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梅园改建及新增的景点建筑设计清芬轩1960年4月,梅园扩建工程正式启动。拆除了老园东西侧围墙,新老园子在规划上不作分隔,强调相互问的引连、交融,寻求两者过渡、渗透、交替、脱卸的结合点。经多次踏勘、反复推敲,  相似文献   

梅园沟的“月牙泉”马步虎走进素有“江南”之称的康县南部阳坝镇梅园沟,看到“月牙泉”的奇观景色,令人流连忘返,真是一个藏在深山人未知的旅游胜地。从阳坝镇向西北方向走去,映入眼帘的梅园河,象一条巨蟒穿山钻林悠悠而来,两旁对峙的山崖上,长满了遮天盖地的茂密...  相似文献   

没想到,青岛有这么大的一个梅园——青岛梅园。梅花专家告诉我,这是农民企业家庄实传建立的,是目前我国北方最大的梅园。 我踏着微寒赶赴梅园,正值梅花盛开。起伏俊秀的群山环抱几湾碧绿的湖水。满沟,满梁,满台,都是盛开的梅花。倘徉其间,如置身于轻轻飘荡在彩云之中,心中自然涌出这样一首小诗:何葩雪中遍山庄,湾湾碧水照梅花。环山逶迤霞生烟,恰似梦中江南家。  相似文献   

梅花,神、姿、色、香俱上,傲霜斗雪,凌寒绽放,冠领群芳。古往今来,梅花不知牵动了多少文人墨客的情思,留下了几多赞梅咏梅的佳句!梅园无处不飞花无锡梅园是江南五大赏梅胜地之一,梅园植梅5000余株,名种荟萃,梅开时节,雪海红霞,蔚为奇观。如此意境,颇似“八万四千天仙洗脸,齐向此处倾胭脂”。邓尉十里香雪海邓尉山梅树成林,素有“十里香雪梅”之誉。邓尉山植梅品种繁多,梅花盛绽时,花香喷溢,香闻数里,登临赏梅最佳处“梅花亭”,举目四顾,但见山上山下,由远及近弥漫数十里,浪涌雪堆.一片梅海,美不胜收。房山梅花花似…  相似文献   

改建及新增的景点建筑设计 吟风阁 吟风阁建成于1990年,雄峙在梅园扩建区的横山之巅,背倚山脊,是南临太湖、蠡湖的标志性建筑。  相似文献   

重庆市铁山坪森林公园内有个著名的“梅园”:初春,桃、李、梨花竞相开放;盛夏碧叶沉沉;金秋累累鲜果垂挂树梢;严冬,点点梅花绽放技头。  相似文献   

无锡菜氏梅园内,过去曾有一联云:“老树纷披恍有龙蛇起大泽;奇峰兀立本来天地是洪炉。”联句极言梅园香雪海中那苍劲古梅的铁骨丰神和山石奇峰的浑然天成,  相似文献   

洱源和我的老家相邻,早就吃过洱源的雕梅、脆梅、炖梅、苏果梅,品尝过洱源的梅子酒,那酸甜宜人、清香可口的美味,那绿中透黄、晶莹鲜亮的色泽,虽然在我心中留下难以忘怀的印象,但真正对这个梅子之乡的了解还是在今年春节前夕,参加洱源梅花笔会以后。那天清晨,迎着凉飕飕的山风,我们来自全国各地的100多位作家、记者、编辑,沐浴着金灿灿的朝阳,乘车向洱源县城后面的罗坪山急驰而去,要到山头上一个名叫松鹤的彝族村去参观他们的数百公顷梅园。往日,因工作关系,也曾多次到洱源采访,经常领略洱源梅园的艳丽和馨香,但所到之处是1…  相似文献   

