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一流行病学该症并无特定病原,发生时无明显季节性、无性别差异,无传染性。一般见于禽类和鸟类,常见于肉雏禽,笔者临诊主要见于肉鸡和肉鸽。二病因主要是由禽类和鸟类具有气囊的生理解剖特点决定的。若饲养管理不当(如提拿粗暴、饲养密过大等),造成气囊破裂、或胸部骨折,从而使气体溢于或单人皮下,引起皮下气肿。三,临诊症状常见颈部臌胀.欲称肿脖子或气嗉,也见于胸腹部和两羽内侧部膨胀,轻者只局限某一部位,重者可以逐步向周围扩散,外观皮肤发红发亮,羽毛逆立.叩诊时呈鼓音。若不及时治疗,随着气肿增大,病禽食欲下降,精…  相似文献   

鹅皮下气肿又称气囊破裂,多发于1~2周龄以内的鹅。如捉捕时用力粗暴、过猛,或饲养密度过大,拥挤等因素可导致气囊破裂,也可因尖锐异物刺破气囊或肱骨、胸骨等有气腔的骨骼发生骨折,使气体转移,积聚于皮下,产生病理状态的皮下气肿,或呼吸道的先天性缺陷亦可使气体溢于皮下等情况均可致此病。1临床症状患鹅颈部皮下充满气体,俗称肿脖子,有时可见胸腹部和两翅内侧膨胀,轻者只局限于颈的基部,重者可发生于全身皮下,使胸腹围增大,皮肤发红发亮,羽毛逆立,触诊皮肤紧张,叩诊时有鼓音。患病初期,患鹅有食欲,能游泳,但不能潜水,若不及时治疗,2防治措…  相似文献   

禽类的皮下气肿发生率较低,目前仅有鹅和肉禽发生此病的报道,蛋种鸡则未见报道。单纯性的禽类皮下气肿主要是由禽类具有气囊的生理解剖特点决定的。如果饲养管理不当(如捉拿粗暴、饲养密度过大等),容易造成禽类的气囊破裂或胸部骨折,从而使气体串人皮下,引起皮下气肿。现将安徽省泾县某种鸡场饲养的蛋种鸡发生皮下气肿的情况报道如下。  相似文献   

鹌鹑球虫病是危害幼鹑的一种急性传染性原虫病,患病鹌鹑呆立、下痢.本病以2~10周龄的鹌鹑最易感,若治疗不及时,病鹑的死亡率将增加.皮下气肿一般因鹌鹑剧烈活动使气囊破裂,气囊内的气体逸出至皮下所致,一般皮下气肿的致死率极低. 1发病情况 某鹌鹑养殖场饲养的16日龄的鹌鹑突然发病,病鹑食欲减退或废绝,个别鹌鹑头部或身体前部的皮下有气体,病鹑所排粪便呈黄褐色或灰黄色,重症病例很快昏迷、死亡.用药物治疗7d后病鹑死亡率下降,其精神状态、食欲、饮欲等有所恢复,但仍有皮下气肿病例出现,并有个别病例死亡.减小饲养密度后皮下气肿病例未再出现,也未出现死亡.  相似文献   

<正>鸟类的嗉囊破裂在整个嗉囊的疾病中占有相当的比例。造成鸟类嗉囊破裂的原因有很多种,如在飞行时的意外碰撞或跌落,遭遇到自然环境中的猎食者、猛禽类攻击,甚至是猫狗的攻击抓咬,人工饲养的雏鸟还可因饲喂不当造成嗉囊破裂。笔者在临床中遇见一起鹦鹉嗉囊破裂的病例,现将诊治过程报道如下,并重点讨论了鸟类嗉囊的结构特点、破裂原因和手术治疗的注意事项。1病史非洲灰鹦鹉,3月龄,体重500 g,平日用温水泡  相似文献   

