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2019年我国兽用抗菌药物使用情况分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对2019年国内兽用抗菌药物销量数据进行了统计分析,按照兽用抗菌药销售量等同于使用量的评价指标,结果发现,国内兽药使用总量为37159.12吨;其中,使用量最大的是四环素类,占比36.56%;促生长用抗菌药的用量为14871.05吨,占比48.12%;每吨动物产品兽用抗菌药使用量为160 g。与2018年相比,兽用抗菌药物使用量略有上升,每吨动物产品使用的抗菌药物量也同比增加,这提示我国兽用抗菌药物使用管理不能放松,减抗政策需继续实施,久久为功。  相似文献   

盐酸甲氧氯普胺注射液药效学试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西医对胃肠运动障碍所引起的胃肠收缩无力、节律紊乱和异常方向收缩等没有很好的治疗方法。故近年来,促胃肠动力药物一直是医学研究的重点和热点。甲氧氯普胺是中枢和外周多巴胺D2受体颉颃剂,具有促进胃肠动力和止吐作用,还可加强胃及上部肠段的运动,促进小肠蠕动和排空,松弛幽门窦和十二指肠冠,从而提高食物通过率,疗效确切。但是在兽医临床还鲜有该药物的应用报道。现自行研制了盐酸甲氧氯普胺注射液,并对其药理作用进行研究,从而为进一步开发动物用胃肠药物提供资料。1材料1.1动物兔,购于西北农林科技大学实验动物中心;昆明种小鼠,18~22…  相似文献   

薛惠莉 《猪业科学》2017,34(7):142-143
正2017年6月22日,农业部发布了《全国遏制动物源细菌耐药行动计划(2017—2020年)》(以下简称《行动计划》)的通知。《行动计划》中提出了5点行动目标,分别是:1)推进兽用抗菌药物规范化使用。省(区、市)凭兽医处方销售兽用抗菌药物的比例达到50%。2)推进兽用抗菌药物减量化使用。人兽共用抗菌药物或易产生交叉耐药性的抗菌药物作为动物促生长剂逐步退出。动物源主要细菌耐药率增长趋势得到有效控制。3)优化兽用抗菌药物品种结构。研发和推广安全高效  相似文献   

<正>兽用抗菌药主要用于以下四个方面,治疗、控制、预防和促生长。尤其在动物福利、食品安全和保持社会可持续发展方面有着重要的作用。总体而言抗菌药物的使用是保护动物健康的必须工具,但不是唯一的工具。1养殖使用抗菌药现状2019年中国兽医药品监察所对中国兽药产业生产的兽用抗菌药物和外国企业向中国进口的兽用抗菌药物的数量,品种等进行了统计  相似文献   

兽用抗菌药物使用不当会对养殖户、消费者和畜禽养殖行业产生不良影响。研究国外兽用抗菌药物减量化进展,有利于加快我国兽用抗菌药物减量化进程,同时对兽用抗菌药物使用标准的制定、社会公众身体健康有着重要意义。国外研究者主要从以下几个方面对兽用抗菌药物减量化进行探讨,即兽用抗菌药物使用量的测度依据、影响兽用抗菌药物减量化的因素、兽用抗菌药物减量化对动物生产力的影响、对消费市场的影响及养殖场的使用意愿情况。针对以上研究进展,得出兽用抗菌药物减量化研究内容涵盖多学科、兽用抗菌药物替代措施研究任务艰巨和国内兽用抗菌药物减量化研究有较大提升空间。  相似文献   

正促生长用抗菌药物、人兽共用抗菌药物或易产生交叉耐药性的抗菌药物等都要逐步退出,限抗、减抗、无抗政策下的出路在哪里?商品化疫苗是重要出路,生物安全是根本出路。2018年农业农村部发布了《农业农村部办公厅关于开展兽用抗菌药使用减量化行动试点工作的通知》,农业农村部决定开展兽用抗菌药使  相似文献   

