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本文报道世界渔业现状的分析评论,包括生产和贸易,同时也预测了2000年的渔业发展趋势,包括渔业资源状况及其管理;水产品的需求和供给。并提出了一些渔业发展及经营方面的政策和建议。  相似文献   

近几年渔业生产的发展方向有了根本改变,使得作为渔业生产之延续的水产品加工环节也发生相应变化。我省作为渔业资源大省,水产品加工又是怎样发展的呢?一、我国渔业资源概况我国作为少数几个对世界水产品有决定性影响的国家之一,近年来渔业发展十分迅猛,总产量居世界领先地位。自从世界主要渔业国相继实行200里经济区之后,海洋渔业捕捞水域发生变化,除向深海发展之外,更主要的是利用近海沿岸和内陆资源大力发展海、淡水  相似文献   

关于渔业现代化若干问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、渔业现代化的涵义和特征(一)渔业现代化的涵义中国的渔业现代化,就是从中国的国情和渔业资源的实际状况出发,通过发展渔业科学技术,采用先进的渔业技术装备和先进的渔业管理方法,把渔业建立在现代科学技术和科学管理的基础上,合理地有效地利用渔业资源,使我国渔业从传统的落后的状况转变为具有世界先进水平的渔业,以保证我国渔业可持续发展和不断增长,生产更多更好的水产品,用来满足国内和国际市场对水产品日益增长的需要。  相似文献   

渔业资源管理是当今渔业管理的核心问题。世界上许多渔业比较发达的国家,都十分重视对渔业资源的管理,并采取有效的措施,加强渔业资源的保护与合理开发利用,而且许多管理决策以法律的条文颁布实施。目前,我国近海主要经济鱼类资源每况愈  相似文献   

毛里塔尼亚海洋渔业概况   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
毛里塔尼亚位于非洲大陆,西濒大西洋,海洋渔业资源丰富,是世界著名的渔场,也是我国在西非的主要入渔国家之一。本文扼要地介绍了毛里塔尼亚的渔业自然条件、渔业资源、渔业生产、水产品贸易、渔业管理、国际渔业合作的概况,以期为我国的远洋渔业企业提供参考资料。  相似文献   

前言。当前世界许多国家发展内陆水域渔业仅局限于自然渔业资源的开发,从而使全球内陆水域捕捞渔业产量一直处于较低的水平。目前世界各国渔业资源所受的各种压力日益增加,水生生物栖息环境的不断恶化,以及对加强渔业管理力度不大等各种不利因素,结果使内陆水域捕捞渔业产量每况愈下。虽然有些国家采取诸如限制网目大小,实行禁渔区和禁渔期等一系列传统性的渔业管理措施,在某种程度上可能对渔业资源保护有所改善,但是这些措施在执行时遇到不少的困难和障碍。在这种情况下,渔业工作者不得不考虑采取其他的技术措施,其中包括有。  相似文献   

中日合作开发利用淡水渔业资源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自从1986年7月1日中国颁布渔业法以来,渔业已成为我国农业新的增长点和亮点。中国政府调整渔业政策,促使水产养殖迅速发展,实现了从捕捞向养殖发展的根本性转变。中国成为世界主要渔业国家中唯一养殖产量超过捕捞产量的国家。国际社会普遍认为:中国淡水渔业资源是具有巨大潜力的动物蛋白质新资源,对保证粮食安全具有重要意义。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,渔业进入了快速发展的时期,在坚持加速发展养殖,养护和合理利用近海资源,稳妥发展远洋渔业,狠抓加工流通,强化法制管理的发展思路的前提下,积极推进渔业经营体制改革和开放水产品市场,促进了中国渔业持续、快速、健康发展。一、快速发展的我国渔业进入八十年代以来,我国渔业的发展举世瞩目。我国水产品总产量从1990年起。连续七年位居世界首位。1996年已达3288万吨(按FAO统计标准,不包括台湾和香港)约占世界水产品总产量的1/4,占中国肉类(肉禽、水产品)食物生产量的1/3。从1980年到1996年,水产品产量增加5…  相似文献   

