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在迁飞滞留季节捕获的微山湖地区野生日本鸣鹑中随机抽取36只,检测编码脏器、肌肉酶型的10个结构基因座上的频率分布,搜集国内外20个家鹑和野生日本鸣鹑群体的相同资料,以模糊集合方法对21个群体进行亲缘关系聚类。研究发现:就起源系统而言,微山湖野生日本鸣鹑比日本列岛各地的野生日本鸣鹑更接近家养鹌鹑群体。这一研究结果表明,当代关于鹌鹑原始驯化地域的论断,值得重新斟酌。  相似文献   

王文芳 《中国家禽》2003,25(12):42-43
1香酥鹌鹑 原料:鹌鹑10只、精盐、白糖、酱油、花椒、淀粉适量.制法:鹌鹑脱毛去内脏,洗净,沥干,浸入酱油、料酒、精盐、白糖、花椒等配成的料汁内2~3小时后取出,上笼蒸10分钟左右,取出凉透后沾上一层湿团粉,起油锅炸透装盘,再用浸过鹌鹑的料汤煮沸,加入少量味精和湿淀粉勾芡,浇在鹌鹑上即成.  相似文献   

蓝胸鹑Cotumix Chinensis (Indan Blue Quail)隶属于鸟纲、鸡形目、雉科鹑类。别称蓝胸鹌鹑、桂花雀、小鹌鹑、迷你鸡等。体长11~16厘米,体重30-57克。  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的不断提高,食用鹌鹑的养殖前景看好.在鹌鹑饲养生产过程中,幼鹑和雏鹑的饲养管理尤为重要,不可忽视.初生鹑娇小体弱,但生长发育特别快,要特别加强饲养管理.对幼鹑、雏鹑加强管理,可提高成活率和产蛋率,全面提高鹌鹑养殖的经济效益.  相似文献   

鹌鹑肌肉肌苷酸含量和鹑肉保鲜时间的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
用纸层析法测定鹌鹑肌肉提取液中的肌苷酸含量,实验结果表明:1.鹌鹑性别不同的肌苷酸含量(平均值):雌鹑为5.557μM/g(肉);雄鹑为5.274μM/g(肉),差异不显著(p>0.05)。2.两组不同日龄鹌鹑胸肌肌苷酸含量(平均值):35日龄为5.739μM/g,70日龄为4.941μM/g,差异极显著(p<0.01)。3.鹌鹑不同部位肌苷酸含量,胸肌明显高于腿肌,腿肌的肌苷酸含量平均值仅为胸肌的60.51%,差异极显著(p<0.01)。4.不同条件保存鹑肉时,随着时间的延长,肌肉中的肌苷酸均降解,降解速度,低温(0℃)较室温缓慢。5.测定肌肉中肌苷酸的含量可作为衡量鹌鹑肌肉鲜度的一项有用的指标。  相似文献   

鹌鹑体肥肉美,具有独特的清香味,历来是食中珍品,宴席上的佳肴。鹑蛋色彩斑斓,蛋质细,营养丰富。 一、箸头春:又名炙多活鹌子,是唐末飞源官拜尚书令左仆射时,向唐中宗进献的珍馐,其特点:色泽红亮,箸触即烂,酥脆而鲜香。  相似文献   

鹌鹑产品的包装与销售是养鹑的最后一道工序。笔者深入山东招远和龙口两个市的多养家鹑(场)户,走访调查了鹌鹑产品的包装与销售经验,特介绍如下。  相似文献   

孟昭聚 《饲料工业》1995,16(1):33-33
用绿豆蛋白粉代替进口鱼粉饲喂蛋鹑的研究山东省蓬莱市潮水镇兽医站孟昭聚我们于1994年8~9月在潮水镇衙前村养鹑场,用绿豆蛋白粉代替进口鱼粉对蛋鹑进行了饲喂试验,现将试验情况总结分析报道如下。1.材料与方法选择衙前村蛋鹑场的产蛋10月龄的麻栗色鹌鹑20...  相似文献   

将微山湖野生日本鸣鹑与家鹌鹑杂交F2代按1公∶5母进行分组,采用秒表单位记时法观察鹌鹑的行为,并引用同期亲本和F1代的相同资料,对鸣叫、打斗和交配行为频次进行比较。结果表明:①杂交F2代鹌鹑鸣叫行为比家鹑低,除10∶00~11∶00外,其余时间段均存在显著差异(P<0.05);在14∶00~15∶00与野生日本鸣鹑存在显著差异(P<0.05);在14∶00~16∶00杂交F1代有显著差异(P<0.05);②杂交F2代鹌鹑打斗行为除16∶00~17∶00外与家鹑及杂交F1代无显著差异;③杂交F2代鹌鹑交配行为除16∶00~18∶00外与家鹑及杂交F1代均有显著差异(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

