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闽南地区鲍溃烂病的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
导致鲍发生溃烂的原因有多种。本研究通过对闽南地区鲍溃烂病的研究结果发现:除了已报道的荧光假单胞杆菌和亮弧菌一Ⅱ外哈维氏弧菌也是鲍溃烂病的主要病原。哈维氏弧菌导致发病养鲍池的COD值升高、pH值降低,异养菌数剧增并以弧菌为主;使用已报道的防治方法疗效不显著,却对妥布霉素、利复平、头孢三嗪、环丙沙星、呋喃妥因等药物敏感。  相似文献   

一、细菌病1.脓疱病皱纹盘鲍脓疱病的病原菌为河流弧菌。该病流行于我国北方沿海养殖地区,夏季发病频繁,死亡率高达50%~60%。病鲍足肌上有多个微隆起的白色脓庖,脓庖破裂后流出大量白色脓汁,并留下2~5厘米不等的深孔,足面肌肉呈现不同程度的溃烂。联合使用氯霉素、复方新诺明或氟哌酸进行药物防治效果较好。此外采用河流弧菌Ⅱ疫苗或噬菌体防治脓疱病,明显提高了成活率。2.脓毒败血症皱纹盘鲍脓毒败血症的病原菌为坎氏弧菌,存在于血淋巴液中而遍布全身各组织、器官,通过分泌胞外酶,破坏正常的组织结构而致鲍死亡,该…  相似文献   

杂色鲍养殖环境中致病性弧菌分布调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从深圳不同的杂色鲍人工养殖场采集并分类环境生物样品。应用TCBS平板分离并作生理生化初步鉴定弧菌,平板涂布法统计水样和各类生物每mL(或每g)所含弧菌总数,并应用基于16S~23SrDNA间区序列设计的4种水产病原弧菌特异性引物进行PCR,定性检测各类环境样品所携带致病性弧菌的分布状况。结果显示,弧菌广泛存在于杂色鲍养殖环境中,且杂色鲍养殖池池水中的弧菌密度大于进水口海水。在养殖环境生物中,不同环境生物中每克生物所携带的弧菌数差别很大,其中盘管虫、海蟑螂、等足类所携带的弧菌数最多,而海鞘携带的弧菌数最少。在常见的4种致病性弧菌的检测结果上,创伤弧菌和溶藻弧菌阳性率均为3.4%。通过研究弧菌在杂色鲍养殖环境中弧菌的分布特征,为杂色鲍养殖中流行性弧菌病的预防提供科学依据。  相似文献   

以皱纹盘鲍脓足病致病病原- - 创伤弧菌为抗原,制备兔抗血清,抗体纯化后以辣根过氧化物酶标记,建立检测创伤弧菌的双抗夹心ELISA 检测法。结果表明,双抗夹心ELISA 法有较高的灵敏度,可检出含菌104 个/ml 的菌悬液。与创伤弧菌对照菌株有明显的阳性反应不与副溶血弧菌、溶藻胶弧菌、河流弧菌等8 株对照菌株产生影响检测结果的交叉反应。应用该法检测30 份病鲍样品,阳性检出率为66 .7 % 。  相似文献   

破腹病是鲍养殖生产中的常见病,每年的3-6月和8-10月为其高发期,外套膜破裂是其最主要症状,病鲍的死亡率可达50-90%。通过研究确认了副溶血弧菌(Vibrio parahaemo-lyticus)为鲍破腹病的致病菌。该菌对鲍具有较强的致病性,注射、创伤、浸泡等多种感染方式皆可引起鲍出现破腹和死亡现象,其对21种常用抗菌药物的敏感性都不太强,中度敏感药物只有庆大霉素、妥布霉素、卡那霉素、新霉素、红霉素、复方新诺明等。通过药敏性、经济性、便捷性比较,确定复方新诺明为鲍养殖生产中破腹病的主要防治药物,有效率达80%以上。  相似文献   

朱利  俞守义  陈清  蔡俊鹏 《水产科学》2004,23(12):21-23
在18份鲍鱼养殖厂的各种水样和不同生长期的鲍样品中,共分离出17株弧菌:溶藻性弧菌11株,副溶血弧菌3株,霍乱弧菌2株,拟态弧菌1株。其中,溶藻性弧菌分布比较广,存在于各种样品;副溶血弧菌主要分布于鲍的肠道内;而非O1 O139群霍乱弧菌和拟态弧菌则分布于源头水中。鲍养殖水体中细菌总数的计数可以作为监测细菌性病害的指标之一。副溶血弧菌在鲍肠道内的高检出率提示鲍与副溶血弧菌的关系值得深入研究。  相似文献   

