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《Agricultural Systems》2007,92(1-3):157-178
The Moore Catchment, which lies to the north of Perth in Western Australia, suffers from a number of problems related to water management. Farmers want to manage salinity and waterlogging problems through the use of drains, but this has possible negative off-farm impacts on both the environment and flood risk. Views on responsibilities for managing water within the catchment differ between farmers, local communities and government agencies. This paper reports the results from surveys of attitudes towards catchment management, for two community groups: residents of Perth and residents of rural towns in the catchment. These surveys elicited general attitudes towards the environment and agriculture, and views on responsibilities for managing the catchment. It also included a choice modelling section, where the attributes under consideration included the area of land under salt and trees, ecological risks to off-farm wetlands and risk of flooding, farm incomes and personal financial contributions to a management fund. Preliminary results indicate that residents of both rural towns and Perth are willing to pay to avoid damage to the natural environment, both on and off-farm, as well as the risk of flooding. Perhaps more surprisingly, whether farmers’ incomes were being negatively affected in a choice set has a very strong impact on the choice made.  相似文献   

In many irrigation schemes, Water Users Associations (WUAs) acquired the responsibility for water management after withdrawal of the state. Based on the success of some indigenous irrigation schemes, it was assumed that farmers could easily become managers. As decision-making was the exclusive terrain of the governmental agencies that ran the schemes, farmers never gained the necessary experience with water management. Therefore, training of farmers and WUAs on the principles and processes of water management is essential. This paper demonstrates a practical example of training material on water management that incorporates research results on the process of Irrigation Management Transfer and resulting farmers’ water management for the case of the Office du Niger irrigation scheme. The results of the paper explain how input from research was used in the four steps of the construction of training material. These steps are (1) setting the training agenda, (2) selecting and adapting information to be featured, (3) targeting the audience and (4) designing the actual training material. A first validation of the approach and examples of the actual training material were obtained in a workshop uniting all stakeholders.  相似文献   

The assessment of flood damage costs on farm land is a necessary part of the evaluation of land drainage improvement schemes and maintenance programmes. This paper describes a method to calculate the average annual cost of flooding and the extra benefits or costs associated with given changes in flooding regime. Particular reference is made to the effect of land use, flood frequency and seasonality on flood costs. The method is illustrated by means of a simplified case study which examines the agricultural benefits of reduced summer flooding in an area of environmental importance.  相似文献   

It is widely recognized that integrated approaches are required to manage our limited water resources in an effective and sustainable manner. In the Netherlands, this is mostly realized by organizing integrated spatial development processes. This paper presents a discussion in which the distribution of freshwater is integrated with spatial development in the southwestern Delta in the Netherlands. This discussion is characterized by uncertainty in knowledge and stakeholders with diverging perceptions. By actively involving these stakeholders in a process of problem structuring, it was possible to reach an agreement on the preferred direction for solutions. Problem-structuring involves that stakeholders actively participate in formulating the problem and its solutions. It is characterized by interaction between stakeholders and the integration of expert knowledge and stakeholder knowledge. Based on these practical experiences, we conclude that putting integrated water management into practice benefits from a problem-structuring approach. This enhances learning processes and contributes to the development of an agreed upon and valid knowledge base. As the context of such processes is highly dynamic, there is a need for transparent and adaptive process management.  相似文献   

GAMEDE is a stock-flow dynamic simulation model designed with farmers to represent dairy farm functioning and the consequences of the farmer’s daily management decisions for whole-farm sustainability. Sustainability is evaluated according to its three pillars: technico-economic viability, respect for environment, and social liveability. The model provides original information for a better understanding of the processes regulating nitrogen dynamics within the farm, and the factors determining farmers’ decisions and practices. Model implementation experiments have revealed that GAMEDE is also a useful tool to support discussions and to generate knowledge exchange among various stakeholders who play an important role in the development of farm sustainability: farmers, extension agents and researchers.While a majority of researchers and advisers are specialised and a majority of farmers fix their attention on specific and narrow themes of farm management, such a comprehensive model can help stakeholders complement their knowledge to gain a holistic view of the farming system. This holistic and integrated view is crucial: (i) for researchers who wish to explain diversity in farming systems and understand decisional and biophysical processes and their interrelated effects operating in such complex agro-ecosystems, (ii) for advisers whose aim is to define alternative management strategies applicable in practice, i.e. taking into account farm specificities, and (iii) for farmers who must choose practices compatible with their resources, assets, constraints and objectives.Holism can also improve versatility and thus the generic character of models. Issues are narrowly specified and greatly vary both among categories of stakeholders (e.g. scientists versus farmers) and within each category (e.g. among farmers). A comprehensive model that: (i) details all farm management operations, and (ii) represents their effects on different spatio-temporal levels and on the three sustainability dimensions, is more likely to respond to the various issues facing different stakeholders. We argue that capacity of models to respond to stakeholders’ questions has to be considered in future evaluations of decision support systems.  相似文献   

