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大黄鱼性别特异SNP标记的开发与验证   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
大黄鱼是我国养殖量最大的海水经济鱼类,其雌鱼生长显著快于雄鱼,但两性的外部形态差异不明显,也没有异形性染色体,依靠传统方法无法对其活体准确进行生理性别和遗传性别的判别与鉴定,需要开发性别特异的分子标记。本研究从2尾雌鱼和2尾雄鱼、以及分别由50雌鱼与50尾雄鱼组成的2个混合样品的基因组重测序数据比较中筛选与性别显著关联的SNP位点,对其中11个位点分别设计引物在15尾雌鱼和15尾雄鱼中扩增出PCR产物进行Sanger测序验证,鉴定出1个与性别完全连锁的位点(SNP6,15尾雌鱼均为纯合、15尾雄鱼均为杂合)。然后,设计等位基因特异性PCR引物,其中包括2条雌性与雄性通用引物和1条雄性特异引物,在闽—粤东族与岱衢族大黄鱼合计近2 200个个体中进行扩增,结果在全部雌鱼中都只扩增出1个348 bp的条带,而在全部雄鱼中还扩增出1个194 bp的Y染色体特异条带,检出率达到100%。研究表明,大黄鱼属于XX♀-XY♂类型的性别决定。本研究鉴定出一个雄性特异SNP标记,并建立了一种新的大黄鱼遗传性别鉴定技术,为大黄鱼单性育种、基因组选择育种和性别决定分子机制研究提供了重要的技术手段。  相似文献   

半滑舌鳎养殖群体中自然性逆转伪雄鱼的发现   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用雌性特异标记遗传性别鉴定技术,对71尾4龄半滑舌鳎的生理和遗传性别进行鉴定,结果显示32尾生理型雌鱼均能扩增出205bp的雌性特异条带;39尾生理型雄鱼,仅一尾鱼体重显著高于其他雄鱼并扩增出了雌性特异条带,因此这尾鱼遗传上为雌性,是一尾伪雄鱼。对养殖的600尾半滑舌鳎生理雄鱼大规模检测发现,养殖群体自然性逆转伪雄鱼比例为1.66%。对正常雌、雄鱼和1龄自然性逆转伪雄鱼的性腺组织学观察显示,与正常雄鱼相比,伪雄鱼性腺中也有大量的精母细胞,但数量比正常雄鱼的要略少;且未在伪雄鱼的性腺组织中观察到卵母细胞,说明半滑舌鳎性逆转发生在性腺分化期。半滑舌鳎自然性逆转现象的发现有助于解释当前半滑舌鳎养殖群体中雄性率偏高的现象,为半滑舌鳎全雌苗种生产提供了一条新的技术途径,并丰富了鱼类性别分化理论。  相似文献   

CSW3基因序列来源于半滑舌鳎(Cynoglossus semilaevis)全基因组测序项目,是经过筛选得到的雌性特异候选基因之一。本研究探索了半滑舌鳎雌性相关基因CSW3的表达与应用,构建了半滑舌鳎雌性特异CSW3基因重组表达载体,通过大肠杆菌进行了体外重组表达,对基因表达产物进行分离纯化,并通过蛋白转染的方法研究了纯化的蛋白对几个性别相关基因的影响。结果显示,雌性特异CSW3重组蛋白注射鱼体后对半滑舌鳎性腺foxl2、sox9a、amh这3种性别相关基因的表达水平具有显著影响,能够引起雌性相关基因foxl2表达上调、雄性相关基因sox9a和amh表达下降。从蛋白水平对雌性相关基因CSW3的基因功能进行初步研究,为半滑舌鳎性别控制及全雌苗育种提供基因资源及技术方法。  相似文献   

