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设施栽培中把握果树需冷量的最实用方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
果树休眠期的管理是设施栽培中关键的技术环节,尤其是日光温室栽培。果树休眠期对空气成分的要求不严格,无论是将温室封闭得空气不能流通,还是经常换气,对果树度过休眠无足轻重;空气和土壤湿度,在果树休眠过程中也不是重要条件,只要空气和土壤中的水分不至于干旱到使枝条和根系遭遇旱害,对果树安全度过休眠期的影响都不大。有的栽培者认为,避光对休眠可起到促进作用。笔者在几年的实验中发现,光照与黑暗对果树完成休眠过程没有关系,而影响果树休眠的重要因子是温度。  相似文献   

果树需冷量及休眠期生理生化变化的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
果树的自然休眠是在系统发育过程中形成的,是果树为了适应低温等逆境的一种积极的反应。近年来,随着果树设施栽培的迅猛发展,研究果树需冷量及休眠期间生理生化的变化,对果树设施栽培具有十分重要的理论和实践意义。1果树需冷量1.1需冷量的概念和估算方法落叶果树打破自然休眠(内休眠)所需的有效低温时数称为果树的需冷量,又叫需寒量、低温需求量或需寒积温。需冷量的度量一直倍受关注,目前还没有适合各个树种、品种的统一有效的估算方法。常用的方法有两种:1.1.1冷温小时数(chillinghours,CH或h)指经历7.2℃以下低温的小时数。在20世纪30…  相似文献   

闵卓  房玉林 《北方园艺》2016,(2):182-188
芽休眠是多年生木本植物对不良环境条件的生物学适应性,是果树生存、产量及品质的前提和保证。该研究在查阅大量相关文献的基础上,对芽休眠的定义、分类及影响因素进行了综述,并通过对葡萄芽休眠的国内外研究进展进行了分析,指出了葡萄芽休眠未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

植物生长调节剂在果树生产中的应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
综述了植物生长调节剂在果树生产中的应用现状,包括对果树生长发育、开花结实、果实品质、休眠等方面的影响,并介绍了植物生长调节剂在果树栽培中的残毒问题。  相似文献   

温度对果树休眠的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
温度对果树休眠的影响张运涛张国辉(河北农业技术师范学院园艺系昌黎066600)周延文(河北省农林科学院昌黎果树研究所)在冬暖地区和保护地果树栽培中,常因低温量不能满足果树的需要,使果树萌芽晚,发芽率低且不整齐,生长结果不良。所以,了解温度与果树休眠的...  相似文献   

核果类植物是温带地区重要的果树资源,兼具良好的经济价值、生态价值及园林观赏价值。休眠是核果类果树种子为应对不良外界环境而产生的适应性进化,有利于保障种群的延续,但不利于苗木的规模化繁育。为了优化核果类植物繁育技术,提高苗木繁育效率,对核果类植物种子休眠与萌发机制的研究现状进行综述。本研究重点分析国内外相关研究进展,分别从果肉、内果皮、种皮、种胚4个方面对核果类果树种子休眠机制及休眠打破方法进行总结归纳,并基于综述结果对其研究前景进行展望,以期在阐明核果类果树种子休眠与萌发机制的基础上,为解决生产过程中种子休眠问题提供思路与方法,并为乡土植物资源保护、引种栽培提供科学依据。  相似文献   

棚室果树栽培注意事项   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹伟 《河北果树》2007,(6):36-36
<正>1需冷量所谓果树需冷量,即果树完成自然休眠所需要的0~7.2℃的累计时数。不同树种、品种需冷量不同,果树达不到各自的需冷量,就不能打破自然休眠。  相似文献   

落叶果树需冷量及其机理研究进展   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
落叶果树需冷量的准确估算是果树栽培尤其是果树促成栽培中的一个关键因素,直接关系到果树促成栽培的成败。综合有关文献,介绍了落叶果树需冷量的概念、估算方法、研究现状、生物学机制和存在问题。低温可以诱导休眠,休眠解除需要低温积累,从植物生理学和分子生物学角度阐述了落叶果树需冷量的机理。并对缩短落叶果树自然休眠期的可能途径从育种、施用外源化学药剂、环境调控3个方面进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

多年生的果树常常一边在叶腋里形成腋芽,一边枝条向前伸长。一般落叶果树在温带其腋芽从夏末到秋季进休入眠,冬季遭遇低温后休眠被打破,早春萌发生长。目前有许多研究者正在研究木本植物芽的休眠,但是,在芽的休眠及发芽生理方  相似文献   

熊岳位于东经122°,北纬40°.年均降水量700.4mm,年均温8.9℃,年日照2887.2h.10月下旬至11月上旬温度降至7.2℃,有利于果树进入休眠和及早完成休眠,适宜发展果树保护地栽培.熊岳及周边地区果树保护地栽培发展较早,面积较大.果树保护地栽培的土壤管理与施肥往往套用露地栽培的经验,带有一定的盲目性.为此我们对熊岳及周边地区果树保护地土壤进行采样分析.  相似文献   

The fruit set on plum trees decreased greatly with increase in distance from pollinizer trees, and less so with increase in distance from honey-bee colonies. Trees adjacent to pollinizers had a greater set on the sides facing the pollinizers than on their far sides. Parts of trees touching “ bouquets ” had a greater set than parts without bouquets.

