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热带森林林窗湿热季气温分布特征的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林窗是群落演替的起始地,其本身的特征影响着环境因子,进而影响森林的结构、物种组成、种群动态等.利用西双版纳湿热季次生林林窗的实测气温资料,探讨该林窗气温的分布特征.结果表明热带次生林林窗4个方位不同位置的气温日变化具有2~3个峰值;日平均气温的高低顺序是林窗边缘>扩展林窗边缘>林内;林窗内气温日较差较小;林窗内不同位置相对林窗中央具有增加低温和降低高温的效应,这种增温效应(0.4~0.6℃)较降温效应(-1.4~-1.5℃)弱.其结果可为林窗小气候形成机制及森林群落的演替与更新等提供科学依据.  相似文献   

西双版纳热带次生林林窗近地层温度时空分布特征   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
因林窗的发生而导致的环境异质性 ,对林窗内物种分布、种群动态及物种多样性所产生的影响以及对森林演替和更新所起的重要作用乃是人们广泛关注的问题。本文以西双版纳热带次生林林窗 8个方位 (从林窗中央到林内 )不同季节的地表温度和 1 5m高度气温水平空间多点观测为基础 ,探讨了林窗温度效应的时空分布特征。结果表明 :在西双版纳由于区域性天气现象 (雾 )、太阳高度和林窗边缘树木的共同影响 ,形成不同季节林窗区域温度效应在时空上的明显差异一高值区的时空位移及空间不对称性现象 :林窗温度最高区域并非出现在林窗中央 ,而是林窗某一侧 ,其位置、强度随时间和季节不同而存在差异 ;另外 ,林窗内不同介质间 (空气、地面 )热量传递方向随时间和季节的不同而各异 ,特别是在干热季的中午 ,林窗不同区域气地温差符号的不同 ,引起热量传递方向截然相反。如此的温度分布状况和热量传递的不同 ,将导致林窗的环境异质性差异 ,进而影响到林窗区域种于萌发、幼苗生长、发育 ,植物种群分布等 ,最终影响到森林的更新  相似文献   

海南岛尖峰岭次生热带山地雨林的边缘效应   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
对海南岛尖峰岭热带山地雨林采伐迹地次生林及周围的保留林进行了群落调查.组建了一个基于分割线段模型的边缘效应测度公式:Y=α e0[1-(D/Dmax)](式中Y为与边缘垂直距离D处的测定指标值,e0为边缘效应强度的最大值,Dmax为边缘效应作用的最大距离,α为常数),研究了热带山地雨林群落的边缘效应,结果表明:(1)用组建的测度公式来分析热带山地雨林采伐迹地边缘的次生林及保留林的边缘效应强度及其作用距离,结果是有效和可靠的;(2)热带山地雨林采伐后形成的边缘,其效应的作用距离一般都不超过15m;(3)边缘对保留林和次生林的效应没有显著差异。  相似文献   

林窗效应研究综述   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
森林群落常发生一些小规模的内源干扰,从而形成林窗。林窗的形成对推动森林群落的演替更新和生态系统发展至关重要。林窗面积的大小与树木的倒伏方式和林冠冠幅及大小有关。林窗面积及林窗内位置的不同,导致其小气候和土壤理化性质等环境因子发生改变,进而影响到林窗内树种更新和物种组成、林窗植被的物种多样性及其微生物和土壤动物的种类、数量等方面。未来林窗研究重点应该放在次生林和人工林的林窗效应,林窗对森林生态系统碳储量影响机制,林窗凋落物分解因子间的相互关系、作用机理和养分循环,不同树种的林窗与最适更新面积的关系,林窗的边缘效应,林窗的土壤动物和微生物动态及过程。  相似文献   

