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本研究总结(一)、(二)介绍了中国梅山猪、嘉兴猪和金华猪纯种猪以及它们与大白猪和法国兰德瑞斯猪的杂交母猪的繁殖性能和多产性。现在探讨二元和三元杂交猪的育肥性能和胴体品质,研究了以下四个方面: 1、测定中国纯种母猪的个体;  相似文献   

一直有一种看法认为杜洛克猪的食用品质可能已有改善,因为同其他猪种相比,杜洛克猪可将较高比例的体脂沉积在肌肉内(大理石样)。食品研究所胴体和屠宰研究室同猪种改良公司(PIC)和肉类与家畜委员会(MLC)合作进行了对杜洛克猪及其杂交种胴体和肉质的首次检查,以纯种兰德瑞斯猪作为对照比较。  相似文献   

在法国,肉猪生产主要由四个品种组成:皮特兰、比利时兰德瑞斯、法国兰德瑞斯和大白猪,它们的最大特性就是高瘦肉率。其中皮特兰猪和比利时兰德瑞斯猪的胴体瘦肉率高达60%。根据这两个品种的特性,我国农牧渔业部决定接受法国赠送的皮特兰和比利时兰德瑞斯猪种,由上海市农科院畜牧兽医研究所负责育种饲养。二个品种共16头仔猪于1988年4月7日抵沪,每个品种各为8头。到达体重约20~25千克。现于畜牧所试验场(地址农科院)落户。为了能更清楚地了解这两个品种的性能、特征,以下就其来源、品种特征、繁殖性能等作一介绍。  相似文献   

根据猪肉消费与生产现状,就当前面临的课题和试验研究阐述如下。品系建立和杂种生产随着1960年前后引入兰德瑞斯猪,在公立畜牧试验场进行了许多杂种试验,结果以兰德瑞斯(L)为主的一代杂种成为肉猪生产的主流。此后,向三元杂种猪发展,1970年前后,将汉普夏(H)与 L×W(大约克夏)的一代杂种母猪交配;1980年,又用杜洛克(D)分别与它们交配,形成大体标准化的品种组合。但这样生产出来的待肥育猪,其增重、饲料效率及出栏时的胴体、肉质评定差异大,不能令人满意。另外,这10年来,优质胴体率为40%左右,没有明显提高。  相似文献   

1.纯种大白猪肉品质一般优于兰德瑞斯猪肉。 2.与青年母猪相比,公猪胴体的滴损率较低而pH值则较高。 3.纯种猪的肉质因屠宰地点不同而有差异。 4.较瘦的猪与大腿部发育良好的猪易于出现系水力低的苍白色肉。 5.不同工厂间PSE猪肉的发生率在10%~2%;  相似文献   

为了探索中国猪种及其与法国猪种杂交中提高产仔数的原因,我们研究了高产性的两个主要因素,即母猪的排卵数和妊娠50天内的胚胎死亡率。在这个时期的胚胎数和初生仔数较为接近。一、试验材料和方法本试验应用11头纯种猪(6头嘉兴猪,5头梅山猪)和6个组合的24头杂交一代母猪(梅山猪×大白猪、梅山猪×法国兰德瑞斯猪,嘉兴猪×大白猪、嘉兴猪×法国兰德瑞斯猪、金华猪×大白猪,金华猪×法国兰德瑞斯猪)。每个组合4头母猪。母猪分4~5个圈饲养,每日用公猪试情二次。  相似文献   

从1950年开始,南斯拉夫大量引进了大约克夏、荷兰兰德瑞斯猪和瑞典兰德瑞斯猪。这些猪种集中在国营农场饲养,因而在很短的时间内就使国营猪场的猪种发生根本性的改变,即在1952年后,国营猪场再也没有脂肪型猪种了,全部换上了瘦肉型猪种。在以后的十五年中,上述瘦肉型猪种又很快渗透到农户。现只有极少数地区还饲养一些脂肪型品  相似文献   

将约克夏×兰德瑞斯、杜洛克×约克夏和杜洛克×兰德瑞斯产生的 F_1代母猪和纯种杜洛克、兰德瑞斯和约克夏的公猪交配,得到2,310窝三品种杂交种和227窝回交杂种。所得资料用最小二乘法分析,比较三交种和回交种的一窝产仔数的差异。试验猪都是于1979年6月到1981年11月在南朝鲜宜昌 Che-il 猪育种场里繁殖的。将三交种高于回交种的平均优势表示为回交种平均数的百分数:每窝产活仔  相似文献   