In an apple orchard with main variety and pollinizer trees in separate blocks, the fruit set was greater on the main variety trees adjacent to the pollinizers than on trees farther away. In an apple orchard with a pollinizer tree as every third tree in every third row, main variety trees had a greater fruit set, more seeds per fruit, and more carpels with seeds per fruit, on the sides near to their adjacent pollinizers than on their far sides. The fruit set, number of seeds per fruit, and number of carpels with seed per fruit, were greater the nearer the trees were to the adjacent pollinizer.

These results are discussed in relation to the foraging behaviour of honey-bees and to methods of arranging pollinizer and main variety trees in orchards.  相似文献   


Fruit mineral concentrations measured at harvest can have major effects on apple fruit quality on the tree or during storage. Orchard practices must therefore seek to optimize fruit mineral composition. The purpose of this study was to describe and elucidate the effects of hand thinning on whole trees and individual spurs on apple fruit mineral composition. Two methods of flower and fruitlet thinning were compared with no thinning on `Braeburn' and `Fiesta' apple trees. Alternate whole flower/fruitlet clusters or all but one flower/fruitlet within every cluster were removed at full bloom or 14±21 d after full bloom. Alternate-cluster thinning reduced final fruit numbers per tree and fruit Ca concentrations by up to 22%, while increasing final fruit size by up to 21%, compared with no thinning. These effects on fruit Ca concentrations were also measured across a range of fruit size classes. Within-cluster thinning at full bloom or up to 21 d after full bloom also reduced fruit numbers per tree but increased fruit size substantially, by up to 65% compared with no thinning, this effect being less for later thinning. However, fruit mineral concentrations were not influenced by this treatment. Some fruiting spurs were singled to one fruit 14 d after full bloom on alternately flower cluster thinned trees and on trees that had not been thinned at bloom, and compared with unthinned spurs on the same trees. Fruit Ca concentrations, primary spur leaf areas and primary spur leaf areas per fruit were greater for spurs bearing a single fruit (achieved by thinning manually or through natural abscission) than for multi-fruited spurs on the same trees. Spurs bearing one fruit on unthinned trees had greater fruit Ca concentrations, primary spur leaf areas and primary spur leaf areas per fruit, but lower fruit weight than the same spurs on alternate-cluster thinned trees. However, spurs on unthinned and alternate-cluster thinned trees with the same primary leaf areas per fruit had similar final Ca concentrations. Fruit size and crop loads were found not to be important in explaining fruit Ca concentration differences between thinning methods. However our results suggest that thinning method may affect Ca accumulation in apple fruit by altering the relationship between fruit numbers and leaf areas on individual spurs.  相似文献   

落叶果树需冷量及其估算模型研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
落叶果树的需冷量得到满足,才能顺利完成自然休眠,进行下一个生长发育循环(尤其是正常开花结果),否则其他环境条件再适宜,果树也不萌芽开花,即使萌芽也不整齐,生长结果不良,达不到促成栽培的目的[1].因此,对落叶果树需冷量及其估算的研究至关重要,成为落叶果树设施栽培成败的关键.本文仅就需冷量估算模型进行介绍,以期为设施栽培和更完善的需冷量估算提供理论依据.……  相似文献   

果树耐盐性研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
靳娟  鲁晓燕  王依 《园艺学报》2014,41(9):1761-1776
综述了盐胁迫对果树的伤害和不同果树的耐盐性,从细胞膜透性、保护酶系统、光合作用和渗透调节4 个方面概括了果树对盐胁迫的生理生化响应,总结了果树应答盐胁迫的功能基因和调控基因,并对今后果树的盐胁迫研究作出了展望,旨在为进一步开展本领域研究提供信息。  相似文献   

In a dwarf-pyramid apple orchard, rows of Cox’s Orange Pippin adjacent to rows of Janies Grieve had greater initial and final fruit sets than rows between other Cox rows. Flowers on the south sides of trees tended to have a greater set of fruit than those on the north sides.

In a sweet-cherry orchard containing a block of five rows of Early Rivers with pollinizer rows on each side, most fruit was set on the two outside rows and least in the centre row. Trees in the outside rows set more fruit on their sides facing the pollinizers than on their far sides. In another sweet-cherry orchard, Frogmore trees set more fruit on their south sides than on the other parts.

