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<正>在采访李建伟之前,只知道他头上有众多光环:东方园林景观设计集团首席设计师、EDSA-ORIENT总裁、美国景观设计师协会会员,在美洲、欧洲、亚洲、中东等多个国家有着丰富的跨国设计及从事教育培训的经历,等等。日前通过采访,记者发现他不仅是一位景观设计师,还是一位心思细腻、对植物景观情有独钟的探寻者。在他的办公室内,除了设计师们的案头常常堆放的各种设计图纸和书籍之外,还有几处小小的景观,突显出主人  相似文献   

聚乙二醇对谷稗种子萌发及相关生理指标的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
摘要:【研究目的】研究聚乙二醇(PEG6000)渗透处理谷稗种子对其萌发及相关生理指标的影响,分析谷稗种子萌发和幼苗生长与水分胁迫的关系,旨在研究引发对促进供种萌发和活力的效应,为谷稗的生产管理提供科学依据。【方法】分别以15%、20%、25%、30%浓度的PEG6000对谷稗种子进行24h、60h、100h浸种渗透处理,研究谷稗发芽率、发芽速度、相对电导率、脯氨酸含量的变化。【结果】适宜的PEG6000浓度和浸种时间均能不同程度的促进谷稗种子的萌发,表现为谷稗种子发芽率增高、发芽速度加快、相对电导率下降。当25%PEG6000浸种24h时,脯氨酸含量达633.31ug/mg,是CK的3.56倍,存在极显著差异(P<0.01)。【结论】PEG6000处理提高了谷稗种子的发芽率、发芽速度和细胞膜系统的完整性,25%PEG6000浸种24h是PEG引发谷稗种子较为适宜条件。  相似文献   

当前,在城市化的快速发展过程中,城市规划是重点,其规划的科学性与合理性会对城市经济文化发展产生直接的影响。城市规划不仅要从城市的长远发展考虑,而且要从人们的基本需求考虑。随着人们对城市环境要求越来越高,在城市规划中更要加强园林景观设计,发挥园林景观在提高城市环境质量方面的重要作用。基于此,将研究的重点放在城市规划中园林景观设计的应用方面,以提升整个城市规划质量,使得城市功能更为全面。  相似文献   

当前在园林景观工程建设的过程中越来越重视美观性的设计,而观赏植物的运用和搭配是提升园林景观设计美观性的关键所在。观赏植物种类众多,将其运用于园林景观设计中,必须要把握相应的配置原则,实现观赏性、实用性和生态性的统一,从而提升园林景观设计质量和水平。主要围绕观赏植物在园林景观设计中的应用原则及具体应用策略进行了分析和研究。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的迅猛发展和人们生活水平的不断提高,园林景观设计越来越受到人们的广泛关注。现阶段,在园林景观建设规模日益扩大的形势下,城市环境发生了翻天覆地的变化。在园林景观设计中,不仅要有山水的完美搭配,同时还要考虑到植物的层次和色彩等方面因素。基于此,探讨了彩叶植物在园林景观设计中的应用原则,并针对彩叶植物在园林景观设计中的应用实践展开了分析,旨在为进一步优化我国的园林景观建设起到促进作用。  相似文献   

北京创新景观园林设计有限公司董事长檀馨是一位造诣颇深、成绩斐然的园林景观设计师。她曾参与和主持设计了许多具有影响力的工程,从最初的香山饭店庭园景观,到陶然亭公园的华夏名亭园,再到皇城根遗址公园以及通州大运河森林公园,无一不凝聚着她的智慧和汗水。  相似文献   

