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本研究利用SNP标记对‘白糖罂’ב禾虾串’、‘禾虾串’ב白糖罂’及‘白糖罂’ב无核荔’3个荔枝杂交组合F_1代共131个单株的真实性进行了鉴定。利用基质辅助激光解吸电离飞行时间质谱技术,从155个均匀分布在荔枝基因组的SNP标记中筛选出在上述杂交亲本中表现为不同纯合基因型的SNP位点;结合高分辨率熔解曲线技术,利用上述SNP位点对各个组合的杂交苗F_1代进行了SNP分型。SNP分型结果显示,杂种F1代的基因型呈现杂合基因型、父本纯合基因型和母本纯合基因型3类。针对‘白糖罂’ב禾虾串’、‘禾虾串’ב白糖罂’及‘白糖罂’ב无核荔’3个杂交组合,均只利用一对纯合共显性SNP标记即成功完成所有F_1代单株的鉴定,真杂种率分别为93.6%、96.8%和72.5%。SNP标记首次成功应用于荔枝3个F_1杂交群体的鉴定,为今后荔枝杂交育种中的真假杂种鉴定提供了可借鉴手段。  相似文献   

荔枝SCoT-PCR反应体系的建立及其在遗传分析中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
夏玲 《中国农学通报》2014,30(13):147-156
建立适于荔枝的SCoT反应体系,并利用SCoT体系对‘紫娘喜’、‘无核荔’及其杂交后代进行真假杂种鉴定和遗传多样性分析。采用正交设计方法对影响荔枝SCoT-PCR反应的rTaq酶、Mg2+浓度、模板DNA用量、dNTPs浓度和引物等因素进行体系优化。优化的荔枝SCoT反应体系为:20μL反应体系中含有模板DNA 30 ng,rTaq酶1 U,引物0.75μmol/L,Mg2+ 3 mmol/L,dNTPs 0.3 mmol/L。最适退火温度为50.6℃。利用该体系对‘紫娘喜’、‘无核荔’及其杂交后代进行遗传分析,结果显示,32条引物共扩增出280个位点,多态性位点有131个,占总位点数46.78%。4条引物就可以将60株杂交后代鉴定出来。UPGMA聚类分析显示,SCoT标记能将30株杂交后代区分开,遗传相似系数在0.406~0.867,在相似系数0.68时,30株杂交后代可聚为3类。优化建立的荔枝SCoT体系结果稳定,重复性好,为荔枝遗传育种提供了新的技术支持。  相似文献   

结缕草属植物杂交后代的SRAP分子标记鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
相关序列扩增多态性(sequence—related amplified polymorphism,SRAP)是基于PCR技术的一种新型分子标记技术。本文通过SRAP分子标记技术对结缕草属植物种间杂交的5个组合44份杂交后代进行了真假杂种的鉴定,拟为杂交后代的进一步研究奠定基础。首先通过5个杂交组合的亲本材料分别筛选10对SRAP引物组合,然后应用具有父本特征带的多态性引物组合对各个杂交组合亲本及其所有后代进行PCR扩增、电泳。结果表明,5个杂交组合的44个杂交后代中有39个后代具有父本特征带,被鉴定为真杂种,其余5个后代因不具有父本特征带,被鉴定为自交种。杂种真实性的鉴定结果为杂交后代的进一步研究及应用奠定了良好的基础,本研究结果也表明SRAP分子标记技术是比较稳定可靠的标记系统,可有效应用于结缕草属植物杂种真实性的鉴定和遗传分析。  相似文献   

本研究以14份葡萄种质资源和火州黑玉葡萄3个杂交组合共116株胚挽救后代为试材,研究葡萄无核性状的鉴定方法,以期在苗期实现杂交单株无核性状鉴定,提高无核葡萄育种效率。利用SCAR标记SCF27对材料进行无核性状分子检测,通过田间鉴定对检测结果进行验证和评价。结果表明,SCF27标记在‘无核白’、‘火州黑玉’、‘火焰无核’、‘红宝石无核’、‘美丽无核’,‘火州红玉’、‘火州紫玉’、‘无核紫’、‘无核白鸡心’、‘昆香无核’、‘底来特’等11个无核品种植株中均检测到目的无核性状基因片段,而在‘红地球’、‘贵妃玫瑰’和‘早艳’等3个有核品种植株中均未检测到,在116株后代中检测出84株携带目的基因片段,其中81株与田间鉴定结果吻合,吻合率为96.4%。本研究认为,SCF27标记是一个显性或主效基因标记,其检测结果与植株表现型的吻合率很高,可以用来进行葡萄杂交后代无核单株的早期筛选,但鉴定结果可能存在一定误差。  相似文献   

