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天竺葵的应用和组织培养   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
天竺葵是牻牛儿苗科,多年生直立草本植物.茎肉质,基部木质,多分枝,通体被有细毛和腺毛,有鱼腥气.叶互生,圆肾形,基部心脏形,直径7~10 cm,波状浅裂,上面有暗红色马蹄形环纹,伞形花序顶生,花多数,未开前,花蕾柄下垂,花柄连距长2.5~4 cm,花瓣红色、粉红色,白色,下面3片较大,1.2~2.5 cm,蒴果,成熟时5瓣开裂,果瓣向上卷曲.原产非洲南部,我国各地均有栽培.另有马蹄纹天竺葵,叶面上有显著的马蹄纹.大花天竺葵,叶面上无显著的马蹄纹.  相似文献   

广言 《花卉》2010,(8):1-1
近几年,南方人来到北京,华北,西北的城市,也许都有种亲切的感觉:无论是北京,哈尔滨,以至西安,银川,乌鲁木齐,也无论是在政府部门,在单位,新建居民小区,以及街道上,  相似文献   

双孢菇在生物分类学上隶属于伞菌目,蘑菇科,蘑菇属,俗称洋蘑菇,简称蘑菇.双孢菇质地细嫩,鲜美可口,营养丰富,含高蛋白质,低脂肪,无污染,为绿色食品,是目前世界上最为普及、产量最大的菇种之一,2796双孢菇是国内目前较为先进的高产,优质、高效食用菌品种,随着人们生活水平的提高,消费者对其需求不断增加,目前在市场上售价4~6元/kg,具有显著的经济效益.  相似文献   

1减产原因 1.1定植苗弱或带病 苗床土壤松软度不一致,不平整,播种后浇水时,土层下陷导致高低不平,使植株不能均势生长;育苗畦由于选择在地势低的地块,当雨水多时,排涝不及时,土壤中氧气不足,导致根系坏死;播种过密,分苗不及时,幼苗拥挤,徒长,根部染病;拔草不及时,草大伤苗.  相似文献   

加工萝卜新品种武渍一号栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
武渍一号萝卜是武汉市蔬菜科学研究所新育成一个加工专用型品种,中晚熟,花叶,浅绿色,株高50 cm,开展度51 cm,叶片数26,肉质根长圆柱形,根长58 cm,横径4.5 cm,出土部分20 cm,皮白色,肉白色,致密,含水量少.生育期80天,每667m2产量4 000 kg.  相似文献   

大樱桃发展的形势、问题及建议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近几年,苹果、梨、葡萄等大宗水果过剩,价格下降.随着果业结构调整,小杂果不断升温,发展大樱桃热潮迭起,一些历史上栽培大樱桃很少的地区,把发展大樱桃作为重点,规划千亩、万亩基地,大批量从大樱桃主产区调人苗木,或在当地大面积育苗.随着大樱桃生产的发展,问题也不断出现,就此,谈点个人看法.  相似文献   

蓝莓的生物学特性及栽培技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
越桔,又称蓝莓,蓝浆果,属杜鹃花科,越桔亚科越桔属植物。其果实营养丰富,果肉细腻,甜酸适度,具清淡芳香,风味及口感极佳,被视为保健食品而倍受关注。我国上世纪80年代引入,因其对环境和栽培技术要求较高,至今栽培面积较小,市场紧俏,经济效益高,有极大的发展潜力和广阔的市场前景。了解蓝莓的生物学特性,掌握其栽培技术,对推动蓝莓产业化发展有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

秋八步豇豆系海安地区农家品种,已有数百年的栽培历史. 1特征特性 秋八步豇豆属秋豇豆类型,蔓生,主侧蔓同时结荚,主蔓第五节开始结荚;叶为三出复叶,互生,叶色深绿;蝶形花,总状花序;嫩荚白色,长圆棍形,上下粗细均匀,色泽一致,荚长28 cm,荚粗1cm,单荚重20g,单荚籽18粒,荚面不平,籽凸出,无筋,皮肉厚,籽粒肾形,胭脂色.播种至收获45~50天.  相似文献   

