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阿土 《茶叶通讯》2013,(4):53-53
茶是一盏有气质的水,含蓄内敛,蕴藉深厚,品味独特雅致。 突然想到这句话,不知是否自己想的,或是以前听到别人说了,也说不定是从文章里读到,反正是想到了这句话,且不由得为这句话叫好。茶是有气质的水,但不一定要渴了才喝,因为茶是用来品的,就像人生,并不是走完了一辈子就是人生,只有品味出了自己的价值才是人生。  相似文献   

屯溪绿茶检验借鉴了祁门红茶的经验,检验程序与检验内容也多与祁红检验类似,他们都是以全国检验条例及标准为基础,结合了当地条件,免收检验费用,得到了茶商、茶号的支持,进展也较为顺利,取得了成功。屯绿检验制定了详细的计划和实施大纲,事前也登报进行了广泛的宣传动员,检验过程中也充分考虑到了茶商的实际困难,所以开展更为顺利,成绩更大。  相似文献   

江西省四月分在宜春地区农科所召开了全省麻类新品种选育和栽培协作会议,与会同志畅谈了麻类生产、科研的大好形势,交流了经验,商讨了麻类育种目标和主攻方向,统一了试验方法和记载项目,落实研究了协作任务和项目,并就加快全省麻类科研步伐问题,提出了意见。  相似文献   

2005~2006年,在宁远开展了春大豆间玉米套红薯高产高效栽培模式与配套技术示范,提出了“因地制宜,选择良种;精细整地,施足基肥;适时播种,规范种植;提高播种质量,保证一播全苗;加强管理,确保丰收”等一整套高产高效配套栽培技术,既充分利用了当地的温、光、水等自然资源,又做到了用地与养地的结合,有利于培肥地力,改善土壤结构,同时还达到了高产高效的目的,显示出了十分明显的经济效益与社会效益。  相似文献   

朱继军 《中国茶叶》2010,32(4):14-15
我国是世界绿茶的主要生产、消费和出口国,绿茶是我国的优势产品。近三十年来,我国大力恢复了大量的传统历史名茶,也创新发展了一批新的名优绿茶,取得了良好的经济效益,推动了茶业的持续健康发展:襄樊市地处鄂北,属我国秦巴高香优质绿茶生产区,也是湖北省名优绿茶生产发展较快的地区之一,但是,随着名优绿茶的的深入推广,生产中也出现了一些误区。  相似文献   

国家统计局安徽调查总队8月2日发布,上半年安徽省茶叶价格上涨16.7%,其中,红茶上涨18.3%,绿茶上涨16.6%。茶叶价格上涨的原因在于,3月份低温霜冻气候影响茶芽萌发,部分早熟品种茶芽冻死,产量锐减,春茶开园时间整体比往年推迟了十天左右,影响了新茶上市13期,变相推高了新茶价格。同时,采制生产期天气晴好,春茶开采以来,  相似文献   

通过摸索了一套行之有效的灰茶尺蠖的田间防治措施,在长沙县百里茶廊万亩生态茶园进行实施,全园不施用化学农药,局部施用植物源农药,取得了良好的效果,控制了灰茶尺蠖的为害,降低了用药成本和农药残留,保护了茶园生态环境。  相似文献   

研究了涂层尿素对棉花生长发育、产量和品质性状的影响,以及与氮肥利用率和土壤肥力的关系。结果表明,涂层尿素减量施肥后各处理产量差异虽不显著,但节约了氮肥15%~30%,降低了成本。施用涂层尿素促进了棉株的稳健生长,提高了霜前花比例,改善了棉花品质性状。同时也增加了土壤养分,达到了平衡施肥,保持土壤肥力,有利于后作持继增产。  相似文献   

开发有机农业 实现农业可持续发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论述了发展有机农业的意义,提出了发展有机农业的具体措施,并从4个方面进行了阐述,同时,指出了我国发展有机农业的有利条件和前景。  相似文献   

李彬  毛红  何于龙 《作物研究》2013,(5):507-509
阐述了湖南省永顺县冬季农业生产的现状,分析了发展冬季农业存在的主要问题,提出了提高认识,加大投入,因地制宜,搞活流通,优化服务的发展冬季农业的对策措施。  相似文献   

Nine chymotrypsin and four trypsin inhibitors have been extracted and separated from ungerminated oat grains. The inhibitors fell into two groups, based on their heat and pH stabilities. Members of the most abundant group are labile and are inactivated at 80 °C or at pHs of 3·3 or lower. Members of the second group are stable and are resistant to boiling for 30 min. On germination, the labile inhibitors are inactivated after 2 days and the stable chymotrypsin inhibitors after 3 days. Most of the labile inhibitors from ungerminated grain are destroyed when incubated at 20 °C for 20 h but addition of PMSF, a serine protease inhibitor, prevented their inactivation. Labile inhibitors in extracts of ungerminated oats are inactivated on incubation with an extract prepared from germinated oats, but not in the presence of PMSF. Most oat chymotrypsin and trypsin inhibitors are heat labile and pH sensitive. These inhibitors are apparently inactivated by serine proteinase(s) already present in ungerminated grain.  相似文献   