为了从分子水平上揭示朝鲜鹌鹑、中国黄羽鹌鹑、中国黑羽鹌鹑3个鹌鹑群体的遗传结构和亲缘关系,为鹌鹑的遗传资源研究提供科学依据,本研究采用PCR扩增、聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳、聚类分析等方法对3个鹌鹑群体进行了微卫星标记的多态性分析。结果表明,12个微卫星标记在3个鹌鹑群体中检测到的观测等位基因数在4~7个之间,中国黄羽鹌鹑、中国黑羽鹌鹑、朝鲜鹌鹑的平均多态信息含量分别为0.6853、0.6401和0.6565;平均期望杂合度分别为0.7333、0.6957和0.7111,以中国黄羽鹌鹑群体遗传多态样性最为丰富。聚类分析结果表明,中国黑羽鹌鹑和朝鲜鹌鹑的遗传距离最小为0.0628,因此中国黑羽鹌鹑和朝鲜鹌鹑先聚为一类,而后与中国黄羽鹌鹑聚合在一起。这也更进一步证明了中国黑羽鹌鹑和朝鲜鹌鹑有更近的亲缘关系,而中国黑羽鹌鹑,朝鲜鹌鹑与中国黄羽鹌鹑的亲缘关系要远一些。  相似文献   

国内鹌鹑资源及其养殖现状和发展前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄峰  常洪  常国斌 《畜牧兽医杂志》2005,24(6):36-36,38
介绍了关于野生鹌鹑遗传资源的种类、分布、迁徙规律以及被驯化后一些生活习性的改变和养殖现状,提出了我国在今后养殖鹌鹑产业中的机遇和挑战.  相似文献   

In order to reveal the genetic structure and genetic relationship of Korean quail, Chinese Yellow quail, Chinese Black quail, the 3 quail populations from the molecular level, to provide for the study of genetic resources of quail.This study used PCR amplification, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, cluster analysis and other methods of 3 quail populations were polymorphic analysis of microsatellite markers.The results showed that 12 microsatellite markers in 3 quails was detected in the observed number of alleles was between 4 and 7, the average polymorphism information content of Chinese Yellow quail, Chinese Black quail, Korean quail were 0.6853, 0.6401 and 0.6565, respectively;The average heterozygosity were 0.7333, 0.6957 and 0.7111, respectively, which Chinese Yellow quail population genetic diversity was the most abundant polymorphism.The cluster analysis showed that the Chinese Black quail and Korean quail smallest genetic distance was 0.0628, so the Chinese Black quail and Korean quail were clustered into one category, and then was Chinese Yellow quail together.This was further evidence of Chinese Black quail and Korean quail had a closer genetic relationship, and the genetic relationship of Chinese Black quail and Korean quail was more distant with Chinese Yellow quail.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to accelerate the application of molecular markers in genetic breeding and other aspects of Black quail to develop EST-SSR markers for Black quail.100 Black quail were randomly chosen and blood samples were collected to develop EST-SSR new markers and determined the genetic polymorphism using bioinformatics.The results showed that there were 6 EST-SSR markers in the Black quail, the number of observed alleles in EST-SSR was 2 to 6.The average PIC of 6 EST-SSR markers in the Back quail was 0.4962 and the average He was 0.5759.Markers P1 and P2 were highly polymorphic markers among 6 EST-SSR and the rest EST-SSR markers were moderately polymorphic markers.These developed markers could be used for genetic diversity analysis of Black quail and the EST-SSR markers had some relationship with the carbohydrate metabolism, synthesis of melanin in Black quail, but the mechanism needed the further analysis.  相似文献   

本研究旨在加速分子标记在黑羽鹌鹑遗传育种等方面的应用,开发黑羽鹌鹑的EST-SSR标记。随机选取100只黑羽鹌鹑,心脏采血2mL,采用生物信息学方法开发黑羽鹌鹑的EST-SSR新标记,并检测EST-SSR标记在黑羽鹌鹑群体中的多态性。结果显示,在黑羽鹌鹑中成功的开发出了6个EST-SSR标记,EST-SSR标记检测到的观测等位基因数为2~6个,6个EST-SSR标记在黑羽鹌鹑的平均多态信息含量(PIC)为0.4962,平均期望杂合度(He)为0.5759。6个EST-SSR标记中P1和P2个为高度多态标记,其他4个EST-SSR为中度多态标记。新开发的6个EST-SSR标记可用于黑羽鹌鹑的遗传多样性分析,6个EST-SSR标记与鹌鹑的糖类代谢、黑色素的合成等有关系,但具体的机理还有待进一步分析。  相似文献   

