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本研究测量了127个微黄镰玉螺的壳高、螺宽、体螺层高、厣长、厣宽和螺湿重等6个形态性状指标,用于分析其形态性状参数的关系。分析表明,微黄镰玉螺各性状间的相关系数均达到极显著水平(P0.01)。壳高与螺宽、体螺层高、厣长和厣宽之间均呈线性正相关,可用线性回归方程模式表示:Y=aX+b;产量性状螺湿重与螺高、螺宽、体螺层高和厣长之间均呈幂函数关系,可用幂函数回归方程表示:Y=aX~b。  相似文献   

福建与江苏西施舌群体形态差异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对栖息在中国福建与江苏沿海的2个野生西施舌(Coelomactra antiquata)群体进行了形态特征比较,以相同壳长、相同年龄及其壳长、壳高、壳宽、壳质量、檐面长度与宽度等5个数量性状的观测数据为依据,应用4种数理统计方法,对不同群体西施舌进行形态差异的多元分析。结果表明,栖息于福建长乐与江苏如东沿海的西施舌5个可量性状均表现出显著与极显著差异。均数差异系数(C、D)检验值超过1.28,差异达到亚种水平。  相似文献   

宋长太  王传慧 《齐鲁渔业》2002,19(12):25-26
福寿螺(Ampullaria gigas Spix)又名苹果螺、大瓶螺,原产于南美洲亚马逊河流域,从古巴引进我国,是淡水螺类中养殖个体最大的优良品种。它具有生命力强、繁殖率高、生长快、个体大、能适应多种水环境等特点。福寿螺壳薄,螺肉营养丰富,可食部分占体重的38%,不仅符合我国传统的饮食习惯,且可作为养殖河蟹、虾类、黄鳝、甲鱼、乌龟等特种水产品的优质饵料,具有较高经济价值。1生物学特性1.1 形态特征 螺体多呈深黄褐色,贝壳大,壳薄脆易破。壳右旋,螺旋部不发达,螺层一般为6层。螺口为卵圆形,覆有角质(?)保护。头部与腹足能仰出壳外游动觅食,头部具  相似文献   

不同贝龄华贵栉孔扇贝数量性状的通径分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对华贵栉孔扇贝(Chlamys nobilis)3月龄、6月龄、7月龄、9月龄和15月龄的4个数量性状(壳高、壳长、壳宽和体质量)进行了测量,分析了性状间的表型相关性及形态性状对体质量的影响程度。结果表明,4个数量性状两两间呈正相关,其相关系数达到极显著水平(P〈0.001)。形态性状与体质量间,壳长对体质量的相关系数较高,壳宽对体质量的相关系数较小。通径分析显示壳宽对体质量的通径系数最小,除7月龄外,壳高对体质量的通径系数大于壳长。相关指数分析的结果与通径分析结果相似,形态性状对体质量的相关指数为0.910~0.943。经多元回归分析,建立了4个月龄时期壳高、壳长和壳宽对体质量的线性回归方程。研究表明,在6月龄后以壳高为主要选择指标,可达到对体质量的选择,研究结果为华贵栉孔扇贝选择育种中选育指标的确立提供了理论指导。  相似文献   

对中华绒螯蟹(Eriocheir sinensis)2个幼蟹群体的头胸甲长(壳长)、头胸甲宽(壳宽)、第Ⅳ步足节长与体重性状进行了测定,通过简单相关分析、偏相关分析和回归分析,初步确定了与中华绒螯蟹幼蟹体重相关的外部形态性状,比较了2个群体头胸甲比例的差别,为中华绒螯蟹的选育提供理论依据和测度指标。结果表明,所测各表型性状与体重之间的相关系数均达到极显著水平(P〈0.01);其中,人工苗壳长与体重的相关性最大,天然苗则是壳宽与体重的相关性最大;分别建立了以形态性状估计人工苗、天然苗群体体重的最优回归方程。从外形比例分析,天然苗的头胸甲近似方形,人工苗的头胸甲近似椭圆形。  相似文献   