牛当呈现极度的呼吸困难而其时间稍有延长时,常由于肺泡破裂后气体窜入肺间质组织中,发生肺间质性气肿.为什么肺间质性气肿常见于牛,据称这是与牛的肺组织结构有很大关系.因为牛的肺脏其间质组织比较丰富,一旦肺泡高度气肿和膨胀,并在破裂后肺泡中的气体直接窜入丰富的间质组织,间质乃充气并扩张,伴随气肿的发展,间质形成气腔及肺表面形成气囊.最后,气体再沿纵隔逸出胸腔进入颈部、背部和腰部皮下组织,导致广泛的皮下气肿.然而在马,由于肺间质组织很薄,当肺泡高度气肿并发生破裂时,气体的窜通是在破裂的肺泡与肺泡之间,而非间接由肺间质充气以后互相沟通,间质只有被毁坏及萎缩而无充气及增宽,因此肺泡气肿的结果与牛完全不同.  相似文献   

皮下气肿是由于呼吸系统(主要是气囊)发生损伤,使空气进入疏松组织间隙,蓄积于皮下而形成。鹅皮下气肿症发生的原因很多,主要有以下几个方面:①在疫(菌)苗接种、给药时,由于捕捉用力过大或手术不当以致体壁擦伤导致气囊破裂;②鹅只啄斗造成体表损伤和气囊破裂;③鹅只某些骨骼发生骨折,空气逸出并蓄积于皮下;④某些气管寄生虫(如气管吸虫、比翼线虫等)寄生于气管、支气管或气囊内,导致气囊破损以致空气窜入皮下(这种情况较为少见);⑤多种疾病可导致气囊炎,此时由于囊壁很薄,受损后难以愈合,因而吸入的空气外逸,常积聚…  相似文献   

肉鸽皮下气肿多发于乳鸽头颈部,气肿处皮肤极度扩张,敲击时有明显鼓音。患鸽采食及饮水障碍,精神焦躁不安,颈部运动不灵,甚至因呼吸困难而死亡。单纯手术穿刺放气后易复发,但是结合使用阿莫西林并皮下埋植乳胶管可以达到根治。术后第6天撤去乳胶管,第8天切口愈合并拆线,第14天术部皮肤和被毛修复完整。肉鸽皮下气肿的原因较为复杂,但常因肉鸽受惊后气囊破裂而使气体扩散到皮下,或因微生物感染皮下组织所致。因此,减少肉鸽应激,控制感染,均有利于防止肉鸽皮下气肿。  相似文献   

<正>皮下气肿也被称为组织气肿,是指因在外伤或感染的作用下,气体在皮下组织积聚,使充气组织(如气管、食道、胸腔等)与皮下组织之间形成了病理性连接而产生的病理变化。通常情况下,出现气肿的部位常见于头面部、颈部、胸部等。本文介绍了一例犬的皮下气肿合并药物性肝损伤。皮下气肿也被称为组织气肿,是指因在外伤或感染的作用下,气体在皮下组织积聚,使充气组织(如气管、食道、  相似文献   

丹顶鹤 (Grus japonensis) 又名仙鹤,是世界上珍贵而稀有的鸟类。由于其数量逐年减少,现已列为我国一类保护动物。如何尽快地增加丹顶鹤的种群数量,是鸟类研究工作者的重要课题,其中掌握雏鸟生长发育规律,提高雏鸟的成活率是其重要一环。因此,笔者自1980年以来,对15只丹顶鹤雏  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To characterize clinical features of tracheal rupture associated with endotracheal intubation in cats and to evaluate the most appropriate treatment for this condition. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 20 cats with a history of endotracheal intubation that subsequently developed dyspnea or subcutaneous emphysema. PROCEDURE: Medical records of cats with a presumptive diagnosis of tracheal rupture associated with intubation were reviewed. Clinical and clinicopathologic data were retrieved. RESULTS: Cats were evaluated 5 hours to 12 days after a surgical or medical procedure requiring general anesthesia with intubation had been performed. Fourteen (70%) cats were evaluated after dental prophylaxis. All cats radiographed had pneumomediastinum and subcutaneous emphysema. Eighteen of 19 cats were initially treated medically. Duration of medical treatment for cats that did not have surgery ranged from 12 to 72 hours. Cats that had surgery received medical treatment 3 to 24 hours prior to the surgical procedure. Medical treatment alone was administered to 15 cats that had moderate dyspnea, whereas surgical treatment was chosen for 4 cats that had severe dyspnea (open-mouth breathing despite treatment with oxygen) or worsening subcutaneous emphysema. Eighteen cats had improvement of clinical signs, 1 cat died after surgery, and 1 cat died before medical or surgical intervention. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Most cats with tracheal rupture associated with intubation can be treated medically. Cats with worsening clinical signs (severe dyspnea, suspected pneumothorax, or worsening subcutaneous emphysema) should have surgery performed immediately to correct the defect.  相似文献   

