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陈瑞森 《畜禽业》2023,(9):21-23
动物产地检疫是动物疫病防控的基础环节,动物产地检疫工作开展是否到位直接关系到相关产品的质量安全和动物疫病的防控效果。从分析动物产地检疫对动物疫病防控的意义入手,明确动物产地检疫在动物疫病防控中的重要性,并对动物产地检疫中存在的问题加以阐述,针对性地提出解决措施。旨在切实提升动物产地检疫质量和水平,从源头切断人畜共患病风险,避免动物疫病的大范围扩散,更好保障人民群众的生命与财产安全,促进养殖业的健康与可持续发展。  相似文献   

黄高明 《畜禽业》2000,(11):51-51
某些局部地区动物疫病流行、难以控制的一个重要原因是产地检疫工作开展不到位,致致疫源随流通渠道传播扩散。农业部早就提出检疫工作的重心要向产地转移,其目的是为从根本上控制动物疫病的传播和发生。但从实际情况来看,产地检疫仍是检疫工作的一个薄弱环节,各地开展不平衡,有的地方基本未开展。究其原因,笔者认为有以下几个方面:  相似文献   

预防动物疫病的关键举措之一就是深化动物产地检疫,加强产地地区动物检疫工作,才能更加迅速、及时、有效地发现动物疫病,控制动物疫情。近年来,我国加大了动物产地检疫工作力度与强度。但动物产地检疫工作仍面临很多困难。分析了深化动物产地检疫工作的难点与痛点,并提出针对性解决措施,以期帮助动物产地检疫工作更好地施行。  相似文献   

结合我国基层动物产地的检疫实际情况,从源头控制动物产地检疫,监督动物疫病产地检疫,实施保障措施。针对动物疫病预防控制工作存在的问题进行系统分析,并提出对应的措施。  相似文献   

绿毛龟产地考述及人工养殖饶发祥(中国科学院水生生物研究所,武汉430072)绿毛龟是我国特有的水生观赏动物,它的神态优雅,色如碧玉,其绿色长毛飘飘悠悠,犹如“绿衣天使”,令人赏心悦目。绿毛龟与白玉龟、蛇形龟、二头龟一起,被称为“四大奇龟”。一、绿毛龟...  相似文献   

从江苏省海洋与渔业局获悉,由于重金属含量超标等原因,江苏省海洋与渔业局日前首次对江苏省一些无公害水产品基地予以“摘牌”或“停牌”处罚,其中7家无公害水产品基地的产地证书被撤销,7家无公害水产品基地的产地证书被暂停使用。据江苏省海洋与渔业局渔业处有关人士介绍,为严格规范我省无公害水产品产地监督管理,依据该局日前对全省无公害水产品产地环境监测与监督检查结果,对江苏省部分不符合规范的无公害水产品产地证书予以撤销或暂停使用。其中:因产地环境达不到标准而予以撤销证书的基地3个,计3.2万亩;因证书到期未按要求复查换证而予以撤销证书的基地4个,计2万亩;因产地环境需要整改而予以暂停使用证书的基地7个,计6.25万亩。  相似文献   

福建沿海文蛤产地和暂养地贝类素毒化状况   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采集福建沿海文蛤产地,暂养地的文蛤,结合分析其所生长的个体情况,检测其DSP和PSP,结果表明:福建沿海文蛤产地和暂养地未出现的DSP,PSP毒化状况。  相似文献   

最近,河南省无公害农产品认证委员会公布第七批无公害农产品产地认定名单,其中有20处水产品养殖基地被认定为河南省无公害水产品产地.总面积达7.83万亩。  相似文献   

因苏北大闸蟹产地连日暴雨,以往在7月上旬集中入市的“六月黄”集散量比去年“蟹季”明显减少,售价则上涨了约二成,只重较大的“小三两”到货更少,出高价也难以买到。  相似文献   

近日,根据国家《无公害农产品产地认定程序》和《宁波市无公害农产品产地认定管理办法》的规定,经宁波市绿色农产品认定委员会认定,慈溪又有10个水产品基地名列其中。  相似文献   

