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催产素具有兴奋奶牛子宫平滑肌、加强子宫收缩的作用,临床上常用于原发性子宫无力的难产、产后子宫出血、加速胎衣和死胎的排出、促进子宫复原等。几年来,笔者对本场产后的奶牛立即肌肉注射催产素,对奶牛产后胎衣停滞、产后恶露潴留、子宫复原迟缓、发情迟缓等起到有效的治疗作用。现将部分奶牛的治疗情况报告如下。  相似文献   

应用催产素代替PGF2α治疗奶牛持黄性不孕症的效果对比张兴和(安徽省国营皖河农场奶牛场246009)据资料查明,在正常性周期活动的母牛发育成的卵泡所分泌的雌激素能刺激子宫内膜合成催产素受体,使子宫对催产素敏感,从而来自垂体后叶和黄体的催产素能使子宫进...  相似文献   

母猪胎衣不下不宜手术治疗。采用肌肉注射催产素结合湿热敷擦,较为安全方便。笔者用此法治疗不下十例,疗效确实。催产素对子宫平滑肌有选择性作用,产后对子宫呈现较强的作用,促使子宫兴奋收  相似文献   

催产素形成于丘脑下部的室旁核,并且呈滴状沿丘脑下部--垂体后叶径中的轴突运送到垂体后叶贮存.在分娩过程中,由于来自子宫和产道的刺激,可导致催产素的释出.催产素有兴奋子宫平滑肌,引起子宫收缩从而发生分娩作用.当母猪因体内催产素含量较低,子宫收缩微弱而引起难产时,可用催产素催产. 1.催产素对子宫的收缩作用以临产及刚分娩后较为敏感,无分娩预兆时催产无效. 2.由骨盆狭窄、产道受阻、胎位不正等引起的难产或有剖宫产史的母畜禁用,否则可能因子宫剧烈收缩而发生破裂死亡. 3.猪胎盘属于弥散型胎盘,胎儿胎盘和母体胎盘的联系不紧密.子宫的强烈收缩容易使二者引起分离.如果胎儿不能很快产出,就可能缺氧死亡.在临床上常可见到使用催产素治疗难产时产出死胎较多.所以催产素使用剂量要适宜.一般每次20~40IU,根据子宫收缩及胎儿排出情况可以考虑间隔2~3h重复使用1次.  相似文献   

应用催产素的经验医用催产素用于兽医临床催产已有多年的历史,这是人所共知的。近年来,笔者将催产素用在下列三方面,亦获满意结果。现介绍如下,供广大同行参考。1治疗母猪子宫内膜炎母猪产后易患子宫内膜炎,主要是由于子宫壁受到损伤、细菌感染或胎盘组织残留而引起...  相似文献   

催产素的作用是在分娩中促进母体对幼体的自然生产,当受到来自体内和体外的刺激时,垂体后叶会将贮存的催产素释放出来,形成分娩活动。催产素在雌性哺乳类生物分娩时对子宫产生刺激,子宫平滑肌兴奋,并引发其收缩进而形成分娩,同时促进乳汁排出。适时使用催产素是治疗母猪难产症的有效方式,如果母猪体内垂体后叶中贮存的催产素含量少,同时子宫收缩的幅度较弱,引发难产情况发生时,可以使用催产素进行催产。在母猪难产时,要适量使用催产素,一般情况每次使用剂量为10~20IU。  相似文献   

杨学范 《当代畜牧》2013,(12):40-41
催产素在兽医临床上经常用来加强动物的子宫收缩,一般情况下用于子宫收缩乏力性导致动物难产的治疗。随着基层兽医技术人员的经验、专业知识以及技术的提升,催产素的使用越来越普遍。但是,由于不谨慎或者不合理使用催产素导致动物产生不良副反应,甚至死亡的现象也经常发生。本文结合目前催产素的使用情况,对催产素的使用原理以及方法进行研究探讨,希望对奋斗在兽医行业的工作者能有所帮助  相似文献   

奶牛持久黄体性不孕症的治疗张兴和(安徽省国营皖河农场奶牛场,安庆246009)据研究,在正常性周期活动的母牛发育成的卵泡所分泌的雌激素能刺激子宫内膜合成催产素受体,使子宫对催产素敏感,从而来自垂体后叶和黄体的催产素能使子宫进行脉冲式释放PGF2a,结...  相似文献   