本研究在维多利亚州Werribee的畜牧研究所进行,全部供试猪均为雄性的大白猪×兰德瑞斯杂交后代,但来自两个品系。使用同一种日粮,分为7个摄取水平(从每天22兆焦耳可消化能到自由采食)在45~90千克阶段,对生产性能和蛋白质沉积能力进行比较。一个品系(A系)获自有2000多头母猪的大型商品猪场,该猪场已对全部种猪的生长性能和胴体肥度进行了八年强化选择;第二个品系(B系)来自该研究所由不到80头母猪组成的猪群,其种猪在生长性能方面所经受的选择强度比较轻。  相似文献   

贵州地方猪品种HSL基因多态性与屠宰性状的关联性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本研究旨在分析HSL基因多态性与地方猪品种瘦肉率之间的相关性。采用RFLP方法,以二元杂交猪(长白猪×大约克猪)为对照,对贵州地方猪品种糯谷猪和萝卜猪的HSL基因进行多态性分析。结果表明,贵州地方猪品种HSL基因外显子1中存在BsaH I酶切片段长度多态性,从3个猪群体中都检测到AA、AB和BB基因型,克隆测序后证实,A等位基因于第442 bp处发生了单碱基突变(G→A),导致氨基酸Val→Ile替换。地方猪品种以A等位基因占优势,杂交猪以B等位基因占优势。将猪胴体性状与HSL基因型之间进行关联分析,结果显示大部分年龄段的猪品种中,BB、AB和AA 3种基因型的瘦肉率和眼肌面积均表现出从高到低的变化趋势,而背膘厚则完全相反。结果提示,HSL外显子1的B等位基因具有增加胴体瘦肉率和眼肌面积、降低背膘厚的遗传效应,可作为贵州地方猪品种瘦肉率的分子标记。  相似文献   

A restriction/realimentation feeding strategy was applied to pigs to increase the age at market weight and final ADG, modify protein and lipid deposition rates at carcass and muscle levels, and thereby improve eating quality of the pork. A total of 126 Duroc x (Large White x Landrace) pigs (females and castrated males) were used. At the average BW of 30 kg, within litter and sex, pairs of littermates (blocked by BW) were randomly assigned to ad libitum (AL) feeding during growing (30 to 70 kg of BW) and finishing (70 to 110 kg of BW) periods (AL, n = 56), or restricted feeding at 65% of the ADFI of the AL pigs, on a BW basis, during the growing period and AL feeding during finishing (compensatory growth, CG; n = 56). In each feeding regimen, 15 pigs were slaughtered at 70 kg of BW, and 41 pigs were slaughtered at 110 kg of BW. Additionally, 14 pigs were slaughtered at 30 kg of BW to calculate tissue deposition rates. The CG pigs showed decreased ADG (-35%, P = 0.001) during growing but increased ADG (+13%, P = 0.001) during finishing (i.e., compensatory growth) due to greater (P = 0.001) ADFI and G:F. Hence, CG pigs were 19 d older at 110 kg of BW than AL pigs. The CG pigs were leaner at 70 kg of BW than AL (e.g., 11.7 vs. 13.5 mm of average backfat thickness for CG and AL pigs, respectively, P = 0.023), whereas the differences were reduced at 110 kg of BW (20.6 vs. 21.0 mm of average backfat thickness for CG and AL pigs, respectively, P = 0.536). At 70 kg of BW, intramuscular fat (IMF) content of LM did not differ between CG and AL pigs (1.25 vs. 1.49%, respectively, P = 0.118), whereas CG pigs had less IMF in LM at 110 kg of BW (2.19 vs. 2.53% for CG and AL pigs, respectively, P = 0.034). Feeding regimen influenced the composition of weight gain. From 30 to 70 kg of BW, feed restriction reduced (P = 0.001) lean and adipose tissue deposition at the carcass level and protein and lipid deposition at the muscle level. From 70 to 110 kg of BW, the CG feeding strategy increased (P = 0.016) deposition of adipose but not of lean tissue at the carcass level. However, lipid and protein deposition at the muscle level were not affected. Thus, realimentation promoted deposition of subcutaneous fat over IMF. Feeding regimen hardly affected technological meat quality at 110 kg of BW. The CG feeding strategy decreased (P = 0.014) the meat juiciness score in relation to the decreased IMF but did not influence other sensory traits. Elevated IMF content and improved pork quality might be achieved by modifying the onset or duration of the restriction and realimentation periods.  相似文献   

