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浅谈僵鳗产生的控制及促长措施养鳗业近年来随着国内外市场需求量的剧增而逐年发展扩大。但由于鳗苗放养密度、投饵等管理不当,导致僵鳗产生的比例居高不下,尤其是欧州鳗,高达30%以上,僵鳗现已成为鳗场一种弃之可惜、养则不长的赘物,从而增大养鳗的成本。采取何种...  相似文献   

顺德市华星饲料厂在坚持以快速提高欧洲鳗(Anguilla anguilla)上市商品率、提高生长速度、提高抗病能力为主攻方向的指导思想下,根据欧鳗养殖的水体和泥土等自然环境特点,经过多次反复试验,设计出以土塘养殖为主体的从欧鳗培苗饲养到土塘饲养的优化饲料配方,  相似文献   

养鳗业近年来随着国内外市场需求量的剧增而逐年发展扩大。但由于鳗苗放养密度、投饵等管理不当,而造成僵鳗产生的比例高居不下,尤其是欧州鳗,高达30%以上。僵鳗现已成为鳗场一种弃掉可惜,养则不长的累赘物,增大养鳗的成本。采取何种措施来控制、减少僵鳗的产生和促进僵鳗的快速生长,已成为养殖者和科技人员的一个重要问题。现据笔者的实践经验与已报道过信息,归纳如下供同行者试用。 1控制、减少僵鳗产生的技术措施  相似文献   

所谓老头鳗,指的是经过一个养殖周期,乃至几个养殖周期的饲养,仍达不到100克以上商品规格的鳗鱼。多数老头鳗体色发黄,俗称“黄苗”。养殖场对此类鳗鱼颇感头痛,继续养殖,成本很大,却收益甚微,甚至亏本,放弃又很可惜。老头鳗究竟是如何形成的?出现老头鳗后该如何再培育?现简单介绍如下。1老头鳗的形成原因1.1白仔鳗养殖阶段(1)放养密度过高,由于饲料、溶氧的不足,而产生生长停滞的僵鳗,虽养殖一段时间后,体色发黑,但人土池后仍形成老头鳗。(2)白仔鳗驯食时,丝蛆蚓的投喂量、投喂次数少,部分小规格、体质差的鳗苗抢不…  相似文献   

鳗鲡养殖是我国新兴的高效养殖业。养鳗中—个突出的问题是:鳗鲡的个体生长差异较大,部分鳗苗经过2—3年饲养仍不能达到上市规格,变成留之无益、弃之可惜的“老头苗”(僵鳗),一般养鳗场“老头苗”占的比例在10-20%。形成“老头苗”既有先天性的原因,也有后天养殖过程中技术的问题。鳗鲡和其他动物一样,  相似文献   

鳗池罗氏沼虾高产养殖随着名特优水产品养殖的兴起,罗氏沼虾因个体大、生长快,养殖周期短、产量高、效益好,深受广大养殖者的青睐。近几年来,因鳗苗种价格昂贵,大量精养露天鳗池被空闲。利用鳗池条件好,进排水方便转产进行罗氏沼虾高产精养不失为一条创利途径。19...  相似文献   

鳗鱼 一、养殖 本年度全世界鳗苗剧减,中国大陆日本鳗入池量仅6.84吨。无法满足养殖的需要,尽管数量较少,但只要专心管理、勤于分养,利用去年购入较多且规格小的鳗苗适当拉疏,勉强可以解决目前苗种不足的困难。  相似文献   

欧洲鳗养殖试验随着养鳗业的发展,日本鳗苗的价格日渐昂贵,国内外就竞相开发养鳗资源,运用廉价欧洲鳗苗进行养殖试验。我们从1991年开始,也进行了三年欧洲鳗的养殖试验,现已有近10万尾鳗鱼接近和达到成鳗规格,饲养效果良好,现将养殖的一些情况总结如下:一、...  相似文献   

