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水产品活运原理与方法   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
吉宏武 《齐鲁渔业》2003,20(9):28-31
综述了国内外水产品保活运输的研究进展和影响水产品保活运输存活率的五大因素(水产品种类与体质、氧气供给量和消耗量、温度、水质环境和水产品的应激性),介绍了运用麻醉、生态冰温、常规降温和模拟冬眠等方法进行水产品保活运输的原理,同时对水产品保活运输方法的发展趋势也进行了预测。  相似文献   

鱼类保活运输技术研究现状及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
安全高效的保活运输是保持鱼类鲜度的有效方式,既能满足消费者的需求,又可以提高企业的经济效益。介绍了有水运输和无水运输两种鱼类保活运输的技术方法,并对两种方法的优劣点进行了比较;阐述了鱼体体质、温度、水质(pH、溶氧、氨氮和代谢废物浓度)以及其他因素对鱼类运输存活率的影响;最后提出了现阶段鱼类保活运输存在的一些问题和应对措施,并对其发展前景进行了展望。根据对现有文献资料进行的分析,认为利用生态冰温法辅以二氧化碳作为麻醉剂进行无水运输将是今后鱼类保活运输研究和应用的重点。此外,开发无氧保活运输方法及相应的高效运输装备也应重点关注。这些都将有助于实现我国渔业现代化的更快发展。  相似文献   

高值贝类保活运输车与鲍鱼应用效果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对当前市场对高值贝类保活运输的需求,研制了现代化的高值贝类保活运输车,可实现保活运输过程中对水温、溶氧和水质等关键存活参数的控制需求,保证优良的保活运输效果。高值贝类保活运输车采用冷却海水喷淋的保活方式,海水采用梯度降温模式,该保活运输车具有制冷、循环水喷淋、增氧、杀菌和水质净化等功能。结合保活运输车相关参数,综合评价了其保活环境控制性能,包括喷淋海水的温度、溶氧浓度及海水流率控制等。利用高值贝类保活运输车开展了保活运输鲍鱼的试验,并与传统的保活运输车进行了存活率和经济性能比较。试验结果表明,高值贝类保活运输车相比传统保活运输车,保活运输7 d,鲍鱼的平均存活率为96.57%,提高了0.76%;宁德往返大连运输120 t鲍鱼的年总费用降低了23.07%,具有较好的经济效益。  相似文献   

2010年12月30日,福建省水产研究所承担的省科技重点项目"名贵海水鱼高密度远距离保活运输技术研究"(编号:2007N0016)通过福建省科技厅组织的验收。该项目开展了名贵海水活鱼保活技术的相关研究,如水温、水质及运输密度等因素对存活率的影响,为海水活鱼的大运量高密度远距离保活运输提供了可靠的理论依据。  相似文献   

<正>低温保活运输是根据水产动物生态冰温,采用控温方式,降低新陈代谢,使其处于半休眠或者完全休眠状态,以减少机械损伤、延长存活时间的方法。分为带水低温保活运输和无水低温保活运输,其中后者摒弃了传统的带水运输,降低了运输器具的体积和重量,同时也降低了运输成本,可方便地进行车辆和航空运输。目前,有一些研究者已经对不同种类的虾在低温无水运输方面做了不同程度的研究,并取得一定的成绩,但对青虾进行无水低温保活的研究还未见报道。孙宁用海绵和木屑作为填充物,对罗氏沼虾进行无水  相似文献   

长期以来,如何使水产品“冻品保鲜、鲜品保活”,一直是困扰水产品经营者门的老大难问题。别的不提,单是运输过程中水产品的保鲜保活就是一大问题。下面笔者就几种常见水产品运输过程中的保活问题谈谈自己的几点看法和建议。  相似文献   

日本对虾活体干法运输技术研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
齐静涛 《齐鲁渔业》1996,13(5):47-48
介绍了日本对虾无水保活运输的捕捞、暂养、包装、贮放、运输等技术。  相似文献   