催产素有兴奋子宫平滑肌 ,引起子宫的收缩从而发生分娩之作用。当母牛由于体内催产素的含量较低 ,子宫收缩微弱引起难产时 ,可用催产素催产 ,其中应注意的事项有 :1 催产素对子宫的收缩作用以临产及刚分娩后更为有效 ,无分娩预兆时用催产素无效。2 催产素主要作用于子宫体 ,对子宫颈的作用微弱。所以 ,子宫颈未张开或助产过迟子宫不再收缩 ,子宫颈已经缩小时 ,用催产素效果不理想。3 骨盆过狭、产道受阻、胎位不正等原因引起的难产以及有剖腹产史的母牛禁用 ,否则子宫剧烈收缩时可能发生破裂 ,所以在使用催产素前须先检查产道 ,胎位情况…  相似文献   

催产素在兽医临床上的应用刘征(山东省郓城县杨庄集乡兽医站274717)催产素即缩宫素,顾名思义该药物具有收缩子宫。促进胎儿排出的作用。是家畜产科临床上较为常用的主要药物之一,尤其在家畜临产子宫收缩乏力时,多用催产素给于治疗,能够收到非常满意的效果。正...  相似文献   

本试验旨在测定我国四川、山东、河北省(包括京津冀地区)蛋鸡养殖场产蛋高峰期配合饲料中镉(Cd)、铬(Cr)、铅(Pb)含量,评估蛋鸡养殖大省3种重金属污染程度。采集四川、山东、河北省67个养殖场268份蛋鸡配合饲料,采用高分辨率连续光源火焰原子吸收光谱法(HRCS FAAS)测定其Cd、Cr、Pb含量。结果表明:1)四川省蛋鸡配合饲料中Cd、Cr、Pb含量最大检出值所在城市分别为成都、乐山、乐山,最大检出值分别为0.48、15.94、14.12 mg/kg;Cr、Pb含量最高超标率所在城市分别为乐山、崇州,超标率分别为30%、50%。2)山东省蛋鸡配合饲料中Cd、Cr、Pb含量最大检出值所在城市分别为青岛和日照、菏泽、日照,最大检出值分别为0.45、5.88、4.11 mg/kg。3)河北省蛋鸡配合饲料中Cd、Cr、Pb含量最大检出值所在城市分别为张家口、张家口、保定,最大检出值分别为0.45、15.38、8.38 mg/kg;Cr、Pb含量最高超标率所在城市分别为张家口和保定,超标率均为20%。4)3省蛋鸡配合饲料中Cd、Cr、Pb平均含量分别为,四川:0.24、5.01、3.67 mg/kg;山东:0.26、4.19、2.61 mg/kg;河北:0.25、5.66、3.25 mg/kg。参照我国《饲料卫生标准》,3省蛋鸡配合饲料中Cd含量及山东省Cd、Cr、Pb含量均未超标;四川、河北省Cr、Pb含量超标率分别为9.38%、17.19%和6.73%、14.42%。5)河北省蛋鸡配合饲料中Cr、Pb平均含量显著高于山东省(P0.05);大规模养殖场配合饲料中Cd、Cr、Pb平均含量显著低于小规模养殖场(P0.05)。综上所述,山东省蛋鸡配合饲料中Cd、Cr、Pb含量均未超标。四川、河北省蛋鸡配合饲料中Cd含量未超标,但有超标风险,Cr、Pb含量均有不同程度超标,Pb含量超标最为严重,应引起重视。  相似文献   

Galectin-3, a member of the β-galactoside-binding protein family, has been implicated in mammalian sperm maturation. We examined galectin-3 expression in the testis and epididymis of sexually mature and immature bulls. Western blot analysis showed varying levels of galectin-3 in the bull testis and epididymis, and galectin-3 immunoreactivity was higher in the mature testis and epididymis than in immature organs. Galectin-3 was primarily localized in interstitial cells of the immature bull testis and in the peritubular myoid and interstitial cells of the mature testis. In the immature epididymis head, galectin-3 was primarily in the principal and basal cells of the epithelium. In the mature epididymis head, moderate levels of galectin-3 were detected in the sperm, while low levels were found in the stereocilia, epithelium and connective tissue. In the immature epididymis body, moderate protein levels were detected in the principal cells, while lower levels were found in the basal cells. The mature epididymis body showed moderate levels of galectin-3 immunostaining in the stereocilia and epithelium, but low levels in the connective tissue. In the immature epididymis tail, only low levels of galectin-3 staining were found in the epithelium, whereas the mature epididymis tail showed high levels of galectin-3 in the principal cells, moderate levels in the basal cells and low levels in connective tissue. These findings suggest that galectin-3 expression plays a role in the maturation and activation of sperm in bulls.  相似文献   

