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寄生虫病带来了相当大的社会经济影响,人畜共患寄生虫给人们带来巨大的疾病负担,并给养殖业造成严重的经济损失。因此,寄生虫病的防治是人们迫切需要研究的课题。寄生虫存在很多形式的免疫逃避机制,灭活疫苗、减毒活疫苗、亚单位疫苗等未达到理想的预防寄生虫病的效果,很多研究表明DNA疫苗有望成为预防和治疗寄生虫病的有效方法。DNA疫苗是一种新型疫苗,可同时诱导机体产生持久的体液免疫和细胞免疫,通过在宿主内表达外源蛋白来提供保护性免疫。DNA疫苗与其他亚单位疫苗不同的是,免疫原由摄取抗原编码DNA的细胞在宿主内合成。体内蛋白质的合成也能进行抗原加工、修饰并递呈到宿主的免疫系统中,类似于自然感染的方式。笔者就DNA疫苗免疫机制、设计原则、免疫途径、优缺点及近几年寄生虫DNA疫苗的研究进展进行综述,以期为寄生虫DNA疫苗的开发提供理论参考。  相似文献   

枯草芽孢杆菌芽孢作为黏膜疫苗载体研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
枯草芽孢杆菌属于食品安全级别的微生物,因其培养简单、非致病性和遗传操作简便等特点,被广泛应用于多个领域。近年来,随着DNA重组技术快速发展,枯草芽孢杆菌被应用于黏膜疫苗载体开发,以应对细菌、病毒、寄生虫等病原体的侵入。黏膜免疫操作简便,通过口服、滴鼻、舌下等黏膜途径免疫,枯草芽孢杆菌可以有效诱导宿主机体产生体液和细胞免疫反应,因此枯草芽孢杆菌作为黏膜疫苗载体拥有巨大的潜力。本文在查阅国内外相关文献报道的基础上,介绍了枯草芽孢杆菌孢子作为黏膜疫苗载体在预防病毒、细菌和寄生虫病相关方面的应用,旨在为开发新型高效黏膜疫苗提供参考。  相似文献   

大部分的病原微生物均可通过黏膜感染动物机体。黏膜是动物体的第一道天然防护屏障,黏膜免疫是猪免疫系统的重要组成部分,即能诱导局部免疫,也能诱导全身性的免疫应答,且操作简便,适合规模化猪场使用,对猪应激小,是目前猪用疫苗研究的新方向。黏膜免疫佐剂和黏膜免疫的途径是黏膜免疫的关键,猪的黏膜免疫疫苗研究也取得了一定的进展。文章主要介绍黏膜免疫及其在猪病防控中的应用情况,以期为猪病的防控提供参考。  相似文献   

大部分的病原微生均可通过黏膜感染动物机体,黏膜是动物体的第一道天然防护屏障。黏膜免疫是鸡免疫系统的重要组成部分,即能诱导局部免疫,也能诱导全身性的免疫应答,且操作简便,适合规模化鸡场使用,对鸡应激小,是目前鸡用疫苗研究的新方向。黏膜免疫佐剂和黏膜免疫的途径是黏膜免疫的关键,鸡的黏膜免疫疫苗研究也取得了一定的进展。本文主要介绍黏膜免疫及其在鸡病防控中的应用情况,以期为鸡病的防控提供参考。  相似文献   

大多数传染性病原体通过黏膜表面进入宿主,因此除了传统诱导系统免疫的注射疫苗外,还应该开发能诱导黏膜免疫的疫苗,从而在黏膜侵入点建立第一道防线,阻止病原体侵入机体。乳酸菌是人和大多数动物肠道内常见的益生菌,具有营养、免疫、抗感染等作用。自20世纪90年代以来,乳酸菌便作为食品级载体用作外源基因的表达,其可刺激机体产生针对其表达的外源蛋白的免疫反应,因而基因工程重组乳酸菌可作为潜在的黏膜免疫候选疫苗。乳酸菌作为疫苗载体具有许多有吸引力的优势:使用方式简单、非侵入性(通过口腔或鼻内)、能接受基因修饰且遗传稳定、表达蛋白不需纯化、成本相对较低、安全性能最高、在体内长期存活并不断表达外源蛋白、单次接种即可产生持久的免疫应答等。目前,选择正常菌群的乳酸菌为载体,构建重组乳酸菌已在预防细菌、病毒、寄生虫等病原感染宿主方面迅速开展起来,将它们用于预防相应疫病模型中均已取得了较好的防治效果。作者就近5年来基因工程重组乳酸菌的制备及其在防控动物疫病方面的研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

