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伏季休渔条件下东海带鱼的亲体和补充量关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对1995-2007年东海带鱼的亲体和补充量资源状况分析,用Ricker繁殖模型和Beverton-Holt繁殖模型分别拟合了带鱼的亲体和补充量关系.结果表明:在现行伏季休渔条件下,东海带鱼的亲体数量和补充量之间存在着相关关系,Ricker繁殖模型的表达形式为R=6.9347P e(-0.033916A),Beverton-Holt繁殖模型的表达形式为P/R=0.10117(9.1645x10(-3)P,二个模型均能拟合东海带鱼的亲体和补充量关系,且拟合结果相近.实施新的伏季休渔政策以来,带鱼的补充量大幅增加.现阶段保护带鱼资源的主要目标是保护亲体和增加产卵群体数量,有效的措施是推迟伏季休渔开捕时间.  相似文献   

东海区小黄鱼伏季休渔效果及其资源合理利用探讨   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
以1991-2002年东海区渔业资源监测调查资料为基础,系统分析研究了伏季休渔制度对东海区小黄鱼(Larim-ichthys polyactis Bleeker)资源的养护效果及其局限性,并根据Ricker繁殖模型解析现行资源状况下的最大持续产量,探讨巩固伏季休渔效果的相关管理措施。结果表明,伏季休渔措施对小黄鱼资源的养护作用十分明显,经3个月休渔期,海域中小黄鱼资源增重率达1.71倍,开捕时刻(9月)的相对资源密度为全年最高。但伏季休渔的效果在当年的秋冬汛后即被消耗殆尽,12月份时的资源残存量仅为伏季休渔结束时刻的11%;与伏季休渔制度实施前相比,目前东海区小黄鱼资源的群体结构已发生了质的变化,当龄鱼的渔获比例由伏季休渔制度实施前的43.14%上升至近年来的74.64%,剩余群体的渔获比例由56.86%下降至25.36%,资源结构的脆弱程度进一步加剧;伏季休渔制度对小黄鱼资源的长期恢复效果因捕捞力量的居高不下而难以持续体现。坚持产出控制,在现行资源状况下实行9.34×104t最大持续产量的管理目标,伏季休渔制度对东海区小黄鱼资源保护和恢复的长期效果才能得以逐步实现。  相似文献   

日本鲭(Scomber japonicus)是有重要经济价值的中上层鱼类,研究其资源变动与海洋环境因子之间的关系有利于该资源的合理开发与利用。根据1982-2014年日本鲭在129°~160°E、28°~45°N海域的生产统计数据,结合海表面温度(sea surface temperature,SST)和太平洋十年涛动(Pacific decadal oscillation,PDO)数据,首先对补充量(recruitment,R)与SST、PDO进行交相关分析,之后用Ricker模型拟合SST、PDO对日本鲭亲体-补充量的影响,并用Akaike信息法则(Akaike information criterion,AIC)对不同模型进行了比较。结果表明:SST、PDO对补充量均有滞后影响,滞后期分别是5年和1年;亲体-补充量模型分析表明,Ricker模型的AIC值为81.979,加入环境因子后AIC值明显降低。同时加入SST和PDO的模型AIC值是71.743,优于单个环境因子模型。结果表明,加入SST、PDO两种环境因子的Ricker模型能更好的描述亲体-补充量关系。  相似文献   

以渔获量为相对资源量用Ricker模型描绘了辽东湾海蜇(Rhopilema esculenta)亲体—补充量关系,统计分析确定两者存在可置信的关系,其控制程度达58%。没有发现辽东湾海蜇资源因亲体短缺有衰败现象。  相似文献   

东海区小黄鱼种群生物学特性的分析   总被引:25,自引:12,他引:25       下载免费PDF全文
本研究以 196 3、1983和 2 0 0 1年东海区渔业资源监测调查资料为依据 ,对小黄鱼 (Pseudosciaenapolyactis)的种群结构、生长和死亡等主要种群生物学特征进行了动态分析。结果表明 ,目前东海区小黄鱼种群的个体小型化、低龄化现象相当突出 ,平均年龄仅为 0 .92 3龄 ;生长加快 ,生长参数k值达 0 .5 5 ;体重生长的体重生长的拐点年龄变小 ,仅为 1.6 7龄 ;性成熟提前 ;死亡率提高 ,残存率减小。尽管小黄鱼近年来产量有所恢复 ,但资源利用对象主要以当年生补充群体为主 ,生长型捕捞过度趋势加重  相似文献   