体外胚胎生产作为一项高效的辅助生殖技术,对优质种质资源的保存利用及遗传改良具有重要意义。但与体内生产胚胎相比,体外生产胚胎在培养过程中出现生长发育缓慢、卵裂率低、凋亡比例增加等问题,移植后伴随着胎盘肥大、孕期延长等问题,还可能出现早产、出生体重降低、巨胎综合征(LOS)等,这与基因表达异常和表观遗传修饰异常有重要关系。文章简单回顾了近年来表观修饰学在体内、外生产胚胎的研究进展,主要介绍了印记基因的表观修饰、DNA甲基化及组蛋白乙酰化在哺乳动物体内、外生产胚胎之间的差异,简述了微阵列技术在体内、外生产胚胎之间的应用,以期找到导致体内、外胚胎质量差异的关键印记基因及其作用途径,探讨体外生产胚胎质量低于体内胚胎的原因,进而改善体外胚胎生产体系。  相似文献   

以藏中矿区土壤、牧草、家畜组织为对象,探讨土-草-畜系统中Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd这4种重金属分布情况与饲养环境的相关性。通过设立研究点的方法,采集矿区饲养环境中的土壤、牧草、家畜(牦牛、藏羊)组织进行含量检测。结果表明:藏中矿区及周边土壤中重金属Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd这4种元素均高于我国二级土壤限量值,Cu含量达限量值的2倍以上,Cd超标最严重。牧草、家畜组织体内重金属含量出现超标现象,牧草含量的分布顺序为Zn>Pb>Cu>Cd,这与土壤中重金属含量表现一致。牦牛体内Zn元素含量与远离矿区家畜(CK)相比差异显著(P<0.05),Cd含量与对照(CK)相比差异显著(P<0.05)。Cu、Zn存在超标现象,Cd、Pb两者存在差异但均未超标。矿区牦牛肉中Cu和牧草中Cu含量呈极显著的相关关系(P=0.836,P<0.01);牦牛肉中Zn含量与土壤和牧草中的Zn含量呈显著的相关关系(土壤P=0.631,牧草P=0.667,P<0.05);牦牛肉中Pb含量与牧草中Pb含量呈显著的相关关系(P=0.520,P<0.05);藏羊肉中Cu含量与牧草中Cu含量呈极显著相关关系(P=0.756,P<0.01)。矿区可食牧草中重金属向牦牛和羊肌肉迁移系数变化较大,迁移系数在0.19%~44.61%之间。  相似文献   

The progression of coccidiosis and the resultant mortality were followed in chicks fed a OTA-contaminated diet. More complex and rapid progress of coccidiosis occurred in OTA-treated chicks than in chicks fed a OTA-free diet. The concentration of total protein in the serum was significantly decreased in the chicks in the OTA-treated group, whereas this was significantly increased in chicks infected with Eimeria tenella, irrespective of additional treatment with OTA. The serum glucose concentration was significantly increased in all the chicks exposed to OTA and/or suffering from coccidiosis, as was serum retention of uric acid in all groups, most notably in those consuming OTA. OTA induced degenerative changes in, and an increase in the weight of the kidneys, liver, heart and ventriculum; there was depletion of lymphoid tissue and a decrease in the lymphoid organs' weight and body weight. Coccidiosis induced only a slight growth depression and a slight increase in the relative weight of the kidneys and liver. The intensity of the clinical signs, the impairment of kidney function, macroscopic and histopathological changes, deviations in the weight of some organs and general depression in growth were greater when chicks infected with E. tenella were also given OTA.  相似文献   

