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为加强水产养殖用兽药、饲料和饲料添加剂等投入品管理,依法打击生产、进口、经营和使用假、劣水产养殖用兽药、饲料和饲料添加剂等违法行为,保障养殖水产品质量安全,加快推进水产养殖业绿色发展,根据《渔业法》《农产品质量安全法》《兽药管理条例》《词料和饲料添加剂管理条例》《农药管理条例》《水产养殖质量安全管理规定》等法律法规和规章有关规定,农业农村部印发了《关于加强水产养殖用投入品监管的通知》(以下简称《通知》),指导各级地方农业农村(畜牧兽医、渔业)部门.  相似文献   

<正>现代渔业发展的重要方向是提升水产养殖产品的质量,包括营养质量、卫生与安全质量、食用质量等。水产养殖产品的质量受到养殖动物种类(不同种类所具有的营养质量有差异)、病害与药物的使用(药物残留)、水域环境(风味、安全质量)、饲料质量(风味、安全质量)等的直接影响。其中,养殖水产动物的病害防控成为重要节点。如果养殖水产动物健康、具有很好的抗病防病能力,在实际养殖生产过程中,既可减少对水体、池塘、水产动物消毒、杀菌、杀虫等药物的使  相似文献   

健康、无公害养殖是鳗鱼养殖发展的方向。无公害产品的产生,必须从养殖用水、饲料、种质、养殖管理、药物使用等各方面共同操作才能产生,而非仅从用药单方面控制即能做到,因而加强养殖技术和水质管理是今后鳗鱼养殖业稳定发展的基础。一、培育优质种苗是关键鳗苗在培育过程中相  相似文献   

技术名称:淡水水产品健康养殖技术 技术概述:由于一度忽略养殖水域的生态平衡和环境保护,致使水产养殖业在发展过程中不断受到资源匮乏、环境污染、病害因素的困扰和制约;加之渔用药物、饲料及添加剂等投入品使用尚不够规范,导致水产品质量下降,严重阻碍了渔业的健康持续发展,甚至对人民群众的身体健康也造成影响和危害,水产品质量安全问题越来越突出。  相似文献   

马巧芸  李学贵 《畜禽业》2011,(10):56-57
规模化养殖是我国养殖业的发展方向。加强畜禽养殖场环境控制,保障生态养殖,对促进我国规模化养殖的健康发展显得特别重要。要做到生态养殖,必须做到养殖场选址要合理、饲养管理要科学、兽药饲料等的使用要规范、疾病防控、畜禽粪便及有害物质(包括气体)等的无害化处理。以实现对环境的有效控制。  相似文献   

饲料兽药是肉牛饲养环节中不可缺少的基本物质,合理规范的使用饲料兽药可有效的促进肉牛生长速度,提升养殖经济效益,但如非法滥用饲料兽药不仅不能促进肉牛养殖经济效益的提高,还直接导致肉品质量安全问题的发生,对人民群众身体健康造成严重的威胁,因此加强肉牛饲养环节中的饲料兽药的监督工作显得尤为重要,促进饲料兽药合理使用,发挥饲料兽药对肉牛养殖的促进作用。  相似文献   

一、2010年工作回顾(一)加强渔业生产投入品检测与管理1.加强水产养殖投入品的检测渔用饲料和渔用药物是水产养殖的主要投入品,直接关系到水产品质量安全。2010年初,与郑州市水产技术推广站联合组织了河南省水产养殖规范用药科技下乡活动,起到了很好的宣传作用。2010年7~10月份接受河南省农业厅水产局下达任务,省渔  相似文献   

综述了健康养殖和环保型饲料的内涵以及健康养殖对环保型饲料在卫生和安全质量、营养质量、饲料加工质量及投喂技术等方面的要求。  相似文献   

健康养殖池塘水质的调控原理与技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
谢骏 《中国水产》2010,(6):54-56
随着高密度、集约化水产养殖生产的发展,许多水产养殖区域因大量使用饲料、肥料和渔药,带来鱼塘淤积、沉积物污染、水质恶化等一系列问题。大部分养殖水体的水质变化频率加快,养殖户常违背健康养殖生产的要求使用药物进行水处理,造成水产养殖对象的发病率显著升高。因此,了解无公害健康水产养殖的水质要求,并能够按这一要求有针对性地调控养殖水体环境,使水质条件更好地满足水产养殖对象的要求显得十分必要。  相似文献   

