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太湖主要鱼类食物组成   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘恩生 《水产学报》2008,32(3):395-401
根据2004年9-12月和2005年4月的调查,研究了太湖8种鱼的食物组成.结果表明:优势种鲚主要摄食枝角类、占食物个数比例89.77%±13.69%;太湖新银鱼主要摄食桡足类、占个数比例70.11%±10.57%;鲢、鳙主要摄食微囊藻、占食物体积比例90%以上;鲤食物中水生植物约占体积比例70%;鲫主要摄食微囊藻、占体积比例93.99%±3.34%;翘嘴红鲌、蒙古红鲌主要摄食鲚和小型鱼类.分析认为,随着太湖富营养化程度不断加重,以蓝藻为主的浮游植物食性鱼产力在快速增加,但实际渔获量以浮游动物食性鱼类为主.如2003年浮游植物食性鱼产力为10234t、占总鱼产力37.0%.而2004年实际渔获量中浮游动物食性鱼类占80%-90%,浮游植物食性鱼类渔获量仅3637.7t、占10.9%.因此,太湖现有鱼类群落组成和实际饵料构成是不吻合的.不仅如此,浮游动物食性鱼类数量的快速增加对浮游动物形成了巨大牧食压力,这更利于藻类繁殖.太湖鲫几乎完全以微囊藻为食物,可能对蓝藻暴发有抑制作用,应重新评价其对环境的影响.  相似文献   

巢湖太湖新银鱼寄生虫调查和食物组成   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
于2006年11月和2007年8月、9月、11月在巢湖5个采样点分别进行了4次调查,研究了太湖新银鱼(Neosalanx tangkahkeii taihuensis Chen)的寄生虫种类、感染率、感染强度、食物组成等指标。结果显示:巢湖的太湖新银鱼感染的寄生虫是双线绦虫,感染率8月份为(57.14±53.45)%,9月份为(66.67±47.76)%,两月平均感染率为(65.22±48.15)%;感染强度8月份为(0.71±0.76)个/尾,9月份为(1.59±1.80)个/尾,两月平均感染强度为(1.46±1.71)个/尾。桡足类是太湖新银鱼的主要食物,在8月份食物中平均个数组成比例为(66.32±11.85)%,出现率为100%;在9月份食物中平均个数组成比例为(57.86±31.00)%,出现率为87.18%。  相似文献   

富营养化条件下太湖湖鲚的食物组成特点及分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对富营养条件下太湖湖鲚消化道食物解剖观察,用个体数量百分比为指标,定量分析了太湖春、秋两季153尾湖鲚的食物组成。结果表明,2004年秋季湖鲚食物中枝角类占89.77%±13.69%,桡足类占7.84%±11.53%,在枝角类中象鼻蚤组成比例最高,占85.66%±15.48%;2005年春季湖鲚食谱中枝角类占79.35%±11.42%,象鼻蚤占42.31%±19.26%,桡足类占19.97%±10.78%。由此可见,春、秋两季湖鲚在食物组成上无明显差异,都以枝角类、尤其是象鼻蚤为主。与此同时,对太湖新银鱼食物组成分析得出该鱼以食桡足类为主,太湖湖鲚与银鱼在食物组成上有较大差异。通过分析认为,利用翘嘴红鲌、鳜鱼等肉食性鱼类来控制湖鲚产量的增加,对缓解太湖水体富营养化程度有一定的积极作用。  相似文献   