正保活运输是保持水产品最佳鲜度,满足消费者对水产品高品质追求的最有效方式。近年来,诸多学者对水产品保活的运输方式、保活温度、时间、密度、供氧方式等主要因素进行了研究,而对保活过程中氨氮的来源及对保活效果的影响研究较少。本项目组经过反复多次试验,发现氨氮是罗非鱼保活过程中的重要指标之一,水体中氨氮含量过高,将直接导致保活过程中罗非鱼死亡,然而其来源并非与养殖中氨氮来源一致。本文以罗非鱼为对象,研究保活过程中氨氮对罗非鱼保活  相似文献   

第四章 鱼类、两栖类水生动物在进行保活运输前后的必要准备工作  相似文献   

水产品活体流通保活设备的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
研制具有自动控温、高效增氧、生物净化、双路循环等功能的水产品活体流通保活设备,并用于鱼类活体运输。模拟运输实验结果表明,活体流通设备能够提供水产品活体适宜的低代谢生存环境,溶氧充足,金鱼保活时间168 h,存活率达98%。72 h内NH4-N与NO2-N含量的降低率分别达43.7%与30.8%。  相似文献   

鲻鱼亲鱼活体运输试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文比较了运输鲻鱼亲鱼的几种方法。试验结果表明,用活鱼运输车进行循环洒水运输,运输量大,操作简单,运输效果最好,是较为实用的一种方法。  相似文献   

目前市场上应用的活鱼运输装置大都采用人工控制或单片机控制系统,自动化水平低或抗干扰性差,不能满足长途运输的要求。为了提高低温活鱼运输箱系统的自动化水平,改善活鱼运输条件,提高活鱼运输的存活率,采用PLC为核心控制器,触摸屏为人机界面,通过对系统的硬件和软件进行设计,实现了设备的启停控制,运用PID控制算法和脉冲定时器建立的PPI通信网络,实现了温度、pH值和DO的自动采集与控制。系统温度、pH值和DO控制范围分别为3-35℃、8-13 mg/L和6.5-8.0,箱体内水温分布均匀,升温和降温速率平缓。试验结果表明,空载时,箱体内水体温度分布偏差为1℃,温度上升和下降速率分别为2.5、2.3℃/h;按鱼水质量比1:2运输,水温控制在6.7-7.3℃、DO在8.9-12.8 mg/L,pH在6.5-7.5的水体条件下,运输时间约为72 h时,武昌鱼的存活率达到96.7%。系统性能稳定、可靠性高、人机界面友好、使用灵活,能适应不同地区和不同鱼种的运输要求。  相似文献   

随着市场对鲜活鱼贝类需求的加剧,保活运输技术的研究成为热点。低温可使鱼贝类呼吸减弱、新陈代谢降低,进入"冬眠"状态,便于无水保活运输。鱼贝类生态冰温无水活运的关键工艺包括生态冰温的确定、梯度降温、贮运环境、唤醒。本文主要介绍了生态冰温原理、技术特点以及一些关键工艺方法,分析了鱼贝类生态冰温无水活运过程中需要注意的技术点,如鱼贝类品类、运输装备及运输途中各环节的有机衔接等,并对已有生态冰温无水活运技术进行了总结,指出该技术未来研究趋势及方向,为优化、完善鱼贝类生态冰温无水活运体系研究提供参考。  相似文献   


Eleven commercial processing lines for the slaughter of Atlantic salmon were evaluated to investigate the efficiency of the refrigerated seawater live chilling method with respect to stunning fish and reducing body temperature. The method is commonly used in the Norwegian salmon industry to both stun and chill fish before killing. Carbon dioxide gas was added to the live chilling tanks, or in some cases, to a subsequent carbon dioxide stunning tank. Criteria used for evaluation were water quality parameters (dissolved oxygen, carbon dioxide, pH, temperature, total ammonium, ammonia, alkalinity, color, total organic carbon, and ferric ion), fish behavior, white muscle pH, and body and core temperatures. At two processing plants, fillet quality (Roche color, texture, ultimate pH, and water content) was also determined. The results are discussed in terms of fish acclimation temperatures, water quality, welfare, handling stress, chilling efficiency, pre-live chilling factors, refrigerated seawater live chilling process parameters, and fillet quality. Even though the live chilling method can be used to minimize fish handling stress during slaughter and may serve as an efficient chilling method, it was found in most cases that under commercial conditions when large biomasses were slaughtered, both handling stress and chilling efficiency were less than optimal. However, no adverse effects on the fillet texture and color were observed as a result of fish processing.  相似文献   

