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There can be no immediate solution to the medical problems of the developing countries. Priorities are demanded, and it must be acknowledged that in allocation of medical priorities certain compromises are required. It can be hoped that the least detrimental compromises will be selected. Careful planning of health services and also of training programs for various medical personnel must not rely on what exists in developed countries, because those facilities and programs may be completely inappropriate to other situation. At the same time as inroads are made into the preventable conditions which now claim thousands of young lives, programs of birth control and improvement of agricultural methods must be emphasized. The reduced morbidity and mortality which results from immunization against childhood infectious diseases, smallpox, and tuberculosis must be borne in mind in overall planning for schools and general health services. Inexpensive and practical programs that could be managed by medical personnel who are not highly trained should be considered. As the benefits of technical development gradually reach the urbanizing population living under poor social and hygienic conditions, changes in the disease picture must be anticipated. Those involved with planning and training must understand various cultural influences so that the transition period can be made as painless as possible. Certain seemingly attractive Western procedures should be guarded against if they are not practical. For instance, a common tendency is to build large modern hospitals throughout the land with disregard for the fact that these hospitals cannot possibly be staffed, equipped, or maintained because of shortages of trained people and available funds (14). This has been called an "edifice complex" and is unfortunately found in many developing regions, stimulated often by ill-considered advice from overseas experts. At the same time as medical services are being improved, it is extremely important to document the improvements by means of carefully recorded statistics. Guidance in necessary methods for documentation should be sought early in the development of medical care (15). Obviously it is vital to determine what and where the major medical problems are so that programs will.be designed to attack them. Once the problems are sorted out, available resources can be allocated and preventive measures and health education can be aimed at specific aspects of public health. Many general statements have been made to describe the medical problems in the developing countries of the world. There is a need to particularize the problems and approach the specific manifestations of disease with knowledge of local conditions and resources. Accepted textbook solutions no longer apply in the field, and the ultimate solution may be along lines which are completely unique and nontraditional. To break the usual rules may be the only practical means to solve the problem at hand, and modified common sense must often replace modern technology. The practical variations on the general theme described here make medical work in developing countries interesting, exciting, and rewarding.  相似文献   

With decisive and timely action, genome-related biotechnology can be harnessed to improve global health equity. In June 2002 in Kananaskis, Canada, leaders of the G8 industrial nations will develop an action plan to support implementation of the New African Initiative. By extending their discussion of health issues raised in the New African Initiative to include genomics, G8 leaders could signal their intention to increase global health equity by preventing a health genomics divide from developing. There are already some early and growing examples of genome-related biotechnology being applied successfully to health problems in developing countries. But how can genomics be systematically harnessed to benefit health in developing countries? We propose a five-point strategy, including research, capacity strengthening, consensus building, public engagement, and an investment fund.  相似文献   

Animal health is key to successful livestock production in developing countries. The development and delivery of vaccines against major epidemic diseases is one component of improving animal health. This paper presents a case study from Kenya on the production and delivery of a vaccine against Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia (CCPP), a major disease of goats. The vaccine, while technically a viable preventative measure against CCPP, has not been well integrated into Kenya's animal health care system. From February through November, 1992, the authors explored the organizational and policy constraints to vaccine production and distribution. Data were obtained through interviews, field visits, and available documents. Results suggest an animal health system that 1) does not have a well developed infrastructure to track, identify, and control animal diseases; 2) tends to place greater emphasis on cattle, rather than small ruminant health care; and 3) is not well linked in terms of research, development, and extension services.  相似文献   

我国重大动物疫病防控策略的分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来,国际国内动物疫病频繁爆发,暴露出我国重大动物疫病防控体系中存在的问题,而目前我国在重大动物疫病上仍实行严格的保密制度,极不利于我国重大动物疲病的科学技术研究、防控体系建设和国际合作与交流,严重影响了公众对动物疫病的正确认识。本文在全面分析国内外重大动物疫病防控现状的基础上.指出了亟待解决的一系列列问题,提出了如下建议:①建立健全国家重大动物疫情的防控体系。成立国家动物疫痛专家咨询机构;建立健全防疫体系;充分发挥大专院校的作用,建立健全技术支持体系。②借鉴国外防疫先进经验,适时公开疫情。③完善法律体系。要解决我国现有法律法规中的配套问题;要解决法律法规涵盖不全。职责不清问题;要加强人才队伍建设,提高执法人员的素质。④建立完善防疫补偿机制。  相似文献   

禽流感病毒基因组及检测方法概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
禽流感(Avian Influenza,AI)是A型流感病毒引起的一种禽类传染病,同时也是一种人和动物之间的高度传染性疾病,不但造成了养禽业的巨大经济损失,还对人类公共卫生安全构成了威胁.因此,对禽流感病毒基因组的研究显得十分重要,以为快速、准确的基因诊断等检测技术方法奠定基础.近年来,禽流感病毒检测技术发展迅速,本文...  相似文献   