依据日本渔业机构提供的1980—2016年日本鲭太平洋群体资源丰度(补充量和亲体量)数据,对补充量的自然对数进行正态性检验,通过正态性检验的时间为1980—1999年,再结合产卵场海洋环境数据,利用广义线性模型(GLM)和广义加性模型(GAM)对1980—1999年日本鲭太平洋群体产卵场的海表面高度(sea surface height,SSH)、海表面盐度(sea surface salinity,SSS)、海表面温度(sea surface temperature,SST)、亲体量[ln(spawning stock biomass),ln(SSB)]与补充量之间的关系进行研究。GLM模型结果显示,考虑因子的综合效应,影响程度依次为ln(SSB)×年、ln(SSB)、SSS×年、SSS对补充量的影响最显著;考虑单因子对补充量的影响,影响程度依次为产卵场SST、SSH、年份、ln(SSB)和SSS。GAM模型研究表明,基于赤池信息准则,包含年份、产卵场SST和SSH的GAM模型为最优模型,模型中各因子的影响程度由大到小依次为年份、产卵场SST、产卵场SSH;考虑单因子对补充量的影响,GAM模型中影响程度依次为年份、产卵场SSS、ln(SSB)、产卵场SST和SSH,补充量的适宜SSH范围为62~65 cm,适宜SSS范围为34.72~34.74和34.78~34.83,适宜SST范围为20.2~20.6°C。当ln(SSB)6.0时,补充量处于较高水平。  相似文献   

东海区延长伏季休渔期渔业资源增殖效果分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为评价2017年东海区延长伏季休渔期的渔业资源增殖效果,依据2014—2017年每年5月上旬和8月下旬东海区拖网大面定点调查资料,分析了2017年和2014—2016年的8月下旬(休渔后期)的渔业资源密度、资源结构和资源补充能力的同比差异,以及5月上旬和8月下旬的资源密度环比差异。结果表明,总渔业资源、鱼类及3种典型资源种带鱼(Trichiurus japonicus)、小黄鱼(Larimichthys polyactis)、银鲳(Pampus argenteus)的资源密度同比和环比均以2017年为高;2017年资源密度相对增长率鱼类甲壳类头足类;2017年休渔后期主要经济种类的生物量或尾数合计比例均高于2014—2016年,生态优势种更为集中;以带鱼、小黄鱼和银鲳为代表种的休渔后期资源补充数量和单位亲鱼量补充量均以2017年为最高。研究认为,东海区延长伏季休渔期具有渔业资源增殖效果,其中对鱼类的贡献最大;但现有休渔制度对渔业资源仅起到短期暂养的养护作用,延长休渔期的渔业增产效果仅仅限于当年。  相似文献   

延长拖网伏季休渔期的渔业资源养护效应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
海洋伏季休渔制度是当前中国最主要的渔业资源管理制度之一,并在实践中得到不断调整与完善,新的海洋伏季休渔制度已于2017年发布实施。为论证新制度延长拖网休渔期的渔业资源养护效应,本研究依据2015—2017年每年5月东海区拖网大面定点调查资料,利用Ricker动态综合模型,从拖网的渔获结构特征和带鱼(Trichiurus japonicus)的种群动力学过程视角开展了相应的量化分析研究。研究结果表明, 5月拖网利用主体为带鱼和小黄鱼(Larimichthys polyactis),带鱼和小黄鱼的性成熟比例分别为92.04%~95.57%和13.82%~29.55%,幼鱼比例分别为74.94%~88.90%和0.03%~4.19%;带鱼种群经过4.5个月的休渔,其单位补充量资源量、单位补充量渔获量和平均渔获质量与3.5个月休渔期相比较,分别增加了7.04%、8.96%和20.78%。以上结果表明,提前并延长拖网休渔期,东、黄海主要经济渔业资源带鱼与小黄鱼的产卵群体和幼鱼得到进一步保护,资源增殖效果随着休渔期的不断延长而增加,新制度的休渔时间设置更趋合理。但由于开捕后的带鱼与小黄鱼渔获仍主要以当龄鱼为主,有必要同时配套执行现已颁布的最小网目尺寸和开捕标准等其他渔业资源管理措施,以确保伏季休渔制度主导下的渔业资源养护效果能真正得到巩固,渔业资源的种群结构能够得到切实好转与不断合理化。  相似文献   