为了探究莫沙必利对地芬诺酯所致便秘的小鼠肠道动力及胃动素、胃泌素的影响,试验随机选取120只昆明小鼠,分别按体重用20,10,5,2 mg/kg剂量的莫沙必利混悬液对小鼠进行粪便试验和小鼠肠道活性炭推进率试验,通过便秘小鼠的排便情况以及小鼠肠道中活性炭的推进率来判断不同剂量莫沙必利对胃肠动力的促进作用;将便秘小鼠分为10 mg/kg莫沙必利组、模型空白组及药物空白组,于给药后1小时采血,分离血清并测定血清中胃动素、胃泌素含量,通过血清中激素含量变化观察莫沙必利对便秘小鼠相关胃肠激素的影响。结果表明:粪便试验中,10 mg/kg莫沙必利组6小时、24小时的排便数及重量均达正常小鼠水平,且首粒黑便时间较模型空白组缩短105. 3 min;10 mg/kg莫沙必利组较模型空白组小肠推进率显著提高7. 8%(P 0. 05),较药物空白组提高30. 22%(P0. 01);莫沙必利组小鼠血清胃动素、胃泌素含量分别为188. 03 ng/L、42. 45 ng/L,较药物空白组均极显著提高(P0. 01)。说明莫沙必利促胃肠动力作用明显,对地芬诺酯所致的小鼠便秘症状有极好的改善作用,其促小鼠胃肠动力作用最佳剂量为10 mg/kg,且该剂量莫沙必利能有效促进小鼠胃动素、胃泌素的分泌,从而发挥促进胃肠蠕动的作用。  相似文献   

<正>"喹烯酮"是通过化学合成的方法创制的国内没有研究和应用的原料药,是我国第一个拥有自主知识产权的兽用化学药物饲料添加新产品,也是新中国成立以来第一个获得国家一类新兽药证书的兽用化学药物。具有显著促生长效果,对猪、鸡、鱼增重率  相似文献   

国内外兽用化学药物研究进展和发展趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
广义的兽药包括供家畜、家禽、宠物、水产动物、蜂、蚕、野生动物、实验动物等使用的疾病诊断、治疗及促生长药物。按用途划分,兽药通常分为治疗药物、饲料添加剂、生物制品和诊断试剂四大类。作为养殖业发展的支柱之一,兽药业为畜牧业、水产养殖业和宠物保健提供了健康发展的保障。近10年来,随着人类生活方式的改变,特别是食品安全问题越来越多地引起社会广泛关注,兽药用药需求在不断变化,新兽药研发重点也相应发生变化。本文就近年来国内外兽用化学药物的发展作一回顾,并对当前国外兽用化学药物的发展趋势进行分析,提出当前我国兽药业发展应思考的一些问题。  相似文献   

近年来我国兽用化学药品发展迅速,兽用注射剂药物品种规格不断增加.兽药规格是兽药标准规定的内容之一,它与兽药的研究、生产、使用、质量检验等密切相关.兽用注射剂规格对兽药有效性、安全性和经济性等有直接关系.因此,兽用注射剂规格的确定、增加或改变必须严格管理,综合慎重考虑兽药典要求、注册要求、生产要求等,确保兽用注射剂药物的...  相似文献   

Effects of pharmacological agents on gastrointestinal motility   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The control mechanisms of gastrointestinal motility are complex. Extrinsic neurohormonal effects modulate an intrinsic system, often called the "gut brain," composed of nervous and neuropeptide components. To exert pharmacologic influence on GI motility, use is made of agents that mimic the external control system. Agents that stimulate opioid receptors, block adrenoceptors, block or facilitate acetylcholine action, or antagonize the action of prostaglandins are used to effect changes in GI motility. The major indications for pharmacologic intervention are to increase motility in constipation, to reduce it in most cases of diarrhea, and to restore propulsive coordination in postoperative ileus. In cases of clinical colic the primary requirement is control of pain. Agents used for this purpose may adversely affect motility, and choice requires knowledge of their actions in this respect. In addition, drugs used for other purposes, anthelmintics for instance, may also influence gut motility. A synopsis of the actions of the agents commonly employed in GI motility control and some associated drugs are displayed in Table 3. Recent advances in the understanding of drug action on the gut should help in the selection of drugs for clinical use.  相似文献   