在国家倡导土地适度规模化经营背景下,如何有效提升农户土地流转的交易效率显得尤为重要。基于内蒙古650个农户的调研数据,在考虑农业保险与土地规模经营间双内生性和交互影响基础上,通过似不相关Biprobit和MV Tobit模型,从农户耕地转入的行为决策视角,探索当前政策性农业保险对实现土地规模经营的影响效应。结果显示,农业保险对农户是否转入耕地及耕地转入规模均产生显著的正向影响,农业保险每增加一个单位,农户发生耕地转入行为的可能性就会上升10.9%,耕地转入规模与农业保险保费支出两变量间的相关系数高达1.194,提升农民家庭扩大土地经营规模的可能性。此外,受访者年龄、文化程度、家庭成员健康状况、劳动力流动、农业机械价值、兼业情况、农业合作社及耕地转入价格等因素也是影响农户耕地转入行为发生的重要因素。建议今后要积极发挥农业保险对农民土地流转理性参与的促进作用,提高农民土地流转交易能力,并规范农地流转中介组织的发展,以农民为核心优化服务运行环境,降低土地规模化经营的风险。  相似文献   

Scientists develop decision support systems (DSSs) to make agricultural science more accessible for farmers and extension officers. Despite the growing use of participatory approaches in agricultural DSS development, reflection on this endeavour has largely focused on the ‘doing’ of participation or the ‘problem of implementation’ when DSSs have not been adopted by stakeholders. There has been little reference to relevant theoretical approaches to the social processes involved in ‘participation’ or ‘implementation’. However, if DSS use is to reach its full potential, a more conceptually informed understanding of how stakeholders collaborate in the participatory development of DSSs is required. To contribute to this conceptualisation, we developed a framework based on three concepts drawn from the field of science and technology studies: technological frames, interpretative flexibility and boundary objects. The framework highlights the importance and value of social learning for participatory DSS development, which relies upon exploring the participating parties’ different perspectives on the agricultural system represented in the DSS. Our framework provides a broad definition of success for participatory DSS development, placing greater weight on learning during the participatory process compared with subsequent use of the DSS by farmers and/or advisors. Two case studies of stakeholder collaboration to develop an irrigation scheduling DSS for sugarcane production were used to explore the relevance of the framework. The concepts in the framework were clearly displayed during the case studies. At the conclusion of the studies there were contrasting outcomes for the DSS. One group of farmers was keen to apply it in their ongoing irrigation management, while another saw little relative advantage in use of the DSS. In both instances co-learning occurred amongst case study participants, so the participatory process was clearly a success.  相似文献   

洪水风险图绘制是防洪减灾工程措施中的一种重要方法,不但可以有效的减轻洪水带来的灾害损失,而且可以为及时掌握洪水灾情提供预测,本文运用GIS反演技术,建立水力学洪水演进模型进行洪水风险分析,对蓄滞洪区进行危险程度分区,并计算不同运用情况下的洪水淹没范围,经过渲染后的图层叠加获得鄱阳湖蓄滞洪区洪水风险图,鄱阳湖蓄滞洪区风险图的绘制将为各级水利防汛指挥机构的抗洪抢险救灾行动提供决策依据,也为合理的制定和实施蓄滞洪区长效管理机制提供科学依据。  相似文献   

