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Canine colonic intestinal adenocarcinoma typically presents as rectal polypoid or annular stenotic masses causing clinical signs consistent with large bowel disease. This report discusses an unusual case of intestinal adenocarcinoma in an 11-year-old, neutered male German shepherd dog presented for evaluation of anorexia, profuse watery diarrhea, and weight loss. In this dog, colonic adenocarcinoma diffusely infiltrated the entire large bowel and caused an annular fusiform lesion, as confirmed by endoscopic biopsies and postmortem examination. Other unique features included a paucity of desmoplasia associated with the neoplastic lesion and widespread metastasis to regional lymph nodes, lung, and prostate.  相似文献   

This report describes an unusual case of colonic volvulus associated with multiple mesenteric abnormalities. A yearling Friesian colt presented with signs of colic that persisted despite analgesia. The colt showed signs of circulatory compromise and had abnormal findings on rectal palpation. An exploratory laparotomy was performed. A complete volvulus of the ascending colon was identified associated with multiple mesenteric anomalies of unknown aetiology. The colt was subjected to euthanasia due to the extent of the intestinal damage and the likelihood of recurrence. The authors speculate that the anomalies may have been of genetic aetiology associated with a restricted gene pool.  相似文献   

An eight‐month‐old female English springer spaniel was presented with weight loss and severe haematochezia. Upper and lower endoscopy identified small intestinal inflammatory bowel disease and a vascular malformation within the descending colon. The colonic lesion was excised at coeliotomy and identified histopathologically as a colonic vascular ectasia. All clinical signs resolved following surgery and continued dietary management. To the authors’ knowledge this is only the second published report of CVE in a juvenile dog and the first to survive to long term follow up.  相似文献   

雏鹅实验性副粘病毒病的临诊症状及病理变化研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用鹅副粘病毒BY株人工感染5日龄雏鹅,观察试验鹅的临诊症状和病理学变化。试验鹅最早于2d出现症状,3d开始死亡,死亡高峰期在3-5d,7d后停止死亡,总计试验鹅发病率为89.19%,死亡率为64.86%。主要临诊症状为精神不振,食欲降低或废绝,拉稀,流泪,流鼻液。主要大体病变为消化道粘膜的水肿、出血、坏死以及胰腺、脾脏组织的严重坏死。主要组织学变化为腺胃、肠道粘膜上皮细胞和胰腺腺泡上皮细胞严重变性、坏死、胸腺、脾脏、法氏囊等器官内淋巴细胞坏死、崩解,数量显著减少。  相似文献   

Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis was detected at postmortem examination of an 8-year-old Quarter Horse mare that had a history of diarrhea, laminitis, and bilateral nasal discharge. A diagnosis of Ehrlichia risticii infection was made on the basis of clinical signs of diarrhea and pyrexia, high serum antibody titer to E risticii (1:2,560), and multiple Salmonella-negative cultures obtained from fecal and colonic specimens. Possible pathogenic mechanisms contributing to the development of pulmonary aspergillosis secondary to enteric disease include mycotic invasion of the intestinal tract or immunocompromise and tissue devitalization secondary to severe enterocolitis. Exposure of the mare to large numbers of Aspergillus organisms may have been important in this case.  相似文献   

Nonstrangulated colonic displacement in horses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nonstrangulated colonic displacement was diagnosed by exploratory celiotomy in 32 horses with acute abdominal pain. Clinical signs progressed slowly and included evidence of mild to moderate abdominal pain, good cardiovascular status, reduced intestinal sounds, and normal peritoneal fluid, and resembled those of colonic impaction. In most horses, rectal palpation supported a diagnosis of colonic obstruction but not a diagnosis of colonic impaction.  相似文献   