国内篇2006年内蒙古以发展渔业循环经济为目标全面实施“三大战略”1、绿色渔业战略实施绿色渔业战略,就是要充分发挥内蒙古天然水面数量多、面积大、无污染的优势,以做大水产品总量为目标,通过加大投入,充分挖掘渔业内涵,扩大外延,大力开展特色水产品养殖及品牌培育,更大程度地占领市场,满足人们对绿色水产品的需求。要充分发挥渔业本身的生态功能,通过发展生态渔业,使渔业资源、环境及生产资料、劳动力、能源等都能够得到有效地循环利用,提高渔业资源利用率和集约化、规模化、标准化生产水平,走出一条科技含量高、经济效益好,资源消耗低,…  相似文献   

<正> 渔政管理是现代渔业不可缺少的组成部分,是解决渔业资源这一物质基础,调整渔业资源开发、利用、管理的科学.渔政管理与渔业生产既相互制约,又相互依托,其根本目的是一致的,国内外一致认为,今后世界渔业的增产,主要是从加强管理、合理利用渔业资源以及发展增养殖生产等方面努力.大量事实证明:渔政管理不仅为发展渔业生产创造了良好的外部环境,同时也为保护生产者的合法权益,促进渔业生产力的发展提供了必要保证.我国近年来渔业生产的迅速发展,除了依靠改革开放,党的农村经济政策和科学进步外,加强渔政管理也是重要因素.  相似文献   

In this study, we describe what we term a Blue Transition, defined as the passage from fish biomass reduction to recovery in exploited aquatic resources, enabled by aquaculture. A Blue Transition is a key component of emergent “blue” discourses which support that the expansion of aquaculture would relieve pressure on declining capture fisheries, thus contributing to global food security, particularly of the poorest populations. Based on global secondary data and the case of Chile, we explore the evidence of such claim and the implications of a Blue Transition for fisheries and aquaculture development. In 2012, worldwide aquaculture production surpassed wild captures; nevertheless, such turnaround would have not taken place without China's contribution. In Chile, this turnaround occurred in 2014, concurrently with the lowest industrial landings registered since the 1960s (1,227,359 tons). Chile's aquaculture is not relieving wild fisheries or satisfying food demands of the lower income population, in the country or elsewhere. Salmon, the main aquaculture product, is destined mainly to Japan, Russia and United States where, due to its high prices, it is consumed mostly by wealthy consumers. For the case at hand, evidence suggests that a blue transition may be underway but is going in the wrong direction: from what may have been sustainable fisheries management before the 1970s to the overexploited wild fisheries of today.  相似文献   

保障国家粮食安全,践行大食物观具有极端重要的意义。淡水养殖业对于优化中国居民膳食结构,提高人类营养健康水平具有不可替代的作用。为厘清淡水养殖业发展中的问题,探寻中国淡水养殖业高质量发展的对策,本文对2013—2022年《中国渔业统计年鉴》中淡水养殖业的养殖方式和养殖种类进行了梳理统计,并对以池塘养殖、大水面生态养殖、稻渔综合种养、设施渔业及盐碱水体养殖共5类主要养殖模式为代表的中国淡水养殖业发展趋势进行了分析,归纳出中国淡水养殖业高质量发展面临的挑战。在此基础上,从淡水养殖空间拓展、设施现代化、种源自给、病害防控、产品加工转化5个方面,探索性地提出中国淡水养殖业高质量发展的着力方向,并进一步从国家政策、科技进步、人才队伍、技术推广和财政资金5个维度提出中国淡水养殖业高质量发展的保障措施。以期为中国淡水养殖业转变方式结构,实现绿色健康高质量发展提供参考。  相似文献   


