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鱼类粘孢子虫病的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
粘孢子虫是鱼类寄生虫区系中的主要组成之一,目前国内发现600余种,绝大多数隶属于粘孢子虫纲双壳亚纲,计有11科20属,其中不少种类可致严重鱼病。粘孢子虫生活史的研究是有效防治此类鱼病的关键,现已取得新的研究成果,主要表现在:(1)在鱼的血液中发现了“UBO“,并证实是粘孢子虫的早期发育阶段;(2)某些粘孢子虫在其生活史中有中间寄主。对于粘孢子虫病的药物防治措施近年也取得了较大进展,由淡水渔业研究中  相似文献   

粘孢子虫是变温动物体内常见的原生动物类寄生虫,除少数种类寄生在两栖动物、爬行动物、环节动物和昆虫上外,其寄主基本上是鱼类,也可以说粘孢子虫是鱼类所特有的一类寄生虫,其危害程度十分严重,如果防治不及时,常常引起鱼类大批死亡,造成经济损失,给渔业生产造成极大的危害。自从1825年Jurine首次发现由粘孢子虫所引起的鱼病以来,粘孢子虫及其所引发病害的研究已取得  相似文献   

粘孢子虫(粘体门:粘孢子纲)的研究现状   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
粘孢子虫是变温动物体内常见的原生动物类寄生虫 ,除少数种类寄生在两栖动物、爬行动物、环节动物和昆虫外 ,其寄主范围基本上是鱼类 ,可以说粘孢子虫是鱼类所特有的一类寄生虫 ,并给渔业生产造成极大的危害。自从 1 82 5年Ju rine首次发现粘孢子虫所引起的鱼病以来 ,粘孢子虫及其所引发病害的研究已走过了 1 70多年的历程 ,取得了丰硕的研究成果 ,尤其是在分类学、生活史和免疫学方面。在分类上 ,国内以陈启鎏等的专著《中国动物志粘体门粘孢子纲 (淡水 )》[1] 为标志而达到系统化阶段 ;在生活史和免疫学方面 ,国外应用分子生物学手…  相似文献   

鱼类寄生粘孢子虫病的诊断   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
粘孢子虫病是一种常见的鱼类侵袭性疾病,给渔业生产带来极大的危害。然而由于粘孢子虫外具有几丁质的壳瓣,寻求药物很难达到治疗效果:其免疫治疗又由于缺乏有效的疫苗而受到限制。因此粘孢子虫病的诊断是其治疗的重要课题。其诊断方法也是各不相同,总起来说共有4种:病状诊断;形状学诊断;免疫学诊断;分子生物学诊断。本文讨论了各种诊断方法的利弊以期能总结出更为有效的诊断方法。  相似文献   

异育银鲫“喉孢子虫病”的预防与治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,在我国许多淡水养殖区域,粘孢子虫病发病率逐年增长,几乎各种鱼类均有感染。粘孢子虫病是该类疾病的一个总称。该病常表现为虫体侵袭鱼类的肠、肾、肝、脑等组织,或寄生于鱼类体表的鳃、鳞、鳍、吻、喉等部位,由于寄生部位不同表现的症状也不同,对鱼类的危害程度也不一样。  相似文献   

<正>粘孢子虫除少数种类寄生在蠕虫、两栖类、爬行类外,绝大部分寄生于鱼类。据报道,寄生在我国淡水鱼类的有600多种,它几乎在鱼体的所有器官中都在寄生。由于粘孢子虫成熟孢子具一层很厚的几丁质壳片,药物不能深入其体内,故对其杀灭极其困难。鱼类粘孢子虫发育过程大致为:孢子从鱼体释放到水体后被中间宿主水生寡毛类(如水蚯蚓,图)吞食,孢子在中间宿主体内经无性繁殖发育成大量的放射孢子  相似文献   

鱼粘孢子虫病是近年来我省流行范围广、危害特别严重的一种鱼病。粘孢子虫一年四季均可见到,以夏秋季较为严重,主要危害鲤、鲫鱼,鲢、鳙、草鱼也时有发生。不论是鱼类苗种阶段,还是成鱼阶段均能发生粘孢子虫病。感染粘孢子虫的病鱼,食欲减退,生长缓慢,身体消瘦,甚至死亡。另外,寄生鱼体表的粘孢子虫,鱼外观丑陋,还影响商品鱼的销售。  相似文献   

