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麦套稻是一种不耕翻、不整地、不育秧、不栽秧的简化稻作栽培方式,秸秆全量还田,既增加土壤有机质,保护了环境,又极大地减轻了劳动强度,缓解了夏收夏种的季节性矛盾。同时,能延长水稻生长期10~15d,有利于水稻的高产稳产。该项轻型栽培技术得到广大群众认可,正在全省各稻区示范推广。但因超高茬麦套稻前期干湿栽培,有利于麦茬残草的复活和稻田水生杂草的发生,草害已成为该技术推广的主要制约因素。为探明麦套稻田杂草发生规律和有效防除技术,2002年我们在四安镇进行了麦套稻田杂草发生特点和防除技术研究,现将试验结果初报如下:1材料与方法1…  相似文献   

近几年来,麦套稻轻型栽培由于其省工、节本、产量高的特点,深受农民欢迎,推广应用面积越来越大.在大面积生产实践中,影响麦套稻产量的主要障碍因子是杂草,本试验研究麦套稻田杂草防除,希望通过"药防、水控"等技术措施,达到减轻麦套稻田杂草危害程度的目的.  相似文献   

麦田套播水稻是在小麦收割前播种水稻的一种轻型栽培技术,具有麦草全量还田和省工、节本、产量高等特点,深受农民欢迎。但是由于田间杂草发生严重,并且防除难度大,阻碍了“麦套稻”的发展。为攻克这一难题,于2002年起连续3年对麦套稻田杂草发生规律及综合防除技术进行了探索。  相似文献   

杂草稻的化学防除技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
套直播稻(麦收前1~3 d麦套稻)通过诱发杂草稻的发生,在前茬小麦收获后及时用41%草甘膦3 000 ml/667m2杀灭,可有效防止杂草稻的危害.  相似文献   

50%速除(异·丁·苄)WP对麦套稻田杂草的防治效果及安全性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
麦套稻是在前茬 (麦子 )收获前 10~ 15d ,先灌“跑马水” ,然后将用营养土包衣好的露白稻谷直接撒播于麦田的一种种植方式。因该种植方式不打破原土层结构 ,与旋耕稻田相比 ,杂草种类更多 ,出草时间更早 ,密度更高。麦套稻能否夺取高产 ,关键是草害 ,为此 ,笔者进行了 5 0 %速除WP防除麦套稻田杂草的试验。1 材料与方法1 1 供试药剂5 0 %速除WP、4 2 %新野EC ,均由江苏省苏科实验农药厂生产。1 2 试验设计试验设 5个处理 :5 0 %速除WP 6 5g 6 6 7m2 、80g 6 6 7m2 、10 0g 6 6 7m2 、110g 6 6 7m2 及 4 2 %新野EC12 0ml 6 6 7m2 ,分…  相似文献   

超高茬麦套稻是一种不耕翻、不整地、不育秧、不栽秧的简化稻作方式,秸秆全量还田,保护了环境,增加了土壤有机质,又极大地减轻了劳动强度,缓解了劳动力夏收夏种的季节性矛盾。该稻作方式较直播稻提前15~20d播种,延长了水稻生育期,有利于水稻高产稳产。但因超高茬麦套稻前期干湿栽培,有利于杂草的发生和麦茬残草的复活,草害问题已成为该项技术推广的主要制约因素。1999~2000年笔者对麦套稻田杂草草相及出草规律进行了定点观察与大田普查,并针对性地进行了治理对策的研究。1 材料与方法1.1 定点观察1999、2…  相似文献   

杂交籼稻与小麦轮作区麦田杂草发生特点及其化除技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多年田间普查与系统调查结果显示,在单季籼型杂交稻与小麦轮作麦区,麦田杂草发生与其他种植方式的麦区有着不同的特点:水稻让茬早,播前杂草密度大;禾本科杂草为优势种群,主要是日本看麦娘与菵草;杂草出苗早,出苗高峰在秋、冬季;杂草群体大,危害重。根据杂草发生特点、气候特点及当地小麦生产的实际情况,建立了播前灭茬、播后苗前土壤封闭、秋季苗期茎叶处理、早春补除的全程化除技术模式。  相似文献   

