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<正>仔猪下痢系指仔猪脱水,是仔猪黄痢、仔猪白痢、消化不良等腹泻的症状,也有人称为早发性大肠杆菌病或迟发性大肠杆菌病。某猪场饲养500头母猪,其生产实践表明,仔猪下痢影响仔猪的成活与增重,多年来,猪场采取了一系列综合防控措施,效果明显。本文加以介绍,供读者参考。1大肠杆菌性下痢1.1脱水发生脱水与日龄不相关,但幼龄猪比成年猪发病率高,幼猪的死亡率也高。临床症状:潜伏期7~8d,长的可达2~3个月。明显的症状  相似文献   

刘涛 《猪业科学》2021,38(3):30-32
猪大肠杆菌病是由病原性大肠杆菌引起的以初生仔猪和断奶仔猪为主的肠道感染性传染病。由于其发病率和死亡率高,易发生耐药性,给本病的防控带来了一定困难。文章着重对猪大肠杆菌病临床类型及对应的症状、病理变化和危害性进行介绍,为防控本病提供参考。  相似文献   

仔猪腹泻现象在猪场时常发生,其主要传染性因素的病原分为病毒和细菌两类。猪流行性腹泻病毒是最主要的病毒病原,而大肠杆菌则是重要的细菌病原。当猪流行性腹泻病毒和大肠杆菌混合感染时,会给猪场造成严重的经济损失。本文通过一例仔猪猪流行性腹泻病毒和大肠杆菌混合感染的病例,从发病情况、剖检变化、实验室诊断、药敏试验、防治等方面进行阐述,旨在为临床上防控这两种疾病提供参考。  相似文献   

猪呼吸道疾病综合征是目前影响全球养猪业的头号疾病,随着冬季到来,猪场门窗紧闭,各规模猪场的猪呼吸道病常会有不同程度的发生,所以冬季成为规模猪场PKDC病的主要防控季节。  相似文献   

大肠杆菌在猪场是一个伺机而动的沉默杀手,得到机会就会毫不犹豫地出手。江苏省农业科学院兽医诊断检测中心在2020年对猪源大肠杆菌分离菌株的药敏试验结果显示:分离菌株对猪场常用药物阿莫西林和氟苯尼考完全耐药,而磷霉素和丁胺卡那的敏感率较高。在“禁抗”时代,对大肠杆菌病的防控是摆在猪场面前的一个重要挑战。  相似文献   

为了有效防控连云港市规模猪场新生仔猪腹泻,本研究对其辖区内50头以上的规模猪场进行了流行病学调查和主要病因分析。结果显示:致病性大肠杆菌是主要的细菌病病原体,猪流行性腹泻病毒(Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus,PEDV)、猪传染性胃肠炎病毒(Transmissible gastroenteritis of pigs,TGEV)、猪轮状病毒(Porcine Rotavirus,PROV)为主要的病毒病病原体。上述研究为连云港市甚至国内其他猪场的新生仔猪腹泻的防控提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

猪大肠杆菌病是由病原性大肠杆菌引起的仔猪一组急性、多型性、肠道传染病。目前猪大肠杆菌病是影响规模化猪场仔猪成活率高低的主要因素,为了更好的控制猪大肠杆菌病,提高仔猪成活率,  相似文献   

哺乳仔猪腹泻病是养猪生产中常见的疾病之一,该病严重影响仔猪的成活率和养猪业的健康发展.涉及云南省陆良县5个规模化猪场的152份发生仔猪腹泻病的病料,检测了大肠杆菌、沙门氏菌、猪传染性胃肠炎病毒(TGEV)、猪流行性腹泻病毒(PEDV)、猪圆环病毒(PCV)和猪伪狂犬病毒(PRV).结果表明:陆良县规模化猪场仔猪腹泻的主要病原是大肠杆菌和PCV,5个猪场中,有2个猪场混合感染大肠杆菌和沙门氏菌,1个猪场混合感染大肠杆菌、PCV和PEDV,1个混合感染大肠杆菌、沙门氏菌和PCV,1个混合感染大肠杆菌、沙门氏菌、PCV和PEDV.综上所述,引起云南省陆良县规模化猪场仔猪腹泻病的主要病原可确定为PCV和大肠杆菌,同时部分猪场存在大肠杆菌、沙门氏菌、PCV、PEDV的混合感染,必须引起相关部门和猪场业主的高度重视.  相似文献   

猪的大肠杆菌病是由一群致病性大肠杆菌引起中小型猪的一种条件性传染病。饲养管理与环境条件跟不上,容易发生本病,而且条件越差,发病越严重;又由于致病大肠杆菌的血清型特别多,给防治带来许多困难,往往不同的猪场发生大肠杆菌病,用同一种方法却疗效不同,甚至同一个主场的不同猪群发生大肠杆菌病时,用同一种方法治疗效果也不一样。因此,猪场的饲养管理,应为它们创造良好的生产和生长发育的环境条件。要预防本病的发生与流行,关键是养好母猪和加强仔猪的饲养管理。  相似文献   