东海区带鱼和小黄鱼渔业生物学的研究(英文)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究以东海区历年渔业资源监测调查数据为依据,对带鱼和小黄鱼的群体结构、生物学参数、摄食习性和繁殖习性等渔业生物学动态进行了分析。结果表明,目前东海区带鱼和小黄鱼种群的个体小型化现象相当突出,渐近长度L∞随着时间的推移呈现下降趋势,而生长参数K以及总死亡系数Z和捕捞死亡系数F却呈现逐渐增大趋势。摄食习性和繁殖习性亦发生了较大的变化,带鱼表现出极强的自食性,小黄鱼主要摄食种类与过去大不相同;性成熟提前,同年龄、同一体长组的带鱼和小黄鱼个体平均绝对繁殖力提高。产生这些变化的最主要原因是捕捞的影响和鱼类自身适应自然的结果。  相似文献   

浙江南部近海小黄鱼生长、死亡和单位补充量渔获量   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
浙江南部近海是东海种群小黄鱼(Larimichthys polyactis)的重要繁殖和育肥场所。根据2016年2月、5月、8月和11月采集的2023尾浙江南部近海小黄鱼全长、体长和体重等生物学信息,利用体长频率分布估算小黄鱼种群生长、死亡参数,并利用Beverton-Holt动态综合模型评估探讨单位补充量渔获量在不同自然死亡系数和渔具选择下随捕捞死亡系数的变化趋势。研究结果表明小黄鱼von Bertalanffy生长参数为渐近体长L_∞=22.58 cm,生长速率K=0.78/a,初始年龄t_a=-0.37 a;自然死亡系数M值为1.343,总死亡系数Z值为4.432,捕捞死亡系数F为3.089,开发率E为0.697,表明资源处于过度开发状态;小黄鱼的首次捕捞体长L_(50)=13.11cm,对应首次捕捞平均年龄t_c=0.743 a,小于临界年龄(0.886a)和体重生长的拐点年龄(0.979a),渔业主要捕捞对象为幼鱼和补充群体,无法保证资源的有效补充;根据B-H动态模型,当前的YPR值为15.279 g/ind,若降低捕捞强度到1.685,对应YPR_(max)为17.061 g/ind,与当前产量相比增幅11.66%;若提高开捕体长(13.11cm→16.0cm),YPR_(cur)会出现显著提高(15.279 g/ind→18.766 g/ind),增幅达22.82%,表明提高开捕体长要优于降低捕捞强度。当前东海小黄鱼群系处于小型低龄化和过度开发状态,建议将小黄鱼的开捕体长提高为15 cm,保证小黄鱼的产卵亲体量及资源的可持续发展。  相似文献   

环境因子对黄海鳀鱼亲体-补充量关系影响的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郑芳  刘群  王艳君 《南方水产》2008,4(2):15-20
鱼类年际资源量的波动可以归因于年间环境条件的变化和该种鱼类亲体数量的变化。文章根据1990~2001年间黄海中南部鳀鱼声学调查评估结果,以及黄海千里岩海区在此年间的表层水温和营养盐统计数据,以Ricker模型(R=αSe^-βS)为基础对黄海鳀鱼(Engraulis japonicas)亲体-补充量关系进行了初步研究。结果表明,黄海千里岩水域表层水温、磷酸盐浓度等环境条件因素对补充量有重要影响。  相似文献   

Changes in fish year‐class strength have been attributed to year‐to‐year variability in environmental conditions and spawning stock biomass (SSB). In particular, sea temperature has been shown to be linked to fish recruitment. In the present study, I examined the relationship between sea surface temperature (SST), SSB and recruitment for two stocks of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) around northern Japan [Japanese Pacific stock (JPS) and northern Japan Sea stock (JSS)] using a temperature‐dependent stock‐recruitment model (TDSRM). The recruitment fluctuation of JPS was successfully reproduced by the TDSRM with February and April SSTs, and February SST was a better environmental predictor than April SST. In addition, the JPS recruitment was positively related to February SST and negatively to April SST. The JSS recruitment modeled by the TDSRM incorporating February SST was also consistent with the observation, whereas the relationship between recruitment and February SST was negative, that is the opposite trend to JPS. These findings suggest that SST in February is important as a predictor of recruitment for both stocks, and that higher and lower SSTs in February act favorably on the recruitment of JPS and JSS respectively. Furthermore, Ricker‐type TDSRM was not selected for either of the stocks, suggesting that the strong density‐dependent effect as in the Ricker model does not exist for JPS and JSS. I formulate hypotheses to explain the links between SST and recruitment, and note that these relationships should be considered in any future attempts to understand the recruitment dynamics of JPS and JSS.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of process and observation errors on the selection of the stock–recruitment relationship (SRR) curve using simulations. When the process and observation errors were added to both spawning stock biomass and recruitment, the results were as follows: (1) When the proportional model was set as the true SRR model, there was a high probability that the Ricker or Beverton and Holt model was selected in response to the errors; (2) When the Ricker or Beverton and Holt model was set as the true SRR model, the proportional model was seldom selected in response to the errors; (3) The proportional SRR model should be accepted as the optimum SRR model for the Pacific stock of Japanese sardine; (4) We should use an SRR model that is constructed from more than two independent variables (spawning stock biomass, environmental factors, etc.) when we discuss management of fisheries resources.  相似文献   