防除油菜田杂草,应根据油菜的播栽方式及田间杂草发生特点,重点在秋冬季选用合适的除草剂进行防除。主要杂草种类江苏省油菜田杂草发生种类与麦田基本相同,根据前茬作物的类型可分为旱茬和稻茬2类。旱茬油菜田主要杂草有早熟禾、野燕麦、猪殃殃、麦仁珠、婆婆纳、小藜、播娘蒿、荠菜、遏蓝菜、萹蓄、麦瓶草、刺儿菜、小旋花等,  相似文献   

江苏省油菜田杂草的发生种类与麦田基本相同,其前茬有旱地茬和稻板茬两种。旱茬油菜主要杂草有:猪殃殃、麦仁珠、婆婆纳、小藜、播娘蒿、荠菜、遏兰菜、离蕊荠、早熟禾、野燕麦、蔚蓄、麦瓶草、刺儿菜、小旋花等,部分地区野燕麦危害严重。稻茬油菜主要杂草以看麦娘、日本看麦娘、硬草、早熟禾为主,  相似文献   

运用倒置"W"9点取样法对秀山县稻田杂草进行了调查。结果表明,秀山县稻田杂草共有20科32种,相对多度在10以上的稻田杂草依次为牛毛毡、节节菜、草茨藻、鸭舌草、矮慈姑、稗、野荸荠、陌上草、水蓼等9种,其中,禾本科杂草占1%、莎草科杂草占3.3%,阔叶杂草占66%。牛毛毡、节节菜、草茨藻、鸭舌草相对多度达30以上,为当地优势杂草。根据田间草害发生状况,提出了"前除、中控、后补"的综合治理对策。  相似文献   

麦田阔叶杂草经济阈值及防除研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作者对麦田阔叶杂草调查结果表明,麦田常发生阔叶杂草20种,为害严重的8种,发生特点是前早、中缓、后快。作者选用高重积作为麦田阔叶杂草群落划分的标准。研究表明,阔叶杂草的各项生物指标经相关检验,以鲜重与小麦产量间关系密切。  相似文献   

为明确小麦田不同杂草群落及防除时间对小麦产量的影响,于2013—2015连续两年在山东省聊城市高唐县小麦田中设无草对照区、禾本科杂草区、阔叶杂草区以及混合杂草自然发生区4种不同杂草群落以及不同的杂草防除时间,测定在不同条件下小麦产量及各项产量构成指标的情况。结果表明,阔叶杂草对小麦产量的影响大于禾本科杂草,冬小麦田杂草的最佳防除时间为4月1日之前,在此期间除草对小麦产量影响均不大,但之后防除或不除草会造成小麦严重减产甚至绝产,2014年4月15日除草可造成在阔叶杂草区和杂草混合生长区的小麦减产30.5%和32.6%,不除草可造成在禾本科杂草区、阔叶杂草区和杂草混生区的小麦减产8.6%、91.4%和94.3%,2015年趋势和2014年一致。从构成小麦产量的3个指标来看,杂草危害主要影响小麦的总穗数,其次为穗粒数,对千粒重影响最小。  相似文献   

我国农田杂草治理技术的发展   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
张泽溥 《植物保护》2004,30(2):28-33
我国稻、麦、玉米、大豆及棉花等主要农作物农田杂草有580种,属于危害重而又难于防除的有17种,受杂草危害较重的农田有3 580万hm2,年平均受草害减产12.3%~16.5%(加权平均)。自1980年以来,全国化学除草面积以年增200万hm2的速度扩大,农田化学除草面积从20世纪70年代早期不到100万hm2扩大到近年来6 000万hm2。本文概述了我国农田主要作物杂草的发生危害、化学除草剂应用现状及其综合防治进展,并提出今后杂草防除的设想与建议。  相似文献   