太湖湖鲚渔获量及年龄结构变化与环境间的相互关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
刘恩生  鲍传和  万全 《水产学报》2008,32(2):229-235
在太湖,随着鱼类总渔获量的不断增加和鱼类种类的不断减少,湖鲚(Coilia ectenestaihuensis Yen et Lin),一种小型浮游动物食性鱼类已成为绝对优势种.根据1952-2004年的统计数据和2003-2005年对湖鲚年龄结构和食物组成的调查,研究了湖鲚快速增加的原因以及与环境间的相互关系.结果如下:(1)在1952到2004年期间,湖鲚渔获量从1952年的640.5 t、占总渔获量的15.8%上升到2004年的21 221 t、占63.8%.尤其是1994年后湖鲚渔获量以每年1280.5 t的速度增加;(2)湖鲚种群年龄结构低龄个体呈现不断增加趋势.1979和1980年0 个体仅占33%和34%,而2003和2004年0 个体分别上升到99.04%和99.08%;(3)0 湖鲚主要摄食浮游动物.按照个数组成比例计算,枝角类平均占89.77%±13.69%、桡足类占7.84%±11.53%、轮虫仅占2.39%±4.95%.分析认为:江湖阻隔、过度捕捞、富营养化不断加重等人类活动以及太湖特有的鱼类生态学特点是导致湖鲚渔获量不断增加、年龄结构发生变化的根本原因.随着湖鲚数量的快速增加,在湖鲚生长期间太湖浮游动物现存量呈现相应下降趋势,这可能使太湖浮游植物更易暴发.  相似文献   

太湖新银鱼的食物组成及与主要鱼类间关系的初步分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了定量分析太湖新银鱼和鲚鱼间的食物关系,用个体数量百分比为指标,对太湖5个采样点的110尾太湖新银鱼样本进行了食物组成初步研究。结果表明:在4月份太湖新银鱼的食物中主要是桡足类,占食物总个数的70.11%±10.57%;其次是枝角类,占29.84%±10.62%;轮虫很少,仅占0.05%±0.11%;其中食物中的哲水蚤数量组成比例最高,平均占食物总个数的48.46%±8.58%,其次是剑水蚤和裸腹蚤,分别为18.97%±3.61%和15.63%±2.64%,轮虫和其它水蚤数量很少,共占14.26%±8.33%;在秋、冬季,根据仅能采集到的少数样本,估计桡足类约占食物总个数的80%。;而鲚鱼的主要食物是枝角类,占4月份食物总个数的79.35%±11.42%,占秋、冬季食物总个数的89.77%±13.69%。初步结论认为:太湖新银鱼和鲚鱼的食物组成差别很大;太湖新银鱼的主要食物是桡足类,而鲚鱼的主要食物是枝角类。  相似文献   

为了分析富营养化条件下巢湖主要鱼类对饵料资源的利用情况及对环境的影响,于2007年5~9月粗略观察了鲢、鳙的食物组成,在10~11月用个数组成比例和重量组成比例定量分析了鲢、鳙的食物组成,测定了其生长指标,并结合巢湖历年鱼类渔获量统计资料,分析了巢湖鲢、鳙渔获量变化的趋势和原因.结果表明:在富营养化条件下,巢湖的鲢、鳙都以蓝藻为主要食物.其中,在5~9月份鲢、鳙的食物几乎全部是蓝藻,仅有零星浮游动物出现;在10~11月份,鲢、鳙食物中微囊藻占个数组成比例和重量组成比例的95%以上,而浮游动物很少.生长指标测定表明:以蓝藻为主要食物的巢湖鲢、鳙生长很快,主要捕捞个体的2+龄鳙平均体重为(2 685±551)g,2+龄鲢为(2 278±527)g.渔获量统计资料显示:巢湖鲢、鳙渔获量维持在较低水平,1989~2007年平均波动在(231.60±123.60)t,仅占总渔获量的(2.40±0.58)%.分析认为:在富营养化条件下,巢湖鲢、鳙主要摄食微囊藻,并且生长很快.巢湖中捕食鲢、鳙的凶猛鱼类很少,而富营养化导致的蓝藻经常性暴发为其提供了充足饵料,因此具备发展鲢、鳙的良好生态条件,但苗种放养量不足导致其渔获量较低.  相似文献   

为研究南水北调东线东平湖外来湖鲚(Coilia nasus)对湖区的生态效应影响,于2017年在山东省东平湖采集湖鲚样品,通过鉴定其胃含物组成,从食物网层面剖析湖鲚对湖区产生的生态影响。调查共采集湖鲚340尾,其中300尾为1~+龄湖鲚,其余40尾为2~+龄湖鲚。通过湖鲚饵料生物组成可以看出,1~+龄湖鲚主要摄食淡水浮游动物中的桡足类和枝角类,而对轮虫的摄食数量较少;2~+龄湖鲚的饵料生物中,游泳动物是最重要的种类,相对重要性指数为10 365.04,其次为桡足类,相对重要性指数为4 773.59,2~+龄湖脐的食性更偏向于肉食性鱼类。结果表明,湖脐对东平湖生态安全存在较大的隐患,需及时捕捞。  相似文献   

