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Public trust thinking (PTT) offers a philosophical orientation toward natural resources and a means of addressing persistent and emerging challenges in environmental conservation. It has inspired laws and policies around the world and is receiving increasing attention among scholars and natural resource practitioners. Nevertheless, attempts to develop and implement PTT are hampered by lack of clarity: no clear single statement of principles that unite PTT’s diverse expressions exists. We address this need by synthesizing PTT literature across academic disciplines. We identify four areas that are in need of development and offer five principles that characterize PTT: (1) Human well-being is dependent on benefits provided by ecosystems; (2) Certain resources are not suitable for exclusive private ownership; (3) All beneficiaries are equal; (4) Future generations should be considered in current resource management decisions; and (5) Trustees are bound by fiduciary obligations and are publicly accountable.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial medication should be considered an adjunct to the general care of wounds rather than a substitute for lavage, drainage, or other physical care intended to promote healing. Judicious use is based on results of diagnostic procedures and the professional judgment of the attending veterinarian.Organisms that contaminate or infect wounds of horses are similar to those that can affect human patients, such that personal hygiene and protection are important when caring for these equine patients, because attendants can easily be exposed to them. Although those organisms are considered to be ubiquitous, the inoculum that may be present on or in an infected wound may be substantially greater than that encountered during other daily activities of the veterinarian. Proper disposal of the bandage materials and personal protective clothing is important.Bacterial resistance is one of many "survival tactics" of bacteria and has been an important clinical consideration for physicians and veterinarians since antimicrobial drugs were discovered. Controversies and insufficient understanding of bacterial resistance abound, however. The entirety of the subject is beyond the scope of this article, but it is important to the veterinary profession and for the formulation of wound management in horses. We and our animal patients live in a world populated by microbial organisms of various types. Resistance among bacteria is likely to continue to be a clinical consideration in the future as it has been during the past 60 to 70 years. As veterinarians, we must recognize the zoonotic nature of resistance and implement biosecurity procedures to protect ourselves, other people in contact with those pathogens, and our patients. We must also recognize the merits of judicious targeted use of antimicrobial drugs and apply appropriate principles during the course of professional care for the well-being of our animal patients.  相似文献   

All who work in veterinary education must recognize the breadth of their responsibilities. We are at a time in veterinary history where the profession must look how to meet a global standard for veterinary education and the global recognition of our basic qualification. There is a societal expectation that a professional approach is being taken to managing food security and food safety, as well as the environment and biodiversity. Within our profession, we need to recognize our obligation to fulfill this role. Society and regulators will seek those who have the capacity to provide for society's needs. It is no longer a case of relying on the reputation of our profession alone. There is a significant disparity in universal recognition of the veterinary qualification between the major blocs of the developed world and the developing world. Graduates from developing countries are not widely recognized, and they and their countries may therefore be at a significant disadvantage. There will be significant costs involved in raising the standards of veterinary education. A lead must be taken by a global body such as the World Veterinary Association to develop a long-term strategy toward global recognition of the veterinary qualification.  相似文献   

In order to continue to produce livestock in a sustainable fashion, it is suggested that what was used in the past will continue to form the mainstay of future control. For the foreseeable future, we must conserve what we have, and use it in combination with all the principles of integrated pest management, namely strategic and focussed treatments of animals, environmental control of breeding sites, disease management (including the principles of enzootic stability), and resistant breeds. Whilst new technologies, such as the development of vaccines both against the insect pest in some cases or the disease they transmit in others, and genetic engineering hold out some hope for the future; these are not sufficiently well advanced to permit wholesale application.  相似文献   

At least zoologists know that barnacles are arthropods rather than mollusks. However, this knowledge is surprisingly new, for it was as recent as 1830 before J. Vaughan Thompson showed, through a careful study of barnacle larvae, that they were crustaceans. In the 1850s, Charles Darwin unraveled much of the taxonomy of barnacles, and, significantly, his observations and classification of them follow the structure that was to be published later as his evolutionary theory. Irrespective of these works, knowledge of the systematic placement of barnacles remains surprisingly poor in the wider population today, with most non‐biologists viewing barnacles as shallow‐water fouling organisms related to oysters and limpets. The present paper reviews the way humans have perceived barnacles for at least a millennium; it evaluates why they were thought to have grown from trees and to have been part of the life cycle of birds; it concludes by contemplating the manner in which we perceive our environment and by doing so try to make sense of our world.  相似文献   