三峡工程对库区人群健康的影响研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用定性和定量相结合的方法,研究由三峡工程兴建及运行带来的自然和社会环境变化对人群健康造成的影响.结果显示三峡库区自然疫源性疾病及虫媒传染病的流行和公共卫生突发事件发生都对人群健康造成了严重威胁,三峡工程的兴建也通过社会环境因素作用对人群健康产生潜在影响,导致与心理健康、移民和人口流动有关的疾病,以及公共卫生突发事件的发生.  相似文献   

AIDS: an international perspective   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
The acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and infection with the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) constitute a worldwide public health problem. Whereas in Europe and in most of the Americas transmission of HIV-1 has occurred predominantly among homosexual men and intravenous drug abusers, in Africa a distinct epidemiologic pattern has emerged that indicates that HIV-1 infection is mainly heterosexually acquired. Heterosexual transmission appears to be increasing in some parts of Latin America and the Caribbean, and possibly in the United States. In addition to HIV-1, at least one other human retrovirus, namely HIV-2, has been implicated as a cause of AIDS in Africa and Europe. Factors that influence heterosexual transmission of HIV-1 include genital ulcerations, early or late stages of HIV-1 infection in the index case, and possibly oral contraception and immune activation. The rate of perinatal transmission is enhanced when the mother's illness is more advanced. AIDS and HIV-1 infection may have a significant impact not only on public health, but also on the demography and socioeconomic conditions of some developing countries. Programs for the prevention and control of AIDS should be an immediate priority in all countries.  相似文献   

Zoonoses are a significant public health concern and cause considerable socioeconomic problems globally. The emergence of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), and Ebola virus disease (EVD) has had a significant effect on the national economy and public health in China, and other countries. This review analyzed zoonotic disease issues faced by China, and the main factors contributing to the risk of zoonotic disease. The Chinese government has devised new strategies and has taken measures to deal with the challenges of these diseases, and the prevention and control of zoonoses at their source. A strategy that is suited to China’s national conditions, is proposed.  相似文献   

转基因技术是解决新世纪农业与环境等诸多问题的新技术,但也引起了公众对转基因生物安全的关心和担心。本研究引述比较了美国欧盟等发达国家公众对转基因生物安全的认知状况,发现美国公众对生物技术与转基因的了解程度不一,公众对转基因食品消费与安全的认知也有差异。对比转基因产品在发达国家美国、英国、日本以及发展中国家哥伦比亚和我国公众的认知与影响,表明发达国家的公众愿意购买转基因食品的意愿低于那些缺乏高质量食品消费的发展中国家公众的比例。本研究分析总结了对政府的信任度、对科学的态度和媒体宣传,以及不同经济发展水平给公众判定转基因产品利益与风险认知的影响和可能的相关因素。  相似文献   

近年来畜牧业发达国家应用动物卫生风险分析技术在动物疫病防控、动物产品安全控制以及促进动物及动物产品国际贸易方面取得显著成效。为此,借鉴国外先进经验,加强我国动物卫生风险分析体系建设实为必要。概述了动物卫生风险分析在欧盟、美国、日本、加拿大等发达国家的应用进展以及国内在预防动物疫病传播、维护动物产品及公共卫生安全等方面的管理体制和运行机制,剖析了我国动物卫生风险分析应用现状,提出在引种风险评估、风险信息采集、屠宰风险管理、法律法规体系等方面存在的问题,并从完善我国动物卫生风险分析制度、提升风险管理能力、完善风险交流机制、提升技术能力以及建立外来疫病和突发疫情快速报告与评估系统和疫情大数据处理分析平台等方面,提出加强和完善我国动物卫生风险分析体系建设的建议。  相似文献   

Most explanations of the increase in life expectancy at older ages over history emphasize the importance of medical and public health factors of a particular historical period. We propose that the reduction in lifetime exposure to infectious diseases and other sources of inflammation--a cohort mechanism--has also made an important contribution to the historical decline in old-age mortality. Analysis of birth cohorts across the life-span since 1751 in Sweden reveals strong associations between early-age mortality and subsequent mortality in the same cohorts. We propose that a "cohort morbidity phenotype" represents inflammatory processes that persist from early age into adult life.  相似文献   

