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[目的]掌握杭州市规模化养殖场中湖羊芽囊原虫的感染情况和基因亚型分布。[方法]从杭州市4个规模化养殖场采集167份湖羊的新鲜粪便样本,提取粪便全基因组DNA;基于小亚基核糖体RNA(SSU rRNA)基因,对粪便DNA样本进行PCR扩增,对阳性产物进行测序;经序列比对鉴定芽囊原虫基因亚型,构建系统进化树解析其遗传进化关系。[结果]167份样本中,检测出芽囊原虫阳性样本18份,感染率为10.78%(18/167);3个养殖场呈芽囊原虫阳性,感染率依次为21.43%(3/14)、21.21%(14/66)和2.13%(1/47),1个养殖场未检测出芽囊原虫;不同养殖场之间湖羊芽囊原虫的感染率存在极显著(P<0.01)差异。鉴定出7个芽囊原虫基因亚型,分别为ST7(n=1)、ST10(n=9)、ST21(n=3)、ST23(n=1)、ST24(n=2)、ST26(n=1)、ST30(n=1),以ST10亚型为优势感染亚型(9/18,50.00%);基于芽囊原虫SSU rRNA基因的系统进化树分析发现,6种基因亚型序列聚类形成1个大群,其中ST10和ST23聚类形成亚群,ST21、ST2...  相似文献   

芽囊原虫是一种常见的寄生于人类和多种动物肠道的人兽共患单细胞病原体,可引起人和动物的腹泻和肠痉挛等胃肠道疾病。为了解广东省部分地区奶牛芽囊原虫的感染情况及人兽共患特性,基于核糖体小亚基(SSU rRNA)基因位点对广东地区4个奶牛场的479份粪便样品进行PCR扩增。结果显示,芽囊原虫总感染率为1.88%(9/479),主要见于断奶前和断奶后犊牛,其感染率分别为3.38%(7/207)和1.61%(2/124),在育成牛和成年牛中未发现芽囊原虫感染。经种系发育分析发现在该地区共存在2种人兽共患亚型(ST3、ST5)和1种动物特异性亚型(ST10)。结果表明,广东地区奶牛芽囊原虫存在着潜在的人兽共患风险,具有重要的公共卫生学意义。  相似文献   

芽囊原虫是一种呈世界性分布的常见机会致病性原虫,为鉴定云南某非洲鸵鸟养殖专业合作社芽囊原虫感染情况及其基因型,对采集的90份鸵鸟粪便样品,通过套式PCR扩增芽囊原虫SSU rRNA基因。结果发现,62份样本为阳性,芽囊原虫感染率为68.89%(62/90);其中,90日龄感染率最高,为86.36%(19/22),60日龄感染率最低,为6.25%(20/32),但不同日龄鸵鸟芽囊原虫的感染率差异不显著(P>0.05,χ2=6.67,df=3);基于SSU rRNA基因的序列分析,鉴定出ST5、ST7及ST20共3种芽囊原虫亚型,ST5为优势亚型。其中,ST5、ST7属人兽共患亚型。研究结果丰富了云南地区养殖非洲鸵鸟感染芽囊原虫的情况背景及基因分型的数据,为芽囊原虫的防控工作提供了参考。  相似文献   

