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本文通报了2011年中国家畜血吸虫病疫情状况。湖南省、湖北省、江西省、安徽省、江苏省、四川省、云南省7个流行省共对784679头牛、41110只羊以及30005头(匹)其他家畜进行了检测,阳性率分别为O.88%、0.95%和0.09%。根据各省放牧家畜数和阳性率推算,全国共有病畜10894头(只、匹),比2010年下降了27.28%,其中病牛为8433头,比2010年下降了33.71%。从病畜的地域分布看,湖南省、江西省两省病畜数占全国病畜数的62.06%,两省合计病牛数占全国病牛数的67.21%。调查结果显示,2011年家畜血吸虫病疫情与2010年相比继续下降。洞庭湖和鄱阳湖地区是今后家畜血吸虫病疫情控制的难点和重点。  相似文献   

2010年全国家畜血吸虫病疫情状况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通报了2010年中国家畜血吸虫病疫情状况。在湖南省、湖北省、江西省、安徽省、江苏省、四川省、云南省7个流行省,共对715 733头牛、39 524只羊以及20 822头(匹)其他家畜用粪便毛蚴孵化法进行了检测,血吸虫阳性率分别为1.11%、1.00%和0.03%。根据各省放牧家畜数和阳性率计算,全国共有14 980头(只、匹)家畜感染血吸虫,其中84.92%为病牛(12 721头)。从病牛的地域分布看,湖南省、湖北省、江西省、安徽省4省病牛数占全国病牛数的95.81%。调查结果显示病牛依然是血吸虫病疫区的主要传染源,湖沼型流行区是当前防控血吸虫病的重点地区。  相似文献   

2011年对8个家畜血吸虫病观测点血吸虫感染、野粪污染情况以及螺情进行了调查.全年共检测了21091头牛、1425只羊以及1760头(匹)其他家畜,血吸虫病感染率分别为0.42%、0.63%和0%.在97头(只)感染家畜中,90.72%(88头)为牛,9.28%(9只)为羊.江西省吴城镇和湖南省南大膳镇的牛血吸虫感染率超过4%.在湖南省和江西省的观测点中发现家畜粪便有血吸虫虫卵污染,其中96.15%阳性野粪为牛粪.所有观测点都有钉螺分布,但阳性钉螺主要分布在湖南省和江西省的观测点.观测结果显示湖南省洞庭湖和江西省鄱阳湖地区是目前防控家畜血吸虫病的重点地区,且病牛依然是血吸虫病疫区(尤其是湖沼型地区)的主要传染源.  相似文献   

2012年,在8个家畜血吸虫病观测点共检测了8170头牛、479只羊以及569头(匹)其他家畜,血吸虫病感染率分别为0.92%、1.88%和0%。在75头病牛中,年龄小于3岁的占72%(54头),低感染度(+、++)的占81.3%(61头)。江西省吴城和湖南省南大膳的牛血吸虫感染率在3%以上。阳性野粪(全部为牛粪)和阳性钉螺均只在湖南省和江西省的观测点中发现。观测结果显示湖南省洞庭湖和江西省鄱阳湖地区牛血吸虫病的防控仍是目前农业血防的难点和重点。  相似文献   

巍山县是血吸虫病的重灾区老疫区,全县10个乡(镇)71个村(居)委会均有。2007年末全县家畜存栏37.37万头,其中大牲畜存栏10.8万头,牛存栏89047头,役用牛34394头,羊存栏14万多只。1992—2001年,实施了世行贷款血吸虫病控制项目,有效地控制了血吸虫病的流行,家畜的阳性率得到很大的下降,  相似文献   

2012年5-10月在全省42个县(市、场)进行了牛、羊布病流行病学调查和疫情监测。全省累计监测牛、羊419056头(只),检出阳性牛、羊3751头(只),平均阳性率为0.90%。其中:监测奶牛123834头,检出阳性338头,平均阳性率为0.27%;监测其它牛119184头,检出阳性牛2187头,平均阳性率为1.83%。监测羊176038只,检出阳性牛1226只,平均阳性率为0.70%。为了解青海省牛羊布病感染流行情况,青海省动物疫病预防控制中心2012年在全省范围内,现将调查情况报告如下。  相似文献   

应用吡喹酮治疗耕牛血吸虫病报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湖北省是全国最严重的血吸虫病疫区之一,病人、病畜(主要是耕牛)居全口之首。自1992年实施世行贷款血防项目,应用吡喹酮大面积治疗耕牛血吸虫病以来,使我省耕牛疫情得到了明显遏制。1994年全省疫区耕牛存栏307443头,检查261542头,检出阳性病牛12554头,感染率为4.8%,利用吡喹酮治  相似文献   