All horses undergoing coeliotomy for an acute abdominal crisis are at risk of developing ileus and should receive therapy aimed at promoting gastrointestinal function by restoring fluid and electrolyte balance. Adequate analgesia and prevention against peritonitis, bacteraemia and endotoxaemia should be provided. Horses that at the time of surgery have a strangulating or non-strangulating small intestinal obstruction should be considered to be at greater risk of developing a persistent ileus that is refractory to treatment than those horses with lesions involving the large intestine. In horses considered to be at greater risk of developing a persistent ileus, the use of prokinetic agents should be considered. Agents that may be used to improve gastrointestinal motility include adrenergic receptor antagonists, cholinergic agonists, benzamides, dopamine antagonists, macrolide antimicrobials, opiate receptor agonists and antagonists, somatostatin analogues and local anaesthetics. There are limited studies into the use of these agents in the horse. Until further research provides more information on motility disorders following intestinal surgery and the efficacy of prokinetic agents in this species, only selective use of some of these drugs can be recommended.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To report prokinetic strategies used to manage horses after gastrointestinal surgery. DESIGN: Electronic questionnaire. SAMPLE POPULATION: Diplomates of the American College of Veterinary Surgeons (ACVS) who perform equine intestinal surgery. PROCEDURE: A survey (21 questions) designed to determine use of prokinetic agents was sent electronically to 112 ACVS Diplomates known to perform equine intestinal surgery. Several clinical scenarios were also described to determine which, if any, prokinetic agent respondents would select. RESULTS: Responses were obtained from 58 (52%) surgeons from 44 clinics. Selection of prokinetic agent for specific gastrointestinal conditions was relatively uniform whereas there was considerable variation in dose administered. For postoperative ileus (POI) associated with most intestinal lesions, 2% lidocaine was most commonly selected. Other prokinetics in decreasing frequency of use were erythromycin lactobionate, metoclopramide, and cisapride. Prokinetic agents were more commonly administered after small intestine strangulating obstructions and less commonly for large intestinal lesions. No novel agents were identified by respondents. CONCLUSIONS: Prokinetic drugs are commonly used for the management and/or attenuation of POI in horses, but dosages and routes of administration are variable. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Although prokinetics are commonly used for management of POI in horses there is clearly a need for more controlled studies to define efficacious dosing and a need to develop new prokinetic drugs.  相似文献   

We assessed the needs of ruminant-livestock owners in three districts in Ghana for veterinary services, the acceptability of particular services or activities and the willingness of people to use services through public or private delivery systems. Purposive sampling was used in choosing 516, 100 and 100 ruminant-livestock owners in East Mamprusi, Savelugu-Nanton and Tamale districts, respectively, for the administration of a questionnaire. The response proportions were 87-99%. Focus-group discussions (FGDs) were done in Savelugu-Nanton and Tamale districts. Animal diseases, housing, and lack of knowledge on management practices were identified as the three most important problems in the districts. Generally, accessibility to veterinary services and drugs was not easy. Large proportions of respondents identified advice on health, bathing or spraying against ectoparasites, castration, deworming, treatment involving injectables, sale of medicines or drugs, treatment for skin diseases, vaccinations, and treatment of wounds as activities that they needed. Many used veterinary staff to meet their needs and were willing to use the services of private veterinary providers if private clinics were established in their localities.  相似文献   

畜禽养殖中会用到一些抗菌药物,而药物选用需要进行药物敏感性试验,目前市售的药敏纸片多为人用抗菌药物,为了制备兽用抗菌药物的药敏纸片,需要对药物的最小抑菌浓度(MIC)进行测定。该研究筛选了国家兽用药物名录中规定的、兽医临床上常用6类共9种抗菌药物(头孢噻呋钠、硫酸链霉素、强力霉素、土霉素、氨苄西林、氟苯尼考、替米考星、硫酸新霉素、青霉素),以大肠埃希菌为指标菌,通过微量肉汤稀释法分别测定了9种常用抗菌药物的最小抑菌浓度(MIC)。结果表明,头孢噻呋钠、硫酸链霉素、强力霉素、土霉素、氨苄西林、氟苯尼考、替米考星、硫酸新霉素、青霉素对指标菌的MIC值分别为为2、4、4、16、8、16、64、32、250μg/mL。研究结果为这些药物的临床应用和药敏纸片的研制提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