Optimal transport conditions for the live black rockfish and changes in their characteristics during long-distance transport were investigated. Oxygen consumption by black rockfish was lowest at 4°C and increased as the water temperature increased up to a maximum at 10°C. At a water temperature of 8°C and 10°C, the plasma glucose concentration of the fish was 36.2 and 38.2 mg/dL, respectively. The mean weight of the fish reduced to approximately 2.8% of initial weight after 16 days of storage at 8°C. The fish did not feed, and the survival rate of fish stored for 16 days at 8°C was 98.4%. The longer the live fish were stored in the container, the quicker the onset of rigor mortis after the slaughter was reached. Compared with fillets from control fish, the chewiness of fillets was somewhat lower (17.3%) after storage of fish for 16 days, but the softness of the fillets was slightly higher (21.6%). From these results, it was suggested that the optimum temperature for long-distance transport of the live fish was 8°C and that the long transport period of live fishes decreased their fillet quality more rapidly after fish death.  相似文献   

Waterless live fish transportation is an alternative and promising transport strategy, which may reduce shipping costs, increase stocking density and improve survival of some species. Spotted sea bass is one of the most economically important marine fish in China. However, waterless transportation has not yet been studied on spotted sea bass. To explore the possibility of waterless transportation of spotted sea bass and its sublethal stress responses, the survival rate and dynamics of blood biochemical parameters were evaluated in the present study by preserving it under no water, less water and water (control) conditions for 9 hr. The serum biochemical parameters including total protein, cortisol, glucose, lactate, alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), total carbon dioxide (TCO2), creatinine, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), ammonia, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and malonaldehyde (MDA) were investigated. Results showed that the survival rates of fish in all groups gradually declined with time increasing. At the end of transportation, the survival rates in the control group, less‐water group and no‐water group decreased to 49.11%, 15.60% and 23.96% respectively. Significant changes were observed in several selected serum biochemical parameters, including glucose, lactate, ALT, TCO2, BUN and ammonia during simulated waterless transportation, which might negatively affect the physiological homeostasis of fish, leading to the high mortality in present study. In general, waterless transportation of spotted sea bass was possible, but it might be rather suitable for short time than long time.  相似文献   

邓希海 《齐鲁渔业》2008,25(8):35-38
换水换气式充氧密封鱼苗运输装置是直接在塑料袋运输活鱼基础上改装而成,它能在不松开塑料袋的条件下,轻松快速地进行换水换气。通过以鳙鱼苗为试验对象,选用换水量、换气量、换水间隔期和换气间隔期四因素模拟运输进行了该装置的九组正交试验,得出了四因素最经济可行的组合是换水量为60%,换水间隔期为16小时,换气量为50%,换气间隔期为8小时。正交试验中存活时间最长为55小时(空白试验为26小时),换水量是最主要的影响因素,只换水比只换气更利于延长活鱼运输时间。  相似文献   

Abstract  The factors influencing fish catches on Kenya's coral reefs were studied. Catch data were collected at the species level by counting the number of fish landed at each landing site of each fishing ground. Live coral cover, topographic complexity, fish and sea urchin density, and the number of fishers and gear units used in each fishing ground were compared with catch data. Fishing grounds included one location where only basket traps were allowed, six locations where all gear types were used except beach seines, and three locations where all types of gear, including beach seines, were used. Catch and effort variables were similar across the fishing grounds whereas live coral cover and sea urchin density differed ( P  < 0.01). The sites fished by all types of gear including beach seines had the lowest coral cover (8.4 ± 0.9%) and topographic complexity (1.12 ± 0.01). Catch levels were positively correlated with the number of fishers and fish density but not with the number of gear units deployed or sea urchin density. The number of fishers and live coral cover were the strongest factors determining total catch levels. The results suggest that high levels of fishing effort coupled with the use of destructive gear types, exacerbate the effects of overfishing on Kenya's reefs.  相似文献   

以AT89C51单片机为核心设计了一套适用于活鱼运输装置的自动监控系统,本文描述该系统的工作原理和系统的软硬件设计,实验结果表明,该系统设计方案合理,应用于活鱼运输具有较高的性价比,且结构简单、性能可靠、实用性强等特点。  相似文献   

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