为了解洪涝灾害对岳阳市家畜血吸虫病疫情的影响,文章对岳阳市岳阳县和华容县两地的调查点,采用回顾性调查、现场采样监测、专家分析等方法,调查牛305头、羊230头,采用粪便毛蚴孵化法,查病牛羊各200头,野粪301粪,调查发现牛羊阳性率为0.00%,发现牛羊阳性野粪各一份,阳性率0.66%,结果表明当前岳阳市范围内血吸虫病疫情平稳,区域性范围内的疫病感染和疫情反弹的风险性较小,但洪灾过后随着水文条件的变化,不排除个别钉螺滋生、家畜放牧的局部易感地带可能存在有个别偶发、散发的病例。  相似文献   

海南藏族自治州是青海省六个牧业区之一,全州除贵德县外,其他4县均以畜牧业经济为主,畜牧业经济产值约占全州国民经济的60%以上.全州家畜以藏羊为主,各类牲畜存栏460万头(只),其中存栏牛66.7万头,存栏羊389.4万只,存栏猪4.0万头.  相似文献   

湖南省岳阳县麻塘烷于92年被定为农业部血防办8个动物血吸虫病纵向观测点之一,为了较为准确而系统地了解该烷动物血吸虫病流行特点、疫情动态,因地制宜采取科学的防制对策,提高防制效果,为同类型疫区提供科学的防制技术和方法。我们严格按照观测点工作方案,进行了为期四年的纵向观察研究。1基本情况麻塘垸位于岳阳市南,洞庭湖东畔,属湖沼型血吸虫病流行区,烷内麻塘镇有18个村,6882户,32514人,存栏牛1750头,其他家畜32000头只,十公里长春风大堤将外湖和生产生活区隔开,烷内现已查不到阳性钉螺。2观察内容和方法2.1家畜血吸虫…  相似文献   

Coxiella burnetii causes diseases in humans (Q fever) and animals, domestic ruminants playing a major role in the epidemiology of the infection. Information on C. burnetii infection in Lebanon is scanty. In order to assess the prevalence of C. burnetii infection in ruminants, a cross-sectional study was undertaken in 2014. A total of 1633 sera from ruminants (865 cattle, 384 sheep and 384 goats) from 429 farms (173 cattle, 128 sheep and 128 goats), in seven provinces of Lebanon were randomly selected and assayed for the presence of antibodies.39.86% of farms (95% CI: 35.23–44.56) resulted positive. The seroprevalence was 30.63% in Cattle-farms, 46.88% in sheep-farms and 45.31% in goat-farms.Milk samples collected from 282 seropositive animals (86 cows, 93 sheep and 103 goats) from 171 positive farms were tested by a high sensitive Real-Time PCR targeted to the IS1111 transposon of C. burnetii. The overall prevalence in farms was estimated to be 14.04%. Cattle-, sheep- and goat farm prevalence rates were 15.09%, 10% and 17.24%, respectively.The findings of the study show that C. burnetii prevalence in Lebanese domestic ruminants is related to animal species and farming practices. Indeed, the mixed herds with sheep (p < 0.01), the presence of common lambing/kidding areas (p < 0.001) in farms where the use of disinfectants was not a routine practice (p < 0.05) were identified as important risk factors.The results of the study provide baseline information for setting up herd management and public health measures for the prevention and control of Q fever in Lebanon.  相似文献   

目的在湖南省岳阳县湖沼型血吸虫病流行区的麻塘进行纵向观察,孵化法检测家畜血吸虫的感染率,分析实施查治病畜结合综合治理防治对策后的2001年到2005年血吸虫病防治效果。实施上述防治策略的五年,牛血吸虫感染率控制在3.09%到3.62%,但是,羊血吸虫感染率呈上升趋势。在湖沼型血吸虫病流行区实施查治病畜结合局部地区综合治理防治对策,能使牛血吸虫病感染率控制在4%以下,而要达到阻断血吸虫病标准难度很大。  相似文献   

Data have been collected from slaughterhouses in three provinces across the Northern Iran (Gilan, Mazandaran and Golestan) from March 2004 to March 2008. These data were collected to evaluate the prevalence of hydatidosis in slaughtered cattle, sheep and goats. During the study, 3,347,797 animals were slaughtered. These included 621,686 cattle, 1,719,725 sheep and 1,006,386 goats. The prevalence of infection in cattle, sheep and goats was 12%, 14.6% and 10.1%, respectively. The association of condemnation rates with seasons was not proven statistically.  相似文献   