近年来,在我国许多淡水养殖区域,粘孢子虫病发病率逐年增长。该病常表现为虫体侵袭鱼类的肠、肝。肾、脑等组织,或寄生于鱼类体表的鳃、鳞、鳍等部位,有的集中于鳃部近眼端,从而诱发烂鳃、赤皮、出血等疾病。病鱼特征表现为拒食,死亡率极高,给淡水养殖业带来极大危害。 鱼类粘孢子虫病历来是国际上公认的顽疾之一,至今仍无特效治疗药物及方法,主要以预防为主。首先,放养前彻底清塘,使用药物有生石灰、高锰酸钾等高氧化物,苗种下塘前使用20~30ppm高锰酸钾浸泡10-20分钟;其次,在养殖期间饲料中经常添加免疫多糖、…  相似文献   

<正>粘孢子虫种类繁多,分布非常广泛;几乎所有的养殖鱼类都不同程度地受到粘孢子虫病的危害。近年来粘孢子虫病对鲫鱼的危害特别严重;随着鲫鱼在全国养殖范围的扩大,其呈日益加重趋势。粘孢子虫在鲫鱼喉  相似文献   

李林思 《科学养鱼》2007,(12):83-83
近年来,在我国许多淡水养殖区域,粘孢子虫病发病率逐年增长,几乎各种鱼类均有感染。粘孢子虫病是该类疾病的一个总称。该病常表现为虫体侵袭鱼类的肠、肾、肝、脑、肌肉等组织,或奇生于鱼类体表的鳃、鳍、吻、喉等部位,由于寄生部位不同表现的症状也不同,对鱼类的危害程度也不一样。在异育银鲫粘孢子虫病中,危害最大的要算粘孢子虫侵入鱼口腔上咽部软组织所引起的喉孢子虫病死亡率极高,一般为30%~40%,最高达90%~100%,有的养殖户不得不放弃养殖,造成极大的经济损失,给淡水养殖业带来极大危害。在异育银鲫养殖过程中孢子虫病是一种多发病、高发病,目前对于孢子虫病的认识还不够深入,有待进一步研究。下面笔者将在江苏地区异育银鲫养殖中发生的几种孢子虫病作以介绍,供同仁参考。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   During the processing of mackerel narezushi , the fish body was strongly dehydrated by permeation of salt, the low pH of fish meat, and pressure applied to the fish and rice mixture. In the proximate components, moisture, protein and lipid flowed out from the fish meat into the rice mixture, and sugar permeated from the rice mixture into the fish meat. That the total amount of outflow was larger than that of permeation into the fish is thought to contribute to the decrease in fish body weight during processing. In the extractive components, although the nucleotides completely decomposed, free amino acids and peptides increased remarkably because of the decomposition of proteins in fish meat during processing. Especially, six kinds of free amino acid, Glu, Asp, Gly, Ala, Leu, and Ile, which are thought to be the taste components in marine resources, increased. Organic acid increased remarkably because of the fermentation of rice and permeation into the fish meat. The marked increase of the extractive components is thought to contribute to the umami taste and the sour taste of narezushi .  相似文献   

A feeding trial was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary lipid level on growth and body composition of juvenile river chub, Zacco barbata (Regan). Juvenile river chub with 0.26 g body weight were given five isoenergetic and isonitrogenous purified diets containing 0–20% lipids in 5% increments for 8 weeks. The dietary lipid source was a 1:1 (w/w) mixture of menhaden fish oil and soybean oil. There was no significant difference on weight gain, feed conversion ratio, or protein efficiency ratio, among fish fed different experimental diets ( P  > 0.05). Body fat contents of both initial fish and fish fed the diet containing 20% dietary lipid were significantly greater than those fed other diets ( P  < 0.05). The percentage of total n -3 fatty acids in the body lipids of fish at the beginning of the trial was 12.34%. This value decreased to 3.83% by the end of the trial for fish fed a control diet with no supplemented lipid. Similar trends were observed in linoleic acid contents that were 6.11% and 3.09%, respectively, for initial fish and the fish fed the control diet for 8 weeks. However, the absolute amount of these fatty acids stayed the same in the initial and in the control group. Meanwhile, as dietary lipid level increased, the percentages of these fatty acids in body lipids of fish at the end of the trial also increased.  相似文献   