鸡与鹌鹑染色体核型比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用外周血淋巴细胞培养法制备染色体标本,对鸡与鹌鹑染色体核型进行研究。结果显示:鸡和鹌鹑染色体数目均为2n=78,但染色体形态存在差异,主要表现在No.1、No.4、No.6、No.8和W染色体上。No.1染色体,鸡为m型,鹌鹑为sm型;No.4染色体鸡为sm型,鹌鹑为st型;No.6、No.8和W染色体,鸡分别为sm、m、m型,鹌鹑全为t型。  相似文献   

The poultry feather color inheritance has been a hot research topic, because the feather color is a kind of important quality character.In this study, we used polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to detect the polymorphisms of four quail populations of different feather color (China Yellow quail, Black quail, Korean quail, Beijing White quail) of agouti-related protein gene (Agrp) exon Ⅰ, so as to investigate the relationship of Agrp exon I with quail plumage color, and to provide reference for the breeding and production of quail.The results showed that two alleles were detected in the Agrp exon Ⅰ of China Yellow quail, Black quail, Korean quail, Beijing White quail populations,and expressed by A and B, respectively. Frequency of allele A in Beijing White quail was up to 0.9500. The frequency of B allele in Korean quail was the highest, reaching 0.3392, in Beijing White quail genes in the lowest frequency is only 0.0500. The genotype frequency of AA genotype in Beijing White quail was the highest (0.9500), the lowest in Korean quail and Black quail (0.4286). BB genotype was not observed in Beijing White quail. We speculated that it may have a certain relationship between Agrp exon Ⅰ B allele and feather color of quail.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the differences between the growth patterns of large- and normal-sized Japanese quail strains and their F1 progeny, by fitting their growth parameter values to five nonlinear regression growth models (Weibull, Logistic, Gompertz, Richards, and Brody). The Richards model presented the best fit for both sexes of the large-sized quail strain, whereas the Gompertz model presented the best fit for both sexes of the normal-sized quail strain, based on goodness-of-fit criteria (higher adjusted R2 and lower Akaike and Bayesian information criteria). Both sexes of F1 birds derived from the cross between normal-sized females and large-sized males were best fitted by the Richards model. In contrast, growth parameters of the F1 birds derived from the cross between large-sized females and normal-sized males were best fitted to the Gompertz model. The data could be fitted nearly as well to the Weibull and Logistic models as to the Richards and Gompertz models. The Brody model presented the poorest fit for the growth parameter values. The results indicated that the Richards and Gompertz models could best describe the growth characteristics of both large- and normal-sized quails. Moreover, the observed growth pattern of the F1 birds was likely inherited from the male parental strain. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study comparing the growth curves of the reciprocal F1 generations with their parental strains in quails.  相似文献   

朝鲜鹌鹑的生长发育性能研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
选择300只10日龄的朝鲜鹌鹑(公、母各半),在相同的饲养管理条件下饲养4周,系统测定了各周的体重和体斜长、胸骨长、胸宽、胸深、胫长等体尺指标,并拟合了公、母鹑体重的Logistic生长曲线。结果表明,朝鲜鹌鹑公、母鹑38日龄体重为109.38 g和117.92 g,母鹑的生长速度明显高于公鹑,所拟合的公、母鹑体重的生长曲线方程分别为yt=122.5/[1+e-0.1200×(t-20.0921)](R2=0.9914)和yt=134.5/[1+e-0.1154×(t-21.0727)](R2=0.9933),鹑群生长发育均匀整齐。  相似文献   

MC1R基因与朝鲜鹌鹑羽色关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黑素皮质素受体1(MC1R)又称促黑素细胞激素受体(MSH-R),由毛色扩展位点编码而成,对动物体色的形成起重要作用,本研究分析了MC1R基因突变与朝鲜鹌鹑羽色之间的关系。通过混合样品DNA测序方法寻找MC1R基因的突变位点,采用PCR-SSCP的方法对突变位点在4种羽色鹌鹑(栗羽、黄羽、白羽、黑羽)群体中的分布情况进行了研究,以揭示MC1R基因与鹌鹑羽色性状之间的关系。结果表明,在鹌鹑MC1R基因上存在一个A/G突变位点,导致编码蛋白发生Ile58Val突变,通过PCR-SSCP分析发现,该突变位点在4种羽色鹌鹑群体间没有显著差异(P>0.05)。本研究没有发现与日本鹌鹑报道相同的Glu92Lys突变位点,表明朝鲜鹌鹑的黑羽突变与报道的日本鹌鹑黑羽突变的机制不同,而且朝鲜鹌鹑的黑羽突变可能还与其它基因突变有关。  相似文献   

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