林窗的产生使森林环境发生了变化,进而影响森林生态系统的更新演替.本文选取东北地区具有典型性的次生林生态系统中人工小林窗(林窗直径与边缘木高之比小于0.5)为对象,对林窗内部及其附近林分的光量子通量密度(PPFD),距地面10 cm的空气温度,土壤温度和土壤含水量(0-15 cm,15-30 cm)进行了观测.实验在林窗形成后的第二年进行,时间为2006年5-9月.结果表明:PPFD最高值出现在林窗北部边缘,尤其在生长季初期的五月份最为明显;晴天时PPFD到达最大值的时间较阴天提前;林窗北部的气温较高,南部的气温较低.土壤温度在林窗内变化剧烈,范围为1-8℃,最大值出现在林窗北部,且与气温最大值显著相关(R = 0.735, P<0.05).表层土壤水分高于下层土壤水分,但差异不显著(p>0.05);这主要是受林窗面积和地表植被的影响所致.上述结果表明,辽东山区次生林小林窗光量子最大值出现的位置与以往在北半球林窗观测结果基本一致,但出现最大值的时间在不同的纬度间存在着差异.空气温度和土壤温度的最大值也都出现在林窗北部,体现了光照对温度变化的影响.由于面积因素的影响,七月份温度变化与其它月份不同.土壤水分在雨季和旱季变化不大,这可能与林窗大小和所处地理位置有关.在本次观测的形状不规则小林窗中,小气候因子的变化对物种更新产生怎样的影响,需要开展进一步的研究.图5参44.  相似文献   

林窗形成导致环境资源再分配,进而影响物种入侵、种子萌发、幼苗更新和幼树存活;林窗改变了森林空间结构和植物群落组成,增加了群落异质性,这为保持森林群落相对稳定奠定了基础,也为多种生物共存发展提供了适宜的条件。目前,关于林窗对植被更新、植物多样性影响研究较多,但至今没有一个公认的客观量化林窗定义的方法,导致研究者采用的林窗识别标准不同,无法对现有林窗研究进行有效比较,且林窗特征测定方法也尚未完善。文中对林窗的概念形成、定义发展及林窗特征(形状、大小、形成、年龄及边缘木)测定方法进行梳理,探讨目前林窗研究存在的问题,以期为未来林窗干扰相关研究提供历史脉络与研究方向。  相似文献   

以海南岛尖峰岭热带山地雨林因2012年左右台风干扰形成的林窗样地为研究对象,开展土壤甲烷通量的原位观测试验,测定林窗和林下凋落物质量、土壤温度、土壤含水量、酶活性及其他土壤理化指标,运用最佳结构模型研究土壤甲烷通量与环境因子的关系,分析林窗土壤甲烷通量变化特征、影响因素及其与林下的差异。结果表明:海南岛尖峰岭热带山地雨林表现为甲烷吸收,林窗和林下的年平均甲烷通量分别为(-0.37±0.26)和(-0.36±0.24)nmol·m^-2·s^-1,林窗和林下的土壤甲烷通量月变化特征无显著差异(P>0.05),呈现旱季高雨季低的特征。土壤甲烷通量的最佳结构模型表明,全年和旱季的林窗与林下土壤甲烷的主要调控因子均为土壤含水量,但雨季土壤甲烷调控作用最强的因子是土壤温度。结果表明,因台风形成的6个林窗短期对土壤甲烷通量没有显著影响,但林窗和林下的土壤甲烷通量具有旱季大于雨季的季节变化特征。  相似文献   

勐腊县傣族“龙山”森林植被类型分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2008年12月对勐腊县傣族"龙山"林进行了样方调查.分析了其森林群落结构的现状及组成,认定其为残存的半原始片断热带季节雨林和热带季雨林,以热带季节雨林为主.傣族"龙山"林仍保持了热带季节雨林的外貌结构特征和基本种类组成.但随着人为干扰的加剧,"龙山"热带季节雨林的群落结构已变得不完整,植物丰富程度降低,物种多样性指数显著下降,片段热带季节雨林中的雨林成分也将在一定程度上被其他先锋植被类型替代.  相似文献   