随着水产养殖技术的快速发展,养殖规模不断扩大。但是,在养殖规模扩大、养殖产量提高的同时却忽略了健康养殖和生态养殖的推广使用,同时由于渔业水域污染及渔用药物的滥用、渔用饲料等投入品的管理薄弱、水产养殖生产操作不规范等,导致水产品药物残留现象时有发现,渔用药物的滥  相似文献   

生物絮团技术在水产养殖中的应用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
传统的水产养殖模式所带来的环境污染、资源浪费和病害频发等问题已成为制约我国水产养殖业可持续发展的主要因素。生物絮团技术(BFT)具有净化水质、提高饵料利用率及病害防控等优点,被认为是有望解决上述问题的新型健康生态养殖技术,已在国内外得到一定规模的应用,并获得了良好的经济、社会和生态效益。本文重点介绍了生物絮团的形成与培养、生物絮团的主要影响因素及其在水产养殖中的应用效果。研究认为,BFT能够改良水质、节约养殖用水、降低饲料成本、提高养殖对象存活率、增加养殖产量和效益;将BFT与生物膜技术相结合,能够更有效地维持养殖水体中适宜的生物絮团含量,避免生物絮团的过量沉积,并能提高水质改良及增产增收的应用效果,具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

In impoverished semi‐arid regions in the world, reservoirs serve multiple purposes, including food provision through fisheries and aquaculture. Yet, the socio‐economic benefits of promoting both activities remain unclear. We independently assessed the socio‐economic benefits generated from fisheries and aquaculture, in two reservoirs in the Brazilian semi‐arid region (June 2013 to June 2014). These reservoirs produced 27.75 ton of farmed tilapia over a year (USD Purchasing Power Parities [PPP] 88,778.73) and provided at least 16.5 ton of fish through fisheries (USD PPP 37,557.81), based on data from four farmer associations. Our input–output model revealed that the local economy depends on both activities, which, therefore, contribute similarly to providing goods and services to different branches. Aquaculture generated much higher revenues (seven times) than fisheries, but also much higher losses (the most successful farm yielded an average income of USD PPP 592.41 monthly). Still, there were no statistical differences in income among the compared associations. Fisheries provided very but guaranteed income (USD PPP 311.02 ± 82.94) and employed over three times as many people and contributed much more (>3 times) to food security than aquaculture. Encouraging aquaculture through specific policies while overlooking fisheries is not advisable because poor fishers would not be able to deal with unpredictable outcomes and it would put their food security at risk. However, if initial external support is provided to fishers in order to buffer large losses, aquaculture could represent a way out of poverty by generating an opportunity for larger gains, as long as potential negative ecological impacts of aquaculture are accounted for.  相似文献   

The rising share of aquaculture in supplying seafood changes the mixture of species in the world's market, because capture fisheries target carnivorous species whereas aquaculture focuses on species that are lower in the food chain. Trophic level correlates with production volume (tons/yr) and with unit value (US$/ton) in aquaculture but not in capture fisheries (FAO's fisheries data). Apparently, sustainability and economics in aquaculture both depend on ecological efficiency, i.e., the use of resources and the production of waste. Species feeding low in the food chain use efficiently the natural resources. Each level up the food chain inflates costs related to the use of resources, the production of waste and the maintenance of water quality. This effect has further repercussions on the economics of aquaculture: (1) cost influences profit and unit price, and (2) price influences demand and market share. The overall ecological efficiency, sustainability and economics of culturing carnivorous fish are improved by growing them in an ecological balance with species from low trophic levels in integrated multi-trophic aquaculture.  相似文献   