为了促进营养价值比较高的饵料微藻—亚心形扁藻快速生长,对其最适培养条件进行了研究。采用单因素和正交实验分别对亚心形扁藻生长的光照、温度、氮源以及四种主要营养盐条件进行优化。结果表明:该亚心形扁藻的最适氮源为尿素,最适生长条件为光照强度3 000 Lx,温度28℃,尿素浓度0.0 375 g/L,Na HCO3浓度0.09 g/L,Fe Cl3·6H2O浓度5mg/L,KH2PO4浓度8.4 mg/L。在此条件下,亚心形扁藻的生长情况良好,生物量最大吸光度(OD680)可达0.686,是优化前的2.18倍。  相似文献   

Coastal Social–Ecological Systems (SESs) are subject to several stresses, including climate change, that challenge fisheries and natural resource management. Fishers are front‐line observers of changes occurring both on the coast and in the sea and are among the first people to be affected by these changes. In this study, we perform a meta‐analysis of observations and adaptations to climate change by subsistence‐oriented coastal fishers extracted from a global review of peer‐reviewed and grey literature. Fishers' observations compiled from across the globe indicate increased temperatures and changes in weather patterns, as well as coastal erosion, sea level rise and shifts in species range and behaviours. Coastal areas offer a wide array of resources for diversifying livelihoods, but climate change is reducing these options. Specifically, climate change could reduce the resilience of fishers' communities, limiting options for diversification or forcing fishers to abandon their houses or villages.  相似文献   

根据作者多年的研究,提出了鳝池建造的五个基本要素,并从面积大小、池形、水口、鱼巢、食台和泥层等方面总结了黄鳝有土养殖池、无土养殖池和混合型养殖池的不同要求,还从脱碱、清池和水草投放等三方面概括了鳝池的处理技术。  相似文献   

发展中的水产品冷藏链技术——金枪鱼冷藏链   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍了有关金枪鱼的加工、保鲜与保藏的简要情况,探讨了金枪鱼冷藏链的关键技术,以及单级封闭式中温压缩机组用于金枪鱼低温制冷装置的可能性。  相似文献   

In this paper, a systematic methodology is shown for the scaling‐up of Nannochloropsis gaditana production for aquaculture uses. First, an adequate culture medium was developed, prepared using fertilizers instead of pure chemicals. Subsequently, the performance of N. gaditana was modelled as a function of average irradiance; this model being validated in continuous culture experiments. The model was used to determine the optimal dilution rate as well as the expected biomass concentration and productivity at optimal conditions. Finally, outdoor experiments were performed to confirm the model's validity and to determine optimal conditions at real production step. Biomass productivity values of up to 0.08 g L?1 day?1 were obtained at an optimal dilution rate of 0.25 per day in 0.2 m wide flat‐panel reactors using culture medium containing 0.4 g/L NO?3 and 0.034 g/L·PO4?3. Fish trials with Atlantic Salmon demonstrated that the inclusion of produced biomass into fed increase the final weight up to 5%, thus confirming the adequacy of the biomass produced for aquaculture uses. The growth model and the scaling‐up strategy proposed here are necessary to develop real industrial‐scale processes capable of supplying microalgal biomass to the aquaculture markets, which in turn require a guaranteed supply and quality of the raw materials provided.  相似文献   

Two systems for enrichment and collection of natural Zooplankton in cooling water recipients were developed for rearing fish fry. One system filters-off plankton from the cooling water with rotating dip-nets (diam. 60 cm). The rotation is powered by the kinetic energy of the water and the nets are continuously flushed clean by high-pressure sprays. The water from the nets, being enriched with plankton, is pumped continuously to a grading station where undesirable size fractions are removed, after which the water is distributed to the rearing pens. The system has been tested at a nuclear power station in the south-western part of the Bothnian Sea and found to be promising, with a collection of, on average, 280 g day–1. The other system is based on attraction using underwater lamps and pumping of organisms into floating rearing pens. The system is automatic and powered by electricity from the grid. The technical performance has been good. The plankton has been size-graded by attaching net baskets around the lamps. At a nuclear power station on the western coast of the central Baltic Sea, the amount collected has, on average, been 45–570 g Zooplankton lamp–1 night–1. The collection system is considered to be of use in productive areas with moderate turnover of water. Both systems are in early stages of development and have not reached their full potential. Improvements are proposed and discussed.  相似文献   