欧鳗苗阶段培育初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着养鳗业的发展,日本鳗苗远不能满足生产的需求,价格昂贵,不断上涨,因此,有的鳗场就引进一些廉价的欧鳗苗来试养。笔者有幸,于1994年3-6月,在广东潮安县航源鳗场,参加欧鳗苗培育试验.显获得较好的结果,现将试养情况报导如下。1鳗苗培育方法及条件培育方法:潮安地区3月-4月中旬,水温常处于15℃左右,不适于白仔鳗苗生长,所以采取大棚育苗的方法。基本条件:育苗池4口、面积均为133m2,深1m,能经常保水0.8m;水源为城郊有轻度污染的河水;用蒸汽加温;每池配有1.1kW的水车式增氧机2台;有活饲料培育池一口,3.2m2;饲料…  相似文献   

根据检测超标问题提出对鳗鱼养殖及对日出口的建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国内地的鳗鱼养殖业于20世纪80年代中期开始,起步虽然较晚,但发展迅速,产量增长很快。经过短短20年的发展,已成为世界鳗鱼养殖、加工和出口的主要地区,形成了集鳗苗培育、成鳗养殖、饲料生产以及烤鳗和鳗鱼副产品加工、出口一条龙的外向型产业。鳗鱼及制品是我国大宗出口创汇水产品,  相似文献   

养鳗池塘生态系统中矿物元素及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对比分析了6口处于不同养殖阶段的日本鳗鲡(Anguill japonica)池塘水体、水源、底泥及饲料中的矿物元素,探讨了池塘生态系统中矿物元素的主要影响因素和生产管理对策,结果表明:1)养鳗池塘水体矿物元素与所处养殖阶段投入饲料的品种相关,底泥中矿物元素部分在养殖过程中积累而来;2)主成分分析结果表明钙、镁、铝元素是...  相似文献   

Otoliths of glass eels and larvae collected from the Rio Minho (Portugal/Spain) as well as from the Iberian continental slope from the Bay of Biscay were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. Preliminary data are presented on the total radius of the otolith and the width of the zone exhibiting a diffuse structure which, in the literature, is suggested to be the zone of metamorphosis. It was found that the radius increased from the development stage I through stage II to the glass eel stage (Vb). The width of the diffuse zone also exhibited an increase. Calculations of the dimensions of the diffuse zone of specimens older than stage I revealed that the area of metamorphosis amounts to about 28–60% of the total diffuse zone. From these results it is evident that part of the diffuse zone must have formed during a larval phase of retarded growth, during which no formation of daily growth rings takes place. Only the outer portion of the diffuse zone can be accounted for by the metamorphosis. For these reasons, an exact age determination by counting daily rings seems impossible. A determination of the oceanic life of the eel recruits is difficult for other reasons too: all earlier and recent studies have indicated that Anguilla leptocephali and their metamorphosis stages do not occur on the continental shelf, which could add an additionally high amount of time needed until arrival at the coasts.  相似文献   

One of the challenges that Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS) are still facing is the risk that in RAS fish grow less than in flow-through systems due to the accumulation of substances originating from feed, fish or bacteria associated with the water re-use. The present study investigated whether RAS with high and low accumulation levels of these substances affect feed intake and growth of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus, African catfish Clarias gariepinus, and European eel Anguilla Anguilla. One-hundred and twenty individuals of each species were used (start body weights: Nile tilapia 264.8 ± 8.3 g; African catfish 253.2 ± 2.1 g and European eel 66.6 ± 1.3 g). For a period of 39 days, growth and feed intake were compared between high and low accumulation RAS. HIGH accumulation RAS was designed for maximal accumulation of substances in the water by operating the system at nearly-closed conditions (30 L/kg feed/d), using mature biofilters and high feed loads; and (2) LOW accumulation RAS was designed to be a proxy for flow-through systems by operating at high water exchange rates (1500 L/kg feed/d), new biofilters and low feed load. HIGH accumulation RAS induced a reduction in feed intake (42%) and growth (83%) of Nile tilapia, as compared to systems that are a proxy for flow-through conditions. This effect was not observed in European eel and African catfish. The cause of this reduced feed intake and growth rate of Nile tilapia is still unclear and should be addressed in further studies.  相似文献   

目前,国内采用饲养日本鳗鲡的传统方法来饲养欧洲鳗鲡,内中存在两个问题:一是鳗病,其中狂游病发病急,死亡率极高,而红头病虽然发病稍缓,但极难治疗,死亡也较严重;二是各阶段的生长速度明显低于日本鳗鲡。本文对这两大问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