近几年中国南方杂色鲍(Haliotis diversicolorReeve)养殖场频繁爆发严重的肌肉萎缩症,该病能感染各种规格杂色鲍,死亡率很高。病鲍症状主要表现为外套膜和内脏团萎缩、无生气,附着力下降,最终死亡。该试验从病鲍组织分离到1株优势菌WS,人工感染试验证实其对健康杂色鲍有很强致病性,且与自然发病的杂色鲍症状相同。对菌株WS进行形态学观察和生理生化检测,结果显示与哈维氏弧菌(Vibrio harveyi)最为接近。为了进一步确定其分类地位,采用1对通用引物扩增其16S rDNA序列片断进行序列分析和同源性对比,构建系统发育树,结果表明,菌株WS与弧菌属的V.harveyi[AY750577]聚为1个分支,且同源性达99.70%。综合上述3种鉴定结果,确定该菌为哈维氏弧菌。  相似文献   

海水养殖鱼类弧菌病的研究进展   总被引:25,自引:4,他引:21  
综述了由鳗弧菌、溶藻弧菌、哈维氏弧菌、灿烂弧菌等弧菌引起的海水养殖鱼类弧菌病的典型症状、病原学、病理、检测技术以及防治等方面的研究进展。笔者对弧菌病的防治方法提出了一些有益的见解,另外对弧菌病的研究方向也进行了探讨和展望。  相似文献   

观察了一例南日鲍(Haliotis discus nanri)病鲍的症状,从病症明显的濒临死亡的南日鲍病鲍足部病灶区、消化腺中分离得到一株优势菌,并对该优势菌进行了浸浴感染和注射感染的回归感染试验、生理生化特征测定及药敏试验。结果表明:南日鲍发病初期,没有明显的症状,发病持续一段时间后足部表面有大小不一的溃烂孔;回归感染试验结果表明该优势菌为致病菌,经生化指标的测定,确定该致病菌为溶藻弧菌(Vibrio alginolyticus);该菌对氟甲喹和氟苯尼考等21种抗菌药物敏感。本研究结果为南日鲍病害防治提供一些基础数据。  相似文献   

正临床特征病鲍腹足上有多处稍微隆起的白色浓疱,一般可维持一段时间不破裂,高温时病情加重,短时间内即破裂,流出白色浓液,足面肌肉出现不同程度的溃烂,鲍附着力下降,食欲降低,甚至死亡。病原及致病机理病原为河流弧菌Ⅱ(Vibrio fluvialisⅡ),河流弧菌主要通过分泌脂肪酶、蛋白酶、  相似文献   

本文从细菌、病毒和寄生虫导致的病害,底栖硅藻膜、鲍苗的种群密度、水环境中的理化条件、赤潮等方面入手,综述了国内外学者近几年对鲍苗死亡原因的研究进展,并提出相应的防治对策。  相似文献   

该研究目的是建立一套鲍育苗和养殖的生态化模式,包括鲍苗种生态培育模式、鲍陆基生态养成模式和海上鲍藻套养生态养成模式,以克服目前鲍养殖业存在的病害频发、成活率低下等问题,提高鲍养殖的经济效益,降低养殖风险。鲍苗种生态培育模式通过"光照-微藻-微生态制剂-滤食性动物-鲍苗"构建复合生物体系;鲍陆基生态养成模式通过池内建立"复合生物区系",并在池外设立生态塘和生态渠进行养殖废水处理的方式构建;海上生态养成模式通过"鲍藻套养"构建。共培育鲍苗5批次,培育周期210~240d,共产出鲍苗17.764×104个,平均壳长1.5cm以上,育成率0.78%~1.23%。陆基生态化模式养成商品鲍43.774×104个,平均壳长6.53cm,平均体质量34.6g,成活率87.5%,周期18~20个月。海上鲍生态养成150口网箱,养成商品鲍3×108个,平均壳长6.50cm以上,成活率85%以上,养成时间18~20个月。  相似文献   