青岛文昌鱼遗传多样性的RAPD分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
采用RAPD技术对青岛文昌鱼雌、雄各11条个体共22个样本进行遗传多样性检测。从40个寡聚核苷酸随机引物中筛选出17个扩增重复性好、条带清晰、特异性强的引物,对每个个体基因组DNA进行了扩增。得到RAPD产物的分子量在200~2200bp之间,产物总计127个位点,其中,多态位点60个(占47.24%)。计算个体间遗传相似系数平均为0.8656,个体间遗传距离平均为0.1344。用Shannon多样性指数量化的遗传多态度(Ho),雄性群体(0.1912)高于雌性群体(0.1125),平均遗传多态度(Hpop)为0.1519。文昌鱼遗传多态度所占的比例在群体内为0.2553,而雌、雄群体间为0.7447。在文昌鱼雌、雄个体RAPD产物中,两个电泳图谱上能读出明显的雄性特征带,估计可能与雄性文昌鱼具有异型性染色体有关,这与XY型性别决定机制相吻合。引物OPC12扩增产物250bp为雄性文昌鱼所特有,可能为区别性别的分子标记。用NJ法进行聚类分析,结果表明,22个个体明显按性剐聚成两类,文昌鱼雌、雄个体基因组间的差异较大。  相似文献   

CSW3基因序列来源于半滑舌鳎(Cynoglossus semilaevis)全基因组测序项目,是经过筛选得到的雌性特异候选基因之一。本研究探索了半滑舌鳎雌性相关基因CSW3的表达与应用,构建了半滑舌鳎雌性特异CSW3基因重组表达载体,通过大肠杆菌进行了体外重组表达,对基因表达产物进行分离纯化,并通过蛋白转染的方法研究了纯化的蛋白对几个性别相关基因的影响。结果显示,雌性特异CSW3重组蛋白注射鱼体后对半滑舌鳎性腺foxl2、sox9a、amh这3种性别相关基因的表达水平具有显著影响,能够引起雌性相关基因foxl2表达上调、雄性相关基因sox9a和amh表达下降。从蛋白水平对雌性相关基因CSW3的基因功能进行初步研究,为半滑舌鳎性别控制及全雌苗育种提供基因资源及技术方法。  相似文献   

用32个微卫星标记分析了30尾(15尾♀;15尾♂)性成熟(12龄)施氏鲟(Acipenser schrenckii)雌雄个体的遗传差异。结果表明:雌、雄群体的遗传多样性差异没有达到显著水平。在6个微卫星标记中有9个等位基因在雌、雄群体中分布比例差异达到50%以上,其中雌性群体HLJSX 194-239bp、HLJSX201-207bp、HLJSX209-210bp、HLJSX210-178bp和HLJSX215-221bp 5个等位基因频率显著高于雄性群体;雄性群体HLJSX194-184bp、HLJSX201-214bp、HLJSX210-233bp和HLJSX226-194bp 4个等位基因频率显著高于雌性群体,初步表明这些基因位点可能与性别决定位点存在一定连锁关系。本研究结果为施氏鲟早期性别鉴定积累了基础数据。  相似文献   

本研究采用乙酰基亚硝基脲(ENU)浸泡的方法诱变银鲫(Carassius autatus gibeblio Bloch)持续2周,后经清水反复漂洗,再进行人工催产得到诱变银鲫同源自交F1,利用AFLP技术对诱变银鲫F1(30尾)和对照银鲫(25尾)进行DNA指纹图谱分析,发现了Ⅰ型(缺失型)特异位点和Ⅱ型(插入型)特异位点;同时对6尾诱变银鲫F1和2尾对照银鲫mtDNA进行全序列测序分析,发现诱变组突变位点几乎覆盖整个线粒体DNA,主要集中在13个蛋白质编码基因、12SrRNA基因、16SrRNA基因和D-Loop控制区;通过对诱变组(55尾)和对照组(17尾)mtDNA的NADH1与NADH2部分序列比对发现,诱变银鲫F1诱变率约为38%。以上实验结果表明,诱变银鲫F1核质遗传物质同时发生变异,且变异位点基本相同,银鲫雄性子代的突变率大于雌性子代。这为探索提高ENU诱导银鲫突变的效率和开发养殖鱼类新的育种技术提供了新的理论依据。  相似文献   