乡村园林的景观规划设计,为乡村旅游业的发展注入了新的活力,是不可或缺的可持续发展产业中坚力量。设计具有独特人文气息与魅力的生态文化景观是乡村园林景观规划设计急需解决的问题。从景观规划相关理念出发,阐释了乡村园林景观的运行模式和类型,以及景观生态学等原理,提出了设计的原则和方法。以周村生态体验园的景观规划设计为实例,提出了各方详细的设计思路,得出乡村园林景观规划设计策略。乡村园林生态体验园的设计特色,决定了它与周边互相依存的生态关系。在自然环境中渗透景观设计要素,能够很好的传达当地的历史文化传统,塑造乡村旅游特色,为乡村的经济发展提供更加坚强的后盾。研究结果也可为今后乡村园林景观实际项目的可持续发展式规划和设计提供理论基础。  相似文献   

在中国古典传统文化中,园林的设计表现手法,别出心裁,拥有独树一帜的特殊魅力。它的存在为我国园林建筑设计发挥着很强的指导作用,为现代园林景观建设提供了很多值得借鉴的地方。通过对中国古典园林的设计思想进行分析,简要阐明在现代园林景观建设中如何应用古典园林设计思想。希望能为现代农业园林景观建设提供可以参考的建议。  相似文献   

社会经济发展的影响通过多种形式最终作用到现代园林景观设计中。一方面随着我国乃至世界范围内的经济快速发展,所带来的影响包含工业及其他方面对环境的破坏,造成人们所处的环境日渐恶劣。另一方面随着人们生活水平的提高,人们的要求也越发提高,需求一个更加优美、整洁的环境。由于这两个因素的影响,现代园林景观设计的重要性也不断体现,园林景观作为人们日常生活欣赏的一方面,对生活质量有着一定的影响。故此在现代园林景观的设计中也在不断地融入生态规划理念,旨在通过加强园林景观中的生态理念,起到改善人们生活质量、丰富人们精神世界以及提高相应生活水平的作用。  相似文献   

为确定二氧化氯对海湾扇贝(Argopecten irradians)亲贝、幼虫和稚贝的安全用量范围,本实验研究海湾扇贝亲贝、D型幼虫、眼点幼虫和稚贝对不同浓度二氧化氯的耐受性。按照亲贝、D型幼虫、眼点幼虫和稚贝的先后顺序进行4个独立实验,每实验设6个不同的二氧化氯浓度,每浓度设三个重复,每实验持续时间为24 h,分别在12 h和24 h测定二氧化氯对亲贝和幼虫死亡率的影响。结果表明,海湾扇贝亲贝、D型幼虫、眼点幼虫和稚贝对二氧化氯均具有较强的耐受性,其安全浓度分别为20 mg/L、5 mg/L、10 mg/L和10 mg/L。  相似文献   

基于VRML的虚拟园林设计要素构建   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
虚拟现实技术应用于园林设计,可利用动态和交互方式对未来的园林进行身临其境的全方位审视,可达到传统的园林效果图所无法达到的效果,然而目前虚拟技术在园林中的应用比较少。笔者基于VRML技术对园林设计要素的(植物、建筑、地形和水体)构建进行探索,实现了园林设计四大要素的三维模型构建和互联网上的漫游与交互功能。研究表明基于VRML构建园林设计要素的方法是行之有效的,而且效果比较好。  相似文献   

Homology of drama and architecture in the early development stage decides the close relationship between both,drama stage design and architectural structural design always apply different approaches but achieve equally satisfactory results.Stage layout and structural design often use architectural symbols,and application of architectural symbols in drama is a common approach of stage art design.But the designer of Jiuzhai Paradise International Conference and Resort Center-the project won Lu Ban Award did exactly the opposite by taking drama elements such as time,figures,location and plot to the "stage" of architecture,and telling visitors a story between traditional Tibetan,Qiang culture and primitive forest life over one thousand years,he indeed created a unique classic architecture using the concept of drama stage design.  相似文献   

蔡清 《中国农学通报》2011,27(31):300-304
景观不仅是一门艺术,更是一门科学。在对景观环境分析的基础上,提出点、线、面是景观造型的基本元素。结合平面构成理论,笔者指出平面构成理论与景观造型的基本元素之间存在形态要素的对应性、美学法则的一致性、形态语言的互通性等3个方面共性。因此,可利用平面构成理论对景观环境的营造进行指导。基于以上观点,以形态要素点、线、面的品质为出发点,探讨景观造型的基本元素的运用特点及手法,从而总结出景观造型的基本元素在景观设计中的应用特点及规律。  相似文献   