Escape incidents in coastal aquaculture lead to economic losses for farmers and may have indirect socio‐economic effects on local fisheries. In this study, the relationship of meagre, Argyrosomus regius (Asso), production in open‐sea cages and coastal small‐scale fisheries was analysed through captures of escapes, which are easily detected because this species is considered locally absent in native communities in Western Mediterranean regions. Scale reading showed that 100% of captured meagre were escapees. The existence of a direct relationship, in terms of biomass, between the development of meagre coastal aquaculture and the increase of captures of this species by local fisheries was demonstrated. The spatial distribution of meagre captures suggested that there is a local environmental and economic interaction between meagre aquaculture and fisheries through escapees. Monitoring the presence of locally absent species such as meagre within landings might help to assess the magnitude of escapes, the potential economic effects on local aquaculture and fishery industries, and the potential adverse ecological impacts on local ecosystems.  相似文献   

Abstract. The growth of the aquaculture industry and the general awareness of the environment have increased the concern of' the environmental impact from aquaculture.
As fish farms are open systems, all material that is not harvested as fish is released to the environment. The most important effluents are solid particles like feed and faeces, dissolved substances like nutrients and excretion products, and antibacterial agents.
The effect of these substances varies with their nature and quantity and with local conditions. Production and biomass of phytoplankton seem to be little influenced. The benthic community beneath and close to the cages is often altered. At poorly flushed sites the sea-bed may be anoxic and methane and hydrogensulphide are released from the sediments. Wild fauna, like fish, otters and birds are attracted to the farms.
The respiration and excretion of the fish directly influence water quality. Usually the oxygen tension is somewhat reduced in the net cages, while the concentration of ammonia is elevated in the net. Such conditions are assumed to influence fish growth and health.
Most of the antibiotic agents used in fish farming are persistent and may remain in high concentrations in the sediments up to one year after medication. The frequency of resistant bacteria in the sea-bed is normally increased, and there is a temporary drop in sediment metabolism after medication. Wild fish have been found to have high residues of antibiotic agents.
The organic loading of the sea-bed, the evolution of resistant bacteria and residues in the wild flsh are considered to be the most severe environmental impact of aquaculture. These are all associated with effluent of large particles, and thus mainly restricted to the site area.  相似文献   

本文根据近海渔业资源衰退的实际,有针对性地提出渔业和渔业资源管理具体措施和建议,主要是:(1)削减捕捞力量,优化捕捞作业结构;(2)实施TAC制度;(3)渔获量配额管理和提高渔获物附加值;(4)伏季休渔和产卵场保护;(5)种群最小可捕标准和渔具最小尺寸;(6)重点保护生活史k选择的种群;(7)增殖放流明显衰退的经济种类;(8)杜绝毒、炸、电违规捕捞;(9)控制对沿岸海域的污染,保护渔业生态环境;(10)加强资源监测和预测,开展渔情预报;(11)完善渔业统计,建立渔捞记录制度;(12)强化渔业法和水产资源繁殖保护条例的宣传教育力度;(13)开展渔业资源普查工作等等。  相似文献   

China is the world's largest capture fisheries and aquaculture producer. Over recent decades, China's domestic marine catch composition has changed markedly, from large volumes of a few high‐valued food species to multiple, small, low‐valued, species, a significant proportion of which is primarily used as animal, especially fish, feed. Despite the growing volume and economic importance of the feed catches, their species composition, catch volumes and socio‐environmental impacts are all poorly understood. Based on a nationwide survey of >800 fishing vessels, and the identification and measurement of >12,000 fish and invertebrate individuals, the present study provides an overview of the feed component of China's domestic marine catch, by volumes, species and sizes, and found it to be substantial and biologically unsustainable. Half of the trawler catch (3 million metric tons, mmt), or 35% of the total catch (4.6 mmt) in China's exclusive economic zone, are now comprised of low‐valued “feed‐grade fish”. The present study identified 218 fish species, 50 crustaceans and five cephalopods, and of these, 102 fish species were food species with 89% individuals in their juvenile size ranges. Feed‐grade fish were mainly used as aquaculture feed directly, or indirectly, through the feed industry after reduction to fishmeal and fish oil. The unparalleled scale and poor fisheries resource condition of China's domestic marine fisheries, in parallel with severe overfishing of juveniles, creates a demand for fundamental changes to fishery management practices, including a significant reduction of fishing effort to ensure productivity and ecosystem resilience.  相似文献   