大多数传染性病原体通过黏膜表面进入宿主,因此除了传统诱导系统免疫的注射疫苗外,还应该开发能诱导黏膜免疫的疫苗,从而在黏膜侵入点建立第一道防线,阻止病原体侵入机体。乳酸菌是人和大多数动物肠道内常见的益生菌,具有营养、免疫、抗感染等作用。自20世纪90年代以来,乳酸菌便作为食品级载体用作外源基因的表达,其可刺激机体产生针对其表达的外源蛋白的免疫反应,因而基因工程重组乳酸菌可作为潜在的黏膜免疫候选疫苗。乳酸菌作为疫苗载体具有许多有吸引力的优势:使用方式简单、非侵入性(通过口腔或鼻内)、能接受基因修饰且遗传稳定、表达蛋白不需纯化、成本相对较低、安全性能最高、在体内长期存活并不断表达外源蛋白、单次接种即可产生持久的免疫应答等。目前,选择正常菌群的乳酸菌为载体,构建重组乳酸菌已在预防细菌、病毒、寄生虫等病原感染宿主方面迅速开展起来,将它们用于预防相应疫病模型中均已取得了较好的防治效果。作者就近5年来基因工程重组乳酸菌的制备及其在防控动物疫病方面的研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

张金辉 《猪业科学》2019,36(1):60-61
以前大家普遍认为机体的免疫系统只存在细胞免疫和体液免疫2种免疫方式。近几年的研究发现,除了这2种免疫方式外,还有另外1种免疫方式,那就是黏膜免疫。当机体遭受到病原微生物的侵害时,机体通过消化道、呼吸道和生殖道等黏膜建立起强大的免疫力来抵抗病原微生物的入侵,避免病原微生物对机体组织造成损害,构成了机体的第一道防线。利用这一特点开发出来的黏膜免疫生物制品,因具有应激小、操作方便等优点而深受欢迎。那么,到底什么是黏膜免疫,它是如何抵抗病原微生物入侵的?目前市场上销售的猪用黏膜免疫产品主要有哪些?与普通的免疫方式对比有哪些优势?本期人物访谈我们非常荣幸地邀请到了动物疫苗黏膜免疫引领者四川海林格生物制药有限公司(以下简称四川海林格)的彭国祥总经理,让我们一起近距离感受智者的思想,跟着他一起揭开"黏膜免疫"的神秘面纱。  相似文献   

鸡、鸭SIgA的分离纯化及其抗体制备   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黏膜免疫系统是机体抵抗病原微生物入侵的第一道防线,由于黏膜免疫比传统免疫途径更少产生动物应激,接种方便并可产生有效免疫保护,其在预防动物传染性疾病的良好应用前景而日益引起人们的关注。分泌型免疫球蛋白A分子(SIgA)是黏膜免疫的主要效应因子,它不仅可防止病原微生物在  相似文献   

正动物疫苗,就是为了预防和控制动物传染病的发生而通过特定的生产工艺,由病原微生物、寄生虫以及其组成成分或代谢产物所制成的,用于人工自动免疫的生物制品。给动物接种疫苗,刺激机体免疫系统发生免疫应答,产生抵抗特定病原微生物(寄生虫)感染的能力,从而达到预防、控制疫病的目的。在兽医临床上把疫苗分为:活疫苗、灭活疫苗、类毒素和新型疫苗。从2009年1月1日起,国家执行动物疫病强制免疫制度,所需疫苗由政府采购,参加免疫人员经费由国家补贴的新举措,在新  相似文献   

扈留轩 《中国禽业导刊》2001,18(24):17-17,18
动物接种疫苗后,产生主动免疫的原理是十分复杂的,它受动物机体自身免疫系统和接种疫苗的免疫原性两方面影响,其中动物机体自身的健康状况属内因,是起决定作用的。近几年来动物免疫促进剂在畜禽疾病防治的研究与应用日益引起国内外的熏视,本文对能提高动物机体免疫力的物质的应用作一介绍。  相似文献   

减毒沙门氏菌在疫苗和疫苗载体方面的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
沙门氏菌不仅可以用作疫苗,也是理想的疫苗载体,已受到医学与兽医学的广泛重视。沙门氏菌可以经黏膜途径免疫(口服或鼻内),操作方便,对接种对象刺激小;此外,沙门氏菌为胞内侵袭细菌,能有效递呈抗原,激发抗沙门氏菌和诱导外源蛋白的特异性体液免疫反应与细胞免疫反应,并能同时诱导黏膜免疫与全身免疫。文章对沙门氏菌的入侵机制、免疫机理及其在疫苗中的应用状况进行了综述,为新型疫苗的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Mucosal vaccination is proving to be one of the greatest challenges in modern vaccine development. Although highly beneficial for achieving protective immunity, the induction of mucosal immunity, especially in the gastro-intestinal tract, still remains a difficult task. As a result, only very few mucosal vaccines are commercially available for domestic animals. Here, we critically review various strategies for mucosal delivery of vaccines in domestic animals. This includes live bacterial and viral vectors, particulate delivery-systems such as polymers, alginate, polyphosphazenes, immune stimulating complex and liposomes, and receptor mediated-targeting strategies to the mucosal tissues. The most commonly used routes of immunization, strategies for delivering the antigen to the mucosal surfaces, and future prospects in the development of mucosal vaccines are discussed.  相似文献   