The genetic upper limit to daily whole-body protein deposition (Pdmax) is an important constraint on pig growth. The Pdmax was determined for a specified pig genotype using N balance and serial slaughter techniques. A traditional N-balance study, involving 36 and 90 kg of BW Large White x (Landrace x Large White) entire male pigs, was first conducted to demonstrate that a highly digestible, nutrient-dense diet (1.54% Lys; 18 MJ of DE/kg, air-dried basis) was able to support the attainment of Pdmax within the constraints of pig appetite. Animals were allocated to set levels of feed intake [set proportions of ad libitum DE intake (DEi), 50 to 100%]. Nitrogen retention increased linearly with DEi up to 25.3 and 35.2 MJ of DE/d for the 36 and 90 kg of BW pigs, respectively, then showed a departure (P < 0.05) from linearity. For DEi of the experimental diet above the latter intakes, which were approximately 80% of a determined ad libitum DEi, the pigs deposited protein at a rate approaching Pdmax. When a linear plateau response model (accepted a priori) was fitted, Pdmax values of 189.9 g/d at a DEi breakpoint of 28.3 MJ of DE/d at 36 kg of BW and 186.4 g/d at a DEi breakpoint of 37.3 MJ of DE/d at 90 kg of BW were found. In the serial slaughter study, 18 female and 18 entire male pigs were allocated to 5 slaughter BW (25, 45, 65, 85, and 110 kg) such that there were 5, 3, 3, 3, and 4 animals of each sex at each slaughter weight, respectively. Animals were fed the experimental diet ad libitum, and whole-body protein was determined at slaughter. Growth data were analyzed by differentiating and combining continuous mathematical functions for BW and body composition. The ad libitum DEi were 27.4 and 50.7 MJ/d at 36 and 90 kg of BW for the entire males and were assumed, based on the N-balance results, sufficiently high to allow expression of Pdmax. There was an effect (P < 0.05) of sex on Pdmax vs. time (days on trial). Over the BW range of 25 to 85 kg, Pdmax was constant for the entire male and female pigs at 170 and 147 g/d, respectively. Above 85 kg of BW, Pdmax was no longer constant for either sex.  相似文献   

To alleviate the need for daily injection of porcine somatotropin (pST), a sustained-release implant (pSTSR) was devised that continuously delivers a daily dose of 2 mg of pST for 42 d. Ninety-six white composite (Large White x Landrace) finishing barrows (83.6 +/- 1.2 kg BW) were assigned to receive zero or two pSTSR implants (4 mg pST/d) and to consume one of six diets differing in total Lys concentration (0.29, 0.52, 0.75, 0.98, 1.21, or 1.44%, as-fed basis). Diets were formulated to be isocaloric and based on the ideal protein concept. Pigs were housed individually, allowed ad libitum access to feed and water, and slaughtered at 112 kg of BW. The pSTSR affected neither ADG (P = 0.88) nor 10th rib LM area (LMA; P = 0.51), but it decreased (P < 0.01) ADFI, average backfat thickness, 10th rib fat depth, weights of leaf fat and ham fat, improved (P < 0.05) G:F, and increased (P < 0.01) weights of four trimmed lean cuts (T-cuts), and percentages of ham lean and bone. Increasing total Lys increased ADG (quadratic; P < 0.05) and ADFI (linear; P < 0.01). The G:F, plasma urea N concentrations (PUN), and T-cuts were affected by the interaction pSTSR x dietary Lys (P < 0.01). Without pSTSR, the G:F did not differ (P = 0.37) among pigs fed 0.52% and greater total Lys. With pSTSR, the G:F was less (P < 0.05) for pigs fed 0.52% than 0.98 and 1.44% total Lys. Increases in dietary total Lys resulted in increased PUN (P < 0.01), and incremental increases were less in pSTSR-implanted pigs. Maximal yield of T-cuts was at 0.98% dietary total Lys in nonimplanted pigs and 1.21% total Lys in pSTSR-implanted pigs. Estimates of total Lys requirements of pigs without and with pSTSR, respectively, were 0.52 and 0.86% for growth (ADG and G:F) and 0.73 and 0.88% for lean production (LMA and T-cuts). Equivalent apparent ileal digestible Lys requirements of pigs without and with pSTSR, respectively, were 0.44 and 0.68% for growth, and 0.62 and 0.75% for lean production. With ADFI of 3.5 kg daily, an intake of approximately 26.1 g of total daily Lys (0.75%) or 22.4 g of apparent ileal digestible Lys is needed to maximize lean production in finishing barrows receiving 4 mg pST/d via sustained-release implant.  相似文献   