以桂南木莲、马关木莲及两者的杂交后代(正反交)共32株为试验材料,运用ISSR分子标记技术鉴定杂交后代的真实性。结果如下:从16条引物中筛选出4条引物用于杂种鉴定,试验表明30株杂交后代为真杂种,真实杂种率为100%;4条引物在正交杂种和亲本中扩增出46个位点,多态性位点率(PPB)为84.78%,材料间遗传相似系数为0.476~0.863,变幅为0.387。遗传相似系数0.714把亲本和正交种分为偏母本型、中间型和父本;4条引物在反交种和亲本中扩增出44个位点,多态性位点率(PPB)为88.78%,材料间遗传相似系数为0.400~0.872,变幅为0.472。遗传相似系数0.594把亲本和反交种分为偏母本型和偏父本型。30株杂交后代遗传多样性丰富,是培育木兰科新品种培育的重要材料。  相似文献   

芍药属组间杂交可改良现有芍药属种质资源,其后代真实性的分子鉴定可为高效育种提供技术支持。本实验室前期以芍药组、牡丹组植物为父母本进行组间杂交,成功获得了后代。本研究拟进一步以4个组间杂交组合中的24个植株为材料,进行EST-SSR分子标记鉴定。研究结果表明:利用7个亲本从29对芍药属引物中筛选出的11对引物在亲本中具有多态性,因此用以PCR扩增。在对PCR扩增产物进行荧光毛细管电泳分析的基础上,从24株单株中,鉴定出20株具有父(母)本特异性条带,可判定为真杂种。该结果为这些杂交后代的遗传背景提供了分子证据,所确立的EST-SSR分子标记技术可用于芍药属植物组间杂交后代的早期鉴定,以提高杂交效率。  相似文献   

SSR分子标记技术在杂交后代真实性的鉴定中具有重要意义。本试验以湖南本土牡丹‘宝庆红’为亲本,通过常规人工杂交育种得到5个不同杂交组合共69株杂交子代实生苗为材料,利用SSR分子标记技术对其进行早期真伪性鉴定。结果发现,4对SSR引物从69株杂交子代中筛选出5个单株具有父母本特异性互补条带,鉴定为真杂种。研究表明,SSR分子标记技术在对牡丹杂交子代真实性鉴定中具有准确、高效等特点,在后续牡丹种质资源创新以及新品种的选育过程中具有应用价值。  相似文献   

园艺风信子品种染色体倍性变异丰富,染色体倍性高的品种杂交更易获得杂种后代,致使其杂种后代真实性鉴定较为困难。本研究利用3条引物对风信子3个杂交组合(‘Ostara’בFondant’,‘Sky Jacket’בFondant’,‘White Pearl’בBlue Jacket’)的杂种后代进行ISSR分子标记研究,以鉴定各杂交组合杂种后代的真实性。结果表明:‘Ostara’בFondant’组合中12个杂种后代为真实杂种,真实杂种率为92%;‘Sky Jacket’בFondant’杂种后代中7个为真实杂种,真实杂种率为41%;‘White Pearl’בBlue Jacket’14个杂种后代均鉴定为真实杂种,真实杂种率为100%。研究结果显示ISSR分子标记方法可以用于风信子杂种后代真实性的鉴定,将为开展风信子品种间大量杂种后代的快速鉴定和早期选择提供理论依据和实践方法。  相似文献   

斑茅割手密杂种后代真实性鉴定及遗传分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以斑茅GXA87-36(♀)与割手密GXS79-9(♂)杂交获得的经形态鉴别为真杂种的后代材料GXAS07-6-1 (斑茅割手密杂合体)及其双亲为材料,利用体细胞染色体计数以及SSR、SRAP分子标记对杂种进行真实性鉴定,并利用SRAP分子标记对斑茅GXA87-36、割手密GXS79-9及其杂种后代遗传位点的传递进行分析。结果表明, GXA87-36体细胞染色体数为2n=60,GXS79-9体细胞染色体数为2n=64,其杂种GXAS07-6-1染色体2n=62,其杂交的染色体遗传方式为n+n;筛选出3对SSR引物和5对SRAP引物可分辨后代的真伪;利用71对SRAP引物扩增后代和双亲,检测到1 095个遗传位点,多态性位点数为800;母本有279个位点,其中有 79 %传递给其后代;父本有439个位点,其中有73%传递给后代;用NTSYS-pc2.10e软件计算Jaccard遗传相似系数,双亲间为0.474,后代与母本、父本间分别为0.696、0.752,表明后代GXAS07-6-1偏向父本遗传。  相似文献   