The prospect that decision support systems (DSS) can help farmers adjust their management to suit seasonal conditions by putting scientific knowledge and rational risk management algorithms at farmers’ fingertips continues to challenge the science and extension community. A number of reviews of agricultural DSS have called for a re-appraisal of the field and for the need to reflect on past mistakes and to learn from social and management theory. The objective of this paper was to investigate whether there is an emerging consensus, among stakeholders in DSS for Australian agriculture, about the lessons learned from past experience with DSS tools. This investigation was conducted in three parts. The first part was a distillation of suggestions for best practice from the relevant literature. The second part was a reflection on what the champions of five current DSS development and delivery efforts in Australia learned from their recent efforts. The third part tested the level of support for the combined findings from the first and second approaches by surveying 23 stakeholders in the research, development, delivery and funding of DSS.The key propositions relating to best practice that were supported by the survey, listed according to the strength of support, were: 1. It is essential to have a plan for delivery of the DSS beyond the initial funding period. 2. DSS need to be embedded in a support network consisting of farmers, consultants and researchers. 3. DSS development requires the commitment of a critical mass of appropriately skilled people. 4. A DSS should aim to educate farmers’ intuition rather than replace it with optimised recommendations. 5. A DSS should enable users to experiment with options that satisfy their needs rather than attempt to present ‘optimised’ solutions. 6. DSS tools stand on the quality and authority of their underlying science and require ongoing improvement, testing and validation. 7. DSS development should not commence unless it is backed by marketing information and a plan for delivery of the DSS beyond the initial funding period.While the DSS stakeholders supported the proposition that it is essential to have a plan for delivery of a DSS beyond the funding period, the majority resisted the notion of DSS development being market-driven and especially commercial delivery of DSS. We argue that since public funding of the delivery of DSS for farmers’ management of climate risk is highly unlikely, reaping the benefits of lessons learned from past efforts will require that DSS stakeholders change their perception of the commercial delivery model or find an alternative way to fund the delivery of DSS beyond the R&D phase.  相似文献   

Arable land in western Kenya is under considerable pressure from increasing human population. Rural households depend on farming for at least part of their livelihood, and poverty rates are among the highest in Kenya. Land is often depleted of nutrients, and for most farmers, access to inputs and markets is poor. There is a need to identify options that are manageable within the context of the farmer’s resource base and the household’s objectives that could improve farm household well-being. In this study we integrated qualitative informal participatory approaches with quantitative mathematical programming and biophysical simulation modelling. Households in four sub-locations in Vihiga District were clustered and pilot cases identified. Meetings were held with farmers to elicit their perceptions of what their ideal farm would look like, and how its performance might compare with their own farm’s performance. With farmers’ help, a range of scenarios was analysed, relating to changes in current enterprise mixes, changes in current farm sizes, and changes in prices of staples foods and cash crops. A considerable mismatch was found between farmers’ estimates of their own farm’s performance, and what was actually produced. There seems to be a threshold in farm size of 0.4 ha, below which it is very difficult for households to satisfy their income and food security objectives. Even for larger farms whose households are largely dependent on agriculture, the importance of a cash crop in the system is critical. There is a crucial role for extension services in making farmers aware of the potential impacts on farm revenue of modest changes in their farm management systems. We are monitoring nine households in the district, whose farmers have made some changes to their system in an attempt to increase household income and enhance food security.  相似文献   

为推动土地规模经营的进一步发展,助力小农户衔接大市场,兼顾农机服务供需两方面的研究必不可少。首先,从理论上分析农机服务外包与供给对于农户土地规模经营的作用机制;其次,运用OLS模型实证分析农机服务外包与农机服务供给对于农户土地规模经营的影响,为保证模型结果的可靠性,引入工具变量采用2SLS模型,做进一步分析;最后,选取家庭农机资产作为调节变量,建立调节效应模型,分析农户农机服务外包与供给二者间的关系。结果表明:农机服务外包对土地规模经营存在农户异质性影响,经营规模在(12.62 hm2,25.24 hm2]之间的农户户均农机服务外包环节数最高,达4.08,而经营规模在(0 hm2,12.62 hm2]、(25.24 hm2,37.86 hm2]以及大于37.86 hm2的农户户均农机服务外包环节数分别为3.48、2.29、1.45,表明随着农户经营规模的扩大,农机服务外包环节数呈现倒“U”趋势。农机服务供给对土地规模经营有正向促进作用,显著性系数为0.549;经营规模区间由低到高,其户均服务供给环节数分别为0.1、0.6、1.79和3.6,即随着经营规模的扩大,农户服务供给量也逐渐上升。家庭农机资产可以负向调节农机服务外包对土地规模经营的影响,自购农机与农机服务外包间存在替代关系。  相似文献   