The relationships among BW, backfat depth, and body physical and chemical composition were evaluated in response to dietary protein and DE balance in breeding gilts from 30 kg of BW to weaning of the first litter. Large White (sire) x Landrace (dam) F1 hybrid (White; n = 75) and Landrace (sire) x (Meishan x Large White; dam) (Meishan; n = 19) hybrid gilts were received at 30 kg of BW. Five gilts were taken as the initial slaughter group at 30 kg of BW, and the remaining gilts were fed diets differing in total lysine to DE ratio, high (H) vs. low (L), from 30 kg of BW to mating (rearing), and during gestation and lactation, allowing factorial investigation of dietary treatment effects and interactions during rearing, gestation, and lactation. Gilts were slaughtered at approximately 50 and 90 kg of BW, and at mating, farrowing, and weaning. Gilts fed L diets during rearing were lighter at mating (117.9 vs. 133.6 kg of BW, P = 0.035) due to a reduction in gain (592 vs. 720 g/d, P = 0.002) and a restriction in protein accretion (83 vs. 117 g/d, P = 0.001). During rearing, lipid accretion did not differ between L- and H-fed gilts (208 vs. 198 g/d, P = 0.60), but the ratio of lipid to protein accretion was about 1.5-fold greater in L-fed gilts, where lipid mass expressed as a percentage of BW was increased at mating (26.0 vs. 21.9%, P = 0.005). Effects of L diets on lipid accretion during rearing were transient; no residual effects on body lipid mass (P > 0.17) were found at farrowing or weaning. Overall, Meishan hybrids carried greater lipid mass (P < 0.001) than White hybrid gilts. Whereas the rate of body lipid and protein accretion and body lipid and protein mass can be nutritionally influenced and can vary according to growth stage, reproductive status, and genotype, this study established that body protein mass expressed as a proportion of the lipid free empty BW remains inflexible. A value for this measure of 0.188 +/- 0.0052 was found in White and Meishan hybrid gilts ranging from 28 to 203 kg of BW and 3 to 36 mm backfat depth, covering growth, pregnancy, and lactation, and offered diets differing in protein and energy balance. Body protein mass can be predicted as approximately 0.2 of the lipid free empty BW once body lipid mass is estimated accurately from physical measurements, such as backfat depth (P2, mm) and BW (kg), by regression using lipid (kg) = - 8.14 (SE, 1.302) + 0.167 (SE, 0.010) BW + 0.883 (SE, 0.065) P2 (residual SD = 3.51; R2 = 0.912).  相似文献   

Seventy-two castrated male four-way composite (Chester White x Landrace x Large White x Yorkshire) weanling pigs (17 kg initial BW) were used to determine the compensatory response of specific organs and whole body following a 3-wk period of restricted energy intake imposed by ad libitum-feeding an 80% alfalfa meal diet or pair-feeding an adequate corn-soybean meal diet to attain equal weight loss. Six pigs were killed at d 0 to provide baseline data. Six pigs from each diet group (control, C; alfalfa, A, restricted, R) were killed at d 21, after which all remaining pigs were fed C ad libitum to 35 d, 105 d or 126 d. Six pigs per group were killed at 35 and 105 d and four per group were killed at 126 d. Organ weight and carcass data were recorded for all pigs at all time intervals. Regression of organ and trimmed lean tissue weights on time was tested for linearity (d 1 to 126 for C and d 21 to 126 for A and R except d 35 to 126 for gastrointestinal tract traits for A and R); differences in organ weights between C, A and R at d 21 and d 35 were tested by a two-way analysis of variance. There was no evidence of a compensatory growth response to dietary energy restriction for 21 d except for rate of change in weights of liver and kidneys and backfat depth from 21 to 126 d and of gastrointestinal tract components from 21 to 35 d. Specific organs may exhibit compensatory growth over different time spans in young pigs in the absence of observable weight compensation at the whole-animal level.  相似文献   