Protozoan parasites are among some of the most successful organisms worldwide, being able to live and multiply within a very wide range of hosts. The diseases caused by these parasites cause significant production losses in the livestock sector involving reproductive failure, impaired weight gain, contaminated meat, reduced milk yields and in severe cases, loss of the animal. In addition, some protozoan parasites affecting livestock such as Toxoplasma gondii and Cryptosporidium parvum may also be transmitted to humans where they can cause serious disease. Data derived from experimental models of infection in ruminant species enables the study of the interactions between parasite and host. How the parasite initiates infection, becomes established and multiplies within the host and the critical pathways that may lead to a disease outcome are all important to enable the rational design of appropriate intervention strategies. Once the parasites invade the hosts they induce both innate and adaptive immune responses and the induction and function of these immune responses are critical in determining the outcome of the infection. Vaccines offer green solutions to control disease as they are sustainable, reducing reliance on pharmacological drugs and pesticides. The use of vaccines has multiple benefits such as improving animal health and welfare by controlling animal infections and infestations; improving public health by controlling zoonoses and food borne pathogens in animals; solving problems associated with resistance to acaricides, antibiotics and anthelmintics; keeping animals and the environment free of chemical residues and maintaining biodiversity. All of these attributes should lead to improved sustainability of animal production and economic benefit. Using different protozoan parasitic diseases as examples this paper will discuss various approaches used to develop vaccines to protect against disease in livestock and discuss the relative merits of using live versus killed vaccine preparations. A range of different vaccination targets and strategies will be discussed to help protect against: acute disease, congenital infection and abortion, persistence of zoonotic pathogens in tissues of food animals and passive transfer of immunity to neonates.  相似文献   

棘球蚴病疫苗研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文综述了棘球蚴病疫苗的研究进展。棘球蚴病基因工程重组抗原疫苗研究已取得突破性进展,实验室研究试验羊减囊率达到90%以上,田间试验减囊率在80%以上,在我国即将商品化应用。核酸疫苗由于安全有效、操作简单、价廉易得、便于贮存与运输、省时省力,具有极大的潜在应用价值。多肽疫苗由于不存在毒力返祖或灭活不完全的问题,是棘球蚴病疫苗未来发展的方向之一。  相似文献   

DNA vaccination represents one of the most recent novel approaches to vaccine development. Experimentally, DNA vaccines induce a broad range of long lasting immune responses including humoral and cell-mediated immunity against infectious diseases in humans and animals. Furthermore, DNA vaccines are potentially useful for the treatment of autoimmune diseases or cancer. However, most information on the efficacy of DNA vaccines has been generated in mice and studies in larger animals are limited. In this review, the potential application of DNA vaccines in livestock and pet animals are discussed. The principle of this new technology, its potency and future perspectives for use in veterinary medicine will be outlined.  相似文献   

Coccidiosis is a ubiquitous intestinal protozoan infection of poultry seriously impairing the growth and feed utilization of infected animals. Conventional disease control strategies rely heavily on chemoprophylaxis, which is a tremendous cost to the industry. Existing vaccines consist of live virulent or attenuated Eimeria strains with limited scope of protection against an ever-evolving and widespread pathogen. The continual emergence of drug-resistant strains of Eimeria, coupled with the increasing regulations and bans on the use of anticoccidial drugs in commercial poultry production, urges the need for novel approaches and alternative control strategies. Because of the complexity of the host immunity and the parasite life cycle, a comprehensive understanding of host-parasite interactions and protective immune mechanisms becomes necessary for successful prevention and control practices. Recent progress in functional genomics technology would facilitate the identification and characterization of host genes involved in immune responses as well as parasite genes and proteins that elicit protective host responses. This study reviews recent coccidiosis research and provides information on host immunity, immunomodulation, and the latest advances in live and recombinant vaccine development against coccidiosis. Such information will help magnify our understanding of host-parasite biology and mucosal immunology, and we hope it will lead to comprehensive designs of nutritional interventions and vaccination strategies for coccidiosis.  相似文献   

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