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香蕉副产物是收获新鲜果实后残留的茎叶和果皮等,其营养价值丰富。由于缺乏深入的研究,每年产生的近百万吨的香蕉副产物一直没有被很好地开发与利用,造成极大的资源浪费。将香蕉副产物饲料化,不仅可以解决资源浪费,减少环境污染,同时还能缓解人畜争粮的矛盾。本文主要对香蕉副产物的生产现状、营养价值以及香蕉资源在反刍动物生产中的利用前景进行论述,旨在为今后香蕉茎叶及其果皮在反刍动物生产中的合理应用提供参考。  相似文献   

我国是香蕉生产大国,香蕉茎叶是生产香蕉的副产物,一直未得到很好的利用。本文综述了我国香蕉茎叶的产量、产地、营养价值、国内外对香蕉茎叶资源在动物饲料中应用的研究状况,并论述了香蕉茎叶作为动物饲料的限制因素和分析了其饲料化进程中存在的问题与对策,为今后的研究工作提供参考。  相似文献   

香蕉副产物丰富的资源量,是一种非常规新型青贮饲料资源,对其研发利用可大大促进反刍动物的养殖规模,建立"南方牧场"有着重要的作用意义。作为一种非常规饲料开发利用,除了在青贮加工中要注重保持其营养成分,降低抗营养物质外,根据饲料营养特性形成与之配套的饲喂技术,降低养殖成本提高动物养殖经济效益,才能显现出非常规饲料开发的优势。为能够全面掌握香蕉副产物青贮饲料饲喂应用技术,开展了为期2年的香蕉副产物青贮饲料对不同品种和不同日龄的肉牛饲喂试验,旨在为完善香蕉副产物饲料化利用技术提供依据。结果表明:牛只采食量正常,健康状况良好;与牛只体重1%的能量型精料补充料配合饲喂对肉牛日增重效果明显,不同肉牛品种和牛龄间饲喂增重效果有一定差异,对安格斯牛、西门塔尔牛等杂交牛品种增重效果明显,日增重可达1.02kg/·d头以上,对云南本地黄牛日增重效果稍慢,日增重为0.48kg/d·头以上;对14月龄体重约250kg以上牛增重效果明显,日增重可达1.02kg/头·d以上。  相似文献   

我国反刍动物养殖近些年发展迅速,然而由于饲料资源短缺及饲料价格上涨在很大程度上降低了生产效益。因此,研究人员在非常规饲料资源开发与利用方面进行了大量研究,以缓解饲料资源短缺和饲料原料价格上涨。木薯副产物茎叶和加工后剩余的木薯渣营养成分丰富,可作为优质的粗饲料用于反刍动物生产。文章综述了近些年国内外关于木薯副产物的饲料化利用策略及其在反刍动物生产中的应用研究进展,以期为今后在反刍动物生产中的进一步推广应用木薯副产物提供参考。  相似文献   

本文概述了茶叶及其加工副产物在猪饲料化利用方面的国内外研究进展,具体阐述了茶叶、茶渣、茶叶提取物以及发酵茶叶在猪饲粮中的应用效果。茶叶及其加工副产物是理想的猪饲料添加剂,是对茶资源的充分综合利用,其饲料化应用前景广阔。  相似文献   

海参是我国传统药食两用的滋补佳品,具有高蛋白、低脂肪的特点,其富含的活性物质还具有良好的抗氧化、抗菌和抗肿瘤等多种生物学特性及药理作用。由于海参的主要食用部位为海参体壁,导致海参加工过程中产生海参肠、海参性腺等大量的副产物。除含有与体壁相似的成分外,海参副产物还富含海参多糖、海参皂苷、活性肽、各种活性酶类等多种物质,是天然动物饲料添加剂的潜在来源。但目前由于对海参副产物价值的忽视及饲料化工艺的落后,海参副产物大多被丢弃,造成严重的资源浪费及环境污染。本文主要综述了海参副产物的营养特性、饲料化利用技术、在畜禽生产中的应用前景,旨在为海参副产物的饲料化利用提供参考。  相似文献   

浙江省水热条件优越,农业基础好,各种经济作物种植广泛,每年可产出大量的秸秆、茎叶副产物。饲料化利用经济作物副产物资源,发展草食畜牧业,对保护生态环境,促进农业经济可持续发展具有重要意义。因此,笔者查阅相关资料并开展调研、采样及养分测定,以摸清省内经济作物副产物产量及利用前景。  相似文献   

我国大宗非粮型饲料蛋白资源现状及高效利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,饲用蛋白质资源短缺与资源综合利用率偏低等因素成为制约我国饲料和畜牧业健康发展的瓶颈。因此,高效开发或利用大宗非粮型饲用蛋白资源显得尤为重要。文章对目前我国的非粮型蛋白资源与加工现状进行总结,介绍资源与农副产物高值化的新技术,并对大宗非粮型饲料蛋白资源高效利用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