柘江河蚬外部形态与内部结构研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
描述了生长于湖北柘江的河蚬外部形态和内部结构,并对不同生长阶段的河蚬形态进行了比较,同时测定壳长、壳高、壳宽、壳板厚、韧带、体积、体重等可量性状,归纳出壳长与壳高、体重与体积、体重与壳长之间的相关关系依次为L=1.021H1.0485,W=0.341+1.5117V,W=0.401×2.7391L。  相似文献   

华贵栉孔扇贝数量性状的相关性及通径分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为查明华贵栉孔扇贝(Chlamys nobilis)数量性状间的相关性,随机选取526只扇贝,对其形态性状(壳高、壳长、绞合线长和壳厚)和质量性状(总质量、贝柱鲜质量、鲜肉质量、干肉质量和贝柱干质量)进行测量,采用多元回归与通径分析方法研究了5个易测数量性状(壳高、壳长、绞合线长、壳厚和总质量)对鲜肉质量、贝柱鲜质量和贝柱干质量的影响。结果表明,总质量与鲜肉质量、贝柱鲜质量和叭柱干质量呈极显著的正相关(P〈0.01)。多元回归与通径分析显示,这5个易测数量性状指标中,总质量对3个经济性状的正面影响非常大,其他指标的影响较小甚至不明显。  相似文献   

黄边糙鸟蛤野生群体主要经济性状间的相关性及通径分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随机选取80只野生黄边糙鸟蛤(Trachycardiumflavum),对其形态性状(壳长、壳高、壳宽)和质量性状(活体质量、软体部质量)5个经济性状进行测量,并应用通径分析和多元回归等方法对数据进行分析。结果表明,5个经济性状间的相关系数均达到极显著水平(P〈0.01);软体部质量对活体质量的直接影响效果最大(0.7048),壳长、壳高和壳宽对活体质量的影响主要通过软体部质量实现。经多元回归分析,采用逐步回归方法,剔除了偏回归系数不显著的壳高,建立了壳长、壳宽和软体部质量对活体质量的最优回归方程;各形态性状对软体部质量的直接影响最大的性状是壳宽,其直接决定系数为0.4093,壳长对软体部质量的影响是通过壳宽来间接实现,构建了壳长、壳宽对软体部质量的回归方程。该结果可为深入探讨黄边糙鸟蛤的种质资源保护和选择育种提供理论依据。  相似文献   

栉孔扇贝不同性别间重要经济性状比较及通径分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对不同性别栉孔扇贝的壳长、壳高、壳宽和绞合线长4个壳性状及体质量、软体质量及闭壳肌质量3个质量性状进行了测量。比较重要经济性状及壳形态在性别间的差异,分别在雌雄群体内,应用相关分析、通径分析等方法计算壳性状与质量性状间的相关系数、通径系数和决定系数,并利用逐步回归方法建立壳性状对质量性状的回归方程。试验结果表明,雌雄群体间重要经济性状及壳形态间无显著差异(P>0.05);雌雄群体各性状间表型相关系数均达到极显著水平(P<0.01),雌性群体相关系数普遍高于雄性;雄性群体中对体质量直接影响最大的壳性状为壳长,其次为壳高,而雌性群体中对体质量直接影响最大的壳性状为壳高,壳长影响极小;雌性群体中对软体质量直接影响最大的壳性状为壳高,其次为壳长和壳宽,而雄性群体中,仅壳高对软体质量的直接影响较大。雌雄群体间壳性状对质量性状的回归方程亦有较大不同。  相似文献   

随机选取毛蚶(Scapharca subcrenata)个体100只,测量其壳长(X1)、壳宽(X2)和壳高(X3)等3个壳形态性状及体重(Y1)和软体重(Y2)等2个重量性状,然后对各性状的描述统计量进行了统计分析。相关分析结果表明,各形态性状与重量性状之间的相关系数均达到极显著水平(P0.01);通过回归分析得出各形态性状对重量性状的多元回归方程如下:Y1=-30.904+0.451 X1+0.713 X2+0.352 X3;Y2=-11.262+0.170 X1+0.208 X2+0.185 X3。壳形态性状对重量性状的通径分析结果显示,壳长、壳宽和壳高对体重的通径系数依次为0.360、0.375和0.249;对软体部重的通径系数依次为0.325、0.262和0.314;壳长、壳宽和壳高对体重的相对决定程度依次为12.9%、14.1%和6.2%;对软体部重的相对决定程度依次为10.6%、6.9%和9.9%;进一步分析显示,壳宽对体重影响的直接效应最大,而壳长对软体重影响的直接效应最大。通过毛蚶壳形态性状对重量性状的影响效果分析,将有利于优化育种方案,提高育种效率。  相似文献   