对杂色鲍(Haliotis diversicolor)分别按每kg体质量注射250mg、500mg和1000mg的L-精氨酸和5mg、10mg、20mg的环磷酰胺。每隔5d足部肌肉注射1次,共注射3次。第16天检测其血清中NO含量以及NOS活性的变化情况。同时采用注射环磷酰胺的方法(剂量为10mg/kg体质量),对杂色鲍血清中NOS活性进行负调控,分别在注射后3h、6h、12h、24h、48h、96h对血清NO水平和血清NOS、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、酸性磷酸酶(ACP)、碱性磷酸酶(AKP)以及溶菌酶(LZM)活性进行测定,并探讨它们之间的相关性。结果显示,注射500mg/kg的L-精氨酸可以显著提高实验鲍血清中NO水平和NOS活性,而注射10mg/kg的环磷酰胺则可以显著降低实验鲍血清中NO水平和NOS活性。血清中NOS活性与ACP、AKP以及LZM等活性的相关系数分别为0.8074、0.8292和0.7408,相关显著(P<0.05)或极显著(P<0.01),NO与SOD及LZM的相关系数分别为0.9302和0.9413,相关极显著(P<0.01)。实验结果为人工调控鲍体内的NO含量、增强其自身的非特异性免疫功能,从而提高鲍的抵抗疾病的能力提供了科学依据,同时也证明NO和NOS可以作为评价鲍免疫功能强弱的指标。  相似文献   

Dietary substitution effect of sea tangle (ST) with rice bran (RB) on growth and carcass composition of juvenile abalone (Haliotis discus) was determined. Juvenile abalone was acclimated to the experimental conditions for 4 weeks. Seventy juvenile abalone averaging 0.43 g were randomly distributed into each of the 18, 70 L plastic rectangular containers. The experimental diets were fed to abalone once a day at a satiation level with a little leftover. The feeding trial lasted for 16 weeks. Survival of abalone was not affected by dietary substitution of ST with RB. However, weight gain of abalone fed the RB40 diet was higher than that of abalone fed the all other diets except for the RB0 diet. No significant difference in weight gain was found in abalone fed between the RB0 and RB100 diets. SGR of abalone fed the RB40 diet was higher than that of abalone fed the all other diets. Also SGR of abalone fed the RB0 diet was higher than that of abalone fed the RB100 diet, but not different from that of abalone fed the RB20, RB60 and RB80 diets. Moisture, crude protein and ash content of the soft body of abalone were affected by dietary substitution of ST with RB. In conclusion, the 100% ST could be substituted with RB without a retardation of weight gain of abalone when the 20% ST was included into the experimental diet. However, the best growth performance was obtained in abalone fed the RB40 diet substituting 40% ST with RB.  相似文献   

Infectious pathogens figure prominently among those factors threatening marine wildlife. Mass mortality events caused by pathogens can fundamentally alter the structure of wild fish stocks and depress recruitment rates and yield. In the most severe instances, this can precipitate stock collapses resulting in dramatic economic losses to once valuable commercial fisheries. An outbreak of a herpes‐like virus among commercially fished abalone populations in the south‐west fishery of Victoria, Australia, during 2006–2007, has been associated with high mortality rates among all cohorts. Long‐term records from fishery‐independent surveys of blacklip abalone Haliotis rubra (Leach) enabled abundance from pre‐ and post‐viral periods to be analysed to estimate stock density and biomass. The spatial distribution of abundance in relation to physical habitat variables derived from high‐resolution bathymetric LiDAR data was investigated. Significant differences were observed in both measures between pre‐ and post‐viral periods. Although there was some limited evidence of gradual stock improvement in recent years, disease‐affected reefs have remained below productivity rates prior to the disease outbreak suggesting a reduction in larval availability or settlement success. This was corroborated by trends in sublegal sized blacklip abalone abundance that has yet to show substantial recovery post‐disease. Abundance data were modelled as a function of habitat variables using a generalised additive model (GAM) and indicated that high abundance was associated with complex reef structures of coastal waters (<15 m). This study highlights the importance of long‐term surveys to understand abalone recovery following mass mortality and the links between stock abundance and seafloor variability.  相似文献   

为探寻南方九孔鲍(Haliotis diversicolor supersicolor supertexta)苗大规模掉板死亡病因,从鲍鱼场患病掉板九孔鲍苗中分离到28株异养菌,并对其分泌胞外酶的能力进行分析.结果表明,分离得到的异养菌中有46.4%能分泌(酪)蛋白酶,60.7%能分泌明胶酶,3.57%分泌卵磷脂酶,17.86%分泌溶血素,但均不能分泌脂肪酶和淀粉酶.推测胞外蛋白酶为鲍苗患病的主要致病因子之一.综合考虑每一种胞外酶的潜在致病作用,以及菌株分泌多种胞外酶的能力,初步确认有5株异养菌为鲍苗掉板的潜在致病菌.  相似文献   