东海带鱼生殖和补充特征的变动   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
徐汉祥 《水产学报》2003,27(4):322-327
根据1986—2000年对东海和南黄海渔获带鱼的生物学基础调查,利用世代分析方法计算了东海带鱼的资源数量,分析了东海带鱼生殖和补充特征的变动状况,同时研究了环境与带鱼补充量变动的关系。结果表明,随着捕捞压力的增大,东海带鱼的最小成熟体长、产卵亲体的平均体长、平均体重组成进一步缩小,个体繁殖力提高而卵径变小;实行伏季休渔后,东海带鱼的补充群体数量大幅度增加,单位亲体的补充量比伏休前增加45%~60%,证明了伏季休渔的生态效益;带鱼补充群体数量与亲体数量、海中温度、伏休时间成正比。目前东海带鱼的亲体数量仍显不足,应进一步减少对带鱼的捕捞强度。  相似文献   

Different stock–recruitment models were fitted to North Atlantic albacore (Thunnus alalunga) recruitment and spawning stock biomass data. A classical density dependence hypothesis, a recent environmental‐dependence hypothesis and a combination of both were considered. For the latter case, four stock–environment–recruitment models were used: Ricker, Beverton‐Holt, Deriso's General Model (modified to take into account environmental effects) and conditioned Neural Networks. Cross‐validation analysis showed that the modified Deriso model had the best predictive capability. It detected an inverse effect of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) on recruitment, a Ricker‐type behaviour with density dependent overcompensation when environmental conditions are unfavourable and a Beverton–Holt‐type behaviour towards an asymptotic recruitment carrying capacity with favourable environmental conditions. The Neural Network model also detected that under favourable environmental conditions high spawning stock biomass does not necessarily have a depensatory effect on recruitment. Moreover, they suggest that under extremely favourable environmental conditions, albacore recruitment could increase well above the asymptotic carrying capacity predicted by Beverton–Holt‐type models. However, the general decrease in spawning stock biomass in recent years and increasing NAO trends suggest that there is low probability of exceptionally large recruitment in the future and instead there is a danger of recruitment overfishing.  相似文献   

我国东、黄海鲐鱼灯光围网渔业CPUE标准化研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
李纲  陈新军  田思泉 《水产学报》2009,33(6):1050-1059
日本鲐是我国近海重要的中上层鱼类资源之一,评估其资源量需要对单位捕捞努力量渔获量(CPUE)进行标准化。影响CPUE标准化的因素很多,包括季节、区域和海洋环境等。本文利用广义线型模型(GLM)和广义加性模型(GAM),结合时空、捕捞船、表温等因子,对1998-2006年东、黄海大型灯光围网渔业鲐鱼CPUE进行标准化,并评价各因子对CPUE的影响。首先应用GLM模型评价时间、空间、环境以及捕捞渔船参数对CPUE的影响,并确定显著性变量。其次,将显著性变量逐一加入GAM模型,根据Akaike信息法则(AIC),选择最优的GAM模型。最后,利用最优的GAM模型对CPUE标准化,并定量分析时间、空间、环境以及捕捞渔船参数对鲐鱼CPUE的影响。GLM模型结果表明:8个变量对CPUE有重要影响,依次为年、船队、船队与年的交互效应、月、船队与月份的交换效应、经度、纬度和海表温。根据AIC,包含上述8个显著性变量的GAM模型为最优模型,对CPUE偏差的解释为27.78%。GAM模型结果表明:高CPUE分别出现在夏季海表温为28~31 ℃的东海中部和冬季海表温为12~16 ℃的黄海;1998-2006年,标准化后的CPUE呈逐年下降趋势,与持续增长的捕捞努力量有关。  相似文献   