In a dwarf pyramid orchard of Comice, the trees with one graft of Conference (every tenth tree) set more fruit than trees without a graft. However, the fruit set on Conference dwarf and standard trees (two orchards of each) did not differ with their distance from pollinizers.  相似文献   

Bai Q.  Huo Z.  Wang J.  Zhang Y. 《果树学报》2019,(9):1229-1243
China is an important fruit-producing country in the world. In recent years, the fruit planting area in China increased significantly, and the total fruit output has also rapidly increased. In this context of development, the characteristic fruit industry has become an important source of rural agricultural economic income in China. The stable production of characteristic fruits and disaster prevention and mitigation are of great significance for improving people's living standards and promoting the development of agricultural economy. At the same time, China has a vast territory, spanning three main climatic zones from north to south, and the damage caused by meteorological disasters of fruit trees is extremely serious and frequent. Therefore, research on meteorological disasters of fruit trees is one of the hot topics in agrometeorological disasters research. Especially, the research on meteorological disaster indicator of economic fruit trees is particularly important, which is an inevitable link in disaster monitoring, early warning, defense, planting planning, risk zoning and other research. In this paper, the main meteorological disaster indicators of fruit trees in China are classified and systematically expounded, by using the method of classification and summary. In this paper, the basic concept and significance of meteorological disaster indicators of fruit trees are defined firstly, and then the research history and progress of meteorological disaster indicators of fruit trees in China are summarized. The main research methods of meteorological disaster indicator of fruit trees in China, including fruit trees and disaster types, technology level and main achievements, were summarized in two periods before and after the 21st century. On this basis, the existing meteorological disaster indicators of fruit trees in China are divided into three categories according to their construction methods: the empirical indicator construction method based on disaster verification and disaster investigation; the comprehensive indicator construction method based on the relationship between disaster-causing factors and yields; and the experimental construction method based on artificial climate chamber or artificial climate box. According to the composition types of meteorological disasters of fruit trees in China, the existing meteorological disasters indicators of fruit trees are divided into three categories: single factor indicators, multi-factor indicators and comprehensive indicators. According to the key meteorological factors causing meteorological disasters of fruit trees, the existing meteorological disasters indicators of fruit trees are divided into several categories: low temperature disaster indicators, high temperature disaster indicators, drought disaster indicators, rainstorm disaster indicators and so on. Secondly, aiming at the northern fruit trees, this paper summarizes the research on late frost damage indicator of apple, pear, apricot, plum and grape in spring, drought disaster indicators of apple and walnut, hot damage indicators of apple and kiwifruit in summer, rainstorm disaster indicator of apple and jujube in autumn, and freezing injury indicators of pear, apricot and jujube in winter. For southern fruit trees, it summarizes the research on high temperature damage indicator of citrus, and the research on freezing damage indicator of citrus, litchi, longan, mango and loquat in winter. At the same time, this paper summarizes the types, construction methods, uses, advantages and disadvantages of the above meteorological disaster indicators of fruit trees in agrometeorological service. Finally, this paper discusses the existing problems and the future development direction of the research on meteorological disaster indicators of fruit trees, from the aspects of indicator composition, indicator construction method, fruit tree species, industrial development needs, and new technology and methods. It is expected that the results of this study can provide reference for the distribution of main fruit trees, industrial optimization, disaster prevention and mitigation, and provide scientific guarantee for the healthy, stable and sustainable development of fruit tree growing industry in China. © 2019 Journal of Fruit Science  相似文献   

果树全基因组测序研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
乔鑫  李梦  殷豪  李雷廷  吴俊  张绍铃 《园艺学报》2014,41(1):165-169
 回顾了葡萄、番木瓜、苹果、香蕉、梨、甜橙等10 种果树的全基因组测序的发展历程,基 于全基因组测序结果探讨了不同果树的起源进化,并对果树全基因组测序的后续研究进行了概述,进一 步讨论了果树全基因组测序面临的挑战以及今后的研究重点。  相似文献   

果树农艺性状基因的分子标记及其应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
总结了果树农艺性状基因标记策略和已获得的分子标记及其在果树上的应用。集团混合分离分析法(BSA)、平行芽变分析法(PSA)和已知信息捕捉法(KIH)是果树农艺性状基因标记筛选的主要方法。目前已获得了大量果树农艺性状基因的分子标记,这些标记是果树基因作图、图位克隆、分子辅助选择和种质资源鉴定等遗传研究与育种实践的有用工具。  相似文献   

苹果杂种树叶片在预选中的应用研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
作者研究了苹果杂种实生树果实与成年期叶片、成年期叶片与童年期叶片部分性状相关性,以解决早期选择问题.结果表明,苹果杂种实生树成年期叶片叶柄短与大果型、叶片面积大小与果实大小、叶形指数与果形指数之间存在着显著的正相关性;成年期叶片与童年期叶片在叶柄长度、叶片面积、叶形指数上又存在着极显著的正相关性.苹果育种工作者可以利用果实与叶片间的这些相关性,进行实生苗的早期选择和预先选择,淘汰不良的类型,减少供选杂种的数量,提高育种效率.  相似文献   

干旱胁迫对果树开花的诱导及对生理生化性状的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
干旱胁迫是许多热带、亚热带果树花芽诱导的有效措施,现就干旱胁迫对果树开花诱导的效果以及对果树生理生化过程的影响进行讨论.认为干旱胁迫明显降低果树的营养生长,影响果树体内碳水化合物以及含氮化合物的含量水平和相对比例,明显调节果树体内内源激素含量状况,并有效促进部分果树的开花.同时对干旱诱导的时间、强度以及今后控水促花研究中尚需解决的问题进行了讨论.  相似文献   

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