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抗动物外寄生虫药物的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
使用化学杀虫剂仍然是防治动物外寄生虫病的主要手段,其中大多数杀虫剂作用于节肢动物神经系统,而昆虫生长调节剂可阻碍或干扰昆虫生长和发育。本文对现阶段国内外使用的外寄生虫杀虫剂的种类和特点、各种杀虫剂的作用机制以及杀虫剂的使用等方面的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

畜禽养殖产业的快速发展也导致养殖中的疾病问题开始逐渐凸显,防治畜禽养殖中疾病兽药的使用量也不断提高,兽药的不规范使用易导致残留的情况,对于畜产品中兽药的残留问题受到广泛的关注。畜产品中兽药的残留会影响畜产品的质量,对消费者的机体健康带来负面影响,同时部分兽药的残留会导致生态环境的污染,进而影响人类健康。该文对畜禽养殖中畜产品兽药残留出现的原因,造成的危害及改进和防控措施进行论述。  相似文献   

Animal diseases are known to be the origin of many human diseases, and there are many examples from ancient civilizations of plagues that arose from animals, domesticated and wild. Records of attempts to control zoonoses are almost as old. The early focus on food-borne illness evolved into veterinary medicine's support of public health efforts. Key historical events, disease outbreaks, and individuals responsible for their control are reviewed and serve as a foundation for understanding the current and future efforts in veterinary public health. Animal medicine and veterinary public health have been intertwined since humans first began ministrations to their families and animals. In the United States, the veterinary medical profession has effectively eliminated those major problems of animal health that had serious public health ramifications. These lessons and experiences can serve as a model for other countries. Our past must also be a reminder that the battle for human and animal health is ongoing. New agents emerge to threaten human and animal populations. With knowledge of the past, coupled with new technologies and techniques, we must be vigilant and carry on.  相似文献   

In the course of the last two centuries veterinarians succeeded in gaining a monopoly with respect to a number of specific tasks within society under the motto "to the benefit of man and animal alike". Today, a veterinary infrastructure exists in the western world, which is usually taken for granted by society. Before the responsibility for maintaining animal resources and protecting both animal and human health were entrusted to veterinarians, both the process of scientific progress and professionalization of veterinary medicine were necessary. In this paper the regulation of the market for veterinary services in The Netherlands is decribed. Until World War II, the military and the colonies represented a major demand for veterinary services. A healthly livestock has always been considered as a main concern by the Dutch government with respect to the domestic food supply as well as exports. State intervention concerning veterinary medicine therefore focused on the organized campaigns against livestock diseases. Early national veterinary legislation originated from this concern, as is still the case today within the EU framework. The protection of human health only became part of the veterinary professional domain at a relatively late stage. Due to a strong economic growth from the 1960s onwards, veterinary practice was extended with the care for an increasing number of companion animals. The veterinary profession and its employment are subject to changes in society, such as the number of animals and the significance that is paid to the different species. In 1900 there were 4 million production animals in The Netherlands, while the human population counted 5 million. One century later, not less than approximately 130 million farm animals and 30 million companion animals are living in this country, which now has about 16 million inhabitants. Consquently, the total number of active vets increased from about 250 to 4,000 in the same period, while the number of group and solo practices both increased.  相似文献   

新发传染病主要是人畜共患病,是世界经济和公共健康的沉重负担。这就要求加强检测、鉴别和监视传染病的能力方面投入。高致病禽流感H5N1、新甲型流感("猪流感")H1N1、非典型性肺炎、西尼罗河病毒、地方流行性狂犬病、布鲁氏菌病以及发展中国家暴发的其它人畜共患病及近期猪抗甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌,是人类、动物及其环境相互作用的典型范例。面临中国动物和人类常见的新发传染病坚持"同一个健康"战略,这就要求业已存在的兽医和人医及公共卫生机构的通力合作。人的疾病控制系统与动物疾病控制系统虽然都已经建立,但人畜共患病的暴发表明兽医机构和人医机构密切合作的重要性。在保证环境健康的同时,通过动物疾病和人类疾病监测系统的密切合作,中国就一定能够控制人畜共患病。以这种方式进行疾病预防、监测与应对,各层面及各动物生产部门间有效的兽医推广是加强和保持健康生态环境中人和动物健康的有效办法。中国还需大量努力才能达到从制度上保证预防和消灭疾病。透明而准确的人与动物疾病监督通常会产生经济且可持续的预防疾病方法。加拿大在兽医、公共健康、食品安全和人畜共患病预防方面所发挥的作用就是与中国农业部合作,促进必要的、可持续的兽医监督网络的建设。  相似文献   