以烟草(Nicotiana tabacum)品种云烟87的八倍体(2n=8x=96)和野生烟草N. plumbaginifolia (2n=2x=20)的基因组DNA为模板,对340对烟草SSR引物进行筛选以获得能扩增多态性条带的引物。利用多态性引物对种间杂交后代及190株回交后代的基因组DNA进行扩增,并对N.plumbaginifolia中的SSR标记的连锁情况进行简要分析。经筛选获得了多态性引物29对。结果显示,在190株后代中, 159株的基因组DNA能扩增出N. plumbaginifolia的特异SSR位点,可以判定该159株为N. tabacum的N. plumbaginifolia异源染色体植株,其余31株植株可能不含有N. plumbaginifolia的染色体。经UPGMA聚类分析,本群体中植株的遗传多样性较为丰富,部分分子标记在后代中的出现具有完全相关性。29个标记中14个可确定来源于5条不同染色体,N.plumbaginifolia的29个位点在回交后代中的扩增效率并不相同,且效率均较低(低于31.00%),说明该杂种中N. plumbaginifolia基因组的垂直传递效率较低。利用SSR分子标记可以判定云烟87八倍体与N.plumbaginifolia杂交获得的后代为真杂种,且自该远缘杂种回交后代中筛选获得大量异源染色体植株。这些结果和筛选获得异源染色体植株为进一步创制N.tabacum-N.plumbaginifolia抗黑胫病单体附加系以及易位系奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Jens Jensen 《Euphytica》1979,28(1):47-56
Summary The high-lysine gene in Risø mutant 1508 conditions an increased lysine content in the endosperm via a changed protein composition, a decreased seed size, and several other characters of the seed. The designation lys3a, lys3b, and lys3c, is proposed for the allelic high-lysine genes in three Risø mutants, nos 1508, 18, and 19. Linkage studies with translocations locate the lys3 locus in the centromere region of chromosome 7. A linkage study involving the loci lys3 and ddt (resistance to DDT) together with the marker loci fs (fragile stem), s (short rachilla hairs), and r (smooth awn) show that the order of the five loci on chromosome 7 from the long to the short chromosome arm is r, s, fs, lys3, ddt. The distance from locus r to locus ddt is about 100 centimorgans.  相似文献   

[Objectives]This study aimed to establish a QAMS(quantitative analysis of multi-components by single-marker)method for simultaneous determination of four phenol...  相似文献   

T. Visser  E. H. Oost 《Euphytica》1981,30(1):65-70
Summary Apple and pear pollen was irradiated with doses of 0, 50, 100, 250 and 500 krad (gamma rays) and stored at 4°C and 0–10% r.h. From the in-vitro germination percentages an average LD 50 dose of about 220 krad was estimated. For both irradiated and untreated pollen a close and corresponding lineair relationship existed between germination percentage and pollen tube growth.Irradiated pollen was much more sensitive to dry storage conditions than untreated pollen, resulting in less germination and more bursting. Apparently, irradiation caused the pollen cell membrane to lose its flexibility faster than normal. Rehydration of dry-stored, irradiated pollen in water-saturated air restored germination percentages up to their initial levels. The importance of this procedure in germination trials is stressed.  相似文献   

Richard N. Lester 《Euphytica》1989,44(1-2):125-132
Summary An hypothesis is developed that the rapid change from wild plants into domesticated crops principally involves the selection of alleles with non-functional gene products which leads to reduced control of the highly integrated metabolism and morphogenesis previously accumulated by lengthy natural selection. Such disturbance of the genome produces altered physiological and morphological development which, although deleterious in nature, serves mankind better and has been selected.  相似文献   

Summary Twenty-five lucerne populations of the Medicago sativa complex, which were either diploid or tetraploid and wild or cultivated, were analysed for their resistance to four different fungal diseases and to stem nematode. Forage quality, including stem digestibility and saponin content, was also tested.Populations varied in susceptibility to the diseases caused by Colletotrichum trifolii, Verticillium albo-atrum, Sclerotinia trifoliorum and Pseudopezizza medicaginis, and to the nematode Ditylenchus dipsaci. Except for Sclerotinia rot, sativa and falcata subspecies differed in susceptibility, but this grouping of populations did not account for the full range of variation among them. However, the resistance to P. medicaginis was much lower in the sativa than in the falcata populations.Populations also varied significantly in stem fiber content and digestibility. Stem digestibility was negatively correlated to forage yield. Wild sativa and falcata populations had lower fiber content and higher digestibility than cultivated sativa populations. The medicagenic acid was the sapogenin responsible for the anti-nutritional effect of the lucerne measured by the yellow mealworm larvae Tenebrio molitor. The medicagenic acid content was lowest for the pure sativa populations, highest for the pure falcata populations, and intermediate for the French sativa varieties that have some traits originating from falcata germplasm. Some populations could be used in breeding programs to improve disease and nematode resistance, and forage quality.  相似文献   