Crossbred pigs (n = 240) from Pietrain x Large White sires mated to Landrace x Large White dams, with an average age of 100 d (60.5 +/- 2.3 kg of BW), were used to investigate the effects of sex and slaughter weight (SW) on growth performance and on carcass and meat quality characteristics. There were 6 treatments arranged factorially, with 3 classes (intact females, IF; castrated females, CF; and castrated males, CM) and 2 slaughter weights (114 and 122 kg of BW). Each of the 6 combinations of treatments was replicated 4 times, and the experimental unit was a pen with 10 pigs. Castrated males and CF ate more feed, grew faster, and had more carcass backfat depth and fat thickness at the gluteus medius muscle but lower loin yield than IF (P < 0.05). In addition, CF and CM had more intramuscular fat (P < 0.05) and less linoleic acid content in the subcutaneous fat (P < 0.01) than IF. Pigs slaughtered at 122 kg of BW had lower ADG (P < 0.05), decreased G:F (P < 0.05), and more gluteus medius fat than pigs slaughtered at 114 kg of BW (P < 0.05). It was concluded that CF and CM had similar productive performance and meat quality characteristics when slaughtered at the same age, and that castration of females improved ADG and increased weight and fat content of primal cuts with respect to IF. Therefore, castration of females is recommended in pigs destined for the dry-cured industry because of the beneficial effects on quality of the primal cuts.  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究低氮日粮条件下20~75 kg生长猪(20~50、50~75 kg 2个阶段)标准回肠可消化异亮氨酸(SID Ile)与标准回肠可消化赖氨酸(SID Lys)的适宜比例。试验一选取108头体重为(21.48±0.50)kg的杜×长×大生长猪,随机分为3个处理组,即对照组(高氮日粮组)、低氮日粮高SID Lys组和低氮日粮低SID Lys组,每个处理6个重复,每个重复6头猪,研究SID Lys的限制性水平。试验二以试验一的限制性SID Lys水平设计日粮,选取180头体重为(21.46±0.48)kg的杜×长×大生长猪,随机分为5个处理组,每个处理6个重复,每个重复6头猪。2个体重阶段日粮SID Ile:SID Lys设为5个不同水平,以研究其适宜比例。结果表明:试验一中低氮日粮低SID Lys组猪的耗料增重比(F:G)显著高于对照组和低氮日粮高SID Lys组(P0.05);在试验二中,当日粮SID Ile∶SID Lys分别为0.48和0.56时,20~50、50~75 kg生长猪获得最大的日增重(ADG)和最佳的F:G。综上所述,20~50、50~75 kg生长猪日粮粗蛋白(CP)水平分别为14%和12.4%时,其适宜的日粮SID Ile:SID Lys别为0.48和0.56。  相似文献   

Barrows and gilts of 2 genetic lines with differing lean gain potentials (high-lean = 375 g of fat-free lean/d; low-lean = 280 g of fat-free lean/d) were used to determine tissue and organ weights and compositions from 20 to 125 kg of BW. The experiment was a 2 (genetic line) x 2 (sex) x 5 (BW) factorial arrangement of treatments in a completely randomized design conducted with 2 groups of pigs in 6 replicates (n = 120 pigs). Six pigs from each sex and genetic line were slaughtered at 20 kg of BW and at 25 kg of BW intervals to 125 kg of BW. At slaughter, the internal tissues and organs were weighed. Loin and ham muscles were dissected from the carcass and trimmed of skin and external fat, and the ham was deboned. Residuals from the loin and ham were combined with the remaining carcass. Body components were ground, and their compositions were determined. The results demonstrated that tissue weights increased (P < 0.01) as BW increased. Loin and ham muscle weights increased but at a greater rate in the high-lean line and in gilts resulting in genetic line x BW and sex x BW interactions (P < 0.01). Liver and heart expressed on a BW or a percentage of empty BW basis increased at a greater rate in the high-lean line resulting in a genetic line x BW interaction (P < 0.01). Liver and intestinal tract weights were heavier in barrows than in gilts, significant only at 45 (P < 0.05), 75 (P < 0.01), and 100 (P < 0.05) kg of BW. Loin and ham muscles from the high-lean genetic line and gilts had greater (P < 0.01) water, protein, and ash contents compared with the low-lean genetic line and barrows resulting in genetic line x BW and sex x BW interactions (P < 0.01). The remaining carcass (minus loin and ham muscles) had greater (P < 0.01) amounts of water and protein, and less (P < 0.01) fat in the high-lean genetic line and gilts. The high-lean genetic line and gilts had more total body water, protein, and ash, but less body fat, with these differences diverging as BW increased, resulting in a genetic line x BW interaction (P < 0.01). The results indicated that liver and heart weights were greater in high-lean pigs, reflecting the greater amino acid metabolism, whereas the liver and intestinal tract weights were greater in barrow than gilts, reflecting their greater feed intakes and metabolism of total nutrients consumed.  相似文献   

