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1%阿维菌素和丙硫苯咪唑缓解药弹驱虫试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,国内外对驱虫药研制长效缓释制剂已成为驱虫药新剂型的发展趋势。Deway等于1958年首先研制出用于反刍动物的瘤胃钴缓释重丸剂,自此开始了缓释剂在兽药上的应用。最早投放市场的是Pfizer公司生产的瘤胃巨丸剂,主要用于驱除胃肠道线虫以及防治寄生虫性胃肠炎。缓释制剂具有缓释时间长、能在体内保持恒定血药浓度的特点,对驱除体内外寄生虫控制寄生虫在感染和牧场净化方面都能发挥较好的作用。缓释制剂的应用被誉为“驱虫方法的一次革命”。中国农业科学院兰州兽医研究所经过几年的探索研制出了丙硫苯咪唑缓释药弹,经临床试验证明有良…  相似文献   

近年来,国内外对驱虫药研制长效缓释制剂已成为驱虫药新剂型的发展趋势。Deway等于1958年首先研制出用于反刍动物的瘤胃钻缓释重丸剂,自此开始丁缓释剂在兽药上的虚用。最早投放市场的是Pfizer公司生产的瘤胃巨丸剂,丰要用于驱除胃肠道线虫以及防治寄生虫性胃肠炎。缓释制剂具有缓释时间长、能在体内保持恒定血药浓度的特点。对驱除体内外寄生虫控制寄生虫在感染和牧场净化方面都能发挥较好的作用。缓释制剂的应用被誉为“驱虫方法的一次革命”。  相似文献   

1控释制剂和缓释制剂 控释或缓释制剂又称控释或缓释系统,是在预定时间内,将药物浓度长时间维持在有效浓度范围内的剂型。控释、缓释制剂的制备原理主要是基于溶出速率的减小和扩散速率的减慢,从而达到缓释和延长疗效的目的。近十几年来,兽药缓释制剂在兽医临床上逐渐被重视并通过兽医药理和药物制剂的结合而研制成功。  相似文献   

缓释制剂由于其安全、长效、价廉、便利而得到越来越多兽医工作者的肯定,成为当前兽药研发的一个主要方向。为了更好的发挥该类制剂在兽医临床上的作用,作者就缓释制剂的释药原理、应用概况及展望等作一综述。  相似文献   

缓释制剂的开发现状及在兽药中的应用与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
缓释制剂又称缓释芍系统,即通常所说的长效制剂。早在我国古代,就有关于缓释制剂的记载和描述。如李杲的“丸者缓也,舒缓而治”是关于缓释制剂的较早的记载。随着现代兽医药学的发展,缓释制剂得到了越来越广泛的应用,为了使更多的人了解缓释制剂,本文对缓释制剂的基本知识和特点、缓释制剂的研究开发现状及发展前景进行了综述。  相似文献   

4.其他剂型。有混悬剂.糊剂、丸剂、透皮剂等等.也在市场上风靡一时,但都没有形成规模。 实际上目前在养殖业中应用的单方制剂很少.主要原因是兽医用药的习惯和生产厂家为迎合兽医这一习惯而不顾标准生产复方制剂。  相似文献   

抗菌药控缓释制剂的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
抗菌药制成控缓释制剂可减少服药次数和用药剂量,有利于降低药物的毒副作用,可延长有效浓度维持时间,以便更好地发挥抗菌作用。目前上市的抗菌药控缓释制剂类型和品种日渐增多,有经化学结构改造的长效抗生素,还有非胃肠道给药的乳剂,植入式药弹,缓释片和胶囊,局部药物释放系统,DepoFoam等药物缓释系统,国内外许多医疗领域(如器官移植、五官科、呼吸科、骨科等)均有其研究和应用的报道。文章就抗菌药控缓释制剂的制剂新技术、国内外研究应用概况、在兽医临床上的应用情况以及存在的问题进行了综述。  相似文献   

中药的制剂有浸出制剂、散剂、注射剂,片剂、丸剂、胶剂、胶囊剂、膏剂等。兽医临床上应用较多的是浸出制剂和散剂。浸出制剂中以汤剂、浸剂、酊剂等剂型较多;散剂主要是开水冲调、候温灌服的。近几年,国内外在药物制剂的生物利用度方面认为:药物的疗效,除了药物本身的  相似文献   