采集我国南北沿海9个地理群体的菲律宾蛤仔(Ruditapes philippinarum),利用通径分析等方法评估各群体形态性状对活体重和软体重的影响。结果显示,各群体壳长、壳高、壳宽和壳厚4 个形态性状对菲律宾蛤仔活体重和软体重的影响存在显著差异。除壳厚外,其他形态性状与活体重和软体重呈显著相关(P < 0.05)。通径分析和决定系数分析显示,大多数群体的壳宽对活体重和软体重的直接作用最大。2个形态比例参数(壳宽/壳长和壳高/壳长)最大值出现在山东莱州群体(0.49和0.74),而最小值出现在大连东港群体(0.42和0.67)。壳厚的变异系数最大(22.74),而壳高的变异系数最小(9.47)。通过检验偏回归系数的显著性,建立了各群体形态性状对软体重的最优回归方程。聚类分析表明,菲律宾蛤仔不同群体未出现明显的地域分布特征,而呈现出不规律的南北交替聚类现象。本研究查明了不同地理群体菲律宾蛤仔壳形态性状对体重性状的影响,为菲律宾蛤仔地理群体的形态判别、种质资源分析和遗传育种研究等提供了重要科学依据。  相似文献   

深凹壳型香港牡蛎选育群体生长性状的遗传参数估计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了培育壳型和生长性状优良的深凹壳型香港牡蛎新品系,以广东台山镇海湾野生香港牡蛎天然采苗的2龄养殖群体为基础群体,以壳型指数D为指标,按照10%留种率和1.755选择强度,利用截头法进行深凹壳型香港牡蛎的群体选育;分析了幼虫期、中间培养期、养成后期的选择反应、遗传获得和现实遗传力等遗传参数。结果发现,选择组的壳高和壳型指数D均大于对照组,遗传参数估算值随着个体的增大而增加。幼虫期,壳高的平均选择反应、平均遗传获得、平均现实遗传力分别为0.363±0.167、1.678%±0.416%、0.207±0.095,中间培养期分别0.639±0.115、7.618%±2.666%、0.364±0.065,养成后期分别为0.668±0.179、8.861%±3.072%、0.381±0.102。养成后期,壳型指数D的平均选择反应、平均遗传获得、平均现实遗传力分别为0.748±0.066、9.090%±0.565%、0.426±0.038。研究结果为培育深凹壳型、生长性能良好的香港牡蛎优良品种提供了实验依据和理论基础。  相似文献   

Shell strength development of the scallop Pecten maximus collected from wild stocks and from suspended cultures was described over the culture period when most of the growth takes place (20–110 mm shell height). Shell strength, shell height and shell thickness were determined in scallops of age groups 2–5 years. Wild and cultured scallops showed a strong divergence in shell strength development in scallops older than age group 3, which was not reflected in the concurrent development of shell height and thickness, indicating that factors other than shell height and shell thickness explain the differences in observed shell strength. In wild scallops, shell height, shell thickness and age accounted for about 65% of the variation in shell strength, while the same variables accounted for about 30% in cultured scallops. Wild scallops had stronger shells than the cultured scallops of the same size (53–68 mm shell height) grown at the same site, suggesting that factors related to suspended culture could explain the weak shells in cultured scallops. The results indicate that conditions related to suspended culture can have a negative impact on shell strength development in P. maximus. As the shell is the primary protection against decapod predation in scallops, a better understanding of what affects the shell strength is of importance for the development of release strategies in bottom culture of P. maximus.  相似文献   