林窗作为一种中小尺度干扰在森林群落中广泛存在。林窗可以改善林下光照和水热条件,进而对林下生物多样性产生影响。为进一步研究林窗与林下生物多样性的关系,本研究选取深圳大鹏半岛鹅公村附近面积为1 hm2的阔叶混交次生林为研究对象,将植被调查数据与无人机遥感正射影像相结合,从不同尺度分析了研究地林窗格局与林下生物多样性间的关系。结果表明:1)研究地属典型次生林,群落正处于演替的初、中级阶段,林下层主要由灌木和小乔木组成;2)基于无人机正射影像提取的林窗呈数量多、面积小的空间分布格局,面积在2~15 m2的林窗面积占比达到93.6%,最大林窗面积为20.75m2,平均林窗面积为3.99 m2;3)10 m×10 m和20 m×20 m尺度下,林窗与林下生物多样性间无显著相关关系,5 m×5 m尺度下,最大斑块比例与林下生物多样性指数间产生相关性。综上,在研究区内,随着研究尺度的变小,林窗为林下群落提供异质性生境的能力提高,而在10 m×10 m和20 m×20 m尺度下,林窗难以对林下生物多样性产生影响。  相似文献   

提出以林窗空间体积代替林窗面积进行林窗研究的方法,研究广东湛江高桥红树林保护区林窗空间体积对林窗秋茄幼苗生长的影响.结果表明:秋茄林窗空间体积能显著影响秋茄幼苗的生长,林窗空间体积为120~160m3时秋茄幼苗可获得最佳生长空间,林窗空间体积过大会抑制秋茄幼苗生长.根据林窗具有影响幼苗高和冠幅的空间特征,结合盖度的生态学含义,提出红树林林窗空间营养指数新概念,给出其定义和量化公式,并进行实例计算,结果表明Ⅳ级(林穿空间体积为120 ~160 m3)林窗空间营养指数最高.  相似文献   

中国热带次生林分布、类型与面积研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
热带林的保护问题已受到世界各国的高度重视,由于占世界热带林面积约三分之一的热带次生林,其经济和生态效益通常较差,处于相对被忽视的状态,因此也往往被进一步破坏。将次生林经营纳入可持续经营的轨道,是实现热带林可持续经营目标的重要战略。通过对中国热带森林研究、经营和统计资料的分析,结合本项目实施过程的实地调研取得的结果,文章对中国热带地区次生林分布、面积和类型作了阐述。热带森林主要分布在海南、广东、广西、云南、台湾,以及福建和西藏的部分地区,包括124个县市的全部和50个县市的部分地区。据可认可的资料统计,中国热带林地面积(不含台湾省)约1125.66万hm^2。其中有林地面积1074.49万hm^2,次生林面积544万hm^2。次生林占热带地区林地面积的48.33%,占有林地总面积的50.63%。中国热带林地和次生林的实际数字估计要比这一数值大6%以上,因为中国这几年高度重视林业建设,森林植被特别是热带森林植被恢复得很快,林地和次生林一直在不断增加。热带森林类型主要有:热带雨林(包括湿润雨林、山地雨林);热带季雨林(包括半常绿季雨林、落叶季雨林、石灰岩季雨林);南海珊瑚岛植被;海岸红树林等。从森林经理的角度,中国热带次生林的类型可分为:(1)次生阔叶林,包括次生常绿阔叶雨林、次生季雨林和次生季风常绿阔叶林;(2)次生灌木林;(3)次生针叶林;(4)次生红树林及次生珊瑚岛林等四大类型。  相似文献   

Forest vegetation of Xishuangbanna, south China   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
1 Introduction The tropical area of southern China is climatically and biogeographically located at the northern edge of tropical Asia, including southeastern Xizang (Tibet, lower valleys of the southern Himalayas), southern Yunnan, southwestern Guangxi, southern Taiwan and Hainan Island. The largest tropical area still covered by forests is in southern Yunnan. Tropical forests of southern Yunnan were little known until the late 1950s because of poor access except for some brief descrip-…  相似文献   