太湖鱼类群落变化规律、机制及其对环境影响分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
通过渔获物调查并结合历年鱼类渔获统计资料,用Wilhm改进式计算鱼类组成的均匀度指数,研究了太湖鱼类群落组成变化的规律.用鱼类食物个数组成比例、体积组成比例及食物重叠指数等定量指标,分析了富营养化条件下太湖主要鱼类的食物组成特点及相互关系;并根据渔获物统计资料,用SAS软件建立最优回归模型作为辅助手段,分析了鲚与主要鱼类数量变化间可能存在的关系,探讨太湖鱼类群落演替的内部机制.结果表明:(1)太湖鱼类群落组成变化的规律表现为鱼类种类在不断减少,鲚为绝对优势种,总量快速上升,鱼类组成的均匀程度逐年下降,鲚、鲤、鲫等鱼类年龄结构低龄化趋势加强;(2)富营养化条件下,太湖主要鱼类的食物组成特点及相互关系是鲚主要摄食枝角类,太湖新银鱼主要摄食桡足类,它们的主要食物有很大差别;鲚和鲢、鳙食物中浮游动物组成比例几乎相同,在蓝藻没有暴发期间存在食物竞争;翘嘴鲌、蒙古鲌的主要食物是鲚和小型鱼类,它们之间有捕食与被捕食关系;鲤丰要摄食水生植物和底栖动物,鲫主要摄食篮藻,鲚与鲤、鲫可能存在功能上相互促进的共生关系.这些食物关系和鲚与主要鱼类数量变化的最优回归模型结果相一致.太湖鱼类群落演替的内部机制是特有的鱼类间相互关系,而环境变化通过这种相互关系起作用.鱼类群落变化对环境的主要影响是浮游动物食性鱼类数量的快速上升,对浮游动物的牧食压力不断增加,可能使藻类更易暴发;鲢、鳙、鲫主要摄食蓝藻,可能有抑制蓝藻暴发的作用.控制鲚数量快速增加的有效调控途径是降低捕捞强度,增加鲚捕食者--鲌、食物竞争者--鲢鳙的数量.  相似文献   

全人工繁育刀鲚幼鱼的摄食和生长特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在淡水池塘养殖条件下,对全人工繁育刀鲚幼鱼的摄食和生长特性进行了研究。结果显示:刀鲚为白天摄食类型鱼类,在白天晨昏阶段出现两个摄食高峰,夜间很少摄食。河虾、轮虫和桡足类是刀鲚幼鱼较理想的天然饵料,虾类和轮虫在其食物中的占比分别为37.52%和43.87%,在养殖池配套投放河虾能改善刀鲚在冬季饵料缺乏时期的摄食状况。刀鲚体长与体质量的关系方程为:W=0.095 7L1.536 6,R~2=0.803 2,呈不等速增长;随着养殖时间的增加,体长和体质量上升趋势减缓,体长(L)与养殖时间(t)表现为线性相关:L=-0.0004t~2+0.127 6t+2.798 6(R~2=0.990 3),体质量(W)与养殖时间(t)的相关方程为:W=-0.000 2t~2+0.056 4t+0.370 9(R~2=0.995 7)。试验期间,随着温度的下降,刀鲚的特定生长率下降,生长速度减缓。建议在人工饲养刀鲚过程中,冬季可适当添加浮游生物及河虾等天然饵料。  相似文献   

