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Recurrent laryngeal neuropathy (RLN) has been recognised for two centuries in horses. Surveys undertaken in Europe and the United States have reported that prosthetic laryngoplasty is the most common treatment for RLN, particularly for advanced cases. Despite widespread adoption of this surgical technique for treatment of RLN, reported success rates still vary widely, particularly in horses used for high intensity exercise where outcomes are often considered moderate, at best. Studies evaluating the outcome of the procedure are complicated by the use of variable criteria for measuring success, various modifications in the procedure, differing athletic demands in horses used in different equine disciplines and horses lost to follow‐up. Furthermore, post operative complications appear to be common, in particular, the effects of the surgery on airway dynamics which are not completely understood. Proposed modifications to the technique may provide a means of improving success rates; however, standardised objective measurements taken before and after surgery are required to effectively evaluate the potential benefits and outcomes of the procedure.  相似文献   

We reviewed 14 cases of paecilomycosis in a tertiary care veterinary hospital and all reports of the disease in the veterinary literature. Paecilomycosis is a rare disease primarily of dogs, horses, reptiles, and humans. Clinical manifestations in veterinary patients vary but include disseminated disease and diskospondylitis, particularly in dogs: pneumonia in dogs, horses, and reptiles; keratitis in horses; and miscellaneous local infections. It is important to have an appropriate index of suspicion because the diagnosis can be difficult, particularly in localized disease where it is difficult to determine whether a positive culture represents an etiology or a contamination with an environmental saprophyte. Spinal radiographs, transtracheal washes, histopathology, and fungal culture have proven to be valuable diagnostic tools. The prognosis for paecilomycosis is poor, although some treatment success has been reported, and success rates could improve if additional information were available regarding fungal species occurring in veterinary patients and drugs to which these fungi are susceptible.  相似文献   

Controversy surrounds treatment of disc-associated 'wobbler' syndrome in the dog, centring on the choice of method of surgical decompression used. In this review, details of previously published case series are summarised and critically examined in an attempt to compare success rates and complications of different types of surgery. Unequivocally accurate comparisons were difficult because of differences in methods of case recording between series. Short-term success rates were high (approximately 80 per cent), but there was a high rate of recurrence (around 20 per cent) after any surgical treatment, suggesting the possibility that the syndrome should be considered a multifocal disease of the caudal cervical region. Statistical analysis revealed no significant differences in success rates between the various reported decompressive surgical techniques  相似文献   

Two decision analysis models were constructed to identify the cost-effectiveness of treatment and/or prevention regimens for ovine foot rot through a systematic evaluation approach of 2 consecutive phases. The first model evaluated the cost-effectiveness of examining the sheep for foot lesions and the use of 1 of 32 treatment regimens when lesions were present. The second model evaluated the 6 most cost-effective treatment regimens from the first model with or without a preventive measure (in this case, vaccination) to determine the most cost-effective approach to preventing/treating foot rot in a single year. Three prevalence levels of foot rot were used. In addition, 3 levels of reduced production attributable to foot rot were used. Threshold analysis, a form of sensitivity analysis, was used to evaluate allowable variations in the success rates and cost of treatments/prevention where the outcome of the models remains unchanged. Of the 32 treatment regimens tested in this model, the use of 10% zinc sulfate applied to the feet of sheep with foot rot was the most cost-effective regimen, regardless of the prevalence levels of the disease or its impact on productivity. In the second model, the use of vaccination with paring of the feet, as a preventive measure, followed by a treatment of the sheep that were still infected, was less cost-effective than to treat only the sheep with foot lesions and disregard prevention. This was true regardless of the prevalence levels of the disease or its impact on productivity.  相似文献   

There are numerous treatments for correction of dorsal displacement of the soft palate (DDSP). However, the efficacy of these treatments is controversial and there is little consensus on how best to treat this condition. The aims of this study were to systematically review the literature and to assess the evidence on the clinical effects of interventions for dynamic intermittent DDSP. A secondary objective was to assess whether factors relating to study quality affected reported success rates. Twenty-three studies were included, covering a wide number of interventions but also differing widely is terms of study design, sample size, method of diagnosis, outcome measure and the number lost to follow-up. The assessment of adverse effects was severely limited because of lack of reporting. The way in which success is measured appears to have a great effect on the reported results. Research synthesis has been severely limited because of the heterogeneity in the included studies. The low level of evidence makes it difficult to draw firm conclusions as to the efficacy of procedures for DDSP. Hence it is currently not possible to determine which procedure is the most appropriate. This systematic review highlights the difficulties of studying palatal dysfunction and suggests areas where improvements can be made in future studies.  相似文献   