Treatment of proliferative colitis in ferrets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Proliferative colitis associated with intracellular Campylobacter sp was diagnosed in 10 ferrets. The ferrets had a history of diarrhea (often blood-tinged or mucoid), dehydration, and chronic weight loss. Additional clinical signs included rectal prolapse, lethargy, fever, and a palpably thick colon. In 5 ferrets, the diagnosis was confirmed by colonic biopsy, via endoscopy. Supportive treatment in 5 ferrets did not alleviate the clinical signs or the proliferative intestinal disorder. oral chloramphenicol treatment (50 mg/kg of body weight, q 12 h for 10 to 21 days) resulted in marked clinical improvement and eradication of proliferative intestinal lesions in 5 ferrets.  相似文献   

Acupoints on the Large Intestine Meridian and specific acupoints related with large intestine have been empirically used to treat large intestinal disease. However, the relationship between acupoints related with large intestine and their functions has not been investigated fully. We investigated whether large intestine-related acupoints affect colonic motility in conscious dogs implanted with electrodes at the proximal colon. Manual acupuncture was applied at the following acupoints: 7 main points on the Large Intestine Meridian (LI1, LI2, LI3, LI4, LI5, LI6, and LI11), ST25, BL25 or GV1. Acupuncture at the Large Intestine Meridian acupoints, ST25 and BL25 had no significant effects on the proximal colonic motility. However, acupuncture at GV1 depressed the proximal colonic motility by decreasing the total duration and the frequency of contractile states, which may contribute to the therapeutic effects of GV1. This study also revealed that there was no clear correlation between Large Intestine Meridian and the proximal colonic motility in conscious dogs.  相似文献   

Colitis “X” is a sporadic diarrheal disease of horses with clinical signs of dehydration, electrolyte imbalances and “shock”-like features. Macroscopic and microscopic findings include signs of disseminated intravascular coagulation, necrosis of colonic mucosa and presence of large numbers of bacteria in the devitalized parts of the intestine. Recently published work suggests that the causative agent may be Clostridium perfringens, Type A, but the bacteria are recoverable only in the preliminary stages of the disease. Excess protein and lack of cellulose content in the diet is thought to be the trigger for the multiplication of the clostridial organisms. The pathological findings are pathognomonic, but clinically, a number of differential diagnoses have to be considered, such as intestinal accidents, salmonellosis, heavy metal intoxication and occlusive verminous arteritis.  相似文献   

The results of follow-up studies in 77 dogs with clinical signs of large bowel disease are presented. In 32 dogs colonic and/or rectal biopsy follow-up studies were done, combined with necropsy in seven dogs. In 45 dogs a follow-up necropsy only was done. The time between the first and the last series of biopsies varied from three to 729 days and between the first series of biopsies and necropsy from one to 980 days. Colitis found in 45 dogs in the initial biopsies was still present in 29 cases in the follow-up biopsy studies and/or at necropsy. Eleven cases showed hystiocytic ulcerative colitis. In general, adenoma, carcinoma and lymphosarcoma were confirmed in the follow-up examination, except for one adenoma, which appeared to be a carcinoma at necropsy. In cases in which the differential diagnosis was adenoma or carcinoma, the necropsy diagnosis was always carcinoma and in cases of a differential diagnosis of lymphosarcoma and/or colitis, lymphosarcoma was always diagnosed at necropsy. Several dogs without colonic changes in the initial biopsies had other gastric or small intestinal lesions at necropsy such as gastritis and enteritis of the small intestine, or tumors, in these areas.  相似文献   

Enterotoxemia caused by Clostridium perfringens type D in sheep is believed to result from the action of epsilon toxin (ETX). However, the sole role of ETX in the intestinal changes of the acute and chronic forms of enterotoxemia in goats remains controversial, and the synergistic action of other C. perfringens toxins has been suggested previously. The current study examined 2 goats that were found dead without premonitory clinical signs. Gross lesions at necropsy consisted of multifocal fibrinonecrotic enterocolitis, edematous lungs, and excess pleural fluid. Histologically, there were multifocal fibrinonecrotic and ulcerative ileitis and colitis, edema of the colonic serosa, and proteinaceous interstitial edema of the lungs. Clostridium perfringens type D carrying the genes for enterotoxin (CPE) and beta2 toxin (CPB2) was cultured from intestinal content and feces of 1 of 2 goats, while C. perfringens type D CPB2-positive was isolated from the other animal. When multiple colonies of the primary isolations from both animals were tested by Western blot, most of the isolates expressed CPB2, and only a few isolates from the first case expressed CPE. Alpha toxin and ETX were detected in ileal and colonic contents and feces of both animals by antigen capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. CPB2, but not CPE, was identified in the small and large intestines of both goats by immunohistochemistry. These findings indicate that CPB2 may have contributed to the necrotic changes observed in the intestine, possibly assisting ETX transit across the intestinal mucosa.  相似文献   