复方伊维菌素和吡喹酮注射液的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,由于线虫、绦虫、吸虫以及体外寄生虫等多种不同类型寄生虫混合感染增多[1-3],使兽医临床迫切需要对上述多种寄生虫均有效的抗寄生虫新型复方制剂,而我国抗寄生虫复方制剂的研究基本处于空白阶段,至今未有效果较好的抗寄生虫复方制剂上市.  相似文献   

<正>1.国外应用情况1.1口服长效制剂目前,国外研究的口服长效制剂主要为控释胶囊和缓释大丸剂。最早投放市场的是瘤胃巨丸剂PARATECT Bolus(辉瑞公司生产),是一种甲噻嘧  相似文献   

Ectoparasites are a common problem in small ruminants of North America. Management of ectoparasites in small ruminants can be challenging for producers and veterinarians. It is important for the veterinarian to make an accurate diagnosis of the type of ectoparasite that is infesting the animal, then to develop a plan that most effectively and economically controls the ectoparasite. Effective and economic control of an ectoparasite infestation begins with an understanding of the ectoparasite's life cycle and how that life cycle affects the animal. It should be noted that climate and geographical area can affect the life cycle of specific ectoparasites, so it is important for veterinarians to educate themselves about their specific environment. Once the life cycle has been addressed, then the veterinarian should decide which intervention will provide the best control. Intervention possibilities may range from insecticides to environmental management or a combination of several methods. The veterinarian should provide the producer with realistic goals that define specific limitations of ectoparasite control.  相似文献   

刍议动物类型自然保护区兽医的素养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统养殖和动物园养殖的动物发病时,其发病时间、数量和症状等情况,兽医可以仔细询问畜主或饲养人员;而野生动物生活在自然环境中,是动物类型自然保护区从事兽医专业人员的服务对象,发病时及以后的一系列情况无从问及。所以动物类型自然保护区的兽医职业,不同于传统养殖和动物园内的兽医工作,必须掌握多学科基础理论知识,必须主动从野外观察入手,充分掌握野生动物的生物学特性,收集和梳理好有效的本土自然信息、本区内野生动物信息、保护区周边社区家养动物信息,并将它们融为一体,才能分辨出野生动物发病时,是属于个发、散发、群发,还是普通病与传染病。因此,动物类型自然保护区的兽医比传统兽医人员会有更高、更严且更全面的素养。  相似文献   

Antimicrobial medication should be considered an adjunct to the general care of wounds rather than a substitute for lavage, drainage, or other physical care intended to promote healing. Judicious use is based on results of diagnostic procedures and the professional judgment of the attending veterinarian.Organisms that contaminate or infect wounds of horses are similar to those that can affect human patients, such that personal hygiene and protection are important when caring for these equine patients, because attendants can easily be exposed to them. Although those organisms are considered to be ubiquitous, the inoculum that may be present on or in an infected wound may be substantially greater than that encountered during other daily activities of the veterinarian. Proper disposal of the bandage materials and personal protective clothing is important.Bacterial resistance is one of many "survival tactics" of bacteria and has been an important clinical consideration for physicians and veterinarians since antimicrobial drugs were discovered. Controversies and insufficient understanding of bacterial resistance abound, however. The entirety of the subject is beyond the scope of this article, but it is important to the veterinary profession and for the formulation of wound management in horses. We and our animal patients live in a world populated by microbial organisms of various types. Resistance among bacteria is likely to continue to be a clinical consideration in the future as it has been during the past 60 to 70 years. As veterinarians, we must recognize the zoonotic nature of resistance and implement biosecurity procedures to protect ourselves, other people in contact with those pathogens, and our patients. We must also recognize the merits of judicious targeted use of antimicrobial drugs and apply appropriate principles during the course of professional care for the well-being of our animal patients.  相似文献   

顶复门原虫电子转移链代谢及Ⅱ型NADH脱氢酶研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
顶复门原虫是包括刚地弓形虫、疟原虫及球虫等在内的一大类寄生性原虫的总称,可引起重要的人畜寄生虫病.抗顶复门原虫药物的长期使用,甚至是滥用,使得这类寄生虫对现有药物产生了明显的抗药性,急需开发新型药物.Ⅱ型NAD(P)H脱氢酶是电子转移链途径中的关键酶,由于其仅存在于某些植物、细菌、真菌和寄生原虫等一些低等生物体内,而在高等动物体内缺失,是研发新型抗感染性药物的重要靶标.笔者主要针对顶复门原虫线粒体电子转移链代谢途径以及Ⅱ型NAD(P)H脱氢酶的研究概况进行综述.  相似文献   