Thirty-nine and 47 randomly selected Colorado cow-calf operations participated in the National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS) during rounds 2 (October 1986 to September 1987) and 3 (October 1987 to September 1988), respectively. Data on the incidence of disease conditions within each herd were collected by federal and state Veterinary Medical Officers and university veterinarians through monthly visits to the ranches. Annual disease incidence for disease classes and the most frequently reported individual disease conditions were determined and expressed on a per 100 cow basis. The mean annual disease incidences for all diseases in these herds were 48.8 and 47.7 new cases per 100 cows for rounds 2 and 3, respectively. The ranges for herd annual disease incidence were wide in both study years. The enteric disease class had the highest mean annual disease incidence in both years of the study, and this was primarily because of diarrhea of unknown cause in calves. Diarrhea of unknown cause accounted for approximately 25% of all new disease cases in both rounds of the study. The mean annual disease incidences were not different for any disease class between the two rounds. The data indicate that, on the average, diarrhea of unknown cause, pneumonia, dystocia, foot rot (interdigital necrobacillosis), pinkeye (infectious keratoconjunctivitis), respiratory tract infection, death of unknown cause, and nonpregnancy had the highest incidences in these Colorado beef herds during the study period. However, because of the wide variation of the predominant disease problems between herds, a herd's disease history as well as the common disease problems in the geographic area of a herd must be considered in designing a herd health program.  相似文献   

Associations between types of lameness and fertility   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Four hundred and twenty-seven cases of first-reported foot lameness were recorded in 17 dairy herds in Somerset during the winter housing period. Lameness was classified into three categories: sole ulceration, digital disease (white line abscess, foreign bodies in the sole and pricked or punctured sole), and interdigital disease (lesions of the skin between claws and heel including foul in the foot, interdigital fibroma and dermatitis). In addition, a 'clinical effect score' was calculated to take account of the severity of lameness, the structures involved and the time for which the cows were clinically affected. The fertility records of lame cows were compared with those of the healthy cows nearest in parity and stage of lactation. In the lame cows the interval from calving to first service was four days longer, and the interval from calving to conception was 14 days longer than in the control cows, the pregnancy rate to first service was 46 per cent (controls 56 per cent), 2.14 services were required per conception (controls 1.72) and 16 per cent of lame cows were culled (controls 5 per cent). Lameness, first reported in the period 36 to 70 days after calving, was associated with a significant (P less than 0.01) increase in the interval from calving to first service of eight days; and sole ulceration, in the period 71 to 120 days after calving, was associated with an increase of 11 days (P less than 0.05). Lameness in all periods up to 120 days after calving was associated with significantly increased intervals from calving to conception (P less than 0.05).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Digital dermatitis (DD) is a major infectious foot disease of cattle worldwide. Some DD stages are associated with lameness, and the disease has significant economic and animal welfare consequences. The pathogenesis of the disease is not yet fully understood, but Treponema spp. have been associated consistently with clinical cases. Isolation of these fastidious bacteria is difficult and cumbersome. We describe an improved method enabling the culturing of the 3 Treponema spp. (T. pedis, T. phagedenis, and T. medium) from bovine foot specimens derived from DD lesions, using a combination of membrane filtering and subsequent growth on selective agar media. The entire procedure from sampling to verification of individual Treponema spp. takes up to 24 d. In addition, we established a MALDI-TOF MS–based identification method to be applied for confirmation of the different Treponema spp. This scheme provides an unambiguous, simple, and straightforward identification procedure for DD-associated Treponema spp.  相似文献   

The wooden shoe provides the clinician with an alternative option to conventional farriery when treating a variety of foot problems such as acute/chronic laminitis, white line disease, distal phalanx fractures and poor-quality hoof capsules. The wooden shoe provides a simplified method to apply many of the principles of therapeutic farriery which include redistributing the load or forces on the foot, repositioning breakover and providing heel elevation when necessary. Understanding the biomechanics of the wooden shoe along with understanding good basic farriery which include the appropriate foot trim, proper size, fit and placement of the wooden shoe on the foot combined with the appropriate application are essential for consistent success. This paper outlines what is considered to be the proper application of the wooden shoe.  相似文献   