In view of the current poor safety consciousness in landscape architecture industry, this paper proposed the concept of landscape architecture safety, and analyzed its characteristics; explored the monitoring means of landscape architecture safety and prevention measures from the perspectives of landscape architecture planning and design safety, landscaping construction safety; and put forward specific schemes from the perspectives of evaluation standards, legal system, and propaganda and education of landscape architecture safety, in order to meet the increasingly urgent needs of landscape architecture safety,and promote the landscape architecture safety in China.  相似文献   

Cityscape design is to shape the landscape of a city as the goal. In essence, the cityscape is human perception of the city, urban landscape design can be understood as the restructuring of urban imagery and visual representation of the process. Through the analysis and research, the designer for the landscape perception of the city, and then presented in the design results, and is perceived by others. In this process, especially important is the designer's perception of the city. From the perspectives of visitors or residents, the designer's perception of the city is very different. Tourists tend to be structured and integrity to cognitive the landscape of the city, and residents focus on the micro perspectives, with more details and life. This article attempts through the discussion of the different perspective, explore the urban landscape design optimal method.  相似文献   

为适应公园城市建设对风景园林专业人才的需要,有必要对现有风景园林专业课程体系进行改革.以徐州工程学院风景园林专业现有课程体系为例,对比其他高校风景园林专业课程体系,以气候顶级群落结合人文资源特点构建作为公园城市景观建设的目标,分析现有课程体系构成,并以公园城市建设目标为依据,改革现有风景园林专业课程体系.提出了通识必修...  相似文献   

Promoting human health is a basic value of landscape architecture. It is theoretically feasible to rebuild the link between children with nature-deficit disorder and nature via artificially-made natural environment. This paper explored the relationship between children's health and nature from the perspective of landscape architecture theories and practices. First, impact of nature-deficit disorder on children's health; second, basic appeals of children with nature-deficit disorder were sorted out; finally, specialized gardens for children with nature-deficit disorder under the instruction of the above theories were designed.  相似文献   

On the basis of successful domestic and foreign cases in landscape architecture teaching as well as characteristics of landscape architecture major in Guangdong Ocean University,this paper is to enhance the teaching characteristics of coast-landscape design,reconstruct the training system of landscape designers,optimize and improve teaching quality in practices.  相似文献   

The relationship between architecture and people, architecture and city, architecture and nature has always been the soul of architectural design. In the architectural design, study on the relationship between architecture and nature needs "site analysis"(mapping), and "natural environment" tends to affect the design results[1]. In many special areas, the design needs analysis of geology, geomorphology, hydrology, vegetation and other landscape elements. Coal mining subsidence area is the product of the conf licts between human activities and natural environment in the process of industrialization. As the research object, coal mining subsidence area can be a good study object to demonstrate architectural design strategies and methods based on landscape, and fi eld defects of the site may be the origin of architectural space organization: architectural concept, structure, morphology, spatial organization are all from the landscape elements.  相似文献   

"Digital City" has gradually emerged,promoting the digitalization of urban landscape design,and meanwhile,virtual reality (VR) technology allowing us to create and experience the virtual world has come into reality.The use of VR technology in the urban landscape design,and interactive 3D dynamic view,multi-source information fusion and system simulation of the entity behavior will be beneficial to generate the simulation environment of urban landscape design on the computer,and guide the scientific development of urban landscape design.On this basis,this article analyzed the connotation of VR technology and basic characteristics of urban landscape artistic design based on the overview of previous studies on the urban landscape design in multiple aspects,and further explored the application of key technology in the VR-based simulation of urban landscape artistic design,to provide the reference and idea for urban landscape design,and improve overall effect of urban landscape artistic design.  相似文献   

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