Drug and chemical residues in livestock   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The problem of drug and chemical residues in foods of animal origin has become increasingly important to the entire livestock industry as growing consumer health concerns continue to erode the demand for these products. Although nearly 90 per cent of all drugs approved for use in livestock are available for over-the-counter sales, in the public's view, it is only the veterinarian who administers drugs to animals and who, therefore, is responsible for all drug residues in food. Congress has responded to these consumer concerns by applying increased pressure on the FDA to restrict the extra-label use of drugs by veterinarians. The veterinary profession now finds itself in a position in which it must reexamine its current drug-use policies and strive to develop policies that are more responsible to the consumer, both in appearance and substance.  相似文献   

The number of South American Camelids (SAC) increased over the last years in Germany. Therefore it is important to develop guidelines regarding aspects of animal welfare. Recommendations for husbandry and feeding are given. In principal it is possible to keep llamas and alpacas under middle European conditions with respect to animal welfare. However problems do sometimes occur because of a lack of knowledge of breeders about the basic requirements of the animals. In contrast to other species it is much more difficult to get scientific based informations and to guarantee veterinarian service. Therefore more care have to be taken in the education of breeders and veterinarians.  相似文献   

Various interacting factors have been identified to explain why health plans for nematode parasite control, based on conventional epidemiological knowledge and involving pharmaceutical treatments of their sheep hosts have become unsustainable. Of these, the emergence of anthelmintic resistance has had a major impact on the economics of sheep farming, necessitating fundamental managemental changes. This review focusses on the use of anthelmintic drugs for the control of gastrointestinal nematode infections in sheep, emphasising the need to develop sustainable strategies in the face of inevitable parasite evolution in response to exposure to anthelmintic drugs and other noxious stimuli, or favourable opportunities resulting from changing animal management and climatic factors.  相似文献   

It is imperative that the veterinarian treating exotic companion mammals stay abreast of the latest developments relating to medications and drug delivery approaches for safety and efficacy. Sustained-release formulations of commonly used drugs, as well as newer routes for administration of therapeutic agents, allow the veterinarian treating exotic companion mammals to reduce the stress associated with drug administration. Interactions can occur between vehicle and drugs when formulations are compounded; therefore, research studies are warranted regarding potential problems associated with these formulations. However, newer studies have been published that provide the basis for exploring the use of different vehicles, frequency of dosing, and drug delivery techniques for various classes of drugs in exotic mammals. The goals of this review are to not only evaluate new medications or uses for medications in companion exotic mammal patients but also review new methods of drug delivery that might be useful to the veterinarian who treats these animals.  相似文献   

Clinical observation and collection of biological specimens from a large beef feedlot (approximately 30,0000 animals) were used to evaluate 6 approaches for validation of a disease reporting system. Data collected during a 12-month period were used to evaluate each approach. A subsample of disease cases reported to the National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS) was compared with the clinical observations of the investigators. Although the agreement between clinical diagnosis by the NAHMS veterinarian and by feedlot health crews was high, the sensitivity and specificity of specific diagnoses varied from 100 to 18% and from 99 to 76%, respectively, which suggests that regular clinical observations by a veterinarian are needed to validate disease diagnoses reported to NAHMS by producers. Subsampling of a group of cattle by means of paired serologic determination of antibodies to infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus, bovine viral diarrhea virus, bovine respiratory syncytial virus, and parainfluenza-3 virus revealed a high serologic conversion rate to infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, and high levels of preexisting antibody to bovine respiratory syncytial and parainfluenza-3 viruses. It was concluded that the current method of data collection for Colorado feedlots provides an acceptable level of sensitivity and specificity for the program. However, disease events that are not of economic importance to the feedlot operator will be underestimated. If an objective of NAHMS is to develop a base line of animal health conditions, diagnosis of diseases by current methods will be satisfactory. Occasional validation through clinical observations by a veterinarian will suffice to monitor quality of collected data.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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