India is a very populous country with more than one billion people. In order to provide food for this growing population, serious environmental problems may result. Despite many benefits from the green, blue, and silver revolutions adopted in India, there has been much concern resulting from intensive agricultural practices that led to environmental problems in both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Increasing demand for aquatic resources also caused inland fisheries to decrease over the past few decades. The location of aquaculture projects, landscape destruction, soil and water pollution by pond effluents, over-exploitation of important fish stocks, depletion in biodiversity, conflicts over agriculture and aquaculture among various stakeholder groups over resource and space allocation, and international fish trade controversies have threatened the long-term sustainability of fisheries and aquaculture industries. The subject of sustainable aquaculture has not been adequately projected in terms of current aquaculture practices aimed to boost a rural economy. This review briefly describes the key issues of aquaculture unsustainability in terms of intensive aquaculture, nutrient enrichment syndrome, soil and groundwater salinization, destruction of mangroves, loss of biodiversity, marine pollution and loss of fish stock, use of aquachemicals and therapeutics, hormone residues, etc. The strategies for sustainability have been highlighted with respect to rice-cum-fish culture, carp polyculture, integrated farming with livestock, rural aquaculture, intensification of small farms, wastewater-fed aquaculture, crop rotation, probiotics, feed quality, socioeconomic considerations, environmental regulations and fisheries acts, transboundary aquatic ecosystems, impact of alien species, ethical aspects of intensive aquaculture, responsible fisheries, and environmental impact assessment. A suggested model outlines the feedback mechanisms for achieving long-term sustainability through improved farm management practices, integrated farming, use of selective aquachemicals and probiotics, conservation of natural resources, regulatory mechanism, and policy instruments.  相似文献   

Improved knowledge on the swimming physiology of fish and its application to fisheries science and aquaculture (i.e., farming a fitter fish) is currently needed in the face of global environmental changes, high fishing pressures, increased aquaculture production as well as increased concern on fish well-being. Here, we review existing data on teleost fish that indicate that sustained exercise at optimal speeds enhances muscle growth and has consequences for flesh quality. Potential added benefits of sustained exercise may be delay of ovarian development and stimulation of immune status. Exercise could represent a natural, noninvasive, and economical approach to improve growth, flesh quality as well as welfare of aquacultured fish: a FitFish for a healthy consumer. All these issues are important for setting directions for policy decisions and future studies in this area. For this purpose, the FitFish workshop on the Swimming Physiology of Fish () was organized to bring together a multidisciplinary group of scientists using exercise models, industrial partners, and policy makers. Sixteen international experts from Europe, North America, and Japan were invited to present their work and view on migration of fishes in their natural environment, beneficial effects of exercise, and applications for sustainable aquaculture. Eighty-eight participants from 19 different countries contributed through a poster session and round table discussion. Eight papers from invited speakers at the workshop have been contributed to this special issue on The Swimming Physiology of Fish.  相似文献   

养殖渔业的传统技术与科技创新   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
我国养殖渔业的主体是池塘养鱼,长期的生长技术经验积累形成了一套经济合理的生态养鱼法,它与多种经营相关甚密,是农业复合生态结构中的重要组合,当前,来自资源,环境和市场需求等方面的压力对传统养殖淦业提出了挑战,节水,环保,高值水产品养殖等要求越来越迫切,随着工业化养鱼的兴起,与养殖有关的各种现代科技必须加以应用,如生物工程,微生态,动物营养及饲料,健康养殖以及病害防治等,从而使我国的养殖渔业尽快实现现代化。  相似文献   

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