根据2014年6—7月和10—11月于西北太平洋公海两航次采集的秋刀鱼样本,分析其性别比例、体长和体质量组成、摄食等级,以探究其生长、性腺及繁殖特性。研究结果表明,随着月份的增大,秋刀鱼雌性比例逐渐降低,雄性占比升高;6、7月雌、雄样本优势体长组与体质量组范围均较10、11月小;体长和体质量关系中,秋刀鱼雌性生长系数为3.24,雄性为2.82;各月样本胃饱满度以1级为主,F检验表明,除0级外,4个月内各摄食等级间呈显著差异(P<0.01);秋刀鱼雌、雄样本性腺发育以Ⅱ期为主,各性腺等级间差异不显著(P>0.05),雌性性腺指数在Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ期内大于雄性,Ⅴ、Ⅵ期内相反,逻辑斯蒂方程表明,秋刀鱼50%性成熟体长雌性为284.7 mm,雄性为267.4 mm;雌性秋刀鱼绝对繁殖力为1032~17 708粒/尾,平均值为(5522±3196)粒/尾,绝对繁殖力高的个体体长和体质量分别为280~320 mm、110~150 g。  相似文献   

利用传统PCR和ABI 3730测序技术对暗纹东方鲀(Takifugu obscurus)Amhr2基因外显子9进行了SNP7271检测和测序分析,并对该SNP位点与暗纹东方鲀性别相关性进行了研究。结果显示,在SNP7271位点发生了G/C碱基突变,产生了CG、CC两种基因型。SNP7271和暗纹东方鲀性别存在显著相关性(P0.01)。基因型为CG的个体生理性别为雄性,基因型CC的个体生理性别为雌性。  相似文献   

对长江口雌性和雄性成体凤鲚(Coilia mystus)整体的营养成分和品质进行了分析与评价。结果显示,雌、雄凤鲚整体水分、粗蛋白、粗脂肪和灰分的质量分数分别为78.36%±1.41%、76.70%±1.20%,14.25%±1.05%、15.18%±0.12%,4.61%±1.78%、4.84%±0.27%和2.22%±0.38%、2.97%±0.64%,雌、雄间均不具有显著性差异(P0.05)。雌、雄均含有18种组成蛋白质的氨基酸,总量分别为66.20%±5.78%和65.93%±6.35%(质量分数,干样),其中8种必需氨基酸(EAA)总量分别是25.07%±1.93%和23.95%±2.21%,两者间不具有显著性差异(P0.05),分别占氨基酸总量的37.90%和36.33%,雌、雄凤鲚的必需氨基酸组成比例均符合FAO/WHO的标准。色氨酸是雌、雄凤鲚整体的第一限制性氨基酸,蛋氨酸+胱氨酸是第二限制性氨基酸,雌、雄凤鲚整体的EAAI分别为70.73和66.99,4种鲜味氨基酸总量分别为25.99%±2.53%和26.02%±2.3%(质量分数,干样)。雌性凤鲚的饱和脂肪酸(SFA)含量显著低于雄性(P0.05),而多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)含量则显著高于雄性(P0.05),单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)两者无显著差异(P0.05)。雌性凤鲚脂肪酸中EPA与DHA质量分数分别为5.70%±0.24%和10.15%±1.31%,显著高于雄性凤鲚的1.05%±0.40%和1.06%±0.44%。结果表明,长江口雌、雄成体凤鲚整体的氨基酸较均衡,而雌性凤鲚的脂肪酸营养更为丰富,比雄性凤鲚具有更好的食用价值与保健作用。  相似文献   

