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雉鸡(Phasianus colchicus)是国内主要经济鸟类之一,也是分布最广、亚种分化最多、地理变异最复杂的种类之一。《中国动物志鸟纲第四卷鸡形目》一书对其分类、亚种分化、地理变异等方面作了迄今最完整的叙述。本文仅就甘肃雉鸡亚种分化、分布、地理变异等作进一步探讨。一、亚种分化甘肃雉鸡有甘肃亚种(P.c.strauchi)、南山亚种(P.c.satscheuensis)、阿拉善亚种(P.c.sohokhotensis)和华东亚种(P.c.torquatus)共4个亚种。检索如下:  相似文献   

<正> 河北亚种环颈雉是雉鸡属中的一个亚种,主要分布在长白山中部至北京郊区的广大地区。近年来已在北方各地驯化为家养,并向商品化生产迈进。为了深入探讨雉鸡在家养条件下的行为模式,为雉鸡的驯化、饲养管理及动物学研究提供科学依据,笔者自1988年开始对30只雉鸡进行详尽的观察研究,现将已观察到的雉鸡行为报告如下:  相似文献   

雉鸡在动物学分类上属于鸟纲、鸡形目、雉科、雉属,学名为Piasianus colchicus,又称环颈雉,俗称山鸡、野鸡。我国古代就有养殖雉鸡的记载,但是真正大规模开始研究、养殖雉鸡是于1978年中国农业科学院特产研究所首先开始的,并取得了多项研究成果。雉鸡在野生状态下分为30个亚种,其中在我国境内分布的有19个亚种,约占雉鸡亚种总数的三分之二,广泛地分布于大江南北,除了西藏和海南以外,遍及全国。  相似文献   

世界上雉鸡共有39多个亚种,分布在我国的就有19个亚种之多。河北亚种雉鸡,具有分布广、适应性强、体型较大的特点。成年公雉体重约1300克,雌雉约1000克。主要外貌特征为:公雉颈的下部有一个完整的白色环,胸部铜红色有光泽,上  相似文献   

为鉴定死亡猕猴血液中分离的细菌,本试验采用16S rRNA序列比对的方法对该菌进行鉴定。药敏试验采用纸片法,毒力试验采用皮下注射小鼠的方法。结果显示,所鉴定细菌为马链球菌兽疫亚种,敏感的药物有氨苄青霉素、阿莫西林、头孢唑啉、克林霉素、利福平、氟苯尼考、红霉素和罗红霉素等。经皮下注射700个活菌即能致死小鼠。结果表明,南平某动物园此次猕猴死亡是由马链球菌兽疫亚种引起的。  相似文献   

通过黑化雉鸡 (Melanisticmuckedpheasant)和大型环颈雉鸡 (Jumboringneckedpheas ant)的正交和反交 ,以及F1 中进行自交 ,观察F1 和F2 中羽色性状的表现和分离比例。试验结果表明 ,黑化雉鸡羽色性状对于环颈雉鸡羽色的遗传方式是显性遗传 ,而且显性是完全的 ;黑化雉鸡羽色性状也由常染色体上一对等位基因M来控制的 ,并不存在显性致死现象  相似文献   

雉鸡口角炎白色念珠菌病的诊断及病原ITS序列测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009年7月广东顺德某珍禽场种雏鸡出现单侧口角炎,从发生口角炎的230日龄的公雉鸡口角病灶中分离到1株酵母样菌,经鉴别培养、生化试验、动物接种试验和ITS序列测定,鉴定为致病性白色念珠菌,其序列与常见的引发幼龄雉鸡嗉囊炎的白色念珠菌高度同源。  相似文献   

结合形态学与分子生物学特征对甘肃省嘉峪关市洋葱鳞茎软腐病病原种类进行了鉴定,在KB培养基上对两株典型菌株的菌落形态和培养特征进行了观察和描述,16S rDNA序列测定和同源性比对结果表明两菌株的16S rDNA序列分别与GenBank数据库已知胡萝卜软腐果胶杆菌胡萝卜亚种和格氏沙雷氏菌的序列同源性均达99%,其片段大小分别为1 386 bp和1 379 bp。致病性测定结果表明,2种菌均能引起洋葱鳞茎软腐病,且洋葱基部的发病程度高于顶部,其中胡萝卜软腐果胶杆菌胡萝卜亚种的致病力强于格氏沙雷氏菌。按柯赫氏法则初步确定甘肃省嘉峪关市洋葱鳞茎软腐病病原种类为胡萝卜软腐果胶杆菌胡萝卜亚种和格氏沙雷氏菌2种,由格氏沙雷氏菌引起的洋葱鳞茎软腐病属首次报道。本研究将为洋葱软腐病的防治提供理论依据。  相似文献   