春麦田除草剂的应用与杂草群落演替   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
作者采用定点定位试验,对春麦田除草剂应用与杂草群落演替趋势进行研究。结果表明:在杂草群落多样性麦田,小麦连作并分别连续5年施用同一种除草剂,原杂草群落中占优势的靶标杂草得以控制,而非靶标杂草和抗、耐药性杂草因失去竞争和制约对象而猖獗发展,发生量较原来增加几倍至几十倍,并形成优势种群,对小麦造成新的更严重的危害。一种除草剂在同田块连续施用4年,由于杂草群落演替,抗、耐药杂草兴起,除草效果显著下降而失去其使用意义。作者提出除草剂配套使用、轮用、混用等措施,并配合以合理的轮作制度,以减轻杂草群落长期受到单一的定向选择性压力。  相似文献   

小麦田除草剂的长期使用,造成麦田杂草群落发生变化。为建立不同区域优势杂草种类的化学防除技术,本研究采用室内盆栽法测定了14种除草剂对11种冬小麦田阔叶杂草的防除效果。结果表明,灭草松可以较好地防除冬小麦田野老鹳草、牛繁缕、大巢菜、紫堇、小藜、阿拉伯婆婆纳、播娘蒿、猪殃殃、麦家公等阔叶杂草;吡草醚对野老鹳草、牛繁缕、小藜、阿拉伯婆婆纳、播娘蒿、猪殃殃、麦家公、荠菜等8种杂草防效突出。辛酰溴苯腈可很好地防除牛繁缕、大巢菜、小藜、阿拉伯婆婆纳、播娘蒿、麦家公等6种阔叶杂草;唑草酮对野老鹳草、牛繁缕、阿拉伯婆婆纳、播娘蒿、猪殃殃等5种杂草防效突出。这4种除草剂及其适用浓度与其他供试药剂相比杀草谱更为广泛,对阔叶杂草防效较好。根据不同区域优势杂草种类,合理选用高效除草剂进行防除。  相似文献   

河北省夏播玉米田杂草的发生及化学防除   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文论述了河北省夏播玉米田杂草群落的组成、翻耕和免耕两种不同种植方式的玉米田杂草的发生及消长规律 ,并就不同种植方式的玉米田提出了相应的化学防除药剂及施用技术 :在翻耕玉米田 ,以喷施乙阿合剂做播后苗前土壤处理为主 ;免耕贴茬玉米田 ,在作物播后苗前喷施农达混用乙阿合剂 ;麦垅套种的玉米田 ,在小麦收获后立即喷施玉农乐或玉农乐与阿特拉津混用做茎叶处理 ;采用克芜踪行间定向喷雾防除玉米生育后期的杂草  相似文献   

李敏 《江西植保》2012,(4):413-415
测定不同剂量的13%2甲4氯钠水剂对小麦田杂草的防除效果及安全性。试验结果表明,2甲4氯钠13%水剂6 930 g/hm2对小麦田阔叶杂草的防效显著,药后30 d的株防效和鲜重防效分别为84.8%和90.3%,且对小麦安全,可以在大田中推广应用。建议在小麦苗后4~5叶期,阔叶杂草2~4叶期进行施药。  相似文献   