为探究2种蛋白源单一和混合替代鱼粉对大口黑鲈生长性能、血清生化指标和肠道组织学的影响,实验用发酵豆粕(FSM)、肉骨粉(MBM)和发酵豆粕+肉骨粉(FSM+MBM)混合物(1∶1)等蛋白替代基础饲料(FM,含鱼粉350 g/kg)中150 g/kg的鱼粉,使鱼粉含量降为200 g/kg,共配制成4种等氮等脂的实验饲料,记为FM (对照组)、FSM、MBM和FSM+MBM组,投喂初始体质量为(21.2±0.1) g的大口黑鲈8周。结果显示,与对照组相比,各替代组的增重率均无显著差异,但FSM组的增重率显著低于FSM+MBM组。此外,FSM组的饲料系数较对照组和MBM组显著升高。各组在全鱼成分(水分、粗蛋白、粗脂肪、粗灰分)和干物质消化率、蛋白质消化率以及蛋白质沉积率上无显著差异,而FSM组的蛋白质效率和脂肪沉积率显著低于对照组。此外,FSM组的血清谷草转氨酶显著增加,而血清总抗氧化能力以及超氧化物歧化酶、溶菌酶活性显著降低。在前肠形态学方面,各替代组的绒毛宽度均显著低于对照组,FSM组的绒毛高度、肌层厚度以及绒毛周长显著高于对照组。以上结果表明,在鱼粉含量为350 g/kg的饲料中,MB...  相似文献   

本研究设计5组等氮等能(粗蛋白为53%,能量为25KJ/g)的实验饲料,以60%的鱼粉饲料组作为对照(D1),豆粕∶花生粕∶鱼溶浆粉∶鸡肉粉(2∶1∶3∶2)的复合蛋白替代40%(D2)、50%(D3)、60%(D4)和70%(D5)的鱼粉,养殖大菱鲆幼鱼(Scophthalmus maximus L.)初始体重(53.0±0.2) g,养殖周期84 d,每天定时(08:00,16:30)投喂2次,投喂量为体重的1.5%~2%。实验结果显示,各处理组之间幼鱼存活率、饲料系数和摄食率均无显著性差异(P0.05);与对照组相比,D4和D5组增重率显著降低(P0.05);肥满度在D2组达到最高值,显著高于D3、D4和D5组(P0.05);脏体比(VSI)、肝体比(HSI)和肠体比(ISI)均在D2组达到最低值,均显著低于D5组(P0.05);复合动植物蛋白替代鱼粉对大菱鲆幼鱼全鱼水分和粗蛋白含量均无显著影响(P0.05);各替代组全鱼粗脂肪含量显著高于对照组(P0.05);全鱼灰分含量在D5组显著低于对照组(P0.05);各组间背肌水分、粗蛋白、粗脂肪和灰分含量均无显著性差异(P0.05);复合动植物蛋白替代鱼粉对鱼体肌肉非必需氨基酸和必需氨基酸总量无显著影响(P0.05);各替代组均显著提高了血清谷草转氨酶和谷丙转氨酶活性(P0.05);总蛋白浓度在D2组显著高于D4和D5组(P0.05);血糖浓度在D2和D3组显著低于其他3组(P0.05);D3、D4和D5组甘油三酯浓度和高密度脂蛋白浓度均显著低于对照组和D2组(P0.05);各替代组胆固醇和低密度脂蛋白浓度均显著低于对照组(P0.05);各组之间碱性磷酸酶浓度无显著差异(P0.05)。研究结果表明,复合动植物蛋白可有效替代50%鱼粉而不影响大菱鲆幼鱼生长性能和部分生理生化指标。  相似文献   