对池养泥鳅(Misgurnus anguillicaudatus)早期发育阶段的食物组成和食物选择性进行了研究.结果表明,泥鳅早期发育阶段主要摄食浮游动物.7日龄和9日龄泥鳅主要摄食轮虫,其数量比例和重量比例分别达到98.73%、79.59%和97.59%、66.67%.13日龄枝角类的数量和重量比例高达41.15%和98.04%,17日龄桡足类的数量比例和重量比例为30.00%和62.03%.24日龄和31日龄,枝角类和桡足类的数量比例虽然都小于20.00%,但是其重量比例共占到95.00%;13 ~31日龄,枝角类和桡足类为泥鳅的主要食物.7日龄和9日龄,泥鳅对臂尾轮虫属(Brachionus)、龟甲轮虫属(Keratella)和异尾轮虫属(Trichocerca)表现出较强的摄食喜好性,对微型裸腹溞(Moina micrura)也表现出一定的摄食喜好性,对桡足类回避.13日龄和17日龄泥鳅对臂尾轮虫属和龟甲轮虫属仍有较强的摄食偏好性,同时对裸腹溞属(Moina)、秀体溞属(Diaphanosoma)、剑水蚤属(Cyclops)和华哲水蚤属(Sinocalanus)也表现出了较强的摄食喜好性.24日龄和31日龄泥鳅不再主动选食轮虫,喜好摄食裸腹潘属、低额溞属(Simocephalus)、剑水蚤属和华哲水蚤属.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖刀鲚的渔汛特征及渔获物分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过探究鄱阳湖刀鲚(Coilia ectenes)的渔汛特征和渔获物现状,为有效地保护其种群资源提供科学依据。2013-2014年在鄱阳湖设置3个调查点,对刀鲚进行逐月采样调查,共取样986尾、41.54 kg,随机抽样调查不同捕捞网具的整船次鄱阳湖刀鲚渔获物数据,测量体长、体重等生物学参数。采用Pearson相关分析刀鲚单船日渔获重量WB与水文因子关系。结果表明,鄱阳湖刀鲚体长范围为17.9~38.1 cm,其中21.2~23.6 cm是优势体长组,占总个体数的37.02%;体重范围为14.3~198.2 g,其中25~40 g是优势体重组,占总个体数的57.20%。鄱阳湖刀鲚体长L(cm)和体重W(g)幂函数方程为:W=0.0019L3.1378(R2=0.8997;n=986;P0.01)。湖口水域刀鲚出现时间主要集中在每年的5-6月,高峰期在6月,7月很少见;单船渔获数量NB为(3.2±4.1)尾/d,单船渔获重量WB为(0.12±0.11)kg/d。湖口水域刀鲚单船渔获重量WB与该水域水位、流量均呈显著正相关(P0.05),WB与水位的相关性更为显著。与历史资料相比,鄱阳湖刀鲚渔获规格以小个体居多;渔汛稍有推迟,持续时间大幅度缩短;种群规模急剧缩小,表明刀鲚资源正在严重衰退。  相似文献   

The tongue sole Cynoglossus semilaevis, an inshore fish in China, has showed great potential in aquaculture recently. However, poor survival was recorded during the period of weaning from live Artemia to artificial diets. In this paper, the influence of co‐feeding larvae with live and inert diet on weaning performance was described. The C. semilaevis larvae were reared at 21 ± 1 °C and fed four different feeding regimes from 6 days post‐hatching (dph): A, Artemia (10 individuals mL?1); B, Artemia (5 individuals mL?1); C, mixed diet (10 Artemia individuals mL?1 and 12 mg L?1 inert diet); and D, mixed diet (5 Artemia individuals mL?1 and 12 mg L?1 inert diet). Rotifers were also supplied in all cases during the first days of feeding. Mixed diets of commercial formulated feed and live prey (rotifers and Artemia) allowed larvae to complete metamorphosis, achieving similar specific growth rate (SGR) (18.5 ± 1.4% and 18.7 ± 1.6%) and survival (40 ± 7.6% and 48.5 ± 6.8%) compared with larvae fed on live feed alone (SGR of 18.3 ± 1.2%, 19.3 ± 1.9% and survival of 41.2 ± 11.3%, 38 ± 4.9%). However, in metamorphosed fish, when live feed was withdrawn on 31 dph, there was significant difference (P < 0.05) in survival and growth among treatments. Metamorphosed fish, previously fed mixture diets during larval stages, had similar survival (62.1 ± 7.6% and 62.8 ± 3.9% for regimes C and D, respectively) but higher than that obtained for fish that previously fed on live feed (49.3 ± 2% and 42.1 ± 3.9% for regimes A and B, respectively) after weaning (day 60). The SGR of weaned fish previously fed live feed was similar (3.1 ± 0.6% and 2.92 ± 0.6% for regimes A and B, respectively) but lower than that recorded for fish that was fed from day 6 to day 30 on the mixed diet (4.5 ± 1.1% and 4.9 ± 0.3% for regimes C and D, respectively). It is suggested that weaning of C. semilaevis from early development would appear to be feasible and larval co‐feeding improves growth and survival.  相似文献   

Rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), (initial weight ~ 90 g) were fed diets differing in fat content (27.5% versus 12.6%) to examine the effects of dietary fat level on growth and fat deposition. During phase 1, which was run for 11 weeks, the fish were fed either a high- (27.5%) or low-fat (12.6%) diet. The fish were held at 14.5 °C under a 24 h:0 h light:dark photoperiod and were fed for 4 h each day during this phase. Subsequently, in phase 2, both diets were presented simultaneously, and the influence of adiposity on growth and fat deposition was examined in a growth trial which lasted for 8 months. There were no significant differences in body weights at the end of phase 1 (360.7 ± 7.7 g versus 348.2 ± 18.7 g for the fish on the high- and low-fat diets, respectively), but body composition was influenced by the fat content of the diet. The trout fed the high-fat diet had higher viscerosomatic indices (VSI: 11.7 ± 2.0% versus 9.1 ± 0.7%) and higher visceral fat contents (per cent fat: 38.0 ± 6.7% versus 23.3 ± 3.7%) than trout fed the low-fat diet. The percentage fat contents of the carcass (per cent fat: 12.4 ± 1.0% versus 9.3 ± 0.7%) and whole body (per cent fat: 15.4 ± 1.6% versus 10.5 ± 0.7%) were higher amongst the trout fed the high-fat diet, and these fish had a higher energy gain than those fish fed the low-fat diet. Differences in adiposity between the trout fed the high- and low-fat diets did not result in any differences in weight gain when the fish were provided with both diets simultaneously. During phase 2, the fish that had previously been fed the low-fat diet deposited more fat than those fed the high-fat diet during phase 1. The latter maintained whole body fat concentrations at ± 15% (phase 1: 15.4 ± 1.6%; phase 2: 15.2 ± 1.2%), whereas the fish that had been fed the low-fat diet increased their body fat concentration during phase 2 (phase 1: 10.5 ± 0.7%; phase 2: 14.7 ± 1.3%). Thus, there were no significant differences between groups in either body weight or proximate composition by the end of the experiment.  相似文献   

The present study evaluated the performance of two commercial diets: AgloNorse (AN) and BioKyowa (BK), and two experimental, formulated diets based on casein (C) or casein plus casein hydrolysates (CH) in rearing of pike‐perch larvae (Sander lucioperca L.). All fish were 5 day old and control group was fed live Artemia nauplii. Fish were sampled periodically for histological comparison of morphological changes in the digestive tracts. Survival of fish fed Artemia nauplii, BK and AN was similar: 54.4%, 50.8% and 52.4%, respectively, while the fish fed formulated diets C and CH showed considerably lower survival: 28.4% and 21.6% respectively. After 5 weeks of rearing, the average body mass of fish ranged from 212±32 mg in Artemia fed group to 53.8±6.8 mg in C diet fed group. A considerable vacuolization of supranuclear zone in enterocytes of posterior intestine was observed in the larvae fed commercial diets. No anomalies in liver development were found. Hepatocytes of fish fed BK diet showed larger glycogen storage areas, compared with those occupied by lipids. The highest zymogen accumulation of pancreatic cytoplasm was observed in fish fed Artemia. In fish fed C and CH diets, anomalies in digestive system development were indicated by lower and less numerous intestinal folds, smaller hepatocytes, retarded development of gastric glands, and in CH group – also local fatty degeneration of liver.  相似文献   