为了探讨我国绵羊痒螨兔亚种的遗传变异特征和种群结构,利用PCR技术对我国5个地理区域(华北、华东、华中、西南、西北)的83个绵羊痒螨兔亚种株的线粒体16SrRNA全序列进行扩增和遗传多样性分析。结果显示,83个样品的16SrRNA全序列长度均为1 025bp,共存在83个变异位点和52个单倍型;样品所代表的5个地理区域种群间的Fst值为-0.037 59~0.587 63,基因流值为-6.900 7~31.117 62;进一步用NJ树和单倍型网络图分析显示,52个单倍型构成2个大的分支,但却呈现出杂乱的分布格局,即地理区域、温度带和兔的品种特征性种群结构不显著。我国绵羊痒螨兔亚种的遗传多样性较高,遗传分化不明显,尚未形成地理种群结构。  相似文献   

<正>雉鸡新城疫是由新城疫病毒引起的一种高度接触性传染病,该病常呈败血症经过,以呼吸困难,下痢,神经紊乱,黏膜、浆膜出血为特征。该病对雉鸡养殖业危害极大。定期做好疫苗免疫接种,是预防和控制雉鸡新城疫的根本措施。1病原  相似文献   

自然界中鸟类呈现出丰富的羽毛颜色,羽色性状在躲避天敌、捕食、求偶及抵御紫外线等方面都具有重要作用。对鸡羽毛颜色性状的研究有助于加强品种区分、识别,在育种工作中建立品种间的显著标识和保障同一品种外观整齐尤为重要。羽毛颜色是禽类表型遗传研究的重要组成部分,它主要由黑色素和类胡萝卜素所决定。目前鸡羽毛颜色性状遗传调控机制的研究大多集中在黑色素相关通路,其中,Wnt、KIT/KITL和EDN3/EDNRB等信号通路对黑素细胞的生长发育、迁移和分化具有重要的调控作用,α-MSH/ASIP-MC1R信号通路负责调控黑色素的合成。已有研究显示,通过全基因组范围内的遗传变异检测技术挖掘与羽色性状相关的基因和变异位点,可以揭示黑羽、麻羽、显性白羽、隐形白羽、常染色体白化、银羽、性连锁不完全白化、深棕色羽、淡紫色羽(灰羽)、非依赖酪氨酸酶的隐性白羽、斑点羽和性连锁横斑羽(芦花羽)等多种羽色性状的遗传调控机制。此外,以图灵模型为理论基础可以解释复杂羽色图案的形成机制。作者通过总结黑色素相关调控通路与图灵模型对家鸡羽毛颜色性状的遗传调控机制,对近年来已经确定基因座的家鸡羽毛颜色性状相关研究展开综述,以期为鸡羽色分子机制研究以及在育种过程中开展鸡羽色性状标记辅助选择提供参考。  相似文献   

应用原子吸收法、氨基酸分析仪等分析了山西省庞泉沟自然保护区健康成体褐马鸡(n=10)和太原动物园患食羽症的成体褐马鸡(n=14)羽毛8种元素和17种氨基酸含量。食羽症褐马鸡全羽中Cu、Mn和绒羽中S的含量极显著低于健康褐马鸡,羽轴中C含量显著高于健康褐马鸡。食羽症褐马鸡全羽胱氨酸、蛋氨酸、赖氨酸和精氨酸含量显著低于健康褐马鸡。上述羽毛成分的改变与食羽症的发生有关。健康褐马鸡的羽毛成分可作为正常参数。  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate a polymerase chain reaction assay for identification of Campylobacter fetus and differentiation of the defined subspecies.
Design Characterisation of bacterial strains by traditional phenotyping, polymerase chain reaction, a probabilistic identification scheme and macrorestriction profiling using pulsed field gel electrophoresis.
Procedure The results of identification of 99 bacterial strains as determined by conventional phenotyping or by poly-merase chain reaction were compared. Two of these were type strains of C fetus subsp fetus and C fetus subsp venerealis ; the remaining strains were field isolates putatively identified as C fetus . In cases where the subspecies identity was disputed, isolates were identified by means of a probabilistic identification scheme and by macrorestriction profiling.
Results The agreement between strain identities initially suggested by traditional phenotypic methods and the PCR assay was found to be 80.8%. The polymerase chain reaction proved to be a reliable technique for the species and subspecies identification of C fetus ; equivocal results were obtained in only two instances. Initial misidentifications by conventional phenotyping methods were attributed to methodological differences used in various laboratories.
Conclusion Our results indicate that misidentification of C fetus i n routine diagnostic laboratories may be relatively common. The PCR assay evaluated gave rapid and reproducible results and is thus a valuable adjunctive method for the identification of C fetus and subsequent subspecies differentiation.  相似文献   

1. The study investigated the effects of providing sight barriers in breeding pens on pheasant mortality, feather damage and behaviour. 2. Data were collected from 11 conventional pens (control) and 11 pens with additional sight barriers (barrier) over the course of a ten week breeding season. Each pen contained 8 males and 56 females at the beginning of the season. 3. There was a higher rate of mortality in males (6 x 25%) than females (2 x 11%) that was unaffected by treatment. 4. Feather damage increased over the breeding season and both male and female pheasants showed better feather condition in the pens with barriers at the end of the season. 5. The pheasants spent most of their time walking or standing. Providing barriers increased perching, but reduced preening. 6. The provision of sight barriers had no effect on the incidence of courtship and mating, but did reduce aggressive interactions such as pecking and chasing. 7. The study provides baseline data on the behaviour of breeding pheasants under these husbandry conditions, and suggests that barriers may improve pheasant welfare by reducing potentially harmful aggressive interactions, without affecting activity patterns or reproductive behaviour.  相似文献   