Diseases caused by arthropod-borne pathogens greatly impact on human and animal health. Recent research has provided evidence that tick protective antigens can be used for development of vaccines with the dual target of controlling arthropod infestations and reducing their vector capacity for pathogens. As reviewed herein, protective antigens such as subolesin/akirin, which are highly conserved across vector species, show promise for use in development of a universal vaccine for the control of arthropod infestations and the reduction of pathogen transmission. However, further research is needed in critical areas towards achieving this goal.  相似文献   

This paper reviews recent progress in the development of syndromic surveillance systems for veterinary medicine. Peer-reviewed and grey literature were searched in order to identify surveillance systems that explicitly address outbreak detection based on systematic monitoring of animal population data, in any phase of implementation. The review found that developments in veterinary syndromic surveillance are focused not only on animal health, but also on the use of animals as sentinels for public health, representing a further step towards One Medicine. The main sources of information are clinical data from practitioners and laboratory data, but a number of other sources are being explored. Due to limitations inherent in the way data on animal health is collected, the development of veterinary syndromic surveillance initially focused on animal health data collection strategies, analyzing historical data for their potential to support systematic monitoring, or solving problems of data classification and integration. Systems based on passive notification or data transfers are now dealing with sustainability issues. Given the ongoing barriers in availability of data, diagnostic laboratories appear to provide the most readily available data sources for syndromic surveillance in animal health. As the bottlenecks around data source availability are overcome, the next challenge is consolidating data standards for data classification, promoting the integration of different animal health surveillance systems, and also the integration to public health surveillance. Moreover, the outputs of systems for systematic monitoring of animal health data must be directly connected to real-time decision support systems which are increasingly being used for disease management and control.  相似文献   

兽医系统实验室在指导动物疫病防控、维护公共卫生安全等方面占有举足轻重的地位。随着动物疫病防控工作的不断深化,加强兽医系统实验室能力建设显得尤为紧迫。本文着重介绍了近年来重庆市兽医实验室体系建设的一些实践措施,以期为其他省份兽医系统实验室的进一步发展提供参考。  相似文献   

Arthropod ectoparasites can have a major impact on the productivity and welfare of livestock. In recent years, many parts of Europe have seen important changes in the nature of animal husbandry and parasite control, which have increased the need for a precise understanding of the current distribution and prevalence of livestock ectoparasites. In some cases, these changes have been associated with moves towards increased productivity, such as higher-stocking densities, large-scale rearing units, indoor confinement, reduced genetic diversity and large-scale movement of animals and, in others, with a move towards organic farming. There have also been changes in parasite control, associated with the development of new parasiticides, such as the macrocyclic lactones, and concern over the continued use of some of the older neurotoxic compounds. These changes have been exacerbated by outbreaks of endemic disease, the threats of exotic disease introduction and fears of potential changes in arthropod distribution associated with climate change. This paper therefore, reviews the current status of livestock ectoparasites in Europe and the Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

美国兽用抗菌药耐药性管理   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
全面介绍了美国兽用抗菌药耐药性的管理机构和管理措施,希望为我国兽药耐药性相关政策的制定和措施的实行提供一定的依据和参考。  相似文献   