The dietary dose responsiveness of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) addition relative to the fatty acid profile of edible lean tissue was examined in grower pigs treated with or without porcine somatotropin (pST). Gilts and barrows were fed CLA at 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, or 2.0% of diet by weight from 20 to 55 kg BW. Additional pigs were administered (pST) at 0 or 100 microg x kg BW x d(-1) and fed either 0.5 or 2.0% CLA. Animals were fed diets containing 18% CP, 1.2% lysine, and 3.5 Mcal of DE/kg at 110% of ad libitum intake. The fatty acid profile in latissimus dorsi and dorsal s.c. adipose tissue samples was determined by gas chromatography. Dietary CLA replacement of corn oil increased the percentage of total fatty acids as stearic acid, whereas the percentages as oleic and linolenic acids were reduced in lattisimus muscle. Treatment with CLA + pST increased the percentages of linoleic and arachidonic acids while reducing the percentages of palmitic and oleic acids in lattisimus muscle. Dietary CLA increased the percentages of palmitic and stearic acids in s.c. adipose tissue while reducing the percentages of oleic, linoleic, linolenic, and arachidonic acids. The percentage of palmitic acid was reduced in s.c. adipose tissue, whereas linoleic acid was increased with CLA + pST. No synergistic effect was detected between CLA and pST for reducing carcass lipid content in grower pigs. However, pST increased the percentage of polyunsaturated fatty acids in lattisimus muscle and s.c. adipose tissue while reducing the percentages of saturated fatty acids in swine fed CLA.  相似文献   

Ninety hybrid (mainly Large White × Landrace) pigs from 2 experimental replicates were used to study the potential use of computed tomography (CT) as a nondestructive technology for estimating the chemical body composition of growing pigs. Body tissue components (lean, fat, and bone) of 6 live pigs from each sex (boars, gilts, and barrows) were assessed by CT imaging before slaughter at approximately 30, 60, 90, 120, and 150 kg of BW. After slaughter, the empty body components were ground and frozen until analyzed for protein, lipid, ash, and moisture content. Several growth functions were evaluated and the allometric function (Y = aBW(b)), which was evaluated as log(10)chemical component weight = b(0) + b(1)log(10)BW, provided the best fit to the data. For each sex, the allometric coefficient (b(1)) for protein (0.92 to 0.99) was close to but less than 1; for ash (1.03 to 1.12), it was close to but greater than 1; for moisture (0.82 to 0.86), it was less than 1, and for lipid (1.61 to 1.71), it was greater than 1. Deposition rates (change in component weight per unit change in BW) for each chemical component were predicted using derivatives of the function. The mean deposition rates for protein and lipid were 0.141 and 0.286 kg/kg of BW gain, respectively. The deposition rate for protein was generally stable across different BW, whereas that for lipid increased as BW increased. In addition, linear, quadratic, exponential, and logistic functions were fitted to the data to study the relationship between the CT data and chemical components. The linear function was assessed to be the best equation, based on the Bayesian information criterion. The prediction equation for protein (kg) = -1.64 + 0.28 × CT lean (kg), and for lipid (kg) = -0.69 + 1.09 × CT fat (kg), had R(2) values of 0.924 and 0.987, respectively. Sex had no effect (P > 0.05) on the prediction of protein and lipid. The effect of BW was not significant (P > 0.05) for the prediction of lipid, but it was significant (P > 0 0.05) for the prediction of protein. However, the addition of BW to the base prediction equation for protein resulted in an increase of only 0.013 in the R(2) value. It was concluded from this study that CT scanning has great potential as a nondestructive technology for estimating the physical and chemical body composition of pigs. Additional research is required to validate the utility and accuracy of the prediction equations.  相似文献   

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