Sex‐specific markers provide significant molecular basis for sex control breeding biotechnology to produce all‐male or all‐female fish in commercial breeding. Redtail catfish (Mystus wyckioides), one of the commercial bagrid catfishes distributed in Southeast Asian, which have a long sexual maturation period that can last 3–5 years and males have apparent growth advantage over females, but its sex determination system remains unknown. In this study, we first applied 2b‐RAD‐seq approach to identify three male‐specific 2b‐RAD‐tags and one male heterogametic SNP locus and validated by blast to the genome survey sequences and PCR amplification in both wild and breeding populations. To get longer sex‐specific region, we performed genome walking and obtained a 4,630 bp of Y‐specific sequence and 4,581 bp of X‐specific sequence from the 2b‐RAD‐tag ref189950 with 92.19% nucleotide identity between them. And 9,923 bp/3,935 bp of Y‐specific sequences and 8,491 bp/5,172 bp of X‐specific sequences were also identified with 77.49% and 57.07% nucleotide identity in ref208528 and ref210837, respectively. Subsequently, three different kinds of sex‐specific primers with different length products were designed based on the detected highly sex differentiated regions and could be used to distinguish males and females both in wild and artificially bred populations. What is more, the X‐specific fragment was discovered to produce the dosage effect association in females and in males. The data suggest that male heterogametic XX/XY sex determination system should exist in the redtail catfish. More significantly, the sex‐specific markers are of great value to protect wild resources and improve the efficiency of all‐male breeding practices for aquaculture in the redtail catfish.  相似文献   

金钱鱼(Scatophagus argus)是我国东南沿海名优养殖鱼类, 具有 XY 性别决定系统, Dmrt1 是其性别决定候选基因。金钱鱼生长具有性别二态性, 雌鱼生长快于雄鱼。目前缺乏快速鉴定金钱鱼遗传性别的分子标记, 阻碍了其性别控制育种技术的建立。本研究以公布的金钱鱼基因组数据, 在 Dmrt1 附近设计多对标记引物, 并通过 PCR 扩增验证标记的性别特异性。其中, 标记引物 Dmrt1-Marker-4-F/R 在雌鱼中仅扩增出一条 593 bp X 染色体条带, 而在雄鱼中能扩增出 593 bp 和 693 bp 两条条带, 分别来自 X 和 Y 染色体, 表明该标记为共显性标记。利用该标记检测我国南海沿岸 3 个不同地理群体 213 尾金钱鱼的遗传性别与表型性别完全一致。此外, 快速 DNA 提取试剂盒提取的片段较短 DNA 样品也可用于该对标记引物准确鉴定遗传性别。本研究建立了一种快速、准确、经济可靠的金钱鱼遗传性别鉴定方法, 将旨为促进金钱鱼性别控制育种技术的建立, 并为金钱鱼性别决定与分化机制研究提供依据。  相似文献   

The honmoroko has been inferred to have an XX/XY sex determination system, but the parental genome can also affect the sex ratio of the offspring. The extent of parental effects on sex determination was examined by checking the sex ratios of F1 and F2 gynogenetic diploids and control diploids. Eleven gynogenetic broods from different females consisted of all or nearly all females, but eight broods showed a variable proportion of males (<50 %). One second-generation brood of gynogenetic diploids consisted wholly of females, but others produced some males. In crosses with a control diploid female, four males from a high-percentage male brood of gynogenetic diploids produced offspring with a balanced sex ratio. Sib-mating between a gynogenetic female and three gynogenetic males from the brood produced predominantly male progeny. These results suggest that there are at least four possible genotypes: genotypic female (XX), phenotypic female carrying a silent Y chromosome, genotypic male (XY), and genotypic supermale (YY). These inferences suggest that this fish has an XY system but a relatively high proportion of females possess a mutated, silent Y chromosome which does not lead to testis formation.  相似文献   

Abstract– The herbivorous cichlid fish Tropheus duboisi in Lake Tanganyika held feeding territories that were defended against individuals of the same but not the opposite sex. The male home ranges were 3 times as large as female home ranges, each overlapping with the ranges of 2–5 females. After spawning in the male's territory, each female foraged actively within her own territory while brooding the young in the buccal cavity. Both males and females rarely shifted their territories during the 6-month observation period. The social organization of this fish was compared with that of a congener, Tropheus moorii.  相似文献   