A feeding trial was conducted to investigate the effects of the replacement of dietary fish meal and fish oil with oilseed meals (soybean or canola) and canola oil on growth, nutrient utilization, body composition, diet digestibility and hematological parameters of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. Seven diets were used; the control diet (designated FM) contained fish meal and fish oil as the main protein and lipid sources. For the experimental diets, 40% of fish meal protein was substituted with soybean meal, canola meal or a soybean/canola meal mixture, and these diets (designated SM, CM and SCM, respectively) contained fish oil as the lipid source. Three additional diets (SM?+?CO, CM?+?CO and SCM?+?CO) were formulated with the same vegetable protein meals but with fish oil replaced by canola oil. Fish were fed twice daily to apparent satiation for 11?weeks. The growth of fish fed the CM?+?CO diet was significantly lower than that of fish fed the FM, SCM, SM?+?CO and SCM?+?CO diets. The feed conversion ratio (FCR) was significantly better in fish fed the FM and SCM?+?CO diets than in fish fed the CM and CM?+?CO diets. Furthermore, feed intake was significantly lower for fish fed the CM?+?CO diet than in fish fed the SCM diet, and lipid digestibility of the CM?+?CO diet was significantly lower than that of all other diets. No significant differences of body composition were observed. Circulating leukocyte levels, leukocyte ratios and serum lysozyme activity remained unaffected by dietary treatment. However, it was observed that fish fed the CM?+?CO diet displayed hematocrit levels significantly lower (P?<?0.05) than that of fish fed the other diets. The results indicate that when diets contain either fish oil or canola oil, canola meal and soybean meal can be incorporated into rainbow trout feeds at a combined 32% inclusion level (replacing 40% of fish meal protein) without inducing significant negative effects on growth, nutrient utilization or health.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to evaluate semipurified test diets for Tilapia zillii fingerlings. Four isocaloric (300 kcal dietary energy/100 g) diets containing casein (at 30 and 39%). casein supplemented with L-arginine (Arg) and casein/gelatin mixture as protein sources were fed to triplicate groups of T. zillii fingerlings at a daily rate of 3% of their body weight for 6 weeks. When casein was fed as the sole dietary protein source at 30% level, fish growth, feed conversion efficiency (FC) and protein efficiency ratio (PER) were significantly reduced. Those variables were significantly improved when casein was supplemented with Arg. The group of fish fed casein/gelatin diet showed the best growth and feed utilization. When casein was increased to 39% to meet the Arg requirement, fish growth and feed conversion were not significantly different from those of fish fed casein/gelatin diet, while PER and protein production value (PPV) were significantly reduced. These results indicated that casein/gelatin is superior to casein or casein/Arg as a protein source in semipurified test diets for T. zillii fingerlings.  相似文献   

A 12‐week feeding trial was conducted to evaluate the effects of replacing fishmeal (FM) with soybean meal (SBM), rapeseed meal (RM) and cottonseed meal (CSM) on growth, feed utilization and body composition of juvenile hybrid sturgeon Acipenser baerii ♀ × Acipenser schrenckii ♂ (initial body weight, 8.63 ± 0.24 g). Five isonitrogenous and isoenergetic diets were formulated as follows: a control diet (FM60) containing 600 g/kg FM and four other diets (FM45, FM30, FM15 and FM0 containing 450, 300, 150 and 0 g/kg FM, respectively) where protein from FM was substituted by a mixture of SBM, RM and CSM. Fish fed FM0 and FM15 had poorer growth performance, feed utilization, apparent digestibility coefficients of dry matter, protein, lipid and gross energy, and fed FM0 had poorer hepatosomatic index and survival compared with the fish fed FM60. The whole body lipid in fish fed FM0 was significantly higher than that in fish fed FM60 and FM15. This study indicates that 300 g/kg of FM can be replaced with a mixture of SBM, RM and CSM in the diet of juvenile hybrid sturgeon without compromising growth performance, feed utilization and body composition.  相似文献   

Rainbow trout were fed a fish meal‐based diet or diets where 25, 50, 75, or 100% of the fish meal protein was replaced with a mixture of rendered animal protein ingredients. Diets were formulated to be iso‐nitrogenous (36% crude protein) and meet all known nutrient requirements of rainbow trout. The effect of five diets on dressing percentage, chemical composition, functional properties, and sensory characteristics of rainbow trout fillets stored up to 1 wk on ice in a refrigerated room (4 C) was determined. Dressing percentage based on body weight (from 724 to 811 g) did not show a significant difference due to the diet. Raw tissue pH, 24 and 144 h post mortem, were significantly lower than the control when 75 and 100% fish meal replacement were utilized. Assessment of color, texture, flavor, and tenderness indicated that fillet were lighter, less firm, more bland, and more tender after 144 h compared to 24‐h storage time. Fillets from fish fed all diets were considered as acceptable by the panel.  相似文献   