为了解动物园动物肠道寄生虫感染情况,本试验采集了来自贵阳和北京动物园33种动物,共150份粪便样品。采用饱和盐水漂浮法和离心沉淀法富集虫卵和卵囊进行显微镜检查;基于隐孢子虫、芽囊原虫、毕氏肠微孢子虫和十二指肠贾第虫的特异性基因位点对人兽共患原虫进行PCR检测和序列比对分析。结果显示,动物园动物寄生虫总感染率为64.0%。显微镜检查出的寄生虫包括毛首线虫(20.0%)、细颈线虫(2.7%)、艾美耳球虫(14.7%)和其他线虫(25.3%)。PCR检测4种肠道原虫的感染率分别为:隐孢子虫1.3%、毕氏肠微孢子虫8.7%、十二指肠贾第虫12.0%和芽囊原虫32.0%。序列比对结果显示,存在2种隐孢子虫虫种(安氏隐孢子虫和泛在隐孢子虫);7种毕氏肠微孢子虫基因型(SC02、BEB6、Type IV、PigEBITS 7、Peru8、PtEb IX和D);2种十二指肠贾第虫基因型(B和E);8种芽囊原虫基因亚型(ST1、ST2、ST3、ST5、ST8、ST10、ST13和ST14)。结果表明,贵州和北京动物园动物肠道寄生虫感染非常普遍,并且存在多种人兽共患虫种和基因型。做好动物园寄生虫病的防控不...  相似文献   

芽囊原虫(Blastocystis spp.)是人和动物肠道中最常见的原生生物之一,能引起人和动物的肠道疾病和皮肤疾病,且有人兽共患基因亚型。为了解不同地区羊芽囊原虫的感染情况,对来自7个省、区的704份羊粪便样品,基于核糖体小亚基基因(SSU rDNA)位点进行分子流行病学调查,并首次对羊源人兽共患亚型ST3、ST4进行多位点序列分型。结果显示,芽囊原虫总感染率为13.35%(94/704),不同地区、不同品种间感染率差异极显著。芽囊原虫序列分析共发现5个亚型(ST3、ST4、ST5、ST10和ST14),其中,ST3、ST4和ST5为人兽共患基因亚型,MLST分析ST3为Allele 38且在2个基因位点发生了碱基突变。ST4包括Allele 42、Allele 92和Allele 94 3种等位基因。本次调查表明羊芽囊原虫感染普遍,病原存在人兽共患亚型且具遗传多样性,应给予足够重视。  相似文献   

为了解西双版纳州原始森林公园野生猴群芽囊原虫的感染情况及其基因型,对采集的30份猴粪样,利用套式PCR法扩增芽囊原虫核糖体小亚基RNA(SSU rRNA)基因,对阳性产物进行测序比对,利用MEGA 6.0软件构建遗传系统进化树。结果显示:芽囊原虫检出率为40.00%(12/30);扩增的SSU rRNA基因序列长度为1 100 bp,基因亚型鉴定为ST1和ST8,有4份样品比对结果显示为人芽囊原虫,其序列与人芽囊原虫一致性达99.61%。研究结果提示,加强对西双版纳原始森林公园野生猴群芽囊原虫的防控,确保猴群健康,具有重要公共卫生意义。  相似文献   

为了了解云南省怒江州独龙牛芽囊原虫的感染情况及基因型,试验分4个季节从怒江州怒江流域(古泉村、亚左洛村、鸠门当、茨开镇)及独龙江流域(独龙江乡)5个地点采集到987份独龙牛粪便样本,基于芽囊原虫的18S rRNA基因序列设计引物,采用常规PCR方法对粪便DNA进行扩增,琼脂糖凝胶电泳后对阳性样本进行测序分析。使用Clustal X 1.83软件和BLAST程序对测得序列在GenBank上与芽囊原虫参考序列进行同源性比对,通过MEGA-X软件计算序列之间的遗传距离,采用邻接法(NJ)构建系统进化树,以SPSS 19.0软件对感染率进行统计分析。结果表明:共得到119份芽囊原虫阳性样本,与GenBank中单峰驼芽囊原虫SSU rRNA基因序列(KC148207.1)相比,同源性为97.06%~98.92%;与牛芽囊原虫SSU rRNA基因序列(KC148205.1)相比,同源性为96.86%~98.19%,鉴定出ST10、ST14两种基因亚型。独龙牛芽囊原虫的总感染率为12.06%,其中古泉村、亚左洛村、鸠门当、茨开镇、独龙江乡感染率分别为7.28%、12.30%、19.27%、12.28...  相似文献   