褐马鸡是中国特有的国家Ⅰ级保护濒危鸟类,为了解决野生褐马鸡分子生物学研究中存在的取样局限性,采用非伤害性取样和非损伤性取样,对褐马鸡微量血液、皮、脚垫、指甲、羽毛、陈旧标本的皮以及粪便的DNA提取进行了初步研究。结果表明,从褐马鸡微量血液(10μL)中可以提取到浓度和纯度高的基因组DNA(41.85μg);从褐马鸡的皮、脚垫、指甲、羽毛中可以提取出基因组DNA并扩增出目标片断;陈旧标本的皮能够提取到基因组DNA。该研究将拓宽褐马鸡分子生物学研究的采样范围,并可以提高野外非损伤性取样在保护遗传学中的应用。  相似文献   

Zinc deficiency in pheasant chicks fed practical diets   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A disease syndrome characterized by abnormal feathering and varus deviation of the tarsometatarsus spontaneously occurred in pheasant chicks fed a practical commercially prepared diet. The addition of supplemental Zn to the commercial diet was effective in alleviating the clinical signs, even though the commercial mix had Zn levels that met the published pheasant chick requirement. Supplemental arginine was ineffective in reducing the severity of the clinical signs. Also, when the diet was mixed in a laboratory setting, pheasant chicks did not develop abnormal feathering and leg bones. Clinical signs caused by feeding the commercial mix were not reproduced by altering dietary calcium and phosphorus levels in the laboratory mix. Neither adding a pellet binder nor removing supplemental Zn from the lab mix produced as severe leg and feather deformities as the commercial mix. Thus, unidentified dietary factors are capable of causing a Zn-deficiency syndrome in pheasant chicks fed practical diets with analyzed Zn levels meeting the required levels.  相似文献   

金小俊  孙艳霞  陈勇  于佳琳 《草地学报》2022,30(6):1543-1549
本文以狗牙根草坪及其伴生杂草毛花雀稗、白三叶以及莎草为研究对象,提出了一种基于深度学习的草坪杂草识别及除草剂喷施区域检测方法。通过将原图划分为若干格子区域,利用神经网络模型对格子图片进行杂草识别,实现杂草定位并进而确定除草剂喷施区域。为探究不同神经网络模型对杂草识别的效果,选取VGGNet模型、GoogLeNet模型和ShuffleNet模型,分别以F1值、准确率和识别速度进行对比分析。验证集下所有模型的F1值都高于0.97,表明本研究中的三个模型对于杂草都有较好的识别效果。其中,GoogLeNet模型为杂草识别最优模型,拥有最为均衡的识别率和识别速度。其在测试集的平均准确率和识别速度分别为98.75%和36.9 fps,能够用于草坪实时杂草识别应用。结果表明,本研究提出的草坪杂草识别与除草剂喷施区域检测方法具有高度的可行性和较优的应用效果,可用于基于除草剂精准喷施的草坪杂草防控。  相似文献   

The development of facial recognition technology has become an increasingly powerful tool in wild animal individual recognition. In this paper, we develop an automatic detection and recognition method with the combinations of body features of big cats based on the deep convolutional neural network (CNN). We collected dataset including 12 244 images from 47 individual Amur tigers (Panthera tigris altaica) at the Siberian Tiger Park by mobile phones and digital camera and 1940 images and videos of 12 individual wild Amur leopard (Panthera pardus orientalis) by infrared cameras. First, the single shot multibox detector algorithm is used to perform the automatic detection process of feature regions in each image. For the different feature regions of the image, like face stripe or spots, CNNs and multi-layer perceptron models were applied to automatically identify tiger and leopard individuals, independently. Our results show that the identification accuracy of Amur tiger can reach up to 93.27% for face front, 93.33% for right body stripe, and 93.46% for left body stripe. Furthermore, the combination of right face, left body stripe, and right body stripe achieves the highest accuracy rate, up to 95.55%. Consequently, the combination of different body parts can improve the individual identification accuracy. However, it is not the higher the number of body parts, the higher the accuracy rate. The combination model with 3 body parts has the highest accuracy. The identification accuracy of Amur leopard can reach up to 86.90% for face front, 89.13% for left body spots, and 88.33% for right body spots. The accuracy of different body parts combination is lower than the independent part. For wild Amur leopard, the combination of face with body spot part is not helpful for the improvement of identification accuracy. The most effective identification part is still the independent left or right body spot part. It can be applied in long-term monitoring of big cats, including big data analysis for animal behavior, and be helpful for the individual identification of other wildlife species.  相似文献   

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