Sixteen 2–3-days-old caesarean-derived, colostrum-deprived piglets were each dosed oro-nasally with 2 ml of a bacteria-free filtrate containing 104 pig-infectious-doses of CV 777. The piglets were killed at intervals of 12 to 120 h after infection. The coronvirus-like agent caused a local infection of the intestinal tract which resulted in villous atrophy, malabsorption and diarrhea. The pathogenesis of this infection was similar to that of transmissible gastroenteritis (TGE), a known coronaviral infection of pigs. However, where were some differences. By immunofluorescent staining, CV 777 antigens were not only detected in the epithelial cells covering the small intestinal villi, but also in the cells of the colonic surface epithelium. Occasional fluorescence was also seen in the small intestinal crypt epithelium, but the regenerative capacity of the crypts was not affected. The progress of intestinal epithelial cell infection by CV 777 was much slower than that in TGE, resulting in a longer incubation period and in less drastic epithelial cell destruction. The infection of regenerating cells occurred to a much higher degree during the late stage of a CV 777 infection than has been observed in TGE.  相似文献   

Toxoplasmosis in two cats with inflammatory intestinal disease   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lymphocytic-plasmacytic enteritis, a chronic inflammatory intestinal disease, was diagnosed in 2 cats. In 1 cat, recurrence of clinical signs after initiating treatment was attributed to relapse of the inflammatory intestinal disease, but was found to be attributable to relapsing toxoplasmosis secondary to immunosuppressive drug therapy. Treatment with clindamycin resolved the recurrent toxoplasmosis. In the second cat, clinical signs of toxoplasmosis did not develop, but serologic testing yielded evidence of active toxoplasmosis. Treatment with clindamycin caused the titers to decrease. Relapsing toxoplasmosis may be responsible for apparent resistance to treatment in cats for inflammatory intestinal disease being treated with immunosuppressive drugs.  相似文献   

Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) has been reported to occur commonly in dogs with signs of chronic intestinal disease. There are usually few intestinal histological changes, and it is uncertain to what extent bacteria cause mucosal damage. The aim of this study was to apply a differential sugar absorption test for intestinal permeability and function to the objective assessment of intestinal damage in dogs with SIBO. Studies were performed on 63 dogs with signs of chronic small and, or, large bowel disease, in which SIBO (greater than 105 total or greater than 104 anaerobic colony forming units/ml) was diagnosed by quantitative culture of duodenal juice obtained endoscopically. None of the dogs had evidence of intestinal pathogens, parasites, systemic disease or pancreatic insufficiency. Differential sugar absorption was performed by determining the ratios of urinary recoveries of lactulose/rhamnose (L/R ratio, which reflects permeability) and D-xylose/3-O-methylglucose (X/G ratio, which reflects intestinal absorptive function) following oral administration. Dogs with SIBO comprised 28 different breeds, including 18 German shepherd dogs. SIBO was aerobic in 18/63 dogs (29 per cent), and anaerobic in 45/63 (71 per cent). Histological examination of duode-nal biopsies showed no abnormalities in 75 per cent, and mild to moderate lymphocytic infiltrates in 25 per cent of the dogs. The L/R ratio was increased (greater than 0–12) in 52 per cent, and the X/G ratio reduced (less than 0–60) in 33 per cent of the dogs. Differential sugar absorption was repeated in 11 dogs after their four weeks of oral antibiotic therapy. The L/R ratio declined in all 11 dogs (mean ± SD pre: 0–24 ± 0–14; post: 0–16 ± 0–11; P<0–05), but changes in the X/G ratio were more variable. These findings show that SIBO is commonly associated with mucosal damage, not detected on histological examination of intestinal biopsies, and that changes in intestinal permeability following oral antibiotics may be used to monitor response to treatment.  相似文献   