In previous studies, combined inclusion of Zn, Mn and Se in early weaning diets improved larval growth, but suggested a potential toxicity by one of these elements. The present study aimed to determine the effect of the single inclusion of Zn, Mn, Se or Cu, their combination (Control+) or their absence (Control?) on larval diets. At the end of the trial, survival was significantly (p < .05) lowest in fish fed C+ diet (17.16 ± 7% mean ± SD), followed by that of larvae fed Mn diet (21.91 ± 7%). The highest survival was obtained by Cu diet (35.27 ± 15%), followed by C? diet (34.58 ± 9%). Cu and Se supplementation significantly improved total length and body weight, in comparison with the C? fish. On the contrary, fish fed Mn and C+ showed the lowest growth. Supplementation with Zn or Cu significantly increased CuZnsod, whereas gpx was significantly upregulated in fish fed Se and C+ diets. ARA/EPA level was significantly highest and DHA/EPA lowest in larvae fed the Cu diet in fish fed C+ diet. The results pointed out the importance of supplementation with Cu, as well as Se and Zn, on early weaning diets for gilthead sea bream, and the potential toxic effect of Mn.  相似文献   

A feeding trial on yellow tail cichlid Pseudotropheus acei (Regan 1922) was undertaken to asses the effect of dietary Spirulina meal as a natural carotenoid source. Four experimental diets were formulated to progressively replace 0% (C), 2.5% (SP2.5), 5% (SP5) and 10% (SP10) of fish meal weight. Ten fish per tank (initial weight 3.75?±?0.02?g) were randomly distributed into twelve 80?l fiberglass tanks connected to a closed recirculation system (temperature 26.7?±?0.06°C). The diets were tested in triplicate for 12?weeks. The specific growth rate of fish fed all Spirulina diets were significantly higher compared to diet C. Feed intake (FI) tended to increase with dietary Spirulina level, and fish fed diet SP10 had significantly higher FI values compared to diet C. No significant differences in feed conversion ratio were observed among these groups. Although the protein efficiency ratio of fish fed diet C was lower than that of all Spirulina diets, no significant differences were observed among these groups (P?>?0.05). The total egg production and hatching rate (%) of eggs derived from all fish fed with Spirulina diets was significantly higher compared those from fish fed diet C. The yellow and blue coloration of yellow tail cichlid fed the diet containing Spirulina meal was enhanced and inclusion of dietary Spirulina meal was elevated carotenoids in skin. Results of the present study indicated that Spirulina meal has the potential to enhance the growth, reproductive performance and coloration on yellow tail cichlid.  相似文献   

Replacement of fish meal with squilla silage in practical diet for the juvenile giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, was evaluated. Five iso-nitrogenous and iso-caloric diets were prepared in which protein requirements were met with 100% fish meal (control, diet 1) and squilla silage replacing fish meal at 25, 50, 75 and 100% (diets 2, 3, 4 and 5, respectively). Water stability and water absorption of five feeds revealed significant differences (P?<?0.05). The weight gain varied between a maximum of 248.50?±?34.07% in diet 4 to lowest 132.45?±?14.34% in diet 1. The average daily gain in weight in grams varied from 0.091?±?0.01 (diet 5) to 0.154?±?0.04 (diet 3), whilst the specific growth rate and gross growth coefficient values were recorded highest in diet 4. Highest survival rates (86.66?±?5.77%) were recorded in both experimental diets 4 and 5. Low feed conversion ratio of 1.19?±?0.21 was recorded from diet 4, whilst the highest value of 2.16?±?0.09% was estimated from the diet 5. Proximate carcass composition showed highest crude protein content in post-larvae fed with diet 5 (47.24%) in contrast to lowest diet 1 (36.12%). Lipid values fluctuated significantly between 2.45 and 7.18% (P?<?0.05) between treatments. The ash content significantly increased from diet 1 (16.34%) to diet 5 (20.69%) (P?<?0.05). Highest feed efficiency (gain/feed) value was recorded in diet 4 (1.52?±?0.22), whilst the diet 5 showed lowest value (0.99?±?0.06). The results suggested that squilla silage can be utilised up to 75% of the protein in prawn diets for fish meal replacement.  相似文献   

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