兽药在畜禽养殖中发挥重要作用,但由于养殖户盲目用药,药物选择和使用不规范,随意搭配药物,造成兽药使用量超出安全剂量规定,不仅严重威胁畜禽和人类健康,还污染土壤、水源和大气环境,因此必须对畜禽养殖中的兽药使用进行科学引导和严格规范。该文对我国目前畜禽养殖业兽药使用的现状进行分析,从兽药生产企业准入门槛和销售流通环节入手,结合兽药法律法规、兽药使用规范、兽药监管体系、兽药检测制度提出改善对策。  相似文献   

The effect of commonly used sedatives on gastrointestinal motility and transit time in cats was evaluated using barium sulfate in gastrointestinal contrast studies. Control studies were performed in nonsedated animals, and the results were compared with those obtained from each of five sedation studies (ANOVA; p < 0.05). The ketamine/acepromazine transit time (18 minutes) was shortened significantly compared with the control group (42 minutes), and both ketamine/acepromazine and ketamine alone resulted in significant increase in the number of gastric contractions. The level of sedation was evaluated subjectively and compared with the transit times to determine a chemical restraint method for potential clinical use that would have the least effect on transit time and motility yet provide adequate sedation. When sedation is necessary and motility is not a primary concern, the ketamine/acepromazine combination if recommended. If a gastrointestinal motility problem is suspected, the ketamine/valium combination should be used.  相似文献   

Exotic small mammal medicine is a relatively new specialty area within veterinary medicine. Ferrets, rabbits, and rodents have long been used as animal models in human medical research investigations, resulting in a body of basic anatomic and physiologic information that can be used by veterinarians treating these species. Unfortunately, there is a paucity of veterinary articles that describe clinical presentation, diagnosis, and treatment options of gastrointestinal (GI) disease as it affects exotic small mammals. Although there is little reference material relating to exotic small mammal GI disease, patients are commonly presented to veterinary hospitals with digestive tract disorders. This article provides the latest information available for GI disease in ferrets (Helicobacter mustelae gastritis, inflammatory bowel disease [IBD], GI lymphoma, systemic coronavirus, coccidiosis, and liver disease), rabbits (GI motility disorders, liver lobe torsion, astrovirus, and coccidiosis), guinea pigs (gastric dilatation volvulus [GDV]), rats (Taenia taeniaeformis), and hamsters (Clostridium difficile). Both noninfectious diseases and emerging infectious diseases are reviewed as well as the most up-to-date diagnostics and treatment options.  相似文献   

Nuclear medicine has achieved an important role in the diagnosis of gastrointestinal (GI) disease in humans. Esophageal and gastric motility problems, gastroesophageal reflux, abnormal gastric secretory function, GI bleeding, and inflammatory diseases of the GI tract can all be evaluated using nuclear scintigraphy. The use of these techniques in human medicine, their advantages and disadvantages relative to other available diagnostic tests, and their potential application to veterinary medicine are discussed. Examples of esophageal and gastric motility studies performed on normal and abnormal dogs are included.  相似文献   

Many chemotherapy drugs used in human patients are discarded after single use or within 24 h of reconstitution, as per the manufacturer's product label recommendations. This can be wasteful and costly to veterinary clients. This report reviews the published stability and storage data for 19 injectable chemotherapy drugs commonly used in veterinary medicine. Based on these data, storage procedures are presented, assuming aseptic technique and a closed system drug transfer device (CSDTD) are used for drug preparation and handling. Further studies on the risk of microbiological contamination of chemotherapeutics using a CSDTD, and validated high quality drug assays such as stability‐indicating high‐performance liquid chromatography, are required. The authors' intent is not to supersede product label recommendations, but to suggest that longer storage without significant loss of drug efficacy may be possible, thus reducing the costs of chemotherapeutics to some veterinary clients.  相似文献   

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