In order to explore the pharmacological effects of active components of Gastrodiae Rhizoma on the central nervous system,through consulting related literatures,...  相似文献   

[Objectives]The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of Pb on rhizosphere soil enzyme activity and chemical constituents of Achyranthes bidentat...  相似文献   

不同P-Zn配比对小麦幼苗微量元素营养的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用了螯合-缓冲营养液培养方法对小麦进行了苗期培养试验,在3个P水平(0,0.6,3.0 mmol/L)和3个Zn水平(0,3,30 μmol/L)的完全组合下对小麦苗期生长及Zn、Fe、Cu、Mn营养进行了研究,旨在为小麦微肥施用提供理论依据.结果表明,P、Zn的正常供应促进了小麦生长,二者的缺乏与过量均会抑制小麦发育,且这种影响在冠部表现得更为明显.在小麦苗期,Zn与Cu的吸收存在明显的拮抗作用,但供Zn则促进了Zn和Cu的转运,而Mn转运则受到了抑制;过量供Zn时,大量Zn被转运到冠部,同时明显抑制了(Fe+Cu+Mn)的吸收总量;P的供应显著地抑制了Fe的吸收,但P的供应提高了Zn、Cu、Mn的转运率;P、Zn在对Zn与Fe、Cu、Mn间吸收竞争的影响中,Zn本身的影响要比P的影响更为明显,供Zn明显促进了小麦幼苗对Zn的吸收;在小麦幼苗冠部,Zn与Fe的竞争中,供P利于Zn的吸收,缺P则利于Fe的吸收;而Zn与Cu以及Zn与Mn间的竞争中,缺磷时利于Zn的吸收,供磷后则利于Cu和Mn的吸收.总之,小麦幼苗Zn、Fe、Cu、Mn营养中,P、Zn的不同配比会不同程度地改变Zn与Fe、Cu、Mn的协同或拮抗效应.  相似文献   

Summary Glycine tabacina (Labill.) Benth. is a wild perennial species related to the cultivated soybean, G. max (L.) Merr. It is composed of diploid (2n=40) and tetraploid (2n=80) cytotypes. Currently, to differentiate the cytotypes, plants are grown out in the greenhouse and chromosome counts made on pollen mother cells. It is a laborious and time consuming process. The objective of this study was to determine whether electrophoretic techniques could be utilized to separate the cytotypes. Electrophoretic examination of seven isozyme systems from seed of 67 G. tabacina accessions revealed banding patterns that could be used to differentiate between diploid and tetraploid cytotypes in the species. Among the tetraploid accessions, the number of bands observed were always greater than the diploids. Some tetraploid banding patterns consisted of bands similar to the diploid tabacina and/or additional bands previously identified in other Glycine species. The patterns of isozyme multiplicity and variation in the tetraploid tabacinas suggests more than one mode of origin for the tetraploids.  相似文献   

Autotoxicity restricts reseeding of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) after alfalfa until autotoxic chemical(s) breaks down or is dispersed into external environments. A series of aqueous extracts from leaves, stems, roots and seeds of alfalfa ‘Vernal’ were bioassayed against alfalfa seedlings of the same cultivar to determine their autotoxicity. The highest inhibition was found in the extracts from the leaves. Extracts at 40 g dry tissue l?1 from alfalfa leaves were 15.4, 17.5 and 28.7 times more toxic to alfalfa root growth than were those from roots, stems and seeds, respectively. A high‐performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis with nine standard compounds showed that the concentrations and compositions of allelopathic compounds depended on the plant parts. In leaf extracts that showed the most inhibitory effect on root growth, the highest amounts of allelochemicals were detected. Among nine phenolic compounds assayed for their phytotoxicity on root growth of alfalfa, coumarin, trans‐cinnamic acid and o‐coumaric acid at 10?3 m were most inhibitory. The type and amount of causative allelochemicals found in alfalfa plant parts were highly correlated with the results of the bioassay, indicating that the autotoxic effects of alfalfa plant parts significantly differed.  相似文献   

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