Footrot and contagious ovine digital dermatitis (CODD) are common causes of foot disease of sheep in the UK. The study reported here is a split flock randomised treatment trial undertaken on a group of 748 fattening lambs on a UK sheep farm affected by CODD and footrot. The sheep were randomly assigned to one of two treatment protocols. In protocol A, all sheep were given two doses of footrot vaccine (Footvax, MSD), plus targeted antibiotic therapy (long-acting amoxicillin, Betamox LA, Norbrook Pharmaceuticals) to sheep with foot lesions likely to be associated with a bacterial infection. In protocol B, the sheep only received targeted antibiotic therapy. Sheep were re-examined and foot lesions recorded five and nine weeks later. New infection rates in the footrot vaccinated group were lower compared with the vaccinated group for both CODD (18.2 per cent compared with 26.4 per cent, P=0.014) and footrot (12.55 per cent compared with 27.5 per cent, P<0.001). Recovery rates were unaffected for CODD (80.46 per cent compared with 70.97 per cent, P=0.14) but higher for footrot (92.09 per cent compared with 81.54 per cent, P=0.005) in sheep which received the vaccine. On this farm, a footrot vaccine efficacy of 62 per cent was identified against footrot and 32 per cent against CODD infection. An association between a sheep having footrot at visit 1 and subsequently acquiring CODD was identified (odds ratio [OR] 3.83, 95 per cent CI 2.61 to 5.62, P<0.001). These results suggest a role for infection with Dichelobacter nodosus in the aetiopathogenesis of CODD on this farm.  相似文献   

Using negative binomial and multi‐level Poisson models, the authors determined the statistical significance of agricultural and socio‐economic risk factors for rates of reported disease associated with Escherichia coli O157 in census subdivisions (CSDs) in Alberta, Canada, 2000–2002. Variables relating to population stability, aboriginal composition of the CSDs, and the economic relationship between CSDs and urban centres were significant risk factors. The percentage of individuals living in low‐income households was not a statistically significant risk factor for rates of disease. The statistical significance of cattle density, recorded at a higher geographical level, depended on the method used to correct for overdispersion, the number of levels included in the multi‐level models, and the choice of using all reported cases or only sporadic cases. Our results highlight the importance of local socio‐economic risk factors in determining rates of disease associated with E. coli O157, but their relationship with individual risk factors requires further evaluation.  相似文献   

Lyme disease (LD) is a common tick‐borne disease in New Hampshire (NH). While LD is a reportable condition and cases are counted for public health surveillance, many more people receive care for tick bites or diagnoses of LD than are reflected in surveillance data. NH's emergency department (ED) data system was queried for tick bite and LD‐related encounters. Chief complaint text was queried for words related to LD or tick bites. International Classification of Diseases 9th Revision (ICD‐9) codes were queried for the LD diagnosis code (088.81). Emergency department patient data were matched to reportable disease data to determine the proportion of ED patients reported to the health department as a suspected LD case. Data were analysed to calculate frequencies for key demographic and reporting characteristics. From 2010 to 2014, 13,615 tick bite or LD‐related ED encounters were identified in NH, with most due to tick bites (76%). Of 3,256 patients with a LD‐related ED encounter, 738 (23%) were reported to the health department as a suspected LD case. The geographic distribution of ED patients was similar to reported LD cases; however, the regions of the state that experienced higher rates of ED encounters were different than the regions that observed higher rates of reported LD cases. Seasonal distribution of ED encounters peaked earlier than reported LD cases with a second peak in the fall. While age and sex distribution was similar among ED patients and reported LD cases, the rates for children 5 years and younger and adults 65 years and older were greater for ED encounters. Patients frequently visit the ED to seek care for tick bites and suspected LD. Results of ED data analyses can be used to target education, in particular for ED providers and the public through timely distribution of evidence‐based educational materials and training programmes.  相似文献   