Northern rock sole recruitment in the eastern Bering Sea has been hypothesized to (a) depend on wind‐driven surface currents linking spawning and nursery areas, (b) be density‐dependent, and (c) be negatively impacted by cold bottom temperatures over a large nursery area during the first summer of life. A suite of models was developed to test these hypotheses. Data included 32 years of recruitment and spawning biomass estimates derived from a stock assessment model and wind and temperature indices customized to the environmental exposure of age‐0 northern rock sole in the eastern Bering Sea. The predictive ability of the models was evaluated, and the models were used to forecast recruitment to age‐4 for recent year classes which are poorly retained by the standard multi‐species bottom trawl survey gear. Models which included wind and temperature indices performed better than a naïve forecast based on the running mean. The best‐performing model was a categorical model with wind and temperature thresholds, which explained 49% of the variation in recruitment. Ricker models performed more poorly than models without a spawning biomass term, providing no evidence that recruitment is related to stock size. The models forecast higher recruitment for the most recent year classes (2015–2018) than for prior year classes with observed poor recruitment (2006–2013). These environment‐based recruitment forecasts may improve recruitment estimates for the most recent year classes and facilitate study of the effects of future climate change on northern rock sole population dynamics.  相似文献   

为了研究蓝点马鲛()生活史特征的异质性,根据2018年10月至2019年3月在东海外海渔场的拖网调查采样数据,对其叉长和体重关系的月间及性别差异进行了研究。依据收集的367尾蓝点马鲛样本,求得其叉长和体重关系(b的估计均值为2.794。本研究构建了广义线性模型和9个线性混合模型,用于研究蓝点马鲛的叉长和体重关系()在时间及性别上的差异。贝叶斯信息准则(BIC)值和均方根误差值均表明,最复杂的线性混合模型(即月份和性别对两个参数P<0.01)。在最优模型中,a值则与此相反。本研究表明,月份和性别对蓝点马鲛叉长和体重关系具有显著的影响,线性混合模型能把月份和性别的异质性通过随机效应在单个模型中更准确、快速地体现,从而进一步证实了此模型在数据来源异质性研究中的优势。  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that Pacific herring populations in the Bering Sea and north-east Pacific Ocean can be grouped based on similar recruitment time series. The scale of these groups suggests large-scale influence on recruitment fluctuations from the environment. Recruitment time series from 14 populations were analysed to determine links to various environmental variables and to develop recruitment forecasting models using a Ricker-type environmentally dependent spawner–recruit model. The environmental variables used for this investigation included monthly time series of the following: southern oscillation index, North Pacific pressure index, sea surface temperatures, air temperatures, coastal upwelling indices, Bering Sea wind, Bering Sea ice cover, and Bering Sea bottom temperatures. Exploratory correlation analysis was used for focusing the time period examined for each environmental variable. Candidate models for forecasting herring recruitment were selected by the ordinary and recent cross-validation prediction errors. Results indicated that forecasting models using air and sea surface temperature data lagged to the year of spawning generally produced the best forecasting models. Multiple environmental variables showed marked improvements in prediction over single-environmental-variable models.  相似文献   

We estimated the stock size of Japanese sardine ( Sardinops melanostictus ) in the Sea of Japan and East China Sea since 1953 using cohort analysis based on the changes of growth patterns. Growth of Japanese sardine, estimated by using annual rings on archived scales since 1961, showed that body lengths were extremely stunted in the 1980–1987 year-classes. The body length at age 3 from February to April in the 1980–1987 year-classes, a period when the stock size exceeded 4 million tons, was 180.0 ± 2.6 mm (mean ± SD), and in the other year-classes was 195.1 ± 7.6 mm. The body length at age 3 and wet weight of zooplankton in August in the offshore area of the Sea of Japan had a significantly positive correlation. We assumed three scenarios for maturation ratios, and estimated Ricker's spawner–recruitment relationships. We analyzed the correlations between logarithmic recruitment residuals (LNRR) and environmental factors in winter, represented by the North Pacific index (NPI), Aleutian low pressure index (ALPI), Pacific decadal oscillation (PDO), monsoon index (MOI), Arctic oscillation (AO) and Southern oscillation index (SOI). Significant correlations were observed between MOI and LNRR and between AO and LNRR. A combination of strong MOI and weak AO would increase the biomass of phytoplankton and zooplankton and subsequently increase the recruitment of Japanese sardine.  相似文献   

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