Veterinary medical education in FADs has been and will continue to be critically important if veterinarians are expected to fulfill the profession's primary obligations to society--those of protecting our animals' health, conserving our animal resources, and promoting public health. It is imperative that curricula and instruction in veterinary schools and colleges provide the depth and breadth of knowledge and understanding necessary to prepare all veterinarians, including those in private practice, for their key role in defending against FADs. Development and implementation of governmental and military programs to diagnose, prevent, control, and eradicate FADs will require a dedicated cadre of public sector veterinarians who have a solid educational foundation in FADs and understand the contemporary issues and global challenges we face. Animal-related industries, associations, and organizations will increasingly rely on well-educated veterinarians to help guide them in ways that will protect animals, clientele, consumers, and trading partners from effects of FADs. Agencies and organizations concerned with conservation of animal resources will require veterinary expertise necessary to prevent FADs in a multitude of animal species, including marine animals, wildlife, endangered species, zoologic specimens, and important genetic lines as well as our domestic companion and livestock species. Species affected by FADs also include human beings for those disease agents with zoonotic potential; thus, veterinary education also plays a key role in public health.  相似文献   

动物诊疗机构的发展和监管,事关动物诊疗市场秩序和兽医执业行为,事关执业兽医制度建设,事关动物疫病防控和动物卫生安全.本文从我国医改经验,尤其是对强化医疗机构传染病防治职能要求出发,基于利益相关方、社会治理理论,概述了我国动物诊疗机构发展的积极态势,也指出了机构数量和质量有待提高、诊疗服务供给零散、传染病防控义务不明确、...  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is a tyrosine kinase receptor that stimulates cell proliferation and survival and becomes dysregulated in a range of solid tumours in man. It is recognized as a key oncogenic driver and has become a favoured therapeutic target and a prognostic and predictive marker of cancer in man. In animals, EGFR dysregulation is emerging as a potential factor in the development of a number of naturally occurring tumours including mammary, lung, glial and epithelial cancers. Comparative analyses suggest that these diseases share many features with equivalent diseases in man and EGFR may have value as a prognostic or a biological marker of animal disease. There is still little direct evidence that EGFR is a critical oncogenic driver in naturally occurring animal disease and there are no veterinary trials of EGFR-targeted therapy. These will be critical steps in establishing a role for EGFR in veterinary oncology.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial drug use in veterinary medicine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recognizing the importance of antimicrobial resistance and the need for veterinarians to aid in efforts for maintaining the usefulness of antimicrobial drugs in animals and humans, the Board of Regents of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine charged a special committee with responsibility for drafting this position statement regarding antimicrobial drug use in veterinary medicine. The Committee believes that veterinarians are obligated to balance the well-being of animals under their care with the protection of other animals and public health. Therefore, if an animal's medical condition can be reasonably expected to improve as a result of treatment with antimicrobial drugs, and the animal is under a veterinarian's care with an appropriate veterinarian-client-patient relationship, veterinarians have an obligation to offer antimicrobial treatment as a therapeutic option. Veterinarians also have an obligation to actively promote disease prevention efforts, to treat as conservatively as possible, and to explain the potential consequences associated with antimicrobial treatment to animal owners and managers, including the possibility of promoting selection of resistant bacteria. However, the consequences of losing usefulness of an antimicrobial drug that is used as a last resort in humans or animals with resistant bacterial infections might be unacceptable from a public or population health perspective. Veterinarians could therefore face the difficult choice of treating animals with a drug that is less likely to be successful, possibly resulting in prolonged or exacerbated morbidity, to protect the good of society. The Committee recommends that voluntary actions be taken by the veterinary profession to promote conservative use of antimicrobial drugs to minimize the potential adverse effects on animal or human health. The veterinary profession must work to educate all veterinarians about issues related to conservative antimicrobial drug use and antimicrobial resistance so that each individual is better able to balance ethical obligations regarding the perceived benefit to their patients versus the perceived risk to public health. Specific means by which the veterinary profession can promote stewardship of this valuable resource are presented and discussed in this document.  相似文献   

In human medicine, the defined daily dose is used as a technical measure of drug usage, which is independent of the variations in the potency of the active compound and the formulation of the pharmaceutical product—therefore providing a measure of the relative importance of different drugs. A national system of animal defined daily doses (ADD) for each age-group and species has been defined in VetStat (the Danish national system monitoring veterinary therapeutic drug use). The usage is further standardized according to the number of animals in the target population, acquired from production data on the national level or on herd size by species and age in the Danish central husbandry register (CHR). Statistics based on standardized measures of VetStat data can be used for comparison of drug usage between different herds, veterinary practices, or geographic regions (allowing subdivision by animal species and animal production class, route of administration, disease categories, season and geographic location). Individual statistics are available as interactive reports to the control authorities, farmers and veterinary practitioners by a secure access to the database. The ADD also is used in pharmaco-epidemiogical research and to assist in the interpretation of resistance-surveillance data.  相似文献   