Taxonomy of the pen shell (genus Atrina) in East Asia has been confused because of the plasticity of the shell morphology and lack of unified morphological characteristics. We analyzed the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) sequence of the pen shell sampled from Ariake Bay and Seto Inland Sea, western Japan. All individuals were identified as the scaly form based on external morphology; however, their COI sequences were comprised of two distinct lineages. The sequence divergence between the two was 8.3%, indicating the high possibility that they are different species. The scaly form of the pen shell in Japan is one of the target species for resource enhancement, therefore COI lineage identification of broodstock individuals is critically important to avoid producing hybrid seed. We developed a loop-mediated isothermal amplification method that enables specific detection of the two lineages. This method can contribute to reducing the cost and time required for genotyping broodstock individuals prior to seed production.  相似文献   

珍珠蚌5个群体不同阶段生长性能及外部形态变异分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用温室大棚早繁技术,获得三角帆蚌(Hyriopsis cumingii)选育群体、武义养殖群体、鄱阳湖、洞庭湖野生群体,池蝶蚌(Hyriopsis schlegelii)养殖群体的子代,对1龄和2龄蚌的生长性能进行分析,并利用三种多元统计分析方法对1龄蚌外部形态变异进行了研究。结果显示:珍珠蚌5个群体的养殖性能由高到低为:池蝶蚌群体选育群体鄱阳湖群体洞庭湖群体养殖群体。生长指标之间存在显著相关性,与体质量相关程度由大到小为:壳长、壳宽和壳高。1龄时,影响珍珠蚌体质量的生长指标主要为壳长,2龄时,为壳长和壳宽。珍珠蚌生长后期壳宽对体重的影响比重加大,壳高与体重的相关性降低。三种多元分析结果显示,1龄时,池蝶蚌群体与鄱阳湖群体、洞庭湖群体以及养殖群体的外部形态存在较大的相似性,综合判别率较低,选育群体外部形态较前四者存在明显差异。  相似文献   

运用色差仪获得了两个三角帆蚌(Hyriopsis cumingii)选育品系珍珠层颜色与外壳色的颜色参数L、a和b值,对各颜色参数进行了相关分析和回归分析,探索珍珠层颜色与外壳色之间的相关性。结果显示"紫皇后"珍珠层颜色与外壳后部颜色具有相关性,它们的L、a和b值均显著相关,相关系数分别为-0.456、0.371和-0.426,建立了"紫皇后"珍珠层对外壳后部各颜色参数的回归方程为L:y=80.49-0.53x(R~2=0.208),a:y=3.60+0.21x(R~2=0.137),b:y=4.69-0.35x(R~2=0.181);"白贵妃"珍珠层颜色与外壳后部颜色的L、a和b值显著或极显著相关,相关系数分别为-0.444、0.477和-0.390,表明"白贵妃"珍珠层颜色与外壳后部颜色显著相关,建立珍珠层对外壳后部各颜色参数的回归方程分别为L:y=87.36-0.21x(R~2=0.197),a:y=-1.77+0.23x(R~2=0.228),b:y=2.10-0.22x(R~2=0.152)。通过逐步判别分析获得了外壳色的2个参数(b和a),并构建了区分2个选育品系的判别函数:"紫皇后"的判别公式为YQ=1.786X1-0.384X2-4.440,"白贵妃"的判别公式为YW=0.321 X1+0.600 X2-4.763,综合判别率达90.0%。显示2个选育品系的外壳色差异非常明显,可通过判别分析进行可靠的区分。结果表明,对三角帆蚌外壳色的量化分析,可以对内部的珍珠层颜色进行可靠区分并进行量化推断。  相似文献   