圈养珍稀野生动物肠道寄生虫感染情况及其形态观察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对陕西省野生动物驯养繁育技术中心的3种圈养珍稀野生动物进行了肠道寄生虫感染情况、种类及形态的调查。采用生理盐水涂片及碘液染色法,对3种52只(头)野生动物的粪便进行检查,并对检出的寄生虫进行数码显微摄片,结果共检出肠道寄生虫17种。红腹锦鸡(Chrysolophus pictus)、孔雀(Pavo muticus)、野猪(Sus scrofa)寄生虫总感染率分别为84.2%、77.8%、80%,以芽囊原虫(Blastocystis sp.)、赖利绦虫(Raillietina sp.)、蛔虫(Ascaridia sp.)、艾美耳属球虫(Eimeriasp.)感染较为突出。  相似文献   

为调查西宁野生动物园禽类肠道寄生虫感染情况,作者于2021年10月采集9种94份粪便样品,应用饱和蔗糖漂浮法和沉淀法对粪便样本进行了检查。结果显示,寄生虫感染阳性样本数为13份,占样本总数的13.8%。此次实验共计检查出有3种寄生虫感染了禽类,按照感染例数排列顺序为:球虫、蛔虫、异刺线虫。感染强度测定结果显示,大多数野生动物粪便样本中虫卵或卵囊感染强度较低。研究表明,西宁野生动物园禽类肠道寄生虫感染防控效果较好,需要持续加强寄生虫的监测工作。  相似文献   

为了解长春地区狐狸、貉和家兔养殖场的十二指肠贾第虫感染情况,基于十二指肠贾第虫GDH基因位点分别设计2对引物,对养殖场的120份狐狸粪便样品、60份貉粪便样品和148份家兔粪便样品十二指肠贾第虫进行检测和基因型分析。结果表明,在来自狐狸的粪便中检测出阳性样品44份,阳性率为36.7%,基因型均为基因亚型AI;6份貉阳性样品,阳性率为10.0%,基因型均为集聚体D;41份家兔阳性样品,阳性率为27.7%,其中4份是集聚体B,其他是集聚体A中的基因亚型AI。结果发现在长春地区貉感染贾第虫集聚体D,长春地区的狐狸感染人兽共患型的集聚体A,家兔感染人兽共患型的集聚体A和B。研究结果为该地区十二指肠贾第虫病的防控提供了参考。  相似文献   

The feasibility of fecal steroid analysis for pregnancy diagnosis and sex determination were tested in sika deer (Cervus nippon). Feces were collected from captive sika deer in June (non-breeding season and late-pregnancy period) and October (breeding season), and also from the rectum of 24 female sika deer (19 pregnant and 5 non-pregnant females) shot as part of programs for population control in February and March (mid-pregnancy period). In mid- and late-pregnancy periods, fecal progesterone concentrations were significantly higher in pregnant female than in male and non-pregnant female deer. In October, fecal testosterone concentrations were higher in adult male deer, and no difference was found between young males and females. These results suggest that fecal steroid analysis would be a useful means for estimating pregnancy status and for detecting adult male among wild deer.  相似文献   

We examined the antimicrobial susceptibility of 848 Escherichia coli isolates from 237 feces samples of wild sika deer (Cervus nippon) captured between 2016 and 2019 in 39 of the 47 prefectures of Japan. Five of the 237 wild sika deer (2.1%) carried E. coli with resistance to at least one antimicrobial, and all the resistant isolates showed resistance to tetracycline. The resistant isolates contained antimicrobial resistance genes that were similar to those in E. coli derived from humans and farm animals. Although wild sika deer are not currently likely to be a source for the transmission of antimicrobial resistance in Japan, they can potentially mediate antimicrobial resistance spread by coming into contact with humans, animals, and their surroundings.  相似文献   