J PETERSEN 《Weed Research》2005,45(2):103-113
The changes in weed:crop competition as affected by the interaction of slurry distribution pattern with crop sowing pattern was examined, using the parameters dry matter (DM) production, nitrogen (N) uptake and recovery of applied N in spring wheat and weeds. Pig slurry enriched with isotopic nitrogen (15N) was applied either fully incorporated or in concentrated bands. The two slurry distribution patterns were combined with either crop density or distance between the slurry band and seed row. Spring wheat and weeds were sampled separately seven times during the season. A high and fast crop recovery of applied N coincident with a low recovery in weeds may be obtained by at least three management elements: sowing the crop with a high seed density, sowing the crop row close to the band-applied slurry N, and early sowing. The effects on crop DM, N-uptake and 15N recovery of a high crop density and a narrow distance between the slurry band and crop row appear clearly at the beginning of the spring wheat elongation phase. For weeds the effects were most pronounced for 15N recovery, and using DM as the only response variable may cause insignificant results. However, methods for N application may be part of a strategy controlling weeds, but to obtain satisfactory weed control the N management needs to be supplemented with chemical or mechanical weed management.  相似文献   

The influences of cultural control measures on invertebrate pests and their natural enemies in cereals (wheat, barley and oats) are described and discussed, with emphasis on the major pests in north-west Europe. Possibilities for additive and synergistic combinations of cultural measures are identified, together with opportunities for integrating cultural measures with chemical and biological control where appropriate. Recent studies confirm the central role of cultural control measures in integrated pest management and integrated production of cereal crops. However, cultural measures often have opposing effects on different pests as well as diseases and weeds, so that appropriate measures must be selected on the basis of an assessment of the risks from key pests, diseases and weeds. Crop rotation is not an important means of controlling cereal pests, but its use is recommended for control of cereal diseases and weeds, as well as pests of crops grown in rotation with cereals. Diversification of crops and non-crop habitats in predominantly cereal growing areas is thought to increase numbers of certain parasitoids and polyphagous predators of cereal pests. The presence of weeds or an intercrop in a field together with cereals may reduce the severity of aphid and slug damage to cereals. Trap cropping has not yet been adequately tested in wheat, barley or oats. Cover crops reduce damage by wheat bulb fly in a following wheat crop, but increase the risk of slug damage. Resistance to a wide range of cereal aphid species has been identified in wheat and barley, but in Europe, more emphasis is placed on selecting cultivars with resistance to cereal diseases rather than pest resistance. Resistance in wheat to wheat bulb fly and wheat blossom midge is recorded, and resistance to slug damage has been reported in some laboratory studies. Early sowing of winter cereals results in more damage by certain dipterous pests and increased numbers of the aphid vectors of barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV), but early sowing results in less damage by wheat bulb fly and slugs in autumn/winter and by late infestations of aphids in summer. Avoidance of ploughing results in reduced incidence of wheat bulb fly, yellow cereal fly and aphids, but increased numbers of slugs, wheat blossom midge and bibionid larvae. Avoidance of ploughing can result in greater numbers of certain polyphagous predators, particularly in the first weeks following crop establishment. The presence of straw residues results in increased slug populations, but reduced incidence of yellow cereal fly and wheat blossom midge. Preparation of fine, firm seedbeds discourages attack by slugs and wheat bulb fly on cereals. Drilling at slightly greater depth in rough cloddy seedbeds helps to protect wheat seeds from slug damage. Nitrogen fertiliser applied in spring can help cereal plants compensate for losses by wheat bulb fly or slugs. However, nitrogen applications tend to result in increased summer infestations of aphids.  相似文献   

苯磺隆在冬麦田减量施用的试验探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用随机区组试验方法,选取阔叶杂草分布均匀的地块。苯磺隆设2个浓度,采取不同时间喷药和添加助剂2种方式用药,以不施药为对照,综合评价不同处理的防效及对小麦生长的影响,探讨苯磺隆在南疆地区冬麦田减量施用的可行性。结果表明,同一施药时间,添加助剂处理对阔叶杂草的防效和小麦产量增幅与不添加助剂处理结果相当;苯磺隆12ga.i./hm2处理4月613施药对阔叶杂草的防效和小麦产量的增幅均优于3月24日施药2浓度处理的防效和产量增幅,与苯磺隆18ga.i./hm2处理的防效和小麦产量增幅相当,在试验条件下对小麦生长安全,无药害。  相似文献   

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