月浦小镇,扬子江畔, 云间水际任鸟飞。 作主是人不由天, 昔日沙滩变钢都。 六万健儿,十年奋战, 3号高炉华夏雄 桃园梅园遍厂区, 保护环境吸尘埃。  相似文献   

对于如何在大型公共绿地建设中融入传统文化,绿化建设者需要不断尝试。"梅文化"经常被作为传统人文与绿化景观相结合的途径。如何展现梅园的特色植物景观,体现其文化内涵,是需要我们不断思考的问题。  相似文献   

中国北方城市梅花应用探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨桦 《河北林果研究》2010,25(2):198-201
梅花,是我国的传统名花,是中国园林中最具特色的植物造景材料之一,但是,由于气候等方面的原因,梅花在我国北方的应用非常有限,本研究筛选出了普遍适合我国北方气候的梅花品种,并分别探讨了我国北方城市梅花在专类园、公园、风景区、道路广场、庭院居室等地方的应用问题,希望可以将极具中国特色的梅花更加合理更加广泛的应用于我国北方城市园林的建设中,从而丰富北方城市冬季景观,有利于弘扬我国博大精深的梅文化。  相似文献   

湖南省杉木种子园结实现状及发展对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从分析湖南现有杉木初级、1.5代、2代种子园结实量现状入手,分析了不同世代的种子园结实量低的原因.初级种子园主要是林龄大,树体高大,本身结实量少,加上树体大,可采种子非常少;1.5代种子园,都闭度大,树枝枯死,造成结实量少;2代种子园管理粗放,种子产量不高.根据多年对种子园结实量研究,提出了提高种子园结实量的主要技术措...  相似文献   

为制定合理的核桃园管理制度,以新疆林业科学院佳木试验站6个核桃园为对象,研究了不同树龄及管理措施对核桃园土壤化学性质的影响。结果表明:土壤有机质和速效氮含量以树龄最高且不施肥的1号核桃园最高,其值分别为23.97和86.67 mg/kg;土壤全氮和全磷含量以施肥量最高且采用免耕法的5号核桃园最高,其值分别为1.13和0.82 g/kg;土壤速效磷及全钾含量以树龄及施肥量较高且采用落叶覆盖的3号核桃园最高,其值分别为61.5和62.59 g/kg;土壤速效钾含量以施肥量最高且采用少耕法的4号核桃园最高,其值为158.93 mg/kg。基于隶属函数法的土壤肥力质量综合指数评价结果显示,6个核桃园土壤质量综合指数由大到小依次为5号(0.81)、1号(0.71)、4号(0.56)、3号(0.37)、6号(0.20)、2号(0.02);基于主成分分析法的土壤质量评价结果显示,6个核桃园综合排名为:5号(1.97)、1号(1.02)、4号(0.31)、3号(0.10)、6号(-1.44)、2号(-2.10)。2种评价方法结果一致,且土壤质量与有机质含量基本呈正相关。从土壤质量来看,高施肥量及免耕法的管理措施较利于土壤持续利用,其次落叶覆盖的无人为干扰的树龄最高的核桃园土壤质量也较好。  相似文献   

Pollen contamination was evaluated using control-pollinated seedlings pollinated with polymixes of orchard pollen and pure wildstand and wind-pollinated orchard seedlings. At age 7, seedlings pollinated with contaminate pollen were the shortest across all four sites, but had survival levels (83%) similar to open-pollinated (84%) and pure orchard seedlings (86%). Open-pollinated seedlings had intermediate heights while pure orchard seedlings were tallest. The level of pollen contamination in open-pollinated seedlots was estimated to be 26%. Survival for all pollen sources combined was similar at the two high-elevation sites (84%) and low-elevation sites (86%). Using a yield model to compare volume/ha at rotation age for open-pollinated orchard seedlings and pure orchard seedlings, differences were small and increased due to site index (SI; from 3 to 6?m3/ha) but not due to planting density. Equivalent discounted benefits at rotation were 27 vs. 54 C$/ha at the two extreme site indices (18 vs. 25), respectively. These projected reductions due to pollen contamination are magnified by the large area that is regenerated annually with orchard seed of coastal Douglas-fir and contamination can cause a reduction in benefits of up to C$748,500 per year at the highest SI at a planting density of 1111 trees/ha.  相似文献   