A 10-week feeding experiment was conducted to determine the proper dietary protein source for optimal growth performance of juvenile snails, Semisulcospira coreana. Sixteen isonitrogenous (31% crude protein) and isocaloric (4.2 kcal/g DM) experimental diets (designated as FM, F-FM, SBM, F-SBM, WF, F-WF, SSM, F-SSM, SCR, F-SCR, UP, F-UP, FWP, F-FWP, MIX and F-MIX) were formulated to contain 41% fish meal, 42% fermented fish meal, 59% soybean meal, 55% fermented soybean meal, 55% wheat flour with 26% fish meal, 55% fermented wheat flour with 29% fish meal, 50% sesame seed meal with 10% fish meal, 50% fermented sesame seed meal with 11% fish meal, 55% soya-curd residue or fermented soya curd residue with 25% fish meal, 50% Undaria powder or fermented Undaria powder with 24% fish meal, 50% freshwater plant with 29% fish meal, 50% fermented freshwater plant with 28% fish meal, a mixture of 8% soybean meal, 10% wheat flour, 8% sesame seed meal, 8% soya-curd residue, 8% Undaria powder and 8% freshwater plant with 17% fish meal, and 50% the fermented mixture with 16% fish meal, respectively, as dietary protein sources. Juvenile snails (average weight, 32 ± 0.7 mg) were randomly distributed in forty-eight 25-L aquaria (16 L water each) in a flow-through system at a density of 130 snails per aquarium. Three replicate groups of snails were fed one of the experimental diets ad libitum once per day for 10 weeks. At the end of the feeding experiment, survival of snails was above 98% and not significantly different among the dietary treatments. The best final body weight was observed in snails fed the SBM and WF diets. There were no significant differences in final body weight of snails fed the F-SBM, WF, F-WF and MIX diets, but the value was higher than that of snails fed the FM, F-FM, FWP and F-FWP diets. The lowest value was observed in snails fed the SSM, F-SSM, SCR and F-SCR diets. Whole body protein and lipid contents of snails varied with dietary protein sources. Amino acid composition of whole body was altered by dietary protein sources. The results of the present study indicate that dietary protein sources significantly influence proximate and amino acid composition, and growth performance of snails. Fermentation with ferminpan instant brown yeast does not improve nutritional quality of the protein sources, and soybean meal and wheat flour in combination with fish meal could be potential protein sources in feeds for juvenile snails.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the impact of feeding juvenile pikeperch diets with medicinal herb adjuvants on the growth performance, proximate body composition, fatty acids profile (whole fish, muscle tissues, viscera) and cytological and histological indicators of the liver and middle intestine. The fish (mean body weight of ca. 110 g) were fed diets with a 0.1% supplement of Astragalus radix (group A), Lonicera japonica (group L) or a mixture of these herbs ( A. radix + L. japonica ; group A/L) for 8 weeks. The herbal supplementation was not noted to have had an impact on the analysed indicators of fish growth performance, condition or feed conversion ratio ( P >0.05). Statistically significant intergroup differences were noted in the value of the hepatosomatic index, hepatocyte size, their nucleus and nucleus/cytoplasm diameter ratio ( P <0.05). Significant intergroup differences were also noted in the appearance of the hepatic parenchyma. Statistically significant intergroup differences were also noted in the protein content of the whole fish body. The analysis of the proximal composition of the fish viscera, in turn, indicated significant differences in the fat content ( P <0.05). Among the analysed group of fatty acids (saturated – SFA, monoenoic – MUFA, polyenoic – PUFA) contained in the whole fish, the fillets and the viscera, significant intergroup differences were noted with regard to SFA (viscera) and MUFA (whole fish) ( P <0.05). The total PUFA content was stable, although significant intergroup differences were noted with regard to a few of the acids that belong to this group ( P <0.05).  相似文献   

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