青蛤育苗成败的关键是是否能培养出满足育苗需要的大量优质藻类,而藻类培养并非易事,其中有很多问题需要解决。关于藻类的培养有很多文献可供参考,然而大多有关藻类培养的资料理论性强,技术复杂,难以在大规模生产上应用。本文从生产实际出发,结合藻类培养的实践经验,对青蛤育苗过程中藻类培养的相关技术进  相似文献   

The nature of the animal taxa that are the most probable candidates for an intensive, commercial aquatic animal husbandry industry is considered. A characterization is presented of those biological criteria that lend the species the necessary physiological and genetic malleability to be adapted and molded into a domesticated race. The animal cultivated must be amenable to intensive management in high-density confinements such as those now being engineered for high-yield aquaculture. Atributes considered are discussed in the context of the various aquacultural ecosystems in which the specific biotype is expected to achieve satisfactory growth and survival. Correlative with bionomic criteria, economic requirements are posed and evaluated in an effort to define a socially and financially profitable agribusiness system. Investment requirements and operating costs are considered in terms of expected returns. However, since production alone is insufficient to sustain an enterprise — i.e. the product must be sold — production costs must be judged against market values. Therefore, ultimate use or consumer acceptance criteria are incorporated into the list of essential requirements for a candidate species for aquafarming.  相似文献   

Mass seed production depends a great deal on the development of adequate artificial diets, which in turn depends on the development of methods to speedily and reliably assess the nutritional value of experimental diets. This study examined the sensitivity of light histological and ultrastructural criteria to detect differences in the nutritional value of diets for the Japanese spiny lobster, Panulirus japonicus (V. Siebold), phyllosoma larvae. The acceptability of diets, the apparent absorption of lipids and carbohydrates by the midgut gland cells, and the characteristics of various cell types were determined in 43-, 106- and 143-day-old intermoult phyllosoma fed diets of Mytilus edulis (L.) ovary alone (MO) or in combination with Anemia (MO+AR), which so far have given the best results in terms of growth and percentage of metamorphosis into puerulus, and two other diets considered less efficient, viz. Mytilus edulis testis (MT) and Artemia (AR). Acceptability of all diets attained 100% within 10 min of feeding as revealed by observation through the semitransparent cuticle of the larvae. Histological examination of larvae that ingested comparable amounts of food revealed pronounced variation in the absorption of lipids and carbohydrates by the midgut gland cells (AR相似文献   

为了研究黄(鱼安)鱇(Lophius litulon)生活史特征的异质性,根据秋(2016年10月)、冬(2017年1月)、春(2017年5月)和夏(2017年8月)4个季节在山东近海的底拖网调查数据,对该物种体长-体重关系的时空差异进行了研究。本文构建了广义线性模型和9个线性混合效应模型,用来研究黄(鱼安)鱇的体长-体重关系(W=aLb)及其时空差异。b的固定值(2.77)小于3,表示黄(鱼安)鱇为负异速生长,肥满度与体长负相关,身体趋于细长。根据AIC值最小原则,最复杂的线性混合效应模型(即水域和季节对两个参数ab均存在随机效应)拟合效果最佳;交叉验证的结果同样表明,该模型的预测效果最为可靠。根据最佳模型和广义线性模型的差异性分析结果,黄(鱼安)鱇体长-体重关系的时空差异是极显著的(P<0.01)。在最佳模型中,a值在春季最大,其次是秋季和冬季,而夏季最小;b值则与此相反。整体来看,纬度高的黄(鱼安)鱇个体a值较大,b值较小,而ab值与水深没有表现出明显规律。本研究表明,季节和纬度对黄(鱼安)鱇的体长-体重关系具有显著的影响,混合效应模型能把水域和季节的异质性通过随机效应在单个模型中更准确、方便地体现出来,从而进一步证实了此模型在数据来源异质性研究中的优势。  相似文献   

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