Navicular disease results in a chronic, progressiveforelimb lameness that is usually bilateral. Although many different horse breeds can be affected, Quarter Horses and Warmbloods appear particularly susceptible. The peak age incidence appears to be in horses aged 6–10 years. The condition has been recognized for many years and has been the source of debate and conflict for at least the last 50 years. Much of the confusion has been caused by different criteria used to establish a diagnosis. In a large series of cases examined at the University of Sydney, only 30 percent of horses that were eventually diagnosed as having navicular disease showed a positive response to hoof testers applied across the middle third of the frog. In contrast, more than 80 percent of horses with navicular disease showed a marked increase in lameness following pastern and fetlock flexion. All horses diagnosed became sound following a palmar digital nerve block and all had positive findings on radiography. However, radiography could not be utilized as a sole diagnostic technique because some horses with radiographic abnormalities of the navicular bone did not show clinical signs of navicular disease.To establish a diagnosis of navicular disease, the following criteria should be met: 1) A chronic progressive unilateral or bilateral forelimb lameness, 2) Pain in areas proximal to the foot has been excluded as a possible cause of the lameness, 3) Other conditions that could cause pain in the palmar heel region are excluded, 4) The lameness is eliminated or substantially improved following a palmar digital nerve block, and 5) There are radiographic abnormalities on upright pedal and/or skyline views of the navicular bone.Treatment of navicular disease has usually fallen into categories of a) pain alleviation, b) drugs with vascular or hemodynamic effects, or c) changing biomechanics either by corrective trimming or corrective shoeing. None of these treatments have been universally accepted and debate about their efficacy is allied to theories about the etiology.  相似文献   

The objective of this retrospective study was to characterize the relative prevalence of diagnoses and location of lameness lesions in beef cattle. Medical records from 2005 to 2012 were reviewed and 745 cases of beef cattle that had presented for lameness were identified. Information regarding signalment, lesion location, and cause of lameness was analyzed. The cause of lameness was localized to the foot in approximately 85% of cases; a hind limb was affected over 70% of the time. The lateral claw was most commonly affected in cases of both fore- and hind-limb lameness. The most common diagnoses of noninfectious etiology were screw claw, vertical fissure, and interdigital fibroma. Infectious foot disease accounted for only 20% of foot lameness. Routine foot trimming may be warranted in some herds to improve weight-bearing balance and alleviate lameness.  相似文献   

Clinical signs associated with otic disease in rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) are very similar to those demonstrated in dogs and cats. The surgical treatment options to resolve diseases involving the rabbit ear are also comparable with those used for canine and feline species. However, there are key anatomic and physiologic differences that must be accounted for to perform proper surgical treatment on a rabbit that has been diagnosed with ear disease. This article describes the diagnostic and treatment options for otitis externa, otitis media, and otitis interna, with an emphasis on surgical procedures and the important distinctive otic features of the rabbit patient. The ventral bulla osteotomy procedure is recommended for management of otitis media in rabbits without otitis externa. In rabbits with pathology in the external ear canal and the middle ear, total ear canal ablation and lateral bulla osteotomy should be performed. This combined procedure will allow the surgeon to address pathology in both sites, with the ultimate goal of resolution of the underlying disease etiology. Lateral ear canal resection is only appropriate in rabbits with otitis externa without otitis media; however, this surgical procedure may not resolve the otitis externa. If this is a concern, a total ear canal ablation should be done because it offers a greater chance of success.  相似文献   

Neoplasms of the bovine gastrointestinal tract are rare, possibly because of the low age of the sample population (slaughtered cattle). Forestomach neoplasia (papilloma/squamous cell carcinoma) has a high incidence in cattle from northern England and Scotland because of the mutagenic effects of bracken fern consumption and its interaction with BPV-4. Lymphosarcoma in the abomasum occurs in 41 per cent of cattle with lymphosarcoma, the most common bovine neoplasm in the United States. Small intestinal adenocarcinoma is associated with the papilloma/squamous cell carcinoma complex in the forestomach in England and Scotland, but occurs sporadically in other geographic locations. These lesions may be amenable to surgery, but death from metastatic disease occurs within 1 year. Neoplasms of the large intestine are rarely reported, but usually are adenocarcinoma. Adenoma and fibroma of the rectum may produce clinical signs of tenesmus and rectal prolapse. In general, neoplasia in cattle carries a poor prognosis because of early metastasis of adenocarcinoma and the high fatality of lymphosarcoma. Forestomach fibroma may be treated surgically with success, and palliative surgery for focal small intestinal tumors may be rewarding in individual cases.  相似文献   



Little is known about foot lesions in dairy cattle in Ireland, managed under a pasture based system with housing during the winter and grazing for the rest of the year. Ten Irish dairy herds, with a lameness prevalence ranging from 9 to 17 % were locomotion scored routinely during the 2013 grazing season. Lame cows were foot trimmed and foot lesions recorded.