The superficial gland of the third eyelid (SGTE) and deep gland of the third eyelid (DGTE) are classified as accessory lacrimal glands. The aim of the present study was to immunohistochemically investigate the expression of vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), dopamine beta-hydroxylase (DβH), substance P (SP), galanin, neuropeptide Y (NPY), pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide (PACAP), somatostatin and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) in the porcine SGTE and DGTE. We demonstrated the distribution patterns of VIP, DβH, SP, NPY and galanin in the nerve fibres in the SGTE and DGTE. None of somatostatin-, PACAP- and CGRP-immunoreactive (IR) nerve fibres were found in the SGTE and DGTE. The majority of VIP- and DβH-IR nerves fibres were found near to glandular acini, tubules, secretory ducts and blood vessels in the SGTE and DGTE. VIP-IR nerve fibres were found in external connective tissue in SGTE and DGTE and only in interlobular connective tissue in the SGTE. DβH-IR nerve fibres were found in interlobular and external connective tissue in the DGTE but not in the SGTE. Single galanin-, SP- and NPY-IR nerve fibres were observed in close proximity to acini and tubules in the SGTE and DGTE. Single galanin-, SP-, NPY-IR nerve fibres were found in close proximity to the secretory ducts in the DGTE, however only SP-IR nerve fibres were found near to the secretory ducts in SGTE. In conclusion, our research aims to highlight some aspects of SGTE and DGTE innervation in pigs and may also be a source of basic knowledge for further studies.  相似文献   

为了探讨吸附剂蒙脱石及营养元素铜、锌、铁、硒对肉牛体内铅、镉是否具有促排作用,试验选择40头杂交牛随机分为富硒组、微量元素组、蒙脱石组、对照组,每组10头,试验期为150 d,在试验期内每隔1个月收集1次肉牛尿液、粪便测定铅、镉含量;饲养试验结束后屠宰,采集各组织样品测定铅、镉含量。结果表明:肉牛尿液铅、镉排泄量没有明显增加;在8月份,各组粪镉含量均高于对照组(P<0.05或P<0.01);在9—11月份,与对照组相比,各组粪镉含量均无显著差异(P>0.05);在8,11月份,各组粪铅含量均无显著差异(P>0.05);在9,10月份,富硒组和微量元素组粪铅含量均低于对照组,蒙脱石组粪铅含量与对照组相比无显著差异(P>0.05)。说明在饲料中适量补充吸附剂蒙脱石,短期内对肉牛体内铅、镉有明显的促排作用;而补充营养元素铜、锌、铁、硒后,短期内在肉牛体内对镉有促排作用,对铅无促排作用,长期给予不能有效降低肉牛体内铅、镉的蓄积。提示应合理使用饲料添加剂。  相似文献   

刘爽  惠富平 《草业学报》2021,30(2):178-189
基于对中国古籍库与中国方志库中的苜蓿记载的考察,发现苜蓿名实的流变呈现出两种迥然不同的面貌。即古籍记载中苜蓿名实相对单一明了,对苜蓿花色的指向比较明晰;方志中则比较复杂,出现了大量苜蓿异名,常与其他植物相混淆。其名实的流变实际上是苜蓿在中国传播历史进程中的一个缩影。对各地方志中的苜蓿记载次数进行计量分析,可以直观地看到,明清时期的苜蓿主要分布于西北、华北、江淮等地,在长江中下游、东南沿海、西南边疆等地也有一定分布。结合明清时期的社会经济因素分析分布格局的成因:首先,明清卫所的设置与变迁使得苜蓿作为军马草料成为卫所屯田中不可或缺的经营项目,在边疆地区、漕运沿线深入传播;其次,明清灾区社会的形成促发了苜蓿的广植与利用,苜蓿成为贫苦农家的“救荒奇菜”和贫困城邑的“备荒良品”;最后,苜蓿栽培技术的简易与传统蔬类成法的套用,使得苜蓿能够持续、长久、便捷地在中国传播。在清中叶后,采用苜蓿治理盐碱地已经在河北、山东普遍实施,其与其他作物的轮作原理与方法也已经颇为成熟。总之,与苜蓿相关的农艺技术已经形成体系,苜蓿的本土化和农耕化在明清时期进一步加深。  相似文献   

Age-dependent variations in the immunolocalization of fibronectin (FN) in the thymus were investigated in 1-, 6-, 12- and 20-month-old male and female Swiss albino rats (Rattus rattus) at the light-microscopic level and the changes with ageing in the histological structure of the thymus were also studied. There were no significant differences in the age-dependent variations in the immunolocalization of fibronectin or in the histological structure of the thymus between male and female rats of the same age but there were increases with ageing in the fibronectin content of the thymic capsule, the connective tissue between the lobules, around blood vessels, and in the medulla and cortex of thymus. The connective-tissue content between lobules, fat cells, Hassall's corpuscles, the thickness of capsule and the ratio of the medulla to the cortex of the lobules showed age-dependent increases in the thymus of rats of both sexes. Decreases in the organ weight/body weight ratio were also observed with ageing.  相似文献   

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