近年来,甜瓜在柳州市广泛种植,只有在棚室设施条件下,种植才能成功.播种时期主要在春夏季,成熟期主要在夏秋季,正是柳州市的高温多雨季节,气温16~32℃,加上棚室设施的特殊生态环境,利于多种病虫害的繁殖和为害,随着连年的种植,病虫害种类增多,为害日益加重,成为生产中的重要障碍,给甜瓜生产造成很大的经济损失.  相似文献   

2001年上犹县引进试种美少女小型西瓜,采用大棚避雨抗热栽培的方式,通过搭架吊蔓密植,获得高产.美少女西瓜为台湾中兴大学农学院下属种业机构育成品种,瓜圆球形,果皮深绿色,有明显黑皮斑纹,外观玲珑优美.单瓜重1.5~2kg,果皮极薄,肉色深红,肉质细嫩多汁,中心糖度14度左右,梯度小.从几年的种植情况来看,美少女适应性强,作为高档礼品西瓜,深受市场和消费者欢迎,它适宜春、夏、秋不同季节种植,尤以夏、秋抗热栽培效益更佳.每667 m2产量2500kg左右,最高产量可达3 000 kg.现将其栽培要点总结如下,以供参考.  相似文献   

两年试验结果表明,室内空气中细菌、真菌、放线菌数量在1~3月最低,4~7月逐月上升,8月、9月最高,10~12月下降,12月菌数接近1~3月菌数。室外空气中细菌、真菌、放线菌数量多于室内,其变化趋势与室内大致相似。  相似文献   

AIM: To study the mechanism of brain ischemia-reperfusion injury from ATPase activity and free radical metabolism in aged rats. METHODS: The young rats (5 months) and the aged rats (more than 20 months) were divided into young control group(YCG), young model group(YMG), aged control group(ACG) and aged model group(AMG). The ATPase and SOD activities and the contents of MDA, Ca2+, Na and K were measured in the rats with 30 min brain ischemia followed by 60 min reperfusion. RESULTS: The Ca2+content in the AMG was higher than that in the YMG and the ACG. The Na-K-ATPase activity in the ACG was lower than that in the YCG,was lower in the AMG than that in the YMG. The Ca2+-ATPase activities in the YCG was higher than that in the ACG, was lower in the AMG than that in the YMG and was higher than the ACG's. The serum and brain tissue SOD activities in the ACG was lower than that in the YCG, was lower in the AMG than YMG 's. The serum and brain tissue MDA/SOD ratio in the AMG was higher than that in the ACG.CONCLUSION:The brain tissue ischemia-reperfusion injury was related with calcium overload and free radical injury.The pathological changes were obvious and had some characteristics in the aged rats compared with the young rats because of the brain t issue aging changes in ATPase,calcium content and free radical metabolism in the aged rats.  相似文献   

AIM: To examine the expression of alpha-smooth muscle actin in scar tissue, and observe the phenomenon of apoptosis and its involvement in the process of pathological scarring and the presence of myofibroblasts or absence of cell in the dermis. To investigate the potential role of reparative cell apoptosis in hyperplastic scar formation. METHODS: The samples of scar were obtained from post-burn patients undergoing plastic operation in our burn unit recently, and the samples of control came from skin donor site of the same patient correspondingly. TUNEL assays were performed to evaluate the number of apoptotic cells in scar versus normal skin. In situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry staining technique were employed to determine the expression of different dermis cells markers in scar tissue and normal skin. RESULTS: There existed evident difference in apoptotic cells in the dermis between scars tissue and normal human skin. The expression positive cells were much more in hyperplastic scars than that in normal human skin; the apoptotic cells of proliferative stage were slight more than that of mature stage. However, in proliferative stage, the number of apoptotic cells was higher for the combination of hyperplastic scar than normally healed flat scars. But in mature stage, no obviously difference was detected between hyperplastic scar and normally healed flat scar. The monoclonal anti-α smooth muscle actin (ASMA) expression was significantly stronger in proliferative stage than that of mature stage. CONCLUSIONS: With reconstitution of dermal tissue, myofibroblasts containing alpha-SM actin disappear under normal wound healing, probably as a result of apoptosis. The myofibroblast play a critical role in wound closure and in the pathologic sequelae of healing.  相似文献   

