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大青叶板蓝根等5种清热类中药体外抗伪狂犬病病毒效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中药具有抗病毒和免疫调节等作用,尤其是对病毒病和慢性疾病的预防和治疗具有独特的优势.部分中药可通过阻断病毒繁殖过程中的吸附、穿入、复制、成熟中的一个环节而直接杀灭病毒,而另一些中药可调节机体平衡,增强机体细胞及体液免疫功能,从而间接抑制病毒增殖;还有一些中药可诱发机体产生干扰素或IL-1等;而且由于中药多为天然药物,药性温和,不良反应少,使开发治疗猪伪狂犬病的中药制剂成为可能[1].  相似文献   

猪繁殖与呼吸综合征(porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome, PRRS)是由猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus, PRRSV)引起的烈性、高度接触性传染病,主要引起母猪繁殖障碍和仔猪呼吸道症状。疫苗免疫是防控PRRS的主要手段,但由于PRRSV毒株高度变异性导致疫苗对该病的效果仍不理想。中药(traditional Chinese medicine, TCM)活性成分众多,生理活性多样,包括抗菌、抗病毒和抗氧化等作用,是抗病毒药物的研究热点。研究证明,中药能以单体或复方的方式对PRRSV产生抑制增殖、阻断吸附和杀灭病毒的作用,以及对机体免疫反应产生影响。关于中药抗PRRSV的机制包括直接抗病毒机制和间接抗病毒机制。直接抗病毒机制即中药有效成分对病毒复制周期的直接影响,主要表现为抑制病毒的吸附、内化、复制、大分子组装和释放中的一环,从而达到抑制病毒的作用。间接抗病毒机制即中药有效成分通过调节细胞因子合成、炎症信号通路、细胞凋亡、氧化代谢和免疫系统...  相似文献   

中药具有防治猪传染性胃肠炎(TGE)的作用,直接抑制病毒的增殖、阻滞病毒对宿主细胞的入侵、抑制病毒的繁殖、增强动物机体自身免疫力、激发相关抗病毒因子产生等都可以有效地参与抗病毒作用,且不同种类的中药在不同的抗病毒途径中发挥着不同的作用,分析中药防治TGE的作用效果,为TGE的防治提供参考。  相似文献   

干扰素(Interferon)是一类由病毒诱导机体产生的,具有干扰病毒在感染和非感染组织中复制的一类小分子蛋白。它具有广谱、高效和非特异性的作用特点。与其它细胞因子的作用相似,皮克或发克量级的干扰素即可激活机体的免疫系统,包括协同增强特异性的免疫保护和非特异性的细胞吞噬,发挥广谱的抗肿瘤和抗病毒作用。不仅可以有效抑制诱导干扰素产生的病毒的复制,而且可以抑制其它无关病毒对机体的损伤。  相似文献   

中药具有不易产生耐药性和毒副作用、作用范围广泛等优点.大量研究结果证明,中药佐剂进入机体后能全面启动、活化机体的免疫系统,从而增强机体的免疫功能.  相似文献   

<正>干扰素诱导蛋白(Interferon-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats, IFITs)是机体先天免疫系统中,当病原体、肿瘤细胞等微生物刺激相关受体,促使机体免疫细胞诱导表达干扰素后,产生的干扰素刺激因子之一,起抑制病毒复制增殖、抵抗病毒感染的作用。1 IFIT的产生机体的先天免疫,主要包括机体产生的干扰素触发和干扰素的抗病毒效应,建立极其有效的抗病毒状态,有效地在宿主体  相似文献   

黄芪多糖在动物机体免疫中的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄芪多糖(APS)是中药黄芪的主要活性成分,具有增强免疫系统功能、抗炎症、抗病毒、抗肿瘤、抗氧化、延缓衰老、降血糖等作用.研究表明APS可通过增强巨噬细胞、B细胞、NK细胞活性.并促进IL-2、肿瘤坏死因子㈣等细胞因子的产生,促进T淋巴细胞的增殖转化,从而全面提高机体的免疫力.本文从黄芪多糖调节免疫细胞以及细胞因子和胞内信使物质等方面综述了近年来黄芪多糖增强机体免疫的研究概况.  相似文献   

近年来,由于对肠道中菌群的研究不断深化,同时对肠道菌群和机体健康的关系也有了更加清晰的认识,发现肠道菌群对病毒的感染有着双重调节的作用。肠道菌群可以通过保护肠黏膜屏障以及直接与病毒结合进而中和病毒或者阻止病毒对细胞黏附的直接作用抑制病毒感染,或通过对机体免疫系统建立和发育产生影响的间接方式来抑制病毒的入侵以及分泌具有抗病毒作用的代谢产物来发挥抗病毒作用;此外,益生菌在疾病治疗中的作用也越来越突出,有望从益生菌入手解决当前治疗病毒性疾病的弊端。本文着重对近年来肠道菌群抵抗病毒感染的相关机制研究进展进行综述,并对此方向相关问题及进一步的相关研究进行展望。  相似文献   