This paper reviews recent developments in China's fishery and aquaculture sectors, as well as the policies affecting rural households in general and fisheries households in particular. It explores how China's policies may change as a result of the nation joining the World Trade Organization (WTO) in December 2001 and the likely impacts of these changes on China's fishery and aquaculture sector. It was found that the domestic fish markets are gradually integrating, suggesting that fish price shifts in one area will affect prices in most parts of the country. It was also found that, compared with the prices of other agricultural commodities, the domestic prices of most aquatic products are well below world prices. This suggests that exports of aquatic products would be able to expand now that the nation has joined the WTO and that fishers would gain from this move.  相似文献   

Failure to understand the potential responses of fishers to management measures creates a significant risk of revisiting the familiar scenario of perverse and unintended consequences of those measures. This paper reports on a choice experiment survey to evaluate fisher's preferences for various management measures proposed under the EU Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) reform process, but the conclusions have wider relevance as similar measures are used by comparable fleets in fisheries globally. The survey was conducted with fishers involved in mixed pelagic and demersal fisheries in Ireland, pelagic fisheries in Denmark and demersal fisheries in Greece. Fisheries management policies were characterized by five attributes designed both to cover the principal CFP reform proposals and to integrate ecological, social, economic and institutional factors affecting fisher's decisions. The study uses a random utility modelling framework to reveal the preferences of the fishers across the alternative policy attributes. Results show that while there are generally preferences both for healthy stocks and for maintaining the importance of fishing to the local community, strong interfishery preference differences exist. These differences are most notable in relation to a discard ban and to the use of individual transferable fishing rights, favoured in Denmark, but not in Ireland for instance. The strength of these interfishery differences supports the assertion that there are no panaceas in fisheries management and that solutions should be tailored within the context of specific fisheries. Not doing so could create a significant risk of inappropriately managed fisheries that may lead to unsustainable outcomes.  相似文献   

印度尼西亚渔业发展概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
印度尼西亚海域辽阔,渔业资源丰富,具有极大的发展潜力。本文在查阅近年来国内外相关文献基础上,着重介绍了印尼的渔业资源状况、管理方式、产品加工和国际合作等。印度尼西亚主要渔业类型为海洋捕捞和水产养殖业,其中金枪鱼渔业是最主要的捕捞业。近年来,水产养殖(如虾类、海藻等)逐渐成为印尼渔业的主要支柱;印尼渔业管理的主要部门为海洋事务与渔业部,地方各级渔业行政机构和渔业协会组织共同参与管理;印尼政府鼓励国外投资渔业,并大力促进海外渔业合作。  相似文献   

多维视角下的新时代水产养殖业发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
董双林 《水产学报》2019,43(1):105-115
由于经济因素的驱动,我国水产养殖规模和集约化水平在快速扩大和提高,同时,土地、淡水和鱼粉等资源制约日趋明显,氮磷排放、碳足迹、生态足迹在迅速增大,因此,我国水产养殖业需要生态集约化发展。从多维和可持续发展的视角可以推知,内陆大水域未来仅适于发展不投饲的养殖种类或称净水渔业,近岸(10 m以浅、距岸2 km以内或有遮蔽的海域)可发展不投饵的贝、藻养殖和增殖,离岸(距岸2 km以外、水深10~50 m)应增殖、养殖并举,深远海养殖(50 m以深、高海况开放海域和12 n mile以外的专属经济区海域)大有可为,陆基池塘生态集约化改造和陆基循环水养殖的阳光工厂化改造任重道远。  相似文献   

陈琦  韩立民  钟美希 《水产学报》2017,41(11):1806-1816
由Ostrom提出的社会—生态系统(social-ecological system,SES)分析框架是当前国际上用于分析公共池塘资源管理问题的一个前沿理论工具。本文综览当前SES分析框架在国外渔业管理领域的大量研究文献,在归纳、整理研究尺度和对象的基础上,从系统变量识别、变量相互作用分析、系统结果识别、适应性管理设计和适应性管理执行与监督5个层面对SES分析框架在国外渔业管理领域的应用研究进行了系统梳理和评述。虽然当前SES分析框架在渔业管理领域的应用研究在变量识别、数理实证和研究尺度拓展等方面尚有待进一步完善和发展,但现有国外研究成果对于新形势下我国渔业管理理论研究和渔业管理制度改革均具有十分重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