11.8 % and 89.6 % of cows had lesions recorded on front and hind feet respectively. No lesions were found in 6.9 % of cows. Sole haemorrhage and white line disease were the most prevalent lesions, and overall 76.8 % of lesions affecting the claw horn were diagnosed on the lateral hind claw.


Treatment success, as measured by improved LS post treatment, was not significantly affected by the LS prior to foot trimming, the presence of lesions or the type of lesion identified. Exposure to both risk factors for lameness at housing and pasture may have resulted in the development of a combination of foot lesions typically associated with zero-grazing or all-year-round grazing management systems.  相似文献   

Objective To provide a detailed discussion of the aetiology and pathophysiology of hiatal hernia in both humans and small animals, and review current medical and surgical treatments.
Design Review article.
Summary Hiatal hernia is not completely understood in humans or animals. It has a complex multifactorial aetiology and pathophysiology. A primary disturbance of the lower oesophageal sphincter has not been shown in humans or animals. Knowledge of pathophysiology is necessary to institute appropriate treatment.
Medical and/or surgical therapy is not indicated in asymptomatic cases. Medical treatment should be used for up to 1 month in stable cases of sliding hiatal hernia. Paraoesophageal hiatal hernias and any large sliding hiatal hernia should be considered for prompt surgical treatment. Surgical techniques used depend on the type of hiatal hernia present.
Surgical treatment of hiatal hernia cases should be performed by experienced surgeons, and must include hiatal closure and gastropexy. The Nissen fundoplication procedure has been discontinued in the veterinary field due to poor success rates, coupled with the published view that there is a marked difference in pathophysiology between humans and dogs. Reported complications associated with the original Nissen fundoplication technique are identical in the human and veterinary literature. There have been no complications reported with use of the modified or 'floppy' Nissen fundoplica-tion in dogs. Both oesophagopexy and Nissen fundoplication require further evaluation in small animals.  相似文献   

A survey of North American farmed elk (Cervus elaphus) producers was performed to determine the causes of sickness and mortality in farmed elk and to estimate mortality rates. Records over a 10-year period from 8 North American veterinary diagnostic pathology laboratories were also examined and summarized. The primary diagnosis for each record was used to classify diseases into categories such as parasitic, infectious, toxicological, and neoplastic. Nonspecific trauma was the most frequently reported known cause of mortality in both sexes and all age classes by elk producers. Ranked on perceived economic importance, producers cited trauma, chronic wasting disease, calf scours, dystocia, pneumonia, winter tick, tuberculosis, and grain overload. One-year mortality rates for adults and yearlings were 2.6% and 2.7%, respectively. Mortality rates for male and female adult animals were 2.4% and 2.7%, respectively. In general, the major findings of the survey matched reported causes for mortality provided by elk producers.  相似文献   

Objective Conventional imaging modalities can diagnose the source of foot pain in most cases, but have limitations in some horses, which can be overcome by using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). However, there are no reports of the MRI appearance and prevalence of foot lesions of a large series of horses with chronic foot lameness. Methods In the present study, 79 horses with unilateral or bilateral forelimb lameness because of chronic foot pain underwent standing low‐field MRI to make a definitive diagnosis. Results Of the 79 horses, 74 (94%) had alterations in >1 structure in the lame or lamest foot. Navicular bone lesions occurred most frequently (78%) followed by navicular bursitis (57%), deep digital flexor tendonopathies (54%) and collateral desmopathy of the distal interphalangeal joint (39%). Effusion of the distal interphalangeal joint was also a frequent finding (53%). Conclusion Low‐field MRI in a standing patient can detect many lesions of the equine foot associated with chronic lameness without the need for general anaesthesia.  相似文献   

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