To investigate the possible transmission of Blastocystis organisms between local rhesus monkeys and children in Kathmandu, Nepal, we compared the subtype (ST) and sequence of Blastocystis isolates from children with gastrointestinal symptoms and local rhesus monkeys. Twenty and 10 Blastocystis isolates were established from 82 and 10 fecal samples obtained from children and monkeys, respectively. Subtype analysis with seven sequence-tagged site (STS) primers indicated that the prevalence of Blastocystis sp. ST1, ST2 and ST3 was 20%, 20% and 60% in the child isolates, respectively. In contrast to human isolates, ST3 was not found in monkey isolates and the prevalence of ST1 and ST2 was 50% and 70%, respectively, including three mixed STs1 and 2 and one isolate not amplified by any STS primers, respectively. Since Blastocystis sp. ST2 has been reported as the most dominant genotype in the survey of Blastocystis infection among the various monkey species, sequence comparison of the 150 bp variable region of the small subunit rRNA (SSU rRNA) gene was conducted among ST2 isolates of humans and monkeys. Sequence alignment of 24 clones developed from ST2 isolates of 4 humans and 4 monkeys showed three distinct subgroups, defined as ST2A, ST2B and ST2C. These three subgroups were shared between the child and monkey isolates. These results suggest that the local rhesus monkeys are a possible source of Blastocystis sp. ST2 infection of humans in Kathmandu.  相似文献   

Blastocystis sp. is one of the most common enteric parasites found in humans and many non-human hosts. It is an anaerobic protozoan that belongs to the group of Stramenopiles. Based on phylogenetic analysis of ribosomal DNA genes, at least 17 subtypes (ST1-ST17) are described. The aim of this study was to identify and characterize Blastocystis sp. in stool samples from various animal groups and animal-keepers. Overall, 29/70 (41.43%) animals and 7/60 (11.66%) humans sampled were positive for Blastocystis sp. using microscopy. The sequencing of the partial 18S small subunit ribosomal DNA gene (SSU rDNA) revealed the presence of five haplotypes corresponding to ST2 and ST3 in humans, and ST2, ST3, ST7, and ST10 in animals. This is the first report of Blastocystis subtypes in animals in Algeria.  相似文献   

The prevalence of Blastocystis sp. was examined in fecal samples collected from cattle, pigs, dogs, and a variety of zoo animals (primates, carnivores, herbivores, pheasants, and ducks) by direct observation of fresh fecal suspensions or cultured materials, using light microscopy. The cattle and pigs were randomly sampled from 11 and 12 commercial farms, respectively, located in the western region of Japan. The dog material used in this study was obtained from pets housed in an animal shelter in the city of Osaka. Zoo animals were chosen based on housing conditions that minimized the possibility of intra-zoo transmission of the organism. The prevalence rate among the groups varied greatly. A high prevalence of infection was observed in the farm animal group, ranging from 95% (58/61) in pigs to 71% (39/55) in cattle, whereas the dog fecal samples were completely free of the organism. Prevalence of the organism in the zoo animal were 85% (29/34) in primates, 80% (8/10) in pheasants, 56% (9/16) in ducks, and 0% (0/58) in various carnivores and herbivores. Among the zoo animals infected with Blastocystis, eight species of primates, eight species of pheasants, and four species of ducks were confirmed as new hosts. Since Blastocystis organisms isolated from various animals were morphologically indistinguishable from Blastocystis hominis by light microscopy, further genomic studies are required for analysis of the zoonotic potential or etiological significance of these isolates.  相似文献   

Seven sika deer (Cervus nippon) in a herd of 30 deer in a park died. Upon examination of three dead deer, Salmonella Typhimurium was isolated from the organs and intestinal contents. Histopathological examination revealed catarrhal enteritis and focal necroses in the liver. Immunohistochemically, Salmonella antigen of O4 was detected in the enteric lesions. The case was diagnosed as S. Typhimurium infection in the sika deer. Because of the importance of Salmonella in public health, fecal and soil samples were continuously collected from the paddock. However, no Salmonella was isolated from any samples collected after medication of the deer and thorough disinfection of the immediate environment.  相似文献   