刘俊  张荣群  艾东 《农业工程》2014,4(1):87-93
洪水灾害不仅威胁人民的生命财产,也影响着资源环境生态系统的安全,对耕地资源的数量和质量极具破坏性。耕地一旦遭到破坏,需要投入巨大的人力、物力和财力,才能恢复其生产力。该文在分析水毁耕地致灾因子的基础上,选取了降水、地形起伏度、洪灾发生频度和水系(包括河流及湖泊)缓冲区等限制性因子,综合因子隶属度叠加的评价方法,对中国水毁耕地空间分布格局进行了研究,将中国水毁耕地分为重度危险、中度危险和轻度危险3级和9个亚级,并提出了相应的防治对策。评价结果表明:重度危险级主要分布在中国7大江河流域沿岸和云贵高原,面积19.44万km2;中度危险级主要分布在东南部沿海丘陵区和黄土高原,面积40.74万km2;轻度危险级分布于华北平原、三江平原和西北内陆地区,面积68.29万km2。对全国水毁耕地危险度进行分级评价,以此进行空间分布格局研究,可为防灾、赈灾和土地整理规划编制、基本农田建设标准的制定提供基础理论依据。   相似文献   

结合韩城市和大荔县沿黄水田建设项目工程实践,依据相关政策,对陕西省沿黄水田建设类项目工程设计情况进行介绍,沿黄水田综合治理工程,一方面改善了困扰当地居民多年的耕地稀缺问题,优化了当地农民的耕地现状,增加了耕地面积;另一方面,控导工程的实施解决了黄河西岸连年坍塌,抗旱防洪能力低微的问题,为地区生态环境良性循环和生态环境可持续发展提供了有效保障。此外,总结出土体有机重构、黄河滩地水源净化、防洪和湿地保护集合等创新建设模式,为同类别的水田综合治理工程提供了全新的治理思路与良好方案借鉴。  相似文献   

The word ‘integrated’ is prone to different interpretations in relation to various disciplines and sectors. When approaching operational water management, one would dream that integration would encompass effective links between scientific disciplines and technical features, with a good knowledge of interactions among different environmental compartments (land/water, terrestrial/coastal, surface/groundwater etc.), of pollution pathways, of various pressures and impacts (including from climate change) etc. The world of management effectively involves many different actors, representing different economic sectors (e.g. agriculture, industry), the civil society, stakeholder organisations, including the representation of citizens, and it is often (wrongly) thought that any kind of decision-making is carried out in an agreed and harmonious way. The theory is at least paved through IWRM principles as they are conceived within the framework of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD), so we might say that we have actually no choice but to make it work!! But what is the reality in practice? The difficulty is to consider mandatory policy obligations on the one side, technical feasibility and scientific knowledge on the other side, and reflect whether and how these can be properly interfaced. This has been the subject of dynamic discussions within the past 6 years in the framework of EU-funded research projects aiming to support policy WFD developments and implementation. One of the key conclusions of these discussions among scientists, policy-makers and stakeholders underlined the need to develop a conceptual framework for a science-policy interface related to water, which would enable to gather various initiatives and knowledge. This paper discusses on-going developments in this field with an European perspective.  相似文献   

为了引导农村农民合理建房、促进农村居民点的有序发展、保护和节约耕地,结合笔者在云南省腾冲县芒棒乡实习期间实际参与的农村建房用地申请审批工作内容,对云南省腾冲县农户建房用地申请书样例描述,通过文献研究法、理论分析法和实证调查法,探讨农民建房用地申请审批中常遇到的问题,同时提出具体解决对策的建议。研究结果显示,我国农村农民建房用地申请审批过程存在诸多问题,应通过大力宣传土地法律法规常识、进一步加强和完善村庄规划管理、严格依法审批建房用地管理和加强建房用地纠纷管理等方面着力解决。   相似文献   