仔猪白痢病的防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
仔猪白痢病又称迟发性大肠杆菌病,是由产毒型大肠杆菌引起的仔猪肠道传染病,多发生于10~30日龄的仔猪,但以6~12日龄猪多见,7日龄前和30日龄后的仔猪则很少发生。临床上以排出具有恶臭腥味、白色、灰白色或灰黄色糊状粪便为主要特征。本病一年四季均可发生,但以冬季、盛夏或天气骤变时发生机率最高。由于病猪的死亡和病猪康复后生长迟缓,给养猪事业带来直接和间接的经济损失十分严重,因而成为仔猪生产中最为养猪业主和猪场管理者们特别关注的重要疾病之一。  相似文献   

仔猪白痢是猪场的常发病和多发病,病死率虽低,但严重影响仔猪生长发育,易形成僵猪,给猪场造成较大经济损失。文章从仔猪白痢的病原学特点流行病学、临床症状、病理变化、实验室诊断、防治等方面分别展开论述,首先阐述了大肠杆菌的形态染色、生长需要、菌落形态等;随后对仔猪白痢的流行病学、临床症状、病理变化、3种实验室诊断方法及优缺点进行论述;重点阐述了仔猪大肠杆菌病疫苗的应用、抗生素与中药的防治等,以期对猪场控制该病提供借鉴。  相似文献   

仔猪致病性大肠杆菌的分离鉴定与耐药性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由湛江市3个养猪场采集到40份仔猪黄痢、白痢腹泻粪便样品,共分离到40株大肠杆菌,其中7株是致病性大肠杆菌,三个猪场致病性大肠杆菌的分离率分别为15.4%、10%和43%。对7株致病性大肠杆菌进行药物敏感性试验,结果表明:它们均对恩诺沙星、菌必治和丁胺卡那霉素敏感,而对复方新诺明、阿莫西林、氨苄青霉素、四环素和庆大霉素的耐药率为100%,对氯霉素、头孢氨苄和痢特灵的耐药率为85.7%,对卡那霉素和链霉素的耐药率为57.1,%对氟哌酸和环丙沙星的耐药率为14.3%。猪场选用较敏感药物来防治仔猪大肠杆菌病,使疫病得到了有效控制。  相似文献   

AIM: To determine the resistance to antibiotics among the indictor bacteria, Escherichia coli and Enterococcus spp, isolated from the faeces of healthy pigs on three conventional pig farms and one organic farm in the North Island of New Zealand. METHODS: Faecal samples, collected at intervals between March and October 2001, were plated onto MacConkey agar and Slanetz-Bartley agar and examined after 1-3 days incubation for colonies resembling E. coli and Enterococcus spp, respectively. Typical colonies were subcultured for further identification and storage. The isolates were tested for antibiotic resistance, using disc diffusion, to ampicillin, gentamicin, streptomycin, and tetracycline. Escherichia coli isolates were also tested for resistance to ciprofloxacin, cotrimoxazole and neomycin. Enterococcus spp isolates were also tested for resistance to vancomycin, erythromycin and virginiamycin. RESULTS: A total of 296 E. coli and 273 Enterococcus spp isolates were obtained from the three conventional farms, and 79 E. coli and 80 Enterococcus spp isolates were obtained from the organic farm. All the E. coli isolates from both the conventional and organic pig farms were susceptible to ciprofloxacin, and all the Enterococcus spp isolates were susceptible to ampicillin, gentamicin and vancomycin. Isolates of E. coli from conventional pig farms were resistant to gentamicin (0.7%), neomycin (0.7%), ampicillin (2.7%), cotrimoxazole (11%), streptomycin (25%) and tetracycline (60%). Enterococcus spp isolates from the same farms were resistant to erythromycin (68%), tetracycline (66%), streptomycin (54%) and virginiamycin (49%). By contrast, for the organic pig farm 相似文献   

为了解重庆市北碚区龙凤桥镇养殖场中大肠杆菌对抗菌药物的敏感性,笔者在该镇某猪场及某鸡场采集了5份猪粪及10份鸡粪,从中分离出大肠杆菌,随后进行药物敏感性检测。结果显示:在15份粪便中分离到了15株大肠杆菌,包括5株猪源性大肠杆菌和10株鸡源性大肠杆菌;药物敏感性试验表明,这15株大肠杆菌的耐药率很高,2/3的菌株对超过23种抗菌药物有耐药性。  相似文献   

副猪嗜血杆菌病是近年来流行的一种猪的细菌性传染病,给养猪业发展带来很大危害,尤其是规模养猪场损失更大。笔者经过临床剖检、病料送检、化验室镜检、结合各地学者提供的药敏试验结果,采取综合用药治疗方法,使本病疫情在当地得到及时有效的控制。  相似文献   