Analysing data from 903 permanent sample plots situated in medium-moist and moist forests in the southern Cape, South Africa, we explored factors controlling forest structure. Pronounced subcanopy stem density persistence (well-stocked subcanopy forest matrix) and stem density packing (comparatively high stem densities of relatively large-sized trees) were found in the moist, less seasonal (quasi-tropical) Tsitsikamma forests. These attributes of structure were linked to the prevailing dystrophic, less seasonal conditions and the associated metabolic vertical growth orientation. The cool, moist and seasonal (quasi-temperate) Knysna forests had lower densities of relatively large-sized trees at the canopy level (stem density intolerance). This was attributed to the lateral growth mode and extended persistence of the trees involved. The warm, seasonal (quasi-subtropical) Outeniqua forests, on relatively nutrient-rich soils, had high stem densities at the canopy level relative to the subcanopy stratum; due to a combination of low subcanopy tree persistence, fast ingrowth of trees into the canopy stratum, which were then lost to mortality before they reached large sizes (high canopy tree turnover). Persistence of the multi-species subcanopy forest matrix supported asynchronous establishment and death of individual trees. Typical for tropical-type forests, the development of trees towards maturity (phase) was associated with a spatially fine-grained disturbance regime. A metabolic performance trade-off model was developed and provided an ecophysiological framework for the interpretation of forest structure and its underlying dynamics. This explanatory model indicated causal links between intraspecific metabolic tactics of trees in response to their edaphoclimatic environment and associated attributes of forest structure. Some implications of the findings for tropical forest management are discussed.  相似文献   

海南霸王岭天然次生林边缘效应下木质藤本的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选择海南岛霸王岭天然恢复60年的次生林样地中形成年限为17和13年的边缘,分别设置4条10m×100m的样带,研究边缘效应对木质藤本多度、丰富度、胸高断面积、径级结构和攀援方式的影响。结果表明:8条样带中,记录木质藤本植物89种3252株;2种边缘中,木质藤本多度都随距边缘距离的增加显著降低,木质藤本胸高断面积未产生显著变化,木质藤本丰富度只在17年边缘中随距离增加而降低;在13年边缘中,随距边缘距离的增加,胸径大于1cm的木质藤本个体比例有所增加,而17年边缘中藤本的径级结构相对稳定;距边缘不同距离间,不同攀援方式木质藤本的个体比例存在显著差异,2种边缘中主茎缠绕类藤本均占优势。边缘效应对木质藤本群落结构的影响随距边缘距离的增加而减弱,影响深度随边缘形成年限的增加而增加,在17年边缘中影响深度为40~50m,在13年边缘中约为10m。  相似文献   

利用TM影像对滇西南7个地(州)27个县(市)开展了调查,并按2级分类的要求进行目视解译,其结果为研究区热带林覆盖率为46.09%,郁闭林面积占研究区总面积的10.46%,破坏林面积占总面积的35.63%,常绿阔叶林面积占总面积的32.61%,热带雨林和季雨林面积占总面积的0.20%,判读精度81.53%。表明TM影像能满足热带林宏观林地资源调查的需求,既快速,又省力、省钱,具有一定的实用性。  相似文献   

Gap formation in forests can have impacts on forest ecosystems beyond the physical boundary of the canopy opening. The extent of gap influence may affect responses of many components of forest ecosystems to gap formation on stand and landscape scales. In this study, spatial extent of gap influence on understory plant communities was investigated in and around 0.1 and 0.4 ha harvested canopy gaps in four young Douglas-fir (Psuedotsuga menziesii) dominated stands in western Oregon. In larger gaps, the influence of gap creation on understory plant communities in surrounding forests was minimal. The area showing evidence of gap influence extended a maximum of 2 m beyond the edge of the canopy opening, suggesting that the area affected by gap creation did not differ greatly from the area of physical canopy removal. In smaller gaps, influence of the gap did not extend to the edge of the canopy opening. In fact, the area in which understory vegetation was influenced by gap creation was smaller than the physical canopy opening. Gap influence appears to be limited to areas where ruderal or competitor species are able to replace stress-tolerator species, likely due to elimination or reduction of these species by physical disturbance or competition. The limited gap influence extent exhibited here indicates that gap creation may not have a significant effect on understory plant communities beyond the physical canopy opening. This suggests a limited effectiveness of gaps, especially smaller gaps, as a tool for management of understory plant diversity, and perhaps biodiversity in general, on a larger scale.  相似文献   