We investigated the proteome of a female Crested Ibis (Nipponia nippon, ID#162) that died on March 10, 2010 at the Sado Japanese Crested Ibis Conservation Center. Protein preparations from the brain, trachea, liver, heart, lung, proventriculus, muscular stomach, small intestine, duodenum, ovary and neck muscle were subjected to in‐solution shotgun mass spectrometry (MS)/MS analyses using an LTQ Orbitrap XL mass spectrometer. A search of the National Center for Biotechnology Information Gallus gallus databases revealed 4253 GI (GenInfo Identifier) numbers with the sum of the same 11 tissues examined in the Crested Ibis. To interpret the obtained proteomics data, it was verified in detail with the data obtained from the brain of the Crested Ibis. It has been reported that drebrin A is specifically expressed in adult chicken brain. In the shotgun proteomic analyses of the Crested Ibis, we identified drebrin A as a brain‐specific protein. Furthermore, Western blotting analysis of the protein preparations from 10 tissues of the Crested Ibis and 150‐day‐old hens using anti‐drebrin antibodies showed intensive expression of approximately 110 kDa polypeptides of drebrin in both brains. We believe firmly that the present data will contribute to initial and fundamental steps toward understanding the Crested Ibis proteome.  相似文献   

采用即时取样和扫描法对河南董寨国家级自然保护区3个朱鹮笼舍的3对朱鹮行为进行了45 d,计585 h的观察。结果显示:(1)朱鹮非繁殖期昼间各行为休息(40.12%)占比例最大,其次是理羽(17.45%)、刨啄(14.03%)、运动(12.32%)、取食(11.30%)、剧烈运动(3.99%)、水浴(0.54%)、其他(0.26%)。(2)朱鹮活动呈一定的节律性,休息的2个显著高峰分别在6:00和18:00,另外2个小高峰分别在10:00和14:00;运动小高峰在12:00;取食2个显著高峰分别在9:00和15:00;理羽有4个小高峰,分别在7:00、10:00、14:00和17:00;水浴的2个高峰分别在13:00和14:00;刨啄的2个高峰分别在12:00和16:00。(3)两性昼间行为峰值也存在着一些差异,雌鸟和雄鸟相比之下,运动早,中午休息少,洗浴早,创啄多,取食强度较小。  相似文献   

通过对移地朱鹗越冬期实施耐受性锻炼和保温救护相结合的措施,使其更好在秦岭北麓生存和繁衍。  相似文献   

Ingestion of man-made items by birds can reduce stomach volume and block the digestive track. In southern Africa, microtrash within the regurgitation of Cape Vulture nestlings was last documented in 1983. We present evidence of nestling microtrash ingestion after a 30-year gap. Vulture nestlings were captured at a breeding colony in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. One nestling regurgitated three microtrash fragments. Two pieces of microtrash were collected from the nest of another nestling. Neither nestling appeared to have skeletal deformities or feather stress bars. Our results highlight the persistence of microtrash ingestion by Cape Vulture nestlings, which could impact the species negatively.  相似文献   