I have attempted to give insight into many of the aspects of a corporate veterinary job in the retail pet industry. Understand that these are my experiences, and corporate jobs are as diverse as the number of corporations in this field. My experiences have been positive because I have been fortunate enough to become an integral part of a company with an outstanding company ethic regarding animal care and business as a whole. This is a dream position for a veterinarian who wishes to make a far-reaching difference for animals. At PETCO I am the Animal Advocate and I do have the responsibility to look at every situation through the eyes of the animals. I take this responsibility very seriously and understand that every decision I make has a lasting impact on not only the animals we sell but also the associates who daily give their heart and soul as they care for the animals in our stores. This is the way I have chosen to make a difference in the world: by using my veterinary education as well as my life experiences in ways that are very different from the James Herriot of old-different from the advanced veterinary practices in this new millennium but steadfastly following the same principles we promised to uphold when we took the veterinary oath... Being admitted to the profession of veterinary medicine, I solemnly swear to use my scientific knowledge and skills for the benefit of society through the protection of animal health, the relief of animal suffering,the conservation of livestock resources, the promotion of public health, and the advancement of medical knowledge. I will practice my profession conscientiously, with dignity, and in keeping with the principles of veterinary medical ethics. I accept as a lifelong obligation the continual improvement of my professional knowledge and competence.  相似文献   

论实施草原生态移民搬迁的必要性与可行性   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
阐述了实施草原生态移民的必要性、可行性、困难和需要遵循的原则。失去赖以生存草地的牧民,居住在不适合人类居住草地区的牧民,严重荒漠化草地治理区的牧民,国家级自然保护区的核心区及缓冲区的牧民,大江、大河源头水源涵养区的牧民需要从天然草地迁出。实施生态移民需坚持以人为本、量力而行、循序渐进、因地制宜、可持续发展、先生产、后生活的原则。生态保护区、源头区、水源保护区的草地生态移民要尽快建立长期稳定的生态补偿机制。  相似文献   

The ability of an animal to cope with new environments arises from its capacity to respond to environmental variables and maintain body equilibrium (homeostasis). Each compensating mechanism depends on, and is a part of, a physiological feedback process. The severity (intensity and duration) of an environmental change relative to the animal's capacity to respond determines the potential disruption to the animal's equilibrium and the resources that must be invested to regain homeostasis. However, an environmental change sufficient to seriously challenge one individual may be insufficient to produce a measurable response in another. The principles behind the responses occurring in animals as a consequence of a change in their physical environment are illustrated in this review by examples drawn from responses of animals to cold stress. Behavioral opportunities sometimes are constrained in farm animals, and internal metabolic responses tend to become more prominent in such situations. Furthermore, as a disturbing factor persists, the immediate defensive responses are replaced by longer-term and adaptive mechanisms that reduce the burden on the animal. As we gain greater understanding of the environment-animal interface and the sensitivity and response of animals to disruption, we will be better able to establish and maintain suitable environments for our farm animals.  相似文献   

The American Society of Animal Science has recently focused its attention on a variety of contentious issues in animal agriculture. This paper deals with critique, a philosophical approach to analyzing and understanding issues. This method has been employed by various contemporary philosophers. For example, feminist theorists have used this approach to critically analyze sexual harassment. Critique involves a critical analysis of the discourse (ideas or language) and practices that define the social reality in which we live. How we think about the world and how we behave in it determines how we humans interact with each other as well as with the rest of nature. This social structure is associated with power structures that benefit some individuals and harm others. In this paper, I demonstrate how critique can be used to better understand the social reality of animal agriculture. By analyzing certain popular texts in this field, I show that a "mechanical view of nature" is dominant in animal agriculture and argue that such a view contributes to a social reality that can be harmful to some humans and other animals. I conclude that various contentious issues can be better addressed when we engage in a critical analysis of this conceptual framework and base our analysis on the experiences of many different people, including those who have been harmed by our current system of animal agriculture.  相似文献   