Forest regrowth is expected to gradually mitigate edge effects in forest landscapes fragmented by timber harvest, but our understanding of edge effect persistence and dynamics over time is still incomplete. Our main objective was to take a critical look at the role of forest regrowth in mitigating the initial edge effects on microclimate and understory vegetation in northern hardwood forests of the eastern United States. We compared canopy closure, hourly air temperature, soil moisture, and understory vegetation at increasing distances from forest edges (0, 5, 10, 20, and 30 m) along twelve transects placed across new and older forest edges (3–4 or 16–19 years old) created by forest harvest. Open, new forest edges exhibited pronounced edge effects on microclimate and shade-intolerant plants, but these were almost completely moderated by forest regrowth on the cleared side of older edges where dense young forest developed with a new canopy comparable in cover to adjacent mature forest. There were no initial edge effects on shade-tolerant vegetation across new forest edges, but the shade-tolerant vegetation declined in mature forest near old forest edges adjacent to dense young forest that supported only sparse understory vegetation. These delayed secondary edge effects of young dense forests on adjacent mature forests have not been previously documented and they should be more explicitly included in forest management considerations. We suggest an integrated system for managing and mitigating both the immediate primary and delayed secondary edge effects in those working forest landscapes where biodiversity conservation is of high priority.  相似文献   

A simple measure of the amount of foliage present in a forest is leaf area index (LAI; the amount of foliage per unit ground surface area), which can be determined by optical estimation (gap fraction method) with an instrument such as the Li-Cor LAI-2000 Plant Canopy Analyzer. However, optical instruments such as the LAI-2000 cannot directly differentiate between foliage and woody components of the canopy. Studies investigating LAI and its calibration (extracting foliar LAI from optical estimates) in tropical forests are rare. We calibrated optical estimates of LAI from the LAI-2000 with leaf litter data for a tropical dry forest. We also developed a robust method for determining LAI from leaf litter data in a tropical dry forest environment. We found that, depending on the successional stage of the canopy and the season, the LAI-2000 may underestimate LAI by 17% to over 40%. In the dry season, the instrument overestimated LAI by the contribution of the woody area index. Examination of the seasonal variation in LAI for three successional stages in a tropical dry forest indicated differences in timing of leaf fall according to successional stage and functional group (i.e., lianas and trees). We conclude that when calculating LAI from optical estimates, it is necessary to account for the differences between values obtained from optical and semi-direct techniques. In addition, to calculate LAI from litter collected in traps, specific leaf area must be calculated for each species rather than from a mean value for multiple species.  相似文献   

An individual-based Dynamic Global Vegetation Model, the SEIB-DGVM, was adapted to a Malaysian tropical rain forest by incorporating formulas and parameters from a gap dynamics model, FORMIX3. After calibration, the model reconstructed forest structure (i.e., size structure, leaf area index, and woody biomass) and carbon fluxes (i.e., gross and net primary productivity) of a dipterocarp forest in Pasoh, Peninsular Malaysia. Sensitivity analysis demonstrated that the model was robust; forest structure and ecosystem functions moderately fluctuated due to changes in parameters and climatic environments. Sensitivity analysis also indicated that the success and decay of a dominant species group that monopolized the canopy layer greatly affected those of a less abundant, shade-intolerant group. This result indicates that even if environmental changes do not exhibit clear effects on dominant canopy species and/or whole forest structure, such changes may still substantially impact the biodiversity of subdominant species. In simulations without gap formation, woody biomass was overestimated and a shade-intolerant species group was eliminated. This finding indicates that incorporating gap formation into the individual-based model is essential for the appropriate simulation of forest biomass and biodiversity in this Malaysian tropical rain forest.  相似文献   

以普文热带北缘季风气候的地带性植被山地雨林为中心 ,通过调查与其生态相关的次生林类型和人为控制的人工林 ,分析比较了它们的种类组成、群落结构、群落生态特征和生态系列关系。还分析了山地雨林在当地群落中的生态位置及其动态变化 ;同时 ,探讨了各群落之间的演替关系和恢复山地雨林的途径  相似文献   

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