The basket cockle, Clinocardium nuttallii, is a candidate species for aquaculture in British Columbia, Canada. Previous research on broodstock conditioning, embryonic development and larval rearing of C. nuttallii demonstrated the potential for reliable hatchery production of cockle seed. In this paper, we investigated the effects of culture density (50% and 150% bottom cover in a monolayer) and substratum (none and fine sand) on cockle seed survival, growth, behaviour and shell morphology to improve the efficiency of the nursery production phase. Low stocking density (50% cover) yielded a shell length increase from 3 to 7 mm over a 4‐week period. High stocking density (150% cover) negatively impacted some of the growth and condition parameters studied, but did not have a statistically significant effect on seed survival. Growing seed without substratum did not significantly affect seed survival or growth, but led to shell deformities (at shell length >15 mm) and lower burrowing rates when cockles were subsequently placed on sand. We recommend planting seed for grow‐out at a shell length not exceeding 15 mm. Acclimating seed to the substratum before planting may increase the burrowing rates, thereby reducing the risks of seed dislocation and mortality. Additional studies are required to determine optimal substratum acclimation times and techniques.  相似文献   

Through physical manipulation, oyster growers can modify the morphological features of young oysters in order to improve their robustness and resiliency to predation. In this study, the efficacy of a novel passive culturing technique using floating buckets that “bounce” oysters prior to the benthic grow-out phase for enhancing shell thickness and strength, while not compromising oyster shape, was investigated. Using a field experiment, we quantified and compared the shell thickness (mm), compressive strength (Newtons), and shape (fan ratios and cup ratios) of juvenile oysters subjected to this bouncing technique with oysters grown in floating bags, the current industry standard. Results indicated that bouncing increased shell thickness and strength for oysters >45 mm shell height compared to control oysters, but also decreased shell thickness and strength for oysters <45 mm shell height compared to control oysters. There was no difference in shell shape between bounced and control oysters, with both groups having similar fan and cup ratios. Ultimately, our results suggest that the size at which bounced oysters are released to the benthos for grow out will dictate the usefulness of bouncing technique for reducing predation-related mortality.  相似文献   

The knowledge of physical properties of food products is of fundamental importance for efficient design, dimensioning, manufacturing and operation of different mechanical equipment used in the processing of these products. Clams of different sizes are utilized during processing, thus, all the sizes must be given adequate consideration for efficient processing. This study was conducted to investigate the size-based physical properties of hard-shell clam (Mercenaria mercenaria) shell relevant to the design of mechanical processing equipment. The sizes of the clam shells were identified and categorized as small, medium and large; and its effect on the physical properties were studied. The parameters investigated were length, width, thickness, arithmetic and geometric diameters, surface area, sphericity, aspect ratio, moisture content, bulk and true densities, porosity, clam shell weight, coefficient of static friction and angle of repose. Increase in the length and width of clam shells increased the arithmetic and geometric diameters, and the surface area, but decreased the sphericity and aspect ratio. Moisture content, bulk and true densities, porosity and clam shell weight increased with increase clam shell size. Coefficient of static friction of clam shell was highest on rubber surface and lowest on glass surface, and was positively correlated with size; while angle of repose decreased with size. There was an excellent agreement between the prediction of the normal distribution and the actual distribution of the clam shell sizes. All the parameters were significantly different with respect to clam shell size at p < 0.05, which makes a strong case for the consideration of clam shell size during processing.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   A new protein named MSP-SC (matrix shell protein from scallop) with a molecular weight of 14 kDa was isolated from the shell of a scallop, Patinopecten yessoensis , using gel filtration column chromatography, ion exchange column chromatography, and reverse phase C4 column chromatography. A comparison of the known protein sequences with the N-terminal sequence of MSP-SC showed that the protein sequence of MSP-SC was novel. Immunohistochemistry using a polyclonal antibody against MSP-SC showed that MSP-SC is expressed in the mantle pallial cell layer but not in the muscle tissue, and showed a punctate distribution along the horizontal calcified layer in the shell. The isolated MSP-SC inhibited the formation of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) crystals in a dose-dependent manner. The CaCO3 crystals grown in the presence of a lower concentration of MSP-SC were much larger and aggregated when compared with those formed in the absence of MSP-SC. In addition, the crystal had a radial and not cubical morphology. These results suggest that MSP-SC regulates the formation and the morphology of CaCO3 crystals in the shell. Moreover, its ability to aggregate CaCO3 crystals and its localization along the horizontal calcified layer in the shell suggest that MSP-SC may serve to connect the CaCO3 layers in the scallop shell.  相似文献   

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