益生菌的应用对鳗鲡池塘水质变化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在鳗鲡养殖池中应用益生菌,研究其对池塘水质变化的影响。结果表明,在鳗鲡养殖池中添加芽胞杆菌、光合菌及EM菌,能有效降低养殖水体的氨氮(NH4+-N)、亚硝酸盐氮(NO2--N)及化学耗氧量,有利于水质净化和微生态环境的修复。  相似文献   

黄鳝体内睾酮、雌二醇和炔诺酮含量的检测分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
检测并分析了黄鳝体内睾酮、雌二醇和炔诺酮的含量。结果显示,野生和人工饲养的黄鳝,其血清中睾酮、雌二醇的平均值为0.055ng/ml和22.43pg/ml,野生黄鳝中睾酮、雌二醇的含量普遍高于人工饲养的黄鳝,Student′↑s t检验差异显著。在野生及人工饲养的黄鳝体内均未检出炔诺酮。饲养试验的结果表明,如果黄鳝摄食了添加一定浓度炔诺酮的饲料,能检出其体内炔诺酮的残留。  相似文献   

中草药添加剂对日本鳗鲡生长和非特异性免疫效应的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
在基础饲料中分别添加0.5 g/kg、1.0 g/kg和1.5 g/kg的自制中草药免疫添加剂,配制成3种试验饲料,以基础饲料为对照组饲料,每处理设3个平行样,对体重为30~40 g的日本鳗鲡(Anguilla japonica)进行为期60 d的饲养试验,每20 d取样一次,以相对增重率、成活率和血清中的溶菌酶(LZM)、一氧化氮合酶(NOS)、碱性磷酸酶(AKP)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性为指标,探讨了中草药免疫添加剂对日本鳗鲡生长和非特异性免疫效应的影响。结果显示:饲料中添加中草药免疫添加剂可以显著提高日本鳗鲡的增重率,降低饲料系数(P<0.05)。试验组日本鳗鲡血清中的LZM、NOS、AKP和SOD等活性均高于对照组。因此,中草药免疫添加剂具有显著促生长和增强机体免疫能力的作用,建议在实际生产中的添加量为1.0 g/kg较为合适。  相似文献   

孔雀石绿对日本鳗鲡的背景污染试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用高压液相色谱法检测孔雀石绿和隐性孔雀石绿,研究了水体使用孔雀石绿后,池塘底泥孔雀石绿残留和泥土背景污染导致的鳗鲡肌肉中孔雀石绿的残留和消除.连续使用三次孔雀石绿24 h后,水体中无孔雀石绿残留.池塘使用孔雀石绿溶液浸泡后,导致池底泥沙中孔雀石绿残留,部分采样点检测到隐性孔雀石绿于泥沙中残留.池底孔雀石绿的残留,将导致鳗鲡孔雀石绿在肌肉中的残留,隐性孔雀石绿将长期于肌肉中滞留.孔雀石绿背景污染的池塘,应改造至无背景污染后使用,才能保障鳗鲡无孔雀石绿残留.  相似文献   

Abstract— Both species of New Zealand freshwater eels (the shortfinned eel Anguilla australis and the longfinned eel A. dieffenbachii ) are widespread and abundant, supporting important commercial and recreational fisheries. This article reviews growth studies from 35 widely distributed sites throughout New Zealand and discusses factors that influence growth rates. Length at given age is characterized by high intra- and inter-population variability; growth rates for eels >30 cm are typically slow (2–3 cm per year) and linear, with females generally growing faster than males. Water temperature affects the length of the growing season, although growth rates are not correlated with latitude. Other factors suggested as affecting growth rates are eel density, quantity and quality of food, and interactions between both eel species. Al though growth of some New Zealand eel populations is the slowest recorded for any species of Anguilla , growth in culture can be rapid, similar to that of other temperate eel species.  相似文献   

本文总结了1995-1996年来龙岩山区欧鳗的养殖结果,平均体重每尾2.4克幼鳗经三个月的养殖,成活率达80%,饲料系数0.75以上,成鳗养殖成活率可达95%以上,饲料系数平均0.54。结果表明:控制欧鳗养殖水日交换量大于100-150%,建立蓄水池,进行水处理,解决雨季鳗场用水,采用优质配合饲料,定期进行病虫害防治,特别是拟指环虫病的防治,是山区欧鳗养殖成功的关键。  相似文献   

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