赵玉  屈勇刚 《中国猪业》2021,16(2):69-73
近年来,猪的口蹄疫疫情时有发生,面对具有高度传染性的疫病,尤其在国内规模化、集约化的养殖场中,一旦发生疫情不利于控制,极易造成疫情大范围暴发,因此采取必要的预防和控制措施仍然是关键所在。本文以口蹄疫为例,简述口蹄疫的特点,并通过选址与布局、生产管理、可移动风险和疫病防控等4个方面,阐明构建猪场生物安全体系是防控疫病的重点和核心,以期为规模化猪场应对重大疫病、建设绿色健康可持续发展的规模化猪场提供有效帮助,促进养殖业健康发展。  相似文献   

2011年11月,四川某规模化猪场发生一起以2~7日龄哺乳仔猪腹泻、脱水和高发病率为特征的传染病,发病率为75%,死亡率达50%以上,给猪场造成了很大的经济损失。根据流行病学调查、临床症状观察、病畜剖检和实验室诊断,最终确诊为猪流行性腹泻与大肠杆菌混合感染。根据诊断结果采取积极的防制措施,取得了较好效果。  相似文献   

为了解陕西省宁强县部分地区引起仔猪黄白痢的致病性大肠埃希菌的主要血清型及其主要毒力因子,用细菌分离培养方法,从宁强县5个猪场采集的60份有疑似黄白痢症状仔猪的肛门拭子中分离出20个大肠埃希菌菌株。经菌落形态观察、革兰染色镜检、培养特性、生化试验、血清型鉴定,确定分离菌株均为致病性大肠埃希菌。血清分型表明,20个分离菌株中有18株能确定血清型,分布在7个血清型中,其中优势血清型为O8(8株),占总数的40%。药物敏感性试验表明,分离菌株对临床常用药物具有抗药性。毒力因子的PCR检测结果表明,分离菌株均不携带STa、STb、LT和SLT-2e四个毒力基因。  相似文献   

A retrospective cohort study of 116 British pig farms was undertaken to investigate the epidemiological risk factors associated with herd breakdowns with postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS). Farmers reported the PMWS status of their herd (case definition 1) and, where applicable, when the disease was first suspected and what they observed; they described a prolonged increase in mortality in six to 16-week-old pigs that was not attributable to any disease known to be on their farm. There was over 90 per cent agreement on the farmers' PMWS status between the farmers and their veterinarians. Approximately 70 per cent of the breakdowns were confirmed at the laboratory (case definition 2) except during the outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in 2001 when it was reduced to 30 per cent. Porcine circovirus type 2 antigen was detected in pigs examined postmortem (case definition 3) in approximately 90 per cent of the farms with increased mortality. The breakdowns occurred initially in the south of England and spread west and north, as well as locally in a radial pattern from the affected farms, and there was strong statistical evidence that there was non-random space-time clustering. The risk of herd breakdowns with PMWS was not constant; therefore, for each case definition, three survival models were developed with outcome variable time to breakdown of between January 2000 and January 2001, February 2001 to September 2001 (during FMD) or October 2001 to December 2003. Exposures with a bivariable significance of P<0.20 were tested in three multivariable Cox proportional hazard models. From January 2000 to January 2001 the risk of a herd breakdown with PMWS for definitions 1, 2 and 3 was greater for farms with 600 or more breeding sows, and for definitions 1 and 3 there was an increased risk associated with the purchase of replacement gilts rather than using homebred replacements. For definitions 1 and 3 the farms where the nearest pig farm had no breeding pigs were at greater risk of a breakdown than those where the nearest farm had breeding stock, as were the farms where visitors were not requested to avoid pigs for more than three days before visiting the farm during the FMD outbreak. From October 2001, the associated risks were identical for all three case definitions; farms were at greater risk when they had 600 or more breeding sows, if visitors had not avoided contact with pigs for more than three days before visiting the farm, and when there was a farm with PMWS less than five miles away. The affected farms were more likely to have disease associated with porcine parvovirus, porcine reproduction and respiratory syndrome virus, erysipelas, Escherichia coli and salmonella. These exposures were positively associated with large herds and the farm being close to other pig farms, but did not remain in the final models for breakdown with PMWS, indicating that such farms may be at greater risk of many infectious diseases.  相似文献   

以3日龄内的初生哺乳仔猪以及分娩过程中闷死的仔猪为对象,采取麦康凯培养基分离细菌的方法定性研究不同检测点来判断规模化养猪场中3日龄内的哺乳仔猪大肠杆菌实际分布密度和规律。结果显示,产房环境的卫生和消毒质量极大影响大肠杆菌的分布,仔猪口腔出现大肠杆菌的时间长短与产房(即仔猪腹部大肠杆菌)环境有密切的关系。本文结合生产实际为现代养猪场环境监控及生物安全提供科学的参考资料。  相似文献   

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