为分辨斑节对虾(Penaeus monodon)发育早期的性别,利用改良的插入/缺失(InDel)标记追踪了从受精卵、无节幼体、溞状幼体、糠虾幼体、仔虾后1 d(PL1)、仔虾后30 d(PL30)及亚成虾个体的性别,建立了测序和荧光定量PCR熔解曲线的检测方法。结果表明,InDel标记可扩增获得雌雄特异性序列,用测序法判定亚成虾性别的结果与外部观察结果一致,准确率达100%,对受精卵、无节幼体、溞状幼体及糠虾幼体均可得到雌雄特异性序列;进而建立了基于SYBR Green实时荧光定量PCR(Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction,q RT-PCR)熔解曲线的快速鉴定斑节对虾性别的方法,其中雄性特异序列的熔解温度(Melting temperature,Tm)为(79.10±0.10)℃,雌性为(78.45±0.20)℃,通过特异的熔解曲线可准确区分PL30、亚成虾和无节幼体Ⅵ期个体,准确率可达96.3%以上。  相似文献   

The use of monosex populations for aquaculture is becoming widely used for several species. The current studies determined if there were any differences between male and female channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, in disease susceptibility to Edwardsiella ictaluri, one of the most important pathogenic bacteria in catfish culture. Disease challenge experiments were carried out on fingerling channel catfish fed 17β‐estradiol or testosterone before the challenge, and on all male and on sibling all female fingerlings. All male populations were produced by mating YY males with normal XX females. Sibling females were produced by hormonally sex reversing a subpopulation of six of the all male families. Weight gain or specific growth rate did not differ in fish fed testosterone or estrogen. Fish fed the highest dose of estrogen (50 mg/kg) had a significant higher mortality (P < 0.05), while mortality was similar in catfish fed 10 and 50 mg/kg of testosterone compared to controls. There were no differences in mortality between sibling males and females. These data indicate no increased disease susceptibility to E. ictaluri between males and females or due to exogenous sex hormones. Production of all male catfish for culture can proceed without concern for disease susceptibility to E. ictaluri.  相似文献   

The sex ratios and sex determination mechanism of gynogenetic diploids of ship sturgeon, Acipenser nudiventris, have been investigated to verify the possibilities of sex control by chromosome manipulation in this species. Meiotic gynogenesis was induced in a female ship sturgeon using cold shock after egg activation with UV-irradiated sperm of a male Siberian sturgeon. Microsatellite DNA analysis was applied for verification of uniparental inheritance in the gynogenetic diploid group of fish. All the analyzed gynogenetic diploids possessed only maternal genotype in the examined experimental group of fish. In this study, a minimum of two distinctly selected diagnostic loci in the offspring was used to confirm exclusively maternal contribution. Also, these fish were analyzed for sex diagnostic. Histological analysis of gonads from gynogenetic diploids, obtained from one family, showed 73.3 % of females and 27.7 % of males. The observed sex ratio has suggested that the ship sturgeon have a female heterogametic sex determination system. Gynogenesis in this species with female heterogametic sex determination system will have important role in breeding program and reclamation of its natural population to produce both female and male progeny, while this species has been introduced in the red list of IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources).  相似文献   

Methods are described for controlling sex differentiation in the coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch. Eyed eggs and alevins were immersed in solutions of estradiol-17β and 17α-methyltestosterone and fed these steroids in the diet for a period of 10 weeks postswim-up. In seven out of 10 groups that received estradiol all fish resembled normal females when sampled at 4 months posthatch. In fish treated with methyltestosterone at all except the lowest dose (25 and 50 μg/l) the gonads resembled neither normal males nor normal females; these gonads were composed largely of connective tissue with only occasional germ cells. Various proportions of male, female and intersex gonads were observed in groups which received androgen or estrogen only in the diet. The implications of the work for salmon culture include the production of sterile fish and increasing the proportion of female salmon in hatchery populations.  相似文献   

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