Nitrate Vulnerable Zones (NVZ) were introduced in response to the Nitrates Directive (91/676/EEC) which states that all EU countries must reduce the nitrate in drinking water to a maximum of 50 mg/l. Farmers within a designated NVZ must adhere to strict rules over the timing and application of nitrogen from organic and inorganic sources. In Scotland, four NVZ regions were designated in 2003, covering around 14% of the land area and affecting over 12,000 farmers.This paper outlines the results of a recent study to understand farmer activities in response to and attitudes towards NVZ regulations in Scotland. A telephone survey was administered, obtaining a response of 184 farmers, supplemented by four workshops held in each NVZ region. This explored, both quantitatively and qualitatively, farmer behaviour and attitudes.The bulk of farmers have made little capital investment since the 2003 designation. Few farmers have invested in increased slurry storage facilities, nor begun to transport more slurry off-farm, claiming to have had enough storage capacity before designation to cover the imposed closed period.Farmer attitudes indicate a mostly negative view towards the perceived environmental benefits, water management and compliance. This can be explained by a number of concerns raised by farmers towards the scientific basis for designations. Furthermore, farmers viewed the restrictions placed on farming practices within NVZs as too inflexible.Given the mostly sceptical perceptions demonstrated by the farmers we call for a more integrated approach to water management at the catchment level. There is a role for policy-makers to provide clearer information over the science and purpose of the designations and also to invest in the transfer of technologies, in particular N-use software which is specifically tailored to NVZ regulations. Also, critical to this would be the development of transparent indicators of water quality. This may start to embed nitrogen pollution impacts within the farmer's cultural framework of decision-making.  相似文献   

《Agricultural Systems》2002,74(3):431-457
The production of rainfed crops in semi-arid tropics exhibits large variation in response to the variation in seasonal rainfall. There are several farm-level decisions such as the choice of cropping pattern, whether to invest in fertilizers, pesticides etc., the choice of the period for planting, plant population density etc. for which the appropriate choice (associated with maximum production or minimum risk) depends upon the nature of the rainfall variability or the prediction for a specific year. In this paper, we have addressed the problem of identifying the appropriate strategies for cultivation of rainfed groundnut in the Anantapur region in a semi-arid part of the Indian peninsula. The approach developed involves participatory research with active collaboration with farmers, so that the problems with perceived need are addressed with the modern tools and data sets available. Given the large spatial variation of climate and soil, the appropriate strategies are necessarily location specific. With the approach adopted, it is possible to tap the detailed location specific knowledge of the complex rainfed ecosystem and gain an insight into the variety of options of land use and management practices available to each category of stakeholders. We believe such a participatory approach is essential for identifying strategies that have a favourable cost–benefit ratio over the region considered and hence are associated with a high chance of acceptance by the stakeholders.  相似文献   

农户农地流转意愿研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进行农户农地流转意愿研究,对于科学合理地调动农户农地流转积极性、解决目前耕地经营过于分散与农业现代化建设的矛盾、促进我国农地流转市场的规范和农地制度的改革及实现城乡统筹发展有着重要的现实意义。农户农地转入转出意愿、农户农地流转意愿的影响因素、农户农地流转意愿的研究方法等的研究现状表明,为更深入认识农户农地流转意愿以及其影响因素,揭示农户农地流转意愿的变化特征和趋势,支持政府农地流转相关政策的制定和实施,促进农地流转和农地制度的改革,农户农地流转意愿研究应重视以下方面:①提升到城乡统筹发展宏观背景之中进行研究;②深入农户对各种农地流转形式的意愿研究;③加强农户农地流转意愿的时间序列研究;④影响因素间的关系及空间差异研究。  相似文献   

治沟造地是我国解决耕地后备资源不足的重要举措。解决好用水、排水和防洪安全问题,是治沟造地流域农业产量提升、生态环境高质量发展的关键。在总结黄土高原流域水资源利用和水利设施防洪现有问题的基础上,提出了黄土高原治沟造地流域蓄(水)、排(水)、防(洪、盐渍化)、灌(溉)、管(理)为一体的水利综合配套技术,并推荐了两个适用于不同汇水面积的洪峰流量计算公式,为蓄排水工程设计提供依据。该技术有利于黄土高原治沟造地流域水资源的永续利用和治沟造地的土地安全。   相似文献   

《Agricultural Systems》2002,73(1):41-56
Many natural resource management (NRM) problems transcend farm boundaries. Particularly in hilly regions where land tends to be fragmented among numerous users, managing these biophysical interdependencies to solve transboundary NRM problems implies the coordination of the management decisions of diverse resource users among whom complex social interdependencies are likely to exist. This paper argues that joint learning about the social and biophysical interdependencies existing among users and between the resources they manage is a valuable and often essential element in efforts to improve NRM. Based on action research carried out in the Colombian Andes, the paper presents a process—the stakeholder identification and negotiation process—which facilitates such joint learning using a combination of individual interviews, group meetings and joint problem analysis.  相似文献   

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