Klisch M  Häder DP 《Marine drugs》2008,6(2):147-163
Marine microorganisms harbor a multitude of secondary metabolites. Among these are toxins of different chemical classes as well as the UV-protective mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs). The latter form a group of water-soluble, low molecular-weight (generally < 400) compounds composed of either an aminocyclohexenone or an aminocyclohexenimine ring, carrying amino acid or amino alcohol substituents. So far there has been no report of toxicity in MAAs but nevertheless there are some features they have in common with marine toxins. Among the organisms producing MAAs are cyanobacteria, dinoflagellates and diatoms that also synthesize toxins. As in cyclic peptide toxins found in cyanobacteria, amino acids are the main building blocks of MAAs. Both, MAAs and some marine toxins are transferred to other organisms e.g. via the food chains, and chemical modifications can take place in secondary consumers. In contrast to algal toxins, the physiological role of MAAs is clearly the protection from harmful UV radiation by physical screening. However, other roles, e.g. as osmolytes and antioxidants, are also considered. In this paper the common characteristics of MAAs and marine toxins are discussed as well as the differences.  相似文献   

对天然橡胶现货和期货的销售过程、交易市场、交易所等进行比较,分析了我国天然橡胶现货和期货市场存在的问题并提出改进的方案,总结了国际天然橡胶定价中心成功因素。  相似文献   

Disease and pest resistance in grains of sorghum and millets   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this review available information on the mechanisms of resistance to insect pests and fungal pathogens in sorghum and millets is discussed. The primary source of resistance lies in the chemical and physical make up of the grain. Phenolic compounds such as ferulic acid and tannins present in some sorghums are potent inhibitors of pests and pathogens. Grain hardness is a major deterrent to infection and infestation in low tannin grains. The prolamins, the grain storage proteins of sorghum, are organized into protein bodies and provide a physical and a nutritional barrier since they are resistant to digestion by insect and fungal proteases. A plethora of proteins that belong to the ‘pathogenesis related protein’ group are distributed in various parts of the grain. Some of them are located in protein bodies. Notwithstanding, sorghum is still susceptible to insect pests and fungal pathogens. An understanding of the natural mechanisms of resistance in the grain is paramount for the development of durable resistance against pests and pathogens. The pyramiding of resistance genes and the development of transgenic lines based on this understanding are two sources of hope for the future protection of sorghum and millets.  相似文献   

我国甜菜病虫草害种类分布及化学防治历程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国甜菜三北产区,苗期发生的主要害虫有5种,其中以象虫为害最重,东北产区的优势种为蒙古土象,华北、西北产区的优势种为甜菜象;生长中期发生的主要害虫有8种;生长后期发生的主要害虫有7种,其中以甘蓝夜蛾、甜菜夜蛾为害最重。各甜菜主产区普遍发生的病害种类有:立枯病、根腐病、丛根病、褐斑病;普遍发生的甜菜草害种类有:稗草、柳叶刺蓼、反枝苋。在今后一段时期内,甜菜病虫草害的防治应以化学防治为主,生物防治为辅;化学防治应以高效低毒农药为主导;应加强种衣剂的研制、开发、应用,提倡混合施药。  相似文献   

樱桃番茄为小型多汁浆果,不仅品质好,糖度和维生素C 含量高于普通番茄,且富含矿质,是菜中佳肴尧果中美品。樱桃番茄具有喜温、喜光尧耐肥、半耐旱等生物学特性遥进行适时播种、培育壮苗、搞好田间管理是其丰产增收的关键。本文概述了樱桃番茄的营养特性、食用性、生物学特性,以及相应的栽培管理技术。  相似文献   

介绍了我国麻类标准的现状。通过分析,指出了存在的问题,主要表现在标准体系不完善、标准更新不及时,协调性差及贯彻执行不力等。提出了我国麻类标准应采取的对策。  相似文献   

Protease inhibitors, amylase inhibitors, phytolectins, polyphenols, and oligosaccarides are important antinutritional factors of chickpea and pigeonpea. Research on these factors is reviewed and compared to those in other grain legumes. Both chickpea and pigeonpea are consumed in various forms as processed food. The effects of such processing practices as cooking, germination, and fermentation to reduce the levels of these antinutritional factors are also discussed.  相似文献   

谭键 《热带作物学报》2011,31(11):52-57
以生态足迹计算方法和泰尔指数等区域差距计算方法为模型工具,对海南的生态盈亏及其空间结构进行了系统研究。结果表明:海南省总量生态盈亏(ED)为2 357 083 hm2。在各项生态生产性土地中,盈亏较高的是总量水域、总量林地和总量耕地生态盈亏,较低的是总量草地、总量建设用地和总量化石能源用地生态盈亏。在18个市县中,总量耕地生态盈亏最高的市县是海口市,最低的是临高县。海南省人均生态盈亏为0.267 983 hm2。其中,人均水域、林地和耕地生态盈亏较高,人均草地、建设用地和化石能源用地生态盈亏较低。在18个  相似文献   

Davyt D  Serra G 《Marine drugs》2010,8(11):2755-2780
Thiazoles, oxazole and their corresponding reduced derivatives, thiazolines and oxazolines, are found in marine sources exhibiting significant biological activities. The isolation, synthetic, and biological studies of these natural products, covering literature from January 2007 to June 2010, are summarized.  相似文献   

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