Trade in animals and animal products has reached global proportions and so too has the threat of infectious diseases of veterinary importance. The Manual of Standards for Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines, published by the Office International des Epizooties (OIE), contains chapters on infectious diseases that may cause various degrees of socio-economic, public health, and/or zoo-sanitary consequence. These chapters cover the major diseases of cattle, sheep, goats, horses, pigs, poultry, lagomorphs and bees. A number of factors are considered when qualifying animals and animal products for international trade including epidemiological, clinical and testing parameters. Of particular note and relevance is a strong international movement to standardize the test methods and reference reagents in order to promote harmonization of testing and facilitation of trade. There is message here that is directed to those of us involved in the development and application of test methods for infectious disease diagnosis. Serological test methods have been and still remain the mainstay of diagnostic methods prescribed for trade. More than ever, there is a need to observe and apply international guidelines for the development and validation of serological test methods. There is also a need to develop international standard reagents for use in the calibration of test methods and the production of national and working standards. In the future, veterinary diagnostic testing laboratories involved in trade may also require a form of international accreditation unique to their specialty. This presentation describes the current developments in international standardization of test methods and reference reagents.  相似文献   

动物健康体系构建研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动物健康体系最初在澳大利亚和加拿大等国建立,在动物疾病防控方面起到了十分重要的作用。本文对澳大利亚已建立的动物健康体系和我国兽医医疗体制进行对比,分析在我国建立更合理的官方兽医制度和动物健康体系以加快兽医与人医公共卫生一体化进程的对策。  相似文献   

动物健康体系建设与公共卫生一体化构建研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动物健康体系最初在澳大利亚和加拿大等国建立,在动物疾病防控方面起到了十分重要的作用.本文对澳大利亚已建立的动物健康体系和我国兽医医疗体制进行对比,分析在我国建立更合理的官方兽医制度和动物健康体系以加快兽医与人医公共卫生一体化进程的对策.  相似文献   

 随着兽药和药物添加剂在畜禽饲养过程中长期不合理的使用,残留在动物体内的兽药及其添加剂随着食物链进入人体,对人类的健康构成潜在威胁。加强对兽药残留的检测,对保护生态环境和人类的身体健康有着极其重要的现实意义。近年来,液相色谱—串联质谱技术以其良好的适用性、定性定量功能及高灵敏度等优点,在兽药残留的检测方面已得到了广泛应用。论文概述了液相色谱—串联质谱技术在饲料、畜产品和尿液中兽药残留以及违禁药物和有害添加剂检测的应用现状。  相似文献   

Objective – To review the human and veterinary literature on the biology of apoptosis in health and disease. Data Sources – Data were examined from the human and veterinary literature identified through Pubmed and references listed in appropriate articles pertaining to apoptosis. Human Data Synthesis – The role of apoptosis in health and disease is a rapidly growing area of research in human medicine. Apoptosis has been identified as a component of human autoimmune diseases, Alzheimer's disease, cancer, and sepsis. Veterinary Data Synthesis – Research data available from the veterinary literature pertaining to apoptosis and its role in diseases of small animal species is still in its infancy. The majority of veterinary studies focus on oncologic therapy. Most of the basic science and human clinical research studies use human blood and tissue samples and murine models. The results from these studies may be applicable to small animal species. Conclusions – Apoptosis is the complex physiologic process of programmed cell death. The pathophysiology of apoptosis and disease is only now being closely evaluated in human medicine. Knowledge of the physiologic mechanisms by which tissues regulate their size and composition is leading researchers to investigate the role of apoptosis in human diseases such as cancer, autoimmune disease and sepsis. Because it is a multifaceted process, apoptosis is difficult to target or manipulate therapeutically. Future studies may reveal methods to regulate or manipulate apoptosis and improve patient outcome.  相似文献   

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