桑枝是蚕桑产业最大宗的副产物之一,具有作为新饲料资源开发利用的潜力.本文综述目前桑枝饲料的主要种类及其生产工艺,着重介绍了精加工桑枝饲料发酵制作工艺中的菌种选择和配比以及发酵条件等;在总结当前桑枝饲料研发状况的基础上,进一步展望桑枝饲料发展方向和提出亟需解决的行业规范化问题,旨在为推动桑枝的饲料化利用提供参考.  相似文献   

在世界各地存在着大量的香蕉作物副产物,通常人们认为,使用香蕉副产物饲喂集约化饲养的家畜,有一定的局限性。然而,在欧洲已经证明,香蕉废弃物可以在配合饲  相似文献   

1. Two experiments were conducted to determine the effects of level of inclusion of poultry by-product and enzyme-prebiotic supplementation on grower diet digestibility and the performance of broilers. 2. Six grower diets were formulated to provide a similar nutrient profile with the exception of using three graded levels of poultry by-product, namely 0, 25, 40 g/kg of the diet with and without supplementation of enzyme preparation at the rate of 1 kg per tonne of feed and prebiotic preparation at the rate of 2 kg per tonne of feed. The experimental diets were used from 3 to 6 weeks of age. 3. Body weights, feed intake and feed conversion efficiency were not affected by poultry by-product; however, enzyme-prebiotic had a significant positive effect on feed conversion efficiency at 0 to 6 weeks in experiment 1. 4. Crude protein digestibility was decreased by feeding the diet containing poultry by-product while ether extract digestibility was increased by poultry by-product at the rate of 25 g per kg of feed only. Dry matter retention, crude fibre digestibility and organic matter retention were not affected by poultry by-product. Dry matter and organic matter retentions, crude protein, ether extract and crude fibre digestibilities were not affected by enzyme-prebiotic. 5. Protein efficiency ratio (PER) values were increased by poultry by-product at the rate of 40 g per kg of feed and addition of enzyme-prebiotic.  相似文献   

香蕉茎叶营养价值评定及贮存技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]本研究旨在对香蕉茎叶进行营养成分和有毒有害物质分析,以及规模化生产的加工贮存技术研究,为香蕉茎叶的饲料开发利用提供理论指导依据。[方法]通过香蕉茎叶不同处理青贮的营养成分分析、安全性评价,以及肉牛育肥试验,探索香蕉茎叶加工调制贮存和饲喂技术。[结果]表明:新鲜香蕉茎叶DM、CP、EE、CF、NDF、ADL、NFE、Ca、P和Ash含量分别为8.69%、7.605%、1.00%、25.45%、52.28%、37.57%、32.33%、1.43%、0.2%和11.29%;不同处理香蕉茎叶青贮品质皆较好;单宁含量随着青贮时间呈递减趋势,亚硝酸盐含量随青贮时间有增加趋势,但增加幅度较小,其含量值低于国家食品中亚硝酸盐允许标准,总体来说饲用是安全的;不同处理饲喂肉牛适口性好,增重显著。[结论]香蕉茎叶青贮饲养肉牛无毒副作用,适口性好,牛只增重明显,且加工和贮存技术难度不大,易于推广和产业化开发利用。  相似文献   

This study identified the indigenous criteria used by livestock farmers in urban and peri-urban areas of Kampala to assess the nutritional quality of available feed resources. Focus group discussions and questionnaire interviews (with a total of 120 livestock farming households) were conducted. The findings showed that banana peels, leftover food and own-mixed feeds were the most commonly used feed resources for cattle, pigs and chickens, respectively. Farmers use several indigenous criteria to judge the nutritional quality of the available feed resources. These included perceived effects on disease resistance, feed intake, growth/body condition, hair coat appearance, faecal output, faecal texture and level of production, among others. According to farmers, animals offered with a feed resource of good nutritional quality are more resistant to diseases, ingest much of the feed, gain weight with well-filled bodies, have smooth hair coats, produce large quantities of faeces that are not too firm or watery and exhibit good performance (lactating cows produce more milk, sows produce piglets of good body size, hens lay more eggs of normal size, etc.). Although this indigenous knowledge exists, farmers put more importance on availability and cost as opposed to nutritional quality when choosing feed resources. This explains why banana peels were among the feed resources perceived to be of low nutritional quality but, at the same time, were found to be the most commonly used. Hence, there is a need to sensitise farmers on the importance of nutritional quality in ensuring better and efficient utilisation of the available feed resources.  相似文献   

利用微生物发酵马铃薯淀粉渣的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物技术的进步为马铃薯淀粉渣等食品工业加工副产品的有效利用提供了新的技术手段.马铃薯淀粉渣是马铃薯淀粉生产过程中产生的主要副产物,因其蛋白质含量较低,纤维素、半纤维素和果胶等含量高,所以作为动物饲料利用时营养价值较低.马铃薯淀粉渣来源丰富,可作为微生物发酵生产诸如酶、蛋白质饲料、有机酸以及膳食纤维等高附加值产品的理想基...  相似文献   