Like the rest of the world, Australia is in the throes of a dire shortage of veterinarians, while the demand for veterinary professional services grows. This combination has a very real impact on veterinarians' workload and stress, with significant mental health impacts. Times have changed in our profession and it is time for a change in our practice. We need to look at a different way of managing veterinary workloads and demands and, in particular, better utilise our paraprofessional staff. It is the solution right under our noses embracing our veterinary technologists and nurses.  相似文献   

From the time of the first modern studies of infectious diseases, by Koch, Pasteur, Theiler and their colleagues, it has been clear that laboratory investigation must be complemented by epidemiologic investigation. The measurement of all aspects of the natural history of a disease in naturally affected populations is necessary if we are to rationally design control regimens. Building upon a historic perspective, this paper presents a view of the present status of epidemiology as it pertains to animal disease control, and presents a view of the merits of expanding the use of this science in future animal disease control programs, internationally, in developed and developing countries. The basis for this view lies in adaptation of principles employed in human infectious disease epidemiology, and principles which guide the organization of international disease control agencies.  相似文献   

People who work in the animal industries are faced with questions and criticisms about a variety of contentious issues, including animal management practices, ethics, diversity in animal agriculture, and animal welfare. Formulating responses to these questions requires a critical evaluation of our own work and open discussion of these controversial issues. Effective debate on these issues can be accomplished only with input from philosophers and social scientists skilled in such discussions, in addition to animal scientists. Therefore, animal scientists must engage in discussions of controversial issues among themselves and with entities outside agriculture. Furthermore, we must accept responsibility for the application of research results and any potential negative consequences. Because society is increasingly concerned with issues of animal welfare and the effects of new technologies, we should increase communications and transparency with the public. Increased diversity of race and gender will increase the ability of animal agriculture to connect with our stakeholders and to communicate the relevance of our work to society. Animal scientists need a professional ethic that espouses a higher level of understanding and commitment to philosophical discussions of contentious issues.  相似文献   

The Ohio State University (OSU) recently responded to a mandate from the state to convert from a quarter-based to a semester-based academic calendar. The OSU College of Veterinary Medicine took this opportunity to review and revise the curriculum leading to the DVM degree. This mandate occurred at a time when the college was motivated to act on recommendations that had been made during a recent reaccreditation process, some of which had been under discussion for several years, and had the personnel in place to initiate the change process. This article describes the means by which the curriculum change was planned. A review of the literature on change in health-sciences-related programs suggested that the ability to conclude the planning of changes in a relatively short time period was facilitated by adopting practices shown to promote successful curricular change. Critical aspects of the process included engaging the faculty, establishing a collective vision that entails agreement on principles, having a clear mandate and time frame for change, providing resources and training to support and sustain the change effort, and managing the effort centrally with groups that are broadly representative of the faculty.  相似文献   

People have complex and diverse relationships and interactions with, and expectations of, animals; relationships which are very important. In making sense of this complexity, we draw on our values. The objective of this study was to reflect upon, develop and articulate key values guiding the genetic improvement of dairy cattle. Animal husbandry is guided by the philosophy that while animals serve our needs, we must ensure that their needs are met, and any compromises to those needs justified and minimised. In applying modern technology to the genetic improvement of animals, this philosophy should be enacted through consideration of all the broader goals of agriculture, and the ecology and biology of the farming system. It should also be informed by the differing perspectives of interested parties, including stock handlers, veterinarians, animal welfare groups, consumers, and the public. Monitoring the consequences of technology applications, managing and avoiding any harms, and considering the future of animals and ourselves, should also be part of decision making in this area. Transparent consideration of these principles will help to ensure that any compromises to animal welfare resulting from trait selection are both reasonable and necessary, and that any harms are minimised, thereby helping to safeguard continuation of the important contribution that animal agriculture, and in particular the dairy sector, makes to society.  相似文献   

Trichinella spiralis and related species of Trichinella have had a long history of causing human disease, and as a foodborne pathogen have had a major impact on international commerce of pork and other meat animal species which are known to transmit the parasite. Our knowledge of Trichinella has increased substantially over the past few years particularly in the areas of phylogeny, host diversity, epidemiology and control. In this paper, we provide a brief overview of our understanding of Trichinella from its discovery to present time. Past and current challenges of the control of Trichinella and trichinellosis are summarized. As editors of this special issue of Veterinary Parasitology, we introduce a series of invited review articles prepared by experts from around the world, summarizing recent knowledge in Trichinella and trichinellosis.  相似文献   