Serum samples from 290 cattle, 400 goats and 588 sheep slaughtered for food in various areas of the Mazandaran province, Iran were tested for antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii by the indirect immunofluorescence antibody test (IFAT), from December 2004 to April 2005. Antibodies to T. gondii were found in 30% (120/400) goats and 35% (206/588) sheep and 0% (0/290) cattle, at a dilution of 1:16 or more for goats and sheep and 1:128 or more for cattle. The highest titres observed in cattle, goats and sheep were 1:64 (0.7%), 1:128 (1%), 1:64 (2%), respectively. These results indicate that T. gondii antibodies are widespread in the animal populations and suggest that toxoplasmosis is a widely spread zoonotic infection in northern Iran.  相似文献   

Giemsa-stained thin blood smears prepared monthly from cattle, sheep and goats in the Greater Accra region of Ghana between May 1994 and December 1996 were examined for presence of tick-borne haemoparasites. The majority of animals were less than 2 months old at the start of the survey. Monthly and cumulative incidences are presented of Anaplasma sp., Babesia bigemina, Borrelia sp., Eperythrozoon sp., Theileria mutans and Theileria velifera in cattle, Anaplasma sp., Borrelia sp., and Theileria sp. in sheep, and Anaplasma sp. in goats. T. mutans was the commonest parasite in cattle, with 100% incidence in calves by 10 months of age, and Anaplasma was commonest in small ruminants. The relative prevalence of these haemoparasites in blood smears from cattle, sheep and goats sampled on a single occasion at sites in all 10 regions of Ghana was found to be similar, though actual infection rates were lower. Packed cell volume (PCV) measurements from the sampled animals are also presented; no seasonal trends were evident in the PCV of the cattle, sheep and goats sampled monthly. In animals sampled on a single occasion, mean PCV was significantly higher in cattle and sheep without detectable haemoparasite infection, and in cattle was lowest in animals positive for both Babesia and Anaplasma, while there was no difference in mean PCV levels between parasitised and non-parasitised goats.  相似文献   

The prevalence of malignant catarrhal fever (MCF) virus infection in cattle, sheep and goat populations and also the prevalence of recovered and chronic MCF cases in north-western Turkey are reported. A total of 600 animals, 200 individuals of each species, located in four provinces were sampled between December 2003 and July 2005. A monoclonal antibody-based competitive inhibition (ci) ELISA were used to detect infection status of the animals. Detected antibody prevalence was 97.5%, 96.0% and 15.0% in sheep, goats and cattle, respectively. These results showed that MCF related gammaherpesvirus infections are common in north-western Turkey. There was no significant difference between prevalences detected in sheep and goats, as well as various breeds of these species. There was also no significant difference among locations. Results of this study show that sheep and goats may equally be important in the epidemiology of MCF in Turkey. Seropositivity against MCF agents among cattle was 15.0%. The results indicate that MCF infections may be maintained in intensively managed cattle herds having no close contact with small ruminants.  相似文献   

Coxiella burnetii, an obligate intracellular parasite with a worldwide distribution, is the causative agent of acute and chronic Q fever in humans. Although infection is often unapparent in cattle, sheep and goats, there is increasing evidence that C. burnetii infection in these species is associated with abortion and stillbirth. This paper describes the introduction of a single-tube nested PCR protocol for the diagnosis of C. burnetii-related abortion in domestic ruminants in Italy. A total of 514 aborted foetuses from cattle (n = 138) and sheep and goat (n = 376), collected from 301 farms, were analyzed from January 2001 to March 2005. Ninety-seven of 514 (18.9%) animals tested PCR-positive, with 16/138 (11.6%) cattle and 81/376 (21.5%) sheep and goat. Eleven of 102 (10.8%) farms with reproductive disorders in cattle and 37/199 (18.6%) farms with reproductive disorders in sheep and goats were infected with C. burnetii. A greater incidence was observed in three of the seven investigated provinces (p < 0.01), with rates of infected farms of up to 23.8%. Data showed that almost all the C. burnetii-related abortions were recorded between October and April (p < 0.01). These findings suggest that Q fever in humans is largely underestimated in Italy, probably because its occurrence is obscured by flu-like symptoms in acute forms.  相似文献   

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