我历史悠久,中药源远流长,现有中药品种2万多种,如能合理的开发利用,为畜牧业发展和防治畜禽疾病有广阔的前景,且大有可为。现将目前研究利用的抗病毒和促进免疫功能的中药阐述如下,希望对养殖业发展有所裨益。一、抗病毒中草药的使用机制本品能直接抑制或杀死体内病毒;抑制病毒的生物合成阻止病毒穿人细胞或抑制病毒释放;增强宿主抗病能力;增强机体免疫功能。特别是植物活性多糖制剂,经国家权威机构药理、药效研究证明,具有激活、增加和调节机体免疫能力和抵抗肿瘤,抗炎、抗病毒,修复自身免疫性疾病的功效。  相似文献   

中药抗病毒最新研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,国内外学者已从中药中筛选出了大量抗病毒药物,取得了较大进展,抗病毒药已由清热解毒药扩大到具有泻下、祛风湿、止血、活血、补虚等功效的药物。此外,对以前未作药用的天然产物研究也大大加强。笔者等从病毒的致病机理、机体的抗病毒免疫、中药的抗病毒机制及临床应用等方面进行综述。  相似文献   

非洲猪瘟病毒(ASFV)是非洲猪瘟(ASF)的病原,可引发家猪和野猪急性、传染性出血死亡,目前尚无有效的疫苗和抗病毒药物。ASFV是囊膜病毒,其囊膜蛋白的结构和功能可能是影响病毒入侵和细胞嗜性的重要因素。病毒入胞是病毒感染细胞的第一步,通常是通过细胞表面特定的分子与病毒蛋白相结合吸附于宿主细胞表面,对ASFV入胞过程的病毒蛋白或宿主因子为靶点或可有效抑制ASFV的复制。本文从ASFV入胞过程中起重要作用的囊膜蛋白出发,对ASFV的入胞分子机制进行综述,为ASFV入胞深入研究以及治疗性药物和疫苗的研发提供参考。  相似文献   

dsRNA对家蚕核型多角体病毒复制增殖的抑制效果   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
以家蚕核型多角体病毒(BmNPV)复制必需的极早期基因ie-1和细胞释放型病毒CRV入侵关键基因gp64为靶序列,分别人工设计并体外转录出dsRNA I1(438 bp)和dsRNA G1(337 bp),用家蚕培养细胞BmN研究目标dsRNA对BmNPV复制、增殖的抑制效果。结果表明:dsRNA I1能有效地抑制BmNPV在BmN细胞中的增殖,最大抑制效果使培养液中的病毒滴度(TC ID50)比对照降低了104.30倍;dsRNA G1能显著地抑制新形成的病毒粒子的细胞侵染能力,最高可使培养液中的病毒滴度降低103.17倍。  相似文献   

Local application of rabies immune serum and isoprinosine, an immunomodulator with antiviral activity was effective in mice infected with a sylvatic rabies virus. In this way, a single medical or veterinary treatment is only required, which is particularly important for developing but also for developed countries. The importance of using a post-exposure potency test to monitor rabies vaccines is emphasized. The same principle could be applied to other emerging viral infections of humans (for example, human immunodeficiency virus infection) and animals, for which no effective vaccines are available at this moment.  相似文献   

Virucidal disinfectants and feline viruses   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Thirty-five commonly used commercial disinfectants (disinfectants, antiseptics, sanitizers, and detergents) were evaluated for their virucidal activity against three feline viruses; feline viral rhinotracheitis virus (a herpesvirus), feline calicivirus, and feline panleukopenia virus (a parvovirus). Disinfectants were diluted as recommended by the manufacturer and were reacted with virus for 10 minutes at room temperature. Viruses were separated from disinfectants by gel filtration in special centrifuge tubes, and were assayed for infectivity in feline cell cultures. All 22 products tested were virucidal for feline viral rhinotracheitis virus, 11 of 35 were virucidal for feline calicivirus, but only 3 of 27 tested were effective against feline panleukopenia virus. A 0.175% sodium hypochlorite solution was the most effective and practical broad-spectrum virucidal product used alone or in combination with other disinfectants/detergents.  相似文献   