朱鹮引种繁殖试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了建立不同地区朱种群和加快繁殖 ,2 0 0 2年从洋县引种朱 6 0只到秦岭北麓 ,用人工孵化育雏和亲鸟自然孵化育雏相结合的方法 ,并加强幼鸟管理 ,对其中 14对繁殖朱进行了 2年观察研究。结果显示当年产卵 45枚 ,受精卵 35枚 ,受精率 77.78%,出雏 32只 ,成活2 6只 ,成活率 81.2 5%(2 6 / 32 )。 2 0 0 3年产卵 46枚 ,受精卵 40枚 ,受精率 86 .95%,出雏 35只 ,成活 34只 ,成活率 97.1%(34 / 35)。其中 ,2 0 0 2 ,2 0 0 3年亲鸟自然孵化 ,受精率分别为88.89%和 10 0 %,成活率均为 10 0 %,亲鸟自然孵化育雏优于人工孵化育雏  相似文献   

An eleven-year-old Chinese Crested Powder Puff dog presented with polydipsia/polyuria, inappetence, diarrhea and vomiting underwent an ultrasound-guided percutaneous liver biopsy. Two days post-biopsy the clinical condition of the dog acutely deteriorated with fever, dyspnea, ataxia and subcutaneous emphysema. Radiographs and ultrasound showed focal severe hepatic emphysema in the region of the previous liver biopsy. Post-mortem examination revealed chronic hepatitis with dissecting fibrosis, acute hepatitis with hemorrhage and in the hindlimb musculature extensive hemorrhage and necrosis. Pure cultures of the gas producing bacteria Clostridium perfringens were isolated in samples from the hind limb musculature. We propose that the hepatic emphysema in the region of the biopsy site was a result of a clostridial infection.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to describe the air sacs of the rock partridge. The sacs of 15 adult birds were cast by injection of latex via the trachea and then corroded with 30% KOH at 40 degrees C. The morphology of the sacs was in general similar to that of other avian species described in the literature. There were, however, significant characteristics such as an additional subcutaneous diverticulum of the cranial thoracic sac and a caudally pointing diverticulum of the cervical sac located between the lungs.  相似文献   

The Japanese Crested Ibis Nipponia nippon is a critically threatened bird. The post‐hatch eggs of the current captive population of this species on Sado Island have been stored at room temperature for the long‐term. In this study, we investigated the suitability of the vascularized chorioallantois membrane from the eggs as a non‐invasive DNA source. Using microsatellite loci developed for the Japanese Crested Ibis, we performed three experiments for comparison of genotypes obtained among DNA. First, DNA from five different sites of the identical membrane showed the same genotypes at either of two loci examined. Second, DNA from the membrane of each full‐sibling birds and blood of their parents showed the genotypes that were consistent with Mendelian parent–offspring relationships at any of eight loci examined. Third, DNA from the membrane and blood of the same bird showed the matched genotypes at any of eight loci examined. These results indicate that the vascularized chorioallantois membrane from post‐hatch eggs stored at room temperature for the long‐ term can be used as a reliable DNA source of offspring that had hatched from the egg. This study will promote a molecular genetics study on genetic diversity of the current captive Japanese Crested Ibis population on Sado Island.  相似文献   

A 5-year-old Thoroughbred gelding was examined because of a small axillary wound sustained 5 days earlier and had resulted in extensive subcutaneous emphysema. Three days after admission, the horse's respiratory rate had increased to 72 breaths/min, and the horse appeared anxious and distressed. Thoracic radiography revealed pneumomediastinum and severe bilateral pneumothorax. Tube thoracostomy was performed on both hemithoraxes. The drains were connected to one-way suction valves and suction devices to decompress the thorax. A nasopharyngeal catheter was inserted, and oxygen insufflation was started. Cross ties were placed on the horse to limit movement, and the wound was packed. The horse improved within 30 minutes after initiating treatment. The horse was released 15 days after the development of pneumothorax, at which time the pneumothorax had resolved, the wound was no longer open, and the subcutaneous emphysema had greatly decreased. Although subcutaneous emphysema is usually regarded as a temporary cosmetic disfigurement, it can lead to serious complications such as pneumothorax. This case demonstrates that subcutaneous emphysema can lead to a life-threatening pneumothorax if the pressure is great enough to migrate through the mediastinum and into the pleural cavity. Horses with subcutaneous emphysema should be kept in confinement and monitored for the development of pneumothorax.  相似文献   

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