The genetic response and economic benefit from alternative breeding programme designs for blacklip and greenlip abalone (Haliotis rubra and Haliotis laevigata, respectively) were evaluated using a computer simulation model. Two selection criteria were investigated, one used family breeding values for liability to disease challenge test infection and the other used a direct selection of the best performing individuals across families for growth rate. Five scales of breeding programme were tested and the model predicted that if growth rate is the only selection criterion, breeding programmes of a scale using 150 families of each species each generation would result in 12–13% genetic improvement in initial generations and have the greatest beneficial economic impact on the Australian abalone industry of the options tested. The model predicts an average discounted benefit–cost ratio of 48:1, total added discounted benefit of AU$4.90 for each kilogram of abalone produced and nominal economic effect on operating income of over AU$16 million per year after 10 years. If disease resistance is the only selective breeding criterion, 100 families of each species would result in the highest benefit–cost ratio of the options tested, although some genetic gain would need to be sacrificed to reduce inbreeding to acceptable levels in this scenario. A strategy for a stand‐alone abalone selective breeding cooperative was also modelled. For a farm of current tank area yielding 100 t year?1, participation is expected to yield over AUThe genetic response and economic benefit from alternative breeding programme designs for blacklip and greenlip abalone (Haliotis rubra and Haliotis laevigata, respectively) were evaluated using a computer simulation model. Two selection criteria were investigated, one used family breeding values for liability to disease challenge test infection and the other used a direct selection of the best performing individuals across families for growth rate. Five scales of breeding programme were tested and the model predicted that if growth rate is the only selection criterion, breeding programmes of a scale using 150 families of each species each generation would result in 12–13% genetic improvement in initial generations and have the greatest beneficial economic impact on the Australian abalone industry of the options tested. The model predicts an average discounted benefit–cost ratio of 48:1, total added discounted benefit of AU$4.90 for each kilogram of abalone produced and nominal economic effect on operating income of over AU$16 million per year after 10 years. If disease resistance is the only selective breeding criterion, 100 families of each species would result in the highest benefit–cost ratio of the options tested, although some genetic gain would need to be sacrificed to reduce inbreeding to acceptable levels in this scenario. A strategy for a stand‐alone abalone selective breeding cooperative was also modelled. For a farm of current tank area yielding 100 t year?1, participation is expected to yield over AU$0.7 million in discounted total added production value and annual discounted returns of over AU$0.4 million per annum by year 10.  相似文献   

TZE-KUEI  CHIOU  MENG-MEI  LAI 《Fisheries Science》2002,68(2):388-394
ABSTRACT: Differences in taste preference and the levels of extractive components and glycogen were compared between cooked meats of small abalone Haliotis diversicolor fed either gracilar (G-small abalone) or an artificial diet (A-small abalone). Using sensory tests, taste preference of cooked meats was significantly higher for A-small abalone than for G-small abalone. Results of clustering analysis and principal component analysis of chemical data also revealed that the two cooked meats differed from each other in terms of their measured constituent compositions irrespective of sampling periods. Compared with G-small abalone, A-small abalone meats were lower in taurine and arginine, but higher in glycine (Gly), glutamic acid (Glu), alanine, serine, proline, adenosine monophosphate (AMP), and glycogen. It is concluded that the discrepancy in the levels of taste-active components of abalone, such as Gly, Glu, and AMP, is likely to be responsible for the differences in taste preference between G- and A-small abalone cooked meats.  相似文献   

The effects of dietary substitution of fishmeal with the combined dry Nannochloropsis oceanica (NO) biomass residue and casein on growth performance and carcass composition of juvenile abalone was determined. One thousand two hundred and sixty juvenile abalone were randomly distributed into the 18 L plastic rectangular containers. Five experimental diets in triplicate were prepared. The 28% fishmeal was included into the control (Con) diet. The 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% fishmeal were substituted with the combination of graded levels of dry NO biomass residue and casein, referred to as the NO25, NO50, NO75 and NO100 diets respectively. Finally, the salted sea tangle (ST), Laminaria japonica was prepared to compare the effect of the experimental diets on performance of abalone. The essential amino acids, such as isoleucine, leucine, phenylalanine, threonine and valine tended to increase with dietary substitution of fishmeal with NO biomass residue in the experimental diets. Arginine tended to decrease with dietary substitution of fishmeal with NO biomass residue. Survival of abalone fed the experimental diets was higher than that of abalone fed the ST diet for 16 weeks. Weight gain and specific growth rate (SGR) of abalone fed the NO100 diet were higher than those of abalone fed the all other diets. Weight gain and SGR of abalone linearly increased with dietary substation of fishmeal with NO. Shell length of abalone tended to increase with dietary substitution of fishmeal with the combined dry NO biomass residue and casein. The chemical composition of the soft body of abalone was different among treatments except for moisture content. In conclusion, fishmeal in the diets for abalone could be completely replaced with the combined dry NO biomass residue and casein when the 28% fishmeal was included.  相似文献   

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