生物安全实验室是开展传染病防治、生物入侵等生物安全相关研究的重要场所,同时也为实验人员免受病原感染和防止病原泄露提供了重要安全保障。依据生物质的致病性、毒性大小、感染源范围、传染性、传输性、稳定性、诱导过敏性等危害程度的不同,生物安全实验室的防护等级共计分为4个等级(一级、二级、三级和四级);其中,生物安全防护等级为三级和四级的生物安全实验室被称为高等级生物安全实验室。高等级生物安全实验室主要用于开展高致病性、传染性病原微生物相关研究,新发/突发烈性传染病诊断、监测及防治技术研发,潜在烈性传染病预防与控制技术的储备性先期研究,以及专门人才的培养培训等,其中的移动式高等级(三级)生物安全实验室还可用于应对突发生物安全威胁事件;此外,高等级生物安全实验室在美欧等国家应对突发公共卫生事件及军事研究等方面,包括“大健康”计划、生物两用技术的研究以及烈性传染病实验室应急救治专业技能培训等,发挥了战略作用。在当今传染病传入风险高发及复杂的国际背景下,高等级生物安全实验室作为传染病预防与控制以及科学研究支撑的基础设施和重要平台,在确保国家安全和社会安定等方面发挥了巨大作用,而我国在高等级生物安全实验室建设、生物安全管理、设施装备研发等方面都亟待加强。本文简略介绍了我国高等级生物安全实验室建设运行情况,就新发突发传染病疫情高发的大背景下国内外高等级生物安全实验室在生物安全领域发挥的作用进行了探讨,并对其目前运行中存在的问题及今后发展策略进行了思考。  相似文献   

Canada's International Development Research Centre (IDRC) is an independent public corporation established to aid scientific research in developing countries. In supporting 849 projects in 100 countries, it has earned an enviable international reputation and has been used as a model for other aid agencies. Now entering its tenth year, IDRC is reaffirming its policies of responsiveness to the stated needs of developing countries and of strengthening their scientific and technological capabilities. It also seeks to encourage the application of Canadian R & D expertise to the solution of Third World problems.  相似文献   

构建伊蚊3HKT基因的RNAi表达载体pMaa7IR/3HKTIR,转化莱茵衣藻,将得到的转基因藻株喂饲伊蚊幼虫.结果表明,3HKT RNAi转基因藻株对伊蚊有一定的致死作用.伊蚊是登革热、寨卡病毒病、黄热病、基孔肯雅病的媒介昆虫;微藻是蚊子幼虫天然食物,在自然界广泛存在,并且小球藻、衣藻等可大规模生产、生产成本低廉,...  相似文献   

Lang T 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2011,331(6018):714-717
The imperative for improving health in the world's poorest regions lies in research, yet there is no question that low participation, a lack of trained staff, and limited opportunities for data sharing in developing countries impede advances in medical practice and public health knowledge. Extensive studies are essential to develop new treatments and to identify better ways to manage healthcare issues. Recent rapid advances in availability and uptake of digital technologies, especially of mobile networks, have the potential to overcome several barriers to collaborative research in remote places with limited access to resources. Many research groups are already taking advantage of these technologies for data sharing and capture, and these initiatives indicate that increasing acceptance and use of digital technology could promote rapid improvements in global medical science.  相似文献   

随着中国奶牛养殖业的规模扩大,奶牛流产病例呈上升趋势.目前,奶牛流产已成为奶牛生产中危害较大的问题之一.流产可影响奶牛的泌乳性能、繁殖性能、牛群健康和使用年限,造成巨大的经济损失.某些引起奶牛流产的病原微生物是重要的人畜共患病原,严重威胁公共卫生安全,对公众和职业人群有巨大危害.因此,有效控制奶牛流产性疾病对奶牛生产和公共卫生安全都极其重要.  相似文献   

锌是植物和人体必需的微量元素,锌缺乏是全球公共健康问题.在马铃薯主粮化背景下,探讨马铃薯锌营养特性及锌生物强化技术手段对实现马铃薯富锌、改善人体缺锌状况具有重要意义.本文从马铃薯锌营养功能、马铃薯产区土壤锌状况、育种以及农艺强化技术等方面进行了综述和展望,提出锌对马铃薯生长及产量和品质形成具有重要作用,农艺强化是目前马...  相似文献   

Stone R 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2000,289(5479):524-525
The Howard Hughes Medical Institute has launched a new program of 5-year grants that funds 45 scientists in 20 countries. The $15 million initiative, which supports research on a variety of infectious and parasitic diseases, marks the first Hughes program outside the United States that is tailored to a specific research area.  相似文献   

中国农村生活用水投资情况及区域分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
农村居民健康水平的提高和改善很大程度上取决于安全可靠的生活用水的提供。本文利用抽样调查数据对农村村级生活用水投资状况进行了初步的研究。研究表明,村一级组织和农民自己负担了他们生活用水投资的很大一部分。同时,研究还表明上级政府(乡镇政府及乡镇以上政府)的生活用水投资策略还是侧重于改善和提高不发达地区农民的饮用水设施。随着农村税费和农业税减免等改革推行,为了保障农村生活用水投资的持续增长和农民生活质量的改善,需要各级政府在今后进一步加大农村饮用水的投资力度。  相似文献   

Gross inequities in disease burden between developed and developing countries are now the subject of intense global attention. Public and private donors have marshaled resources and created organizational structures to accelerate the development of new health products and to procure and distribute drugs and vaccines for the poor. Despite these encouraging efforts directed primarily from and funded by industrialized countries, sufficiency and sustainability remain enormous challenges because of the sheer magnitude of the problem. Here we highlight a complementary and increasingly important means to improve health equity: the growing ability of some developing countries to undertake health innovation.  相似文献   

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