To explain the high background pollination rate detected in earlier studies, this study investigated the flowering phenology of a Scots pine seed orchard with respect to airborne pollen occurrence during 1992 and 1993. The receptive period of the female strobili and the shedding period of the male strobili were observed visually. Airborne pollen was monitored with Rotorod traps located inside and outside the seed orchard. There was no time gap in the onset of flowering between the earliest female and male strobili in 1992. Female flowering began 3 days earlier than male flowering in 1993, and the earliest strobili were probably pollinated by pollen transported long distance from more southerly areas. The almost simultaneous peak in pollen occurrence inside the seed orchard and in surrounding pine stands indicates that the seed orchard clones are not temporally isolated from sources of contamination. However, pollen concentrations inside the seed orchard were higher than those in the surrounding stands. Therefore, flowering phenology cannot sufficiently explain the observed pollen contamination rates in this seed orchard.  相似文献   

Mating system parameters and pollen contamination were estimated in an 11-year-old Pinus brutia Ten. clonal seed orchard, located in Antalya, Turkey, with the aid of isozymes. Isozyme analysis was performed on both maternal (megagametophyte) and embryo tissues of seeds collected from the seed orchard and the surrounding natural stand. Fourteen loci encoding nine enzyme systems were assayed. Based on a multilocus estimator, the proportion of viable seeds originating from outcrossing (tˆm) in the seed orchard was found to be 0.947; the remainder (0.053) was due to selfing. We estimated that 85.7% of the orchard seed resulted from pollen contamination by trees in surrounding stands. This may be related to the young age and subsequent low pollen production of the orchard. Only 9% [i.e., 1.0−0.857 (contamination)−0.053 (selfing) = 0.090] of the orchard offspring was due to cross-pollination among clones within the orchard. Due to the high level of pollen contamination, it is estimated that genetic gain in this seed crop is less than 57% of that expected if all offspring resulted from random mating among orchard clones (i.e., no contamination).  相似文献   

The effects of top pruning on subsequent seed and pollen cone production in lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl.) grafted clones in two seed orchards were evaluated. In the older orchard (14 years old), three pruning regimes were applied: an untreated control, a moderate pruning where 25% of the crown was removed and a severe pruning where 40% of the crown was removed. In the younger orchard (ten years old), only a control pruning and a severe pruning (50% of crown removed) were applied. Five-year seed cone production was lower in treated ramets compared to controls in both orchards. However, when cumulative seed cone yields were adjusted for reduced tree heights after pruning, differences were no longer significant in the older orchard. Strong clonal variation was observed in seed cone yields in both orchards. Pollen cone development was less variable among treatments in the older orchard. In the younger orchard, controls consistently produced heavier pollen crops. Pruning recommendations for similar orchards are made and results discussed for reducing the impacts of losses in seed cone yields.Deceased  相似文献   

采用分光光度法对不同氮肥条件下美人梅叶片中的色素含量以及枝条年生长量进行了测定。结果表明:随着氮肥施用量的增加,美人梅叶片的叶绿素及花色素苷含量呈上升趋势,枝条生长较快,但花色素苷与叶绿素含量的比例却呈下降趋势。因此,在园林应用中,为促进美人梅生长快速且更具有观赏价值,应在栽培管理中合理施用氮肥。  相似文献   

文章概述了梅县的苦笋竹资源情况,同时介绍了苦竹笋的栽培管理技术、开发利用现状,并在此基础上提出相应的开发利用措施。  相似文献   

林雁 《林业科技》2002,27(3):60-62
梅林的品种选择要注意在整个梅林中不同花色的梅花品种之间的配置,以达到最佳的空间现赏效果;通过对不同花期品种的选择,达到适时欣赏梅花,延长观赏期的目的;并注重果梅的选配,以兼顾园林景观与经济效益。  相似文献   

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