Thirty-two monoclonal antibodies directed against epitopes on bovine viral diarrhea virus proteins and glycoproteins were tested for immunohistochemical reactivity with bovine viral diarrhea virus in formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissues from 45 cases of bovine viral diarrhea virus-associated mucosal disease. Only one antibody, designated 15C5, which reacts with the 48-kD glycoprotein of bovine viral diarrhea virus, detected an epitope preserved in these specimens. Monoclonal antibody 15C5 and a polyclonal antibody to bovine viral diarrhea virus successfully detected bovine viral diarrhea viral antigens in 44/45 cases of mucosal disease and did not react with formalin-fixed tissues from 30 uninfected cattle. Monoclonal antibody-based immunohistochemical detection of bovine viral diarrhea virus is routinely fixed tissue specimens has advantages over other currently available techniques in terms of the convenience of specimen submission, the relative ease of method standardization, and the rapidity of the test, and by enabling identification of the virus in association with specific tissues, cell types, and histologic lesions.  相似文献   

A study to evaluate the detection of bovine virus diarrhea viral antigen using immunofluorescence testing of white blood cells was conducted. Five colostrum-deprived calves were inoculated intravenously with a cytopathic strain of the virus. Lymphocyte and buffy coat smears were prepared daily for direct immunofluorescent staining for detection of antigen. Lymphocytes were separated from heparinized blood using a Ficoll density procedure. Buffy coat smears were prepared from centrifuged blood samples collected using ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid as an anticoagulant. Bovine viral diarrhea virus antigen was detected by immunofluorescence between 3 and 11 days postinfection in lymphocyte smears and 3 to 12 days postinfection in buffy coat smears. Isolation of virus from both lymphocytes and buffy coat preparations correlated with detection of immunofluorescence. Serum neutralizing antibody to bovine virus diarrhea virus was detected on day 10 postinfection. Buffy coat smears were as sensitive as lymphocyte smears for the detection of antigen by immunofluorescence. It appeared that immunofluorescent staining of white blood cells was an effective method of detecting bovine virus diarrhea viral antigen.  相似文献   

病毒感染与细胞凋亡   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
细胞凋亡是机体在生长发育、细胞分化和病理过程中由基因编码调控的细胞主动自杀过程。机体通过凋亡将衰老、畸变和病变的细胞清除。因而 ,凋亡在生理及病理过程中具有同样重要的作用。近年来的研究发现 ,一些病毒及其编码的产物与宿主细胞的凋亡关系密切。研究病毒与细胞凋亡的相互关系 ,不仅有助于深入理解病毒的致病机理 ,开发新的抗病毒制剂 ,还为探索细胞内分子事件打开了窗口 ,而且对治疗人类病毒性疾病意义深远  相似文献   

负链RNA病毒的反向遗传技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
反向遗传技术是一种新的分子生物学技术,它在深入研究负链RNA病毒基因组结构和功能,探寻其基因组复制、转录和研发新型基因工程疫苗上发挥着重要的作用。文章介绍了分节与不分节负链RNA病毒的复制机理和特征,论述了反向遗传学在研究这些病毒上的策略、最新研究进展及其主要影响拯救效率的因素,进一步涉及了负链RNA病毒载体及其重组病毒的研究动态。因此,通过反向遗传学,人们将更加了解负链RNA病毒,为科学利用和有效控制该病毒奠定基础。  相似文献   

Canarypox virus recombinant vaccines have a unique efficacy and safety profile for the vaccinated host because the canarypox virus is non-replicative in mammalian hosts. After the vaccination of a mammalian species, recombinant canarypox viruses express the inserted genes but cannot multiply in the host. They stimulate a strong immune response in the absence of any virus amplification in the host or any viral spread into the environment. A new canarypox-based recombinant vaccine is the canarypox-feline leukaemia virus (FeLV) vaccine (EURIFEL FeLV; Merial) that expresses the FeLV env and gag protective genes. This paper describes experiments which demonstrate that it is effective against any oronasal FeLV challenge. The protection was shown to be solid against an oronasal challenge one year after the initial vaccination, and was effective against a very severe 'in-contact' challenge. Furthermore, the canarypox virus-FeLV vaccine was effective without an adjuvant.  相似文献   

猪瘟是由猪瘟病毒感染引发的一种病毒性传染性疾病,在生猪养殖中,该种疾病具有极强传染性,具有发病率高、死亡率高的特点。在疾病防控过程中,需要养殖户提高重视程度,掌握上述该种疾病的具体病理变化和临床表现,然后进行严格的实验室诊断,确定致病原,然后采取综合措施防控,避免病毒传播蔓延,造成严重经济损失。该文主要分析生猪检疫过程中猪瘟有效鉴别诊断和无害化处理措施。  相似文献   

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