To advance the conversation about scientists’ roles in advocacy, we conducted an exploratory study examining the perspectives of students alongside those of academic faculty and other natural resource professionals. We surveyed wildlife and natural resource students and professionals, mostly in the Southeastern United States, and found areas of agreement and contention that can be used for promoting communication across groups engaged in science and policy. Groups disagreed about what actions constitute advocacy and what roles are acceptable for scientists, but groups agreed scientists should engage in advocacy to influence policy. The majority of respondents lacked previous formal training about these topics. Given growing support for closer relationships between scientists and advocacy seen in this and other published works, our findings suggest that educational opportunities be made available to emerging and established scientists. Opportunities should foster a deeper understanding of the science–advocacy nexus and aid in making informed decisions about the appropriate role of scientists.  相似文献   

我国异色瓢虫的生物生态学特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
异色瓢虫(Harmonia axyridis)是重要的捕食性天敌昆虫,具有丰富的翅色型,受到科学家们的重视。全面了解异色瓢虫的生物生态学特性,是科学利用其生物防治潜力的重要前提。本文从我国异色瓢虫研究概况出发,全面总结了我国异色瓢虫生物生态学的研究成果,重点关注其捕食效应、翅色型多样性、人工繁殖及释放技术等最新研究进展。今后应进一步深入研究异色瓢虫的生物生态学特性,探究其生态适应性进化机制及翅色型多态性的遗传学基础,推动该虫人工繁殖的"工厂化"和"商业化",为异色瓢虫的保护与利用提供基础。  相似文献   

锡林郭勒盟草原旅游资源丰富,自然和人文景观独特,旅游业在内蒙古乃至全国占有重要的地位,将成为地区经济发展的重要支柱产业.随着草原旅游业的迅猛发展,所带来的资源开发,环境建设和景区管理等一系列问题已成为当今旅游业可持续发展中亟待解决的问题.本文在分析锡林郭勒盟草原与景观类型和旅游资源的基础上,阐明了草原旅游资源特点和草原旅游的内容,指出了草原旅游所带来的环境问题,提出了草原旅游的管理对策,旨在对锡林郭勒盟草原旅游业的可持续发展提供参考.  相似文献   

餐厨废弃物(food waste,FW)的资源利用受到广泛关注。FW焚化、填埋、堆肥、厌氧消化等技术因其面临的环境可持续性问题而受到越来越多的批评。饲料化技术可以将FW转化为高价值的饲料,从而减少固体废物的排放、养殖成本和环境污染,但该技术应符合减少、再利用和回收有机废物的处理原则。作者综述了FW的饲料化技术及其在动物生产中的应用。FW饲料化技术主要包括热处理、酶处理、藻类培养、昆虫过腹、发酵技术。其中热处理可以确保微生物安全性,是其他技术的预处理技术。藻类培养和昆虫过腹技术可以将FW转化为植物和昆虫蛋白,避免同源污染,但尚不清楚藻类和昆虫在FW利用过程中是否会造成污染物积累。酶处理和发酵技术可以将FW中大分子转化为小分子。酶的催化性能和稳定性容易受外界条件的影响,需要考虑特殊的酶制剂。发酵技术的机械化程度和资源利用率高,其核心是微生物,需要筛选有效的、能充分利用FW的微生物。目前FW在畜牧业中的应用较少,在其生产和应用中要特别注意用量和使用时间。为了使FW饲料真正作为动物饲料进入食物链,研究人员必须对不同动物(含不同生长阶段)的生长性能和产品特性进行研究,以确保动物健康及动物产品对人类健康没有负面影响。  相似文献   

Vigorous and prolonged effort is required to gain true mastery of the healing arts. Conventional and complementary medicine have complementary strengths and weaknesses. Like the yin and yang of traditional Chinese medicine, they naturally flow into one another by a process of induction, creating balance. Integrative medicine is the frontier; it is the future. If we are to progress beyond our current understanding and ability to heal, we must work with theoretic models that allow us and our perception to operate "outside the box." For some, this understanding is intuitive. It is through cooperative and collaborative efforts of intuitively adept and technologically adept minds that we can integrate and advance our understanding; increase our ability to predict, prevent, and diagnose disease; and expand our therapeutic options.  相似文献   

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