herbal compound containing extracts from Bombax malabaricum, Aegle marmelos, Anethum foeniculum, Resina salvia, Ferula asafoetida and Papaver somniferum, for the treatment of rabbit hepatic coccidiosis. Thirty rabbits were allocated into three groups (10 × 3), the G1 group served as a negative control group, G2 group (positive control group) was infected with 5 × 104 sporulated E. stiedaeoocysts and served as infected-untreated group, and G3 group was infected with 5 × 104 sporulated E. stiedaeoocysts and treated with Herba Cox®, 1 ml/liter of drinking water, starting 7 days before infection and continuing for 4 weeks post-infection. When compared to the infected group (G2), body weight and weight gain were significantly (P ≤ 0.05) increased, the feed conversion rate was improved and no mortality was detected in infected treated group (G3) and similar to negative control group (G1). In addition, faecal oocyst output and liver enzymes were significantly decreased. Malondialdehyde, nitric oxide, and glutathione concentrations observed in G3 were similar to those in G1. In infected-untreated rabbits (G2), the haemoglobin, lymphocytes, and CD4+/ CD8+ ratio were significantly decreased, while the total leukocyte count, percentage of heterophils, and heterophil/lymphocyte ratio were increased. Significantly more severe histopathological hepatic lesions were observed in G2 when compared to G1 and G3. In conclusion, the obtained results showed that Herba Cox® should be considered a safe and novel effective compound for the treatment of E. stiedae infection in rabbits.  相似文献   

The response to Fasciola hepatica was studied in sheep infected with 5, 30, 150 metacercariae. The animals were necropsied 12 weeks post-infection (p-i) for counting and measuring flukes. Cellular and humoral responses were detected by peripheral eosinophil count, peripheral blood lymphocyte proliferation with excretory-secretory products (FhESP) and ELISA. All sheep were infected at necropsy except one sheep which was infected with 5 metacercariae. Mean parasitic intensities were 40%, 44% and 27% of the infection dose in sheep infected with 5, 30, 150 metacercariae respectively. FhESP-specific lymphocyte responses of the 3 infected groups were significantly enhanced in weeks 3 and 4 p-i (p < 0.05). The kinetics of the specific humoral response were similar for the 3 infected groups but the antibody level was significantly lower in animals infected with 5 metacercariae than in the 2 other infected groups from week 5 p-i to week 12 p-i (p < 0.05). Peripheral eosinophil count was significantly enhanced (p < 0.05) in infected groups. The numbers of peripheral eosinophils were significantly different between the 3 infected groups in week 3, 4 and 6 p-i and were related to infection level. These results confirm that sheep are highly susceptible to F. hepatica infection, even when infection pressure is very low. Peripheral eosinophilia was dependent of the infection level. The immune response was similar in sheep infected with various numbers of flukes.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine the effect of a Polish low-virulence isolate of haemorrhagic enteritis adenovirus (HEV) on the immune system in turkeys and on the course of colibacillosis in birds infected under laboratory conditions. Turkeys were infected per os with HEV at the dose of 10(4.3)EID50/mL and with E. coli (APEC) (serotypes 078:K80:H9) at the dose of 4x10(9)CFU/mL by injection to the thoracic air sac. The birds infected with the HEV were infected with the APEC either simultaneously or after 5 days. Five days after HEV infection, the percentages of subpopulations of the CD3+CD4+ and CD3+CD8alpha+ T cells and the IgM+ B cells were determined in blood and spleens of the HEV-infected turkeys and in the control (uninfected) birds. The course of colibacillosis was more severe in turkeys infected with the APEC 5 days after infection with the HEV than in those infected with the HEV and APEC simultaneously and than in those infected only with APEC. Five turkeys out of the 18 infected with the APEC 5 days after infection with HEV, died. Their body weights were statistically significantly lower with higher FCR values 41 days after the infection in comparison to turkeys in the other groups. A considerable decrease in the percentage of the T and B cells subpopulations in the blood were found in turkeys infected with the HEV and while the percentage of CD3+CD4+ T cells subpopulation in the spleen increased significantly, the contribution of the CD3+CD8alpha+ T cells and IgM+ B cells subpopulations were decreased. These changes in the immune system of turkeys, occurring 5 days after infection with the HEV, made them more susceptible to infection with the APEC.  相似文献   