The rising share of aquaculture in supplying seafood changes the mixture of species in the world's market, because capture fisheries target carnivorous species whereas aquaculture focuses on species that are lower in the food chain. Trophic level correlates with production volume (tons/yr) and with unit value (US$/ton) in aquaculture but not in capture fisheries (FAO's fisheries data). Apparently, sustainability and economics in aquaculture both depend on ecological efficiency, i.e., the use of resources and the production of waste. Species feeding low in the food chain use efficiently the natural resources. Each level up the food chain inflates costs related to the use of resources, the production of waste and the maintenance of water quality. This effect has further repercussions on the economics of aquaculture: (1) cost influences profit and unit price, and (2) price influences demand and market share. The overall ecological efficiency, sustainability and economics of culturing carnivorous fish are improved by growing them in an ecological balance with species from low trophic levels in integrated multi-trophic aquaculture.  相似文献   

Fishing impacts and the degradation or loss of habitat structure   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The wider effects of fishing on marine ecosystems have become the focus of growing concern among scientists, fisheries managers and the fishing industry. The present review examines the role of habitat structure and habitat heterogeneity in marine ecosystems, and the effects of fishing (i.e. trawling and dredging) on these two components of habitat complexity. Three examples from New Zealand and Australia are considered, where available evidence suggests that fishing has been associated with the degradation or loss of habitat structure through the removal of large epibenthic organisms, with concomitant effects on fish species which occupy these habitats. With ever-increasing demands on fish-stocks and the need for sustainable use of fisheries resources, new approaches to fisheries management are needed. Fisheries management needs to address the sustainability of fish-stocks while minimizing the direct and indirect impacts of fishing on other components of the ecosystem. Two long-term management tools for mitigating degradation or loss of habitat structure while maintaining healthy sustainable fisheries which are increasingly considered by fisheries scientists and managers are: (1) protective habitat management, which involves the designation of protected marine and coastal areas which are afforded some level of protection from fishing; and (2) habitat restoration, whereby important habitat and ecological functions are restored following the loss of habitat and/or resources. Nevertheless, the protection of marine and coastal areas, and habitat restoration should not be seen as solutions replacing conventional management approaches, but need to be components of an integrated programme of coastal zone and fisheries management. A number of recent international fisheries agreements have specifically identified the need to provide for habitat protection and restoration to ensure long-term sustainability of fisheries. The protection and restoration of habitat are also common components of fisheries management programs under national fisheries law and policy.  相似文献   

我国是当今世界水产品产量最高的国家,渔业呈现地区发展不平衡、不充分的格局,内陆地区渔业发展水平总体上远低于沿海地区。在当前“碳达峰”和“碳中和”双碳战略背景下,渔业迎来了前所未有的机遇和挑战尤其是对于内陆淡水渔业,碳汇渔业将成为未来的一个重要发展方向。该文主要根据《中国水产统计资料》和《中国渔业统计年鉴》,以贵州省为例,结合贵州地区近年来的渔业发展现状,估算了贵州省近五年(2016—2020年)的渔业碳汇强度,分析了贵州地区发展碳汇渔业的潜力。渔业碳汇强度估算结果显示,2016—2020年贵州省渔业碳移出量在1.4 t到1.7 t之间,平均碳移出量为1.5 t。贵州省渔业发展相对落后,水产品捕捞产量和养殖产量均远低于全国平均水平,但贵州省近年来大力推广稻渔综合种养和湖库养殖等生态渔业模式,到2020年稻田养殖和湖库养殖面积分别占全省水产养植总面积的74.2%和19.2%,二者产量达到全省总产量的一半以上,远高于全国平均水平。稻渔综合种养和湖库养殖等生态渔业成为贵州省水产养殖业的重要养殖模式,未来这类具备碳汇功能的生态渔业规模将会进一步扩大,是贵州地区扭转渔业养殖模式和渔业经济增长方式的机遇,对碳汇渔业的全面推广和渔业的可持续发展具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

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