[目的]本研究旨在针对香蕉茎叶含水量高,不易青贮等特点,研究其加工方法及与稻草混合青贮的适宜比例,为香蕉茎叶开发利用提供实用技术和理论依据.[方法]通过香蕉茎叶与稻草切碎、不同比例混贮,以及肉牛饲喂效果试验,探索香蕉茎叶加工、贮存方法.[结果]结果表明:新鲜香蕉茎叶和干稻草切碎加工难度不大,用一般中型青贮铡草机即可;香蕉茎叶与稻草混合青贮,按物料重计,最适混贮比例为70%香蕉茎叶,30%稻草;混贮后适口性好,牛只增重明显.[结论]香蕉茎叶与稻草混贮加工制作方法简便易行,适合产业化开发利用.  相似文献   

Citrus pulp is classified as an energy concentrate by-product feed. Citrus by-products fed to beef cattle include citrus molasses, citrus meal, wet citrus pulp, dried citrus pulp, and pelleted citrus pulp; however, in current production systems, pulp (wet, dry, and pelleted) is the only by-product commonly used. Citrus pulp production in the United States is limited to specific subtropical regions, of which south central Florida remains the largest with additional production in California and Texas.  相似文献   

玉米酒精糟是酒精厂生产酒精时的副产品,属于蛋白质饲料。目前大多是烘干后利用,不但能耗巨大,同时营养价值也降低许多。在美国,大约60%的玉米酒精糟是干态的DDGS,主要用于国内消费及出口;其他40%是湿态玉米酒精糟,主要在酒精厂附近地区用作草食家畜的饲料。我国生产和消费的玉米酒精糟绝大多数是干态的玉米酒精糟,湿态玉米酒精糟的市场潜力巨大。阐述干态和湿态玉米酒精糟的生产工艺、营养成分、饲喂价值及用途.并分析了湿态玉米酒精糟的利用现状及前景。  相似文献   

在育肥猪的生长过程中添加香蕉茎秆渣青贮饲料,并进行饲喂比对。结果发现,育肥猪生长状况良好,无异常反应;添加香蕉茎秆渣青贮饲料的试验组育肥猪的增重明显低于对照组,但其料肉比降低了4.73%,有效地减少了混合饲料的消耗量;经过初步核算,按照每头育肥猪每天0.50kg香蕉茎秆渣青贮饲料的添加量,每千克增重可节约精饲料成本约0.45元。  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the substitution of imported corn and soybean by local feed resources from tropical production settings such as entire green banana and Gliricidia sepium forage as energy and protein sources, respectively, in sheep diets. Two experiments were conducted: first, a ‘growth trial’ and second, an in vivo digestion study. In the ‘growth trial’, 40 Martinik lambs [body weight (BW): 29.4 ± 3.6 kg; 6 months old) were used and distributed into four groups of 10 lambs each according to treatment: HBGl (banana + gliricidia at low level; 1500 g/day; 119 g/kg BW0.75), HBGh (banana + gliricidia at high level; 3000 g/day; 238 g/kg BW0.75), HBS (banana + soybean cake) and Control (corn + soybean cake). In digestion trial, four Martinik rams (BW: 57.2 ± 3.45 kg) fitted with ruminal and duodenal cannulae were used; treatments (HBG, HBS and Control) were similar but adjusted to metabolic body weight (MW) and just one level of gliricidia was used. Intake, average daily gain (ADG), feed intake to gain index (F:G), apparent total and ruminal digestibilities as well as nitrogen balance, microbial efficiency and volatile fatty acid (VFA) profile were monitored. Lambs fed HBGh had greater dry matter (DM) intake based on MW and ADG (173 g/day vs. 141 g/day; p < 0.001), whereas HBGl lambs showed the lowest ADG (71.5 g/day) and the worst F:G (14.4; p < 0.001). The DM, organic matter (OM), neutral detergent fibre and acid detergent fibre digestibilities were not influenced by treatment, whereas crude protein digestibility was higher (p = 0.024) in diets offered banana or corn + soybean cake (687 g/kg DM and 658 g/kg DM, respectively). Ruminal DM and OM digestibilities did not differ among treatments. Total or individual VFA concentrations were also not influenced by the diet. Higher (p = 0.006) ruminal fluid pH values were recorded for diets combining banana and gliricidia (6.54) or banana and soybean (6.39) until 3 h after a meal. As all animals on gliricidia‐ and banana‐supplemented diets gained weight and maintained a positive N balance, it is concluded that green banana and gliricidia forage may be a viable alternative to replace conventional energy and protein supplements in sheep diets.  相似文献   

Camelina sativa is one of various oilseed crops being studied for its potential value in biofuel production. The resultant by-product of oil extraction, camelina meal (CM), could be marketable as a livestock feed. Our study evaluated the potential use of CM as a feed ingredient in turkey poult starter diets. This was a pilot study to determine whether further work investigating inclusion of CM as a potential feed ingredient in turkey diets might be of value if a least-cost formulation warranted its integration. Results indicate that CM may be a potentially useful minor ingredient in turkey diets if economically feasible, but caution should be exercised in using CM above 5% of finished feed in a poult starter diet. In an appended test, similar weight gain and feed conversion were attained with a diet containing camelina oil as a replacement for vegetable oil compared with the control diet.  相似文献   

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