以晚熟的艳丰一号桃为试材,研究了果实和叶片中可溶性糖、淀粉及相关酶活性的变化。结果表明,在果实生长发育早期,果实和叶片中的可溶性糖主要是还原糖,中后期,还原糖维持在相对较低的水平上,非还原糖大量积累;在整个果实生长发育期间,果实中蔗糖、葡萄糖、果糖含量显著地高于叶片,而叶片中山梨醇和淀粉含量则显著地高于果实;叶片中蔗糖、葡萄糖、果糖含量和果实中山梨醇含量较稳定,在整个生长季节中差异较小;在整个生长发育期间蔗糖在果实中持续积累,尤其是在成熟前急剧增加,果实内葡萄糖和果糖含量在生长发育前期总体呈下降趋势,中后期维持在一个相对较低的水平上;叶片中山梨醇含量在生长前期下降,之后维持在相对稳定状态。在整个果实生长发育期间果实中果糖含量与NI、SS和SDH活性及葡萄糖含量与SS和SDH活性呈显著正相关;叶片中葡萄糖含量与SDH活性呈显著正相关且果糖含量与SS和ADPGPPase活性呈显著负相关,此外叶片中蔗糖含量与SPS活性呈显著正相关,但果实中蔗糖含量与SPS不存在任何相关性。因此认为各主要糖的合成与转化在叶片和果实中可能存在着不同的酶调控机制。  相似文献   

王辉  朱琴  张永飞  王新谱 《园艺学报》2020,47(10):1991-1998
针对宁夏灵武地区枣园绿盲蝽越冬卵在枣枝的分布特征不明等问题,于2018年3月初采用“Z”字形取样法调查了两块枣园样地绿盲蝽越冬卵在枣枝上的产卵位置,并分析了修剪口处越冬卵的数量及形态特征。结果表明,当年休眠期枝剪口处的平均卵量显著高于枣股及其翘皮,且2年生枝与多年生枝剪口卵量显著高于1年生枝剪口;剪口周皮部的平均卵量显著小于髓心部,但带卵率显著大于髓心部;剪口周皮部的越冬卵长度、饱满度均显著大于髓心部,剪口周皮部与髓心部的越冬卵宽度、瘪卵数均差异不显著。在管理精细无杂草的纯枣园中,休眠期修剪口处的周皮部与髓心部是绿盲蝽产卵越冬的主要场所。据此提出封闭剪口与早春整枝修剪是防治绿盲蝽危害的关键措施。  相似文献   

树盘铺反光膜降低枇杷果实酸度   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
陈发兴  刘星辉  吴德宜  陈立松 《园艺学报》2010,37(11):1836-1842
以15年生‘解放钟’枇杷为材料,研究了树盘铺反光膜对枇杷果实生长发育过程中果肉可滴定酸(TA)、有机酸含量与酸代谢酶活性及成熟果肉可溶性固形物(TSS)含量的影响。铺反光膜处理可显著提高成熟果肉TSS含量,降低TA。铺反光膜处理,在果实发育前期果肉TA和苹果酸含量比对照上升快,且高于对照;在果实发育后期比对照下降快,成熟果肉均比对照低。苹果酸是决定成熟果肉酸度的主要有机酸,铺反光膜处理下成熟枇杷果肉酸度下降主要是苹果酸含量下降所致。在果实发育前期,铺反光膜处理果肉磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧化酶(PEPC)和NAD–苹果酸脱氢酶(NAD-MDH)活性增加的速度和NADP–苹果酸酶(NADP-ME)活性下降的速度均比对照快,处理果肉有较高的PEPC和NAD-MDH活性及较低的NADP-ME活性;在果实发育后期,处理果肉的PEPC和NAD-MDH活性下降的速度及NADP-ME上升的速度均比对照快,处理果肉有较低的PEPC和NAD-MDH活性及较高的NADP- ME活性。铺反光膜处理下成熟果肉苹果酸含量下降可能是苹果酸合成减少和降解增加所致。  相似文献   