本文介绍球必清治疗家兔球虫病的方法和效果,并与球痢灵和华宝沙美耳进行疗效对比。球必清以0.25%剂量拌入干粉饲料中,给自然感染艾美耳球虫病兔连喂17天,结果表明相对增重率显著优于球痢灵组(P<0.01),显著抑制卵囊增殖(P<0.01),药物防治保护率达100%。球必清能有效地控制家兔球虫病的发生,值得推广使用。  相似文献   

呼和浩特市某养兔场球虫感染情况调查与种类鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用饱和食盐水漂浮法对呼和浩特市某养兔场1月龄~3月龄共500只兔球虫感染情况进行了调查和种类鉴定,结果表明,该场2006年3月~5月共发生兔球虫病196只,死亡180只,其发病率为39.2%,病死率为91.8%.发病率和病死率在1月龄兔分别为5%和10%,2月龄兔分别为90.0%和98.8%,3月龄兔分别为6%和16.7%;其中2月龄幼兔发病和病死率最高.本次鉴定感染球虫总类共11种,其中以兔松林艾美耳球虫(Eimeria.matsubayashii)、小型艾美耳球虫(E.exigua)、中型艾美耳球虫(E.media)和穿孔艾美耳球虫(E.per foans)为优势种,分别占总感染率的24.5%、15%、14.5%和11.5%.  相似文献   

免疫调节剂对球虫感染鸡的免疫学指标的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为探讨免疫调节剂对鸡球虫病的免疫反应调节作用 ,设计并进行了免疫调节剂对球虫感染鸡的免疫学指标影响的研究。测定指标包括 :淋巴细胞玫瑰花环细胞形成率 ,淋巴细胞转化率 ,红细胞免疫复合物花环形成率 ,红细胞 C3b受体花环形成率 ,脾脏重 /体重相对重 ;血清中 Ig G,Ig M,Ig A的 EL ISA P/ N值。结果各项免疫学指标的差异显著。表明胸腺素、黄芪多糖和卡介苗等免疫调节剂可提高球虫感染鸡的淋巴细胞玫瑰花形成率、淋巴细胞转化率。  相似文献   

Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) are the most frequently isolated bacteria from bovine mammary gland milk samples. The objective of this study was to determine the type of inflammation evoked by CNS in the mammary gland of cows during their first lactation. Twenty-four Israeli-Holstein heifers in their first lactation were tested for bacteriological status, somatic cell count (SCC) and differential leucocyte count in milk 60-120 days postparturition and every 50-60 days after until drying off. Following the first testing, the 96 quarters of the 24 heifers were classified as follows: 69.8% as no bacterial growth (NBG), 27.1% infected with CNS and 3.1% infected with Staphylococcus aureus. During lactation, 84.5% quarters had no change in their classification, 6.2% were newly infected with other pathogens, 3.1% were classified as self-cured and in 6.2% sporadic bacteria were isolated. Among the CNS, S. intermedius, S. chromogenes and S. haemolyticus were the most frequently isolated. Milk from CNS-infected quarters had significantly higher SCC than milk from NBG quarters. An analysis of the leucocyte pattern in milk from CNS vs. NBG quarters revealed a significant increase in polymorphonuclears and a significant decrease in the percentage of total lymphocytes and lymphocytes bearing CD4+ or CD8+. The high percentage of CNS-infected quarters that remained unchanged in their bacterial status during the first lactation, indicates that those CNS have the ability to elude the immune system and persist in the mammary gland for a long time. The persisting infection, resulting to some extent from an increase of SCC by some CNS strains, suggests that in the near future control steps will have to be taken into consideration, in order to enhance the improvement of milk quality.  相似文献   

Development of cell-mediated immunity (CMI) and comparative effectiveness of different stage-specific coccidia antigens in T cell activation during avian coccidiosis were evaluated in two inbred strains of chickens using a specific in vitro T cell proliferation assay. Lymphocytes from chickens infected with different Eimeria spp. showed proliferative response to sporozoites, merozoites or Eimeria soluble antigen (Esa) excreted by cultured parasites. Detectable CMI response was observed at 21 day P.I. in chickens infected with E. tenella and E. maxima. Generally lower T cell response was observed in chickens infected with E. acervulina. Merozoites were highly immunogenic compared to sporozoites. Esa prepared from cultured parasites was as effective as whole parasites in evoking a T cell response. Although strain variation in T cell response to parasites or Esa was observed during a primary infection, substantially enhanced T cell response was observed 3 days after a secondary infection in both strains of chickens. The results of the present investigation suggest that Esa may be a major parasite antigen released to the immune system during early stages of infection and relevant to the development of protective immunity.  相似文献   

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