Seven adult free-ranging sika deer (Cervus nippon yesoensis) were examined by histology, immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy for intestinal spirochetal infection. Histologically epithelial and goblet cell hyperplasia and edema of the lamina propria mucosa with macrophage and lymphocyte infiltration were observed in the cecum and colon in 6 of the 7 deer. Numerous argyrophilic spirochetes were present in the crypts and some had invaded epithelial and goblet cells and caused degeneration. Immunohistochemically the organisms stained positively with polyclonal antisera against Brachyspira (Serpulina) hyodysenteriae and B. pilosicoli. Ultrastructurally they were 6-14 microm long, 0.2-0.3 microm wide and had 4-6 coils and 13 axial filaments per cell; such features were closely similar to those in the Brachyspira species. These results showed that the spirochetes were capable of inducing enteritis in deer and this intestinal spirochete infection might already be prevalent among wild sika deer in Japan. There is a possibility that this spirochetal colitis is a new syndrome in sika deer and that the same and/or similar spirochetes have infected ruminants, including sika deer and cattle.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine the whole nucleotide sequence of the open reading frame of the sex‐determining region Y (SRY‐ORF) in wild sika deer. The SRY gene of wild sika deer was obtained by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with DNA from blood samples. The whole nucleotide sequence of the SRY‐ORF in wild sika deer consisted of 687 bp and encoded 229 deduced amino acids. In comparison with the bovine SRY gene, the percentage of nucleotide sequence homology was 91.0% in the overall ORF, and those of the N‐terminal, high mobility group (HMG) box, and C‐terminal regions within ORF were 88.9%, 96.2% and 87.9%, respectively. The nucleotide sequences of sika deer SRY‐ORF characterized in the present study can be used for phylogenetic analysis or sexing in wild sika deer.  相似文献   

旨在利用基因分型测序(genotyping by sequencing,GBS)技术对梅花鹿、马鹿及其杂交后代(F1、F2)基因组的SNP特征进行分析。本试验采用GBS技术对梅花鹿(63个)、马鹿(12个)及其杂交后代(F1代112个,F2代38个,未知类型个体1个)共226个个体的血液基因组DNA进行测序,并利用本实验室前期110只梅花鹿、197只马鹿和1只F1代杂交鹿的测序数据,以梅花鹿全基因组为参考序列进行比对分析。结果,226个个体共产生Clean data 322.683 Gb,平均每个样品1 427.802 Mb;将所有样本作为一个群体检测SNP变异,共检测出SNP位点23 943 582个,质控过滤后得到SNP位点31 630个。对31 630个SNPs使用最大似然(maximum likelihood,ML)法构建的分子进化树显示,梅花鹿、马鹿、F1及F2代区分明显。对梅花鹿和马鹿的SNPs进行比对分析,筛选出可用于鉴别马鹿、梅花鹿、F1、F2的物种特异SNP位点1 032个(马鹿特异SNP位点474个,梅花鹿特异SNP位点558个),计算结果显示,F1代个体包含马鹿特异SNPs的比例主要在40%~60%之间,F2代个体含马鹿特异SNPs的比例主要在10%~30%之间,马鹿个体中不含梅花鹿的特异SNPs,梅花鹿中55.49%的个体不含马鹿特异SNPs,17.34%的个体含马鹿特异SNPs的比例低于1%,13.29%的个体含马鹿特异SNPs的比例在1%~10%之间,其余个体含马鹿特异SNPs的比例为10%~20%(其中有一个个体含马鹿特异SNPs的比例为33.3%)。该研究为花马杂交鹿后代的鉴定提供了可靠标记,并定量估计了F1和F2代个体含马鹿特异SNPs的比例,马鹿个体中不含梅花鹿的特异SNPs,这对梅花鹿、马鹿及其杂交后代(F1、F2)的鉴别具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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