CASE DESCRIPTION: An 8-year-old male Golden Retriever was evaluated because of an 8-week history of intermittent diarrhea with melena and hematochezia that were not responsive to medical treatment and resulted in severe anemia. CLINICAL FINDINGS: Exploratory celiotomy with intestinal and colonic biopsy revealed mild enterocolitis but did not result in diagnosis of the cause of melena and hematochezia. Endoscopy of the upper portion of the gastrointestinal tract and colonoscopy were performed. Multifocal areas of coalescing, tortuous mucosal blood vessels were observed in the cecum and all regions of the colon. A diagnosis of vascular ectasia (VE) was made on the basis of the endoscopic and histologic appearance of the lesions. TREATMENT AND OUTCOME: An ileorectal anastamosis was performed. Melena and hematochezia resolved within 3 days after surgery, and the anemia resolved within 6 weeks after surgery. Surgical resection of the cecum and colon and feeding of a highly digestible diet resulted in long-term (22 months) resolution of clinical signs. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Initial exploratory celiotomy with intestinal and colonic biopsy failed to reveal the VE lesions responsible for the melena, hematochezia, and anemia. Endoscopic evaluation was necessary for detection of the colonic VE lesions. Surgical resection of the cecum and colon and feeding of a highly digestible diet may result in a favorable outcome in affected dogs.  相似文献   

This prospective study was initiated to document the success rate obtained in the treatment of colonic atresia in calves, identify factors that influence survival rate, and to report the histopathological appearance of the proximal blind end of the ascending colon. Forty-three calves with intestinal obstruction due to colonic atresia were admitted to the Ontario Veterinary College between September 1982 and May 1986. Parameters recorded prospectively in this study included age, breed, sex, history, vital signs, acid-base and electrolyte status, location of intestinal atresia, medical and surgical management, and outcome. The typical history and clinical signs included failure to pass meconium or feces, decreased appetite, and progressive depression and abdominal distension. The most common site of colonic atresia was the midportion of the spiral loop of the ascending colon (n = 25). Of the 43 calves, three (7%) were euthanized at surgery, 21 (49%) died in the hospital, and 19 (44%) survived and were discharged from the hospital. Four of the surviving calves died subsequent to discharge giving an overall long-term (mean 15.9 months) survival rate of 35%. No significant risk factors were identified, although experienced surgeons showed a trend towards increased survival rate.  相似文献   

Gastrointestinal (GI) pythiosis is a severe and often fatal disease in dogs that traditionally has been poorly responsive to medical treatment. Although aggressive surgical resection with wide margins is the most consistently effective treatment, lesion location and extent often preclude complete resection. Recently, it has been suggested that the addition of anti‐inflammatory doses of corticosteroids may improve outcome in dogs with nonresectable GI pythiosis. This report describes 3 dogs with colonic pythiosis in which complete resolution of clinical signs, regression of colonic masses, and progressive decreases in serological titers were observed after treatment with itraconazole, terbinafine, and corticosteroids. This treatment protocol represents a promising treatment for dogs with GI pythiosis in which surgical intervention is not feasible.  相似文献   

马肠道微生物群对其营养消化及维持机体健康具有重要作用,肠道不同部位的微生物具有不同功能,易受到各种因素的影响。马肠道正常微生物群结构遭到破坏,可导致肠道微生物失衡和机体功能紊乱,进而引起多种疾病。介绍了马肠道不同部位的微生物群结构组成特征,阐述了影响马肠道微生物群变化的各类因素,以期为改善马肠道营养健康、开发马健康监测和疾病预防工具提供科学依据,也为马肠道微生物研究提供新的视角。  相似文献   

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