It has been widely appreciated that animal cells rely on the mechanism of regulatory volume decrease(RVD) after swell in a hypotonic environment. Activation of K channels is crucial in the process of self-protection. There are a characterized increase in cytoplasmic Ca and a decrease in pH in the process of RVD in many cell types. Ca entry via transient receptor potential(TRP) channel is crucial for the cytoplasmic Ca increase, which in turn induces the decrease in pH.The increase in cytoplasmic Ca and decrease in pH activate or inhibit the activity of K channel, respectively. In this review, the regulatory network at cellular level between cytoplasmic Ca and pH, and the modulation of K channels by Ca and pH in the process of RVD are discussed.  相似文献   

AIM: The activity and expression of neutral endopeptidase (NEP) and the adrenomedullin (ADM) contents in various tissues were observed in septic shock and control rats to study the possible role of NEP in the change of ADM contents in tissues during septic shock. METHODS: The septic shock model of rats were established by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP). ADM contents, NEP activities, level of NEP mRNA and NEP protein were measured. RESULTS: (1) In early septic shock (ES), the ADM contents were generally higher in detected tissues, the NEP activity in left ventricle and small intestine were lower and was higher in blood than those in controls, and in lung, kidney and aorta were similar with the controls. NEP immunoreactive staining were less in lung, left ventricle, endothelium and media of aorta, but more in adventitia of aorta and kidney than those of the controls; (2) In late septic shock (LS), the ADM contents in small intestine was less but in plasma and other tissues were higher, and the NEP activity were less in plasma and other tissues than those in ES. The NEP immunoreactive staining were less in heart, endothelium and media of aorta, lung and kidney than those in ES, and was no significant change in adventitia of aorta compared with those of ES. RT-PCR found that NEP gene expression were significantly less in left ventricle, aortas, lung and small intestine than those in the controls. CONCLUSIONS: In septic shock rats, the NEP activity changes heterogeneously but the ADM contents elevate in most tissues. These results indicate that during the septic shock, the local concentrations and actions of ADM in various tissues may be regulated differently by the NEP.  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the protective role of heat-shock protein 70 (HSP70) in the pathogenesis of gastric mucosal damage in cirrhotic rats with portal hypertensive gastropathy (PHG).METHODS: The rat model of liver cirrhosis with PHG was established by injection with tetrachloride.The animals were divided into normal control group, PHG group, PHG+heat treatment group, PHG+BPI21 group and PHG+endotoxin groups.The endotoxin used in the experiment was at the dose of 3 mg/kg and endotoxin antagonist BPI21 was at the dose of 2 mg/kg.HSP70 was induced by pre-treating the animals with mild whole-body heating.The levels of HSP70 and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) in the gastric mucosa were measured by ELISA.Furthermore, the pathological changes of the gastric mucosa were observed under microscope with HE staining.RESULTS: Compared with the normal control rats, the rats in PHG group showed obvious gastric pathological lesion, decrease in HSP70 production and increase in TNF-α level in the gastric mucosa, and increased endotoxin concentration in the plasma.Compared with PHG+endotoxin group, the gastric mucosal lesion in PHG+BPI21 group was significantly attenuated, accompanied by the increase in HSP70 production and decrease in TNF-α level in the gastric mucosa.Heat treatment increased HSP70 production and decreased TNF-α concentration in the PHG rats, thus attenuating the gastric mucosal damage.CONCLUSION: HSP70 alleviates the gastric mucosal lesion induced by endotoxin in cirrhotic rats with PHG and decreases the concentration of TNF-α in gastric mucosa, indicating a protective role of HSP70 in the pathogenesis of gastric mucosal damage in PHG.  相似文献   

 研究了两个不育系与它们各自的保持系间, 及其分别与恢复系的杂种一代间农艺性状和花蕾、叶片中生化物质含量间的差异。结果表明, 不育系杂种和保持系杂种在株高上的差异达到了显著水平。花蕾和叶片中过氧化物酶活性不育系高于保持系, 不育系杂种显著或极显著高于保持系杂种。花蕾中游离脯氨酸含量不育系小于保持系, 不育系杂种极显著小于保持系杂种。花蕾和叶片中IAA 含量不育系低于保持系, 不育系ABA 含量在叶片中高于保持系, 在花蕾中低于保持系。细胞质雄性不育基因对杂种一代内源